tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
Worm Boss Mod
Download v0.1 (44 KB) |
Arcri |
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v1.3.1 (34.7 KB) |
Prizma |
This mod will probably not be legendary, I'm only testing with TModLoader. Since I obtained a viable result I decided to publish it.
This mod adds a new Post-Moon Lord metal called Tenebrite. It's a bit complex to obtain, and yet isn't used for a lot of things. Combine some Lunar Fragments with Luminite Ore to get Deep Space Fragments, use them along some Luminite Bars and get the Tenebrite Table which will allow you to craft Tenebrite bars and other related items. The bar itself requires 4 Luminite Ores, 1 Spectre Bar and 2 Deep Space Fragments. The sword (175 damage for a fairly high use speed and high knockback) is crafted with 10 Tenebrite Bars, and 3 of each Lunar Fragments. The pickaxe (280% power and very high speed) is crafted using 12 Tenebrite Bars, 8 Wood (only normal Wood yet) and 3 of each Lunar Fragments. The Hamaxe (175% axe power, 110% hammer power, slightly faster than Luminite Hamaxes) is crafted using 12 Tenebrite Bars and 3 of each Lunar Fragments. The Tenebrite Spring is an accessory that roughly doubles the base jump height. It is crafted using 6 Tenebrite Bars. The Tenebrite Star is an accessory that increases the walking speed by 30% of the base value. It is crafted using 6 Tenebrite Bars. The Charm of Stars in an accessory that combines the effects of the Tenebrite Star and Tenebrite Spring, and also increases the max mana by 40. It is crafted by combining the two accessories mentionerd earlier, along with 3 Tenebrite Bars and 5 Deep Space Fragments. The Tenebrite Shield is a highly-protective accessory and a direct upgrade to the Ankh Shield. It provides immunity to 16 debuffs, namely Bleeding, Broken Armor, Burning, Chilled, Confused, Cursed, Darkness, Distorted, Electrified, Frostburn, Ichor, Poisoned, Silenced, Shadowflame, Slow and Weak. It also provides immunity to knockback, the ability to dash like with the Shield of Cthulhu, and 12 defense. It also provides the Charm of Stars' movement buffs except the fall damage immunity, and 50 more max mana. It is crafted by combining an Ankh Shield, the Charm of Stars, 20 Tenebrite Bars and 20 Deep Space Fragments. All of these items are crafted at the Tenebrite Table. Working on more things. --- Changelog: 1.3 Charm of Stars now protects against fall damage. Added Tenebrite Shield. Added various tooltips. 1.2 Added Tenebrite Star and Charm of Stars. Added Tenebrite Bullet. 1.1 Added Tenebrite Hamaxe and Tenebrite Spring. 1.0 Created the mod. Added Tenebrite Bars and Deep Space Fragments. Added Tenebrite Pickaxe and Sword. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.1 | Edit | Delete |
Dalliance Content Mod
Download v0.1.1 (35.3 KB) |
MegamanReborn |
Dalliance Content Mod is a mod that adds content... Pretty cool, I know.
The Mod Currently Adds: 6 Melee Weapon(s) 1 Magic Weapon(s) 2 Ranged Weapon(s) 0 Summoner Weapon(s) 0 Throwing Weapon(s) 1 Armour Set(s) 0 NPC(s) 0 Boss(es) Discord Server: (It is also the Mod's Homepage) Coding by: MegamanReborn Art by: MegamanReborn Please note: Some, if not most, of the sprites in the mod are Placeholders, or incomplete. If you are a spriter (or Coder) and wish to work with MegamanReborn on the mod, please contact him on discord @megamanreborn#1998 Thanks! :D Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.2 (7.9 KB) |
masterche656 |
update so you can make a stick out of 10 dert and a small wepon out of 100 wood
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.4 | Edit | Delete |
Storm of Cryoraidyn
Download v0.3 (27.6 KB) |
Cryosteel |
Storm of Cryoraidyn is a small mod that adds armor and a yoyo made to decimate any mod's bosses
(with the slight exception of Supreme Calamitus as explained further down). *DO NOT USE THIS MOD IF YOU DO NOT LIKE BEING OVERPOWERED* Glacial Steel (Yoyo): -Crafted with 50 ice blocks and 30 platinum bars at anvils. 11,000 base damage and inflicts frostburn debuff. Cryonic Storm Armor: -Helmet is crafted with 35 ice blocks and 35 platinum bars at anvils. Has 100 defense and gives +30% melee damage. -Chest Piece is crafted with 50 ice blocks and 50 platinum bars at anvils. Has 150 defense, gives +800 life regen/second, and gives you +300 max health. -Leggings are crafted with 35 ice blocks and 35 platinum bars at anvils. Has 130 defense and gives +50% movement speed. -Set bonus gives +30% melee damage, a constant Well Fed buff, and immunity to lava (constant Obsidian Skin buff). I would reccommend just using the cheat sheet mod to search for the items and obtain them that way. I would also reccommend that you still use buffs and all accessories available to you when taking on bosses post-Moon Lord. I tested all menacing gear against Moonlord and never dropped below 500 health without any arena (including campfire, heart lantern, heart statues, etc) or any buffs. In regards to other mod's bosses, it performs quite well. Against Jungle Dragon Yharon's complete fight, you can literally just sit there and let it's attacks hit you without any additional buffs or arena. However, due to Supreme Calamitas' anti-cheat ai, the armor is unable to prevent you from cheating this boss. This is because the weapon damage cap needs to be below 20,0000 damage (with buffs) since Supreme Calamitas' ai causese any weapon that does 10% of it's health (2,000,000 minimum) to do 0 damage instead. In addition, if the regeneration were set as high as possible, you would most likely start losing health. You can still die from a few hits in the beginning section of the fight, so I would reccommend actually preparing for the fight against Suprememe Calamitas. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy the mod. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Gods Of Death
Download v0.1 (1 MB) |
leedlemaster3000 |
This mod adds several post-moonlord bosses that are pretty difficult.
