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Dynamic Inventory Sounds
Download v0.1 (1.5 MB)

RighteousRyan (Ryan)

Originally an idea from the SLR (Starlight River) team, now when moving around items in your inventory or swapping items to use, a better, more detailed sound will play. Idea sent from egshels, a Starlight River developer.
This will probably be removed once SLR is released. Enjoy while you can!

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
A Modded Birthday
Download v0.3 (27.2 KB)


Apologies for the low effort last time! i was under a time crunch.
this mod addes everything you may need to celebrate somebody's birthday in terraria!
2 new potion/cakes 7 new presents/openable items and 1 birthday kit/openable item!
this mod will probobly be forgotten but i may decide to return later!
Update- Nothing new except a discord homepage

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Mr Matic's arangement
Download v0.1 (8 KB)


Mr Matic's arangement is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Prueba 2
Download v0.1 (7.8 KB)


Prueba 2 is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1.4.3 (30.1 KB)

Robin Dabank

Cyberium Mod for tModLoader

Hightec Stuff for Terraria

In Alpha

Have Fun

Special thanks to Al0n37 for his great Tutorials :)

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Copper Claymore
Download v0.1 (6.9 KB)


This Mod Adds A Better Early Game Sword.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (78.5 KB)


--- Reawakening ---
Reawakening is a mod planning to expand on a lot of vanilla concepts. I am not planning to add any new ores, biomes, or bosses, but who'll know what's coming in the future.
This mod is made by Manzello.


-22 Items (Including weapons, armor, etc.)

-5 Armor sets (Ruby, topaz, sapphire, diamond, & emerald)
Each set has am armor set bonus to a respective class. e.g. Diamond is magic, Sapphire is ranged.

-4 Weapons (2 Ranged, 2 Melee)
Ranged - Killer Whale(upgrade to Megashark.), Stardragon(upgrade to Killer Whale)
Melee - Tizona(Literally just the tizona.), Durandal(Upgrade to Excalibur & Tizona.)

-1 Tools
Pickaxe - Etherial Pax(Not related to the Old One's Army. Upgrade to picksaw.)

-2 Items
Celestial Singularity(All celestial fragments in one), Mechanical Singularity(All mechanical souls in one)


Update 0.1 - Added Celestial Singularity, Mechanical Singularity, Tizona, and Durandal.
Update 0.2 - Added Killer Whale & Stardragon.
Update 0.3 - Added gem armor & Etherial Pax.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Craft Recall from Nothing
Download v0.1 (6.9 KB)


It does what it says in the title, allows you to craft infininte recalls from basically nothing.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Requiem Mod
Download v0.11 (7.6 KB)


Put a rest to the ancient spirits, freeing this world of all evil or let the world be consumed in darkness. The choice is yours in the end.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Logan's Mod
Download v0.1 (17.9 KB)


This is just a dumb mod for me and my friends.
You can try it if you want, it's just a bunch of ways to craft things you usually can't.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
YHWH's Mod
Download v0.1 (19.9 KB)


Личный мод от YHWH для игры с друзьями.

Первая версия.
Предметы мода:
- Ak-yhwh

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Bobby's Mod Test
Download v0.1 (7.9 KB)


Yes will this is me.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
DESC A little bit more flails
Download v0.7 (41.5 KB)

Outrageously Unfunny


i really cant sprite

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
SSC's Strawberry Mod
Download v0.4 (75.9 KB)


SSC's Strawberry Mod is a simple content mod intended to add new content that closely matches that of vanilla Terraria, thus strawberry; a different flavor for the same treat.

===VERSION 0.4===
-Adds the Spearmint, a craftable spear equivalent to the Blade of Grass.
-Adds the Tonbogiri, a spear equivalent to the Muramasa found in the Dungeon.
-Adds the Dusk's Point, a spear equivalent to the Night's Edge crafted from the Imp's Pitchfork, the Spearmint, the Tonbogiri, and The Rotted Fork/The Devil's Fork.
-Changes the "Devil's Fork"'s display name to "The Devil's Fork" for consistency with its vanilla Crimson equivalent, The Rotted Fork.
-Improves the fire effects of the Imp's Pitchfork and Space Prod.
-Balance changes.

-Added fire effects to the Space Prod and Imp's Pitchfork.

===VERSION 0.3===
-Adds the Space Prod, a powerful spear crafted from Meteorite. It has a chance to light enemies on fire, and deals increased damage to burning enemies.
-Adds the Imp's Pitchfork, a spear counterpart to the Fiery Greatsword crafted from Hellstone. It has a chance to light enemies on fire.
-Minor bugfixes

===VERSION 0.2===
-Adds the Devil's Fork, a craftable Corruption equivalent to the Crimson's "The Rotted Fork."
-Adds a crafting recipe for The Rotted Fork.
-Adds crafting recipes for the Shadow Orb and Crimson Heart, which can now be crafted at Demon Altars.
-Rebalances prehardmode spears.

===VERSION 0.1===
-Adds craftable Wooden, Boreal Wood, Palm Wood, Rich Mahogany, Shadewood, Ebonwood, and Pearlwood Spears.
-Adds craftable Copper, Tin, Silver, Tungsten, Gold, and Platinum Spears.
-Adds a crafting recipe for the Spear, allowing it to be crafted from Iron or Lead.
-Adds craftable Cactus Spear.
-Adds Bone Spear which rarely drops from Skeletons.
-Adds crafting recipes for the Bone Sword and Bone Pickaxe using a Skeleton Banner.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (7.2 KB)


Adds a new accessory.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Beeb Mod
Download v0.1 (4.4 KB)


Beeb Mod is a mod that plans to add extra content while not taking away from the original terraria experience.

There are currently: 1 new Items

More soon to come.

what is BeeB:

Beeb is a character I had created in terraria and had evolved into a character with it's own entire backstory and personality. Beeb is basically the best thing ever.


Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Dirty Mod
Download v0.1 (27.6 KB)


A Very Dirty Mod for very Dirty People

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Download v1.1 (11.4 KB)


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Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Wuju Sword (Master Yi)
Download v0.1 (8.2 KB)


Wuju Sword (Master Yi) add a super masterpiece master Yi Sword

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.7 Edit | Delete
Terraria Prime
Download v0.0.1.3 (81.7 KB)


Prime is a basic mod mainly made for some personal playthroughs. Currently it only provides characters with a starter pickaxe and a starter hammer. More to come in the future.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
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