It is in beta so there isnt much. This is my first mod publishing, but my second working on. Thank you for at least checking out the description :] Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.1 | Edit | Delete |
Seasonal NPCs
Download v0.1 (28.8 KB) |
RanchOnBread |
Have you ever wanted an item, but it was never the correct season? Have you ever felt that cheating in Christmas items didn't sit right?
Welcome to Seasonal NPCs, a mod that allows you to get seasonal items no matter the time or place. ------------------------------------------- Version 0.1 (Initial Release) -Added the Christmerchant, an NPC who sells Christmas-Themed Items, with more sold in Hardmode (Don't forget his famous quotes)! -Added the Radio Present, the item used to spawn the Christmerchant. Currently working on the Thanksgiver, an NPC all about Thanksgiving-seasoned items. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Fenyco's mod
Download v0.1 (17.6 KB) |
RVG_Fenyco |
Mod developped by Fenyco
I made this mod to learn how to make mods on Terraria Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.1 | Edit | Delete |
Special Modifiers for Terra Blade
Download v0.0.0.2 (21.8 KB) |
Sigma Iota |
This mod adds some modifiers for Terra Blade.
・ Terra-Horming Shoot Horming Terra Beam ・ Golden Shoot Ichor Splash ・ Terrarian Shoot Terrarian Ball ・ Cursed Shoot Cursed Flames If you find some bugs or have ideas on how to make this mod better, Please send me Direct Messages on twitter. My twitter URL: --- The following is written in Japanese. That is to say, the explanation is for Japanese who have installed Japanese font. If this is not the case, it is normal to see ***. このModはTerra Blade専用の修飾辞を追加します。 ・ Terra-Horming ホーミングするTerra Beamを2本追加発射 3hitするまでターゲットにしつこく纏わりつく ・ Golden Ichor(壁反射するイコルの光線)を追加発射 ・ Terrarian Terrarian(ヨーヨー)の追加発射体を追加発射 ・ Cursed Cursed Flames(魔法武器のやつ)を追加発射 因みに追加アイテムとTerra Bladeを合成すると修飾辞付きのTerra Bladeが作成できます。 バグを見つけたりなんか良いアイデアがあったりしたらtwitterでDM送ってね。 twitter URL: Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (10.7 KB) |
HD 4K |
OPcoloredSword is a mod that add a OP sword... that is all.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.2.1 (44 KB) |
ArgonX |
does some small stuff.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Aliens Test Mod
Download v0.3.9.5 (208.1 KB) |
AlienXYX |
This Is My First Mod And I will Atempt to add More
Why Does This have 927 downloads.... also some of the textures are not mine Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.7 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (6.1 KB) |
OXXkiller |
destroyerSword is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Download v2.0.1 (3.6 MB) |
Foxx1223 + 3lijah |
Update 1.0:
I have no idea how to make update numbers anyway... 1st Major Update! Olden & Golden Update: Added Mutated Ingots, that spawn high and low. Added A surplus of slimes or slime-like creatures. Added a ton of OMORI items because good game. And more! For pre-releases for coming updates, go to Sorry this took ten years, procrastination is not very pog Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Download v1.0 (47.6 KB) |
jerrie |
adds gemswords in the game.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Avali blocks and furniture
Download v0.2 (115.1 KB) |
Arkhalide |
Avali blocks and furniture is a mod made to bring many Avali themed items to terraria. Starbound is kinda not doing so hot, and TMod was lacking in avali content. Enjoy.
Currently, the mod contains: - 4 avali themed blocks and walls. - about half of an avali furniture set (mostly lighting items). - a handful of plushies of different characters. Some recognizable, some less so. There's a ton more to come in the future, but for now here's an appetizer while the rest is in progress. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
rudstar's mod
![]() |
Download v0.8.0 (68 KB) |
Rudstar |
this is rudstars mod, Rudite is here!
this is also my first mod, enjoy! WARNING: THIS MOD IS UNBALANCED AND IS FOR TESTING IM NEW TO MODDING SO I KNOW NOTHING. if you are thinking of adding this to a play through for whatever reason just be warned. rudstarmod 0.8.0 changelog: idk this mods kinda dead, im making a new mod tho! should come out soonish its about Half Life and Team Fortress 2 Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.2 (6.5 KB) |
Ash |
AshMisc は色々詰めた雑多なMODです。
v0.1 各種ロープの相互変換 v0.2 鍋無しで焼き魚を調理 Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Celestial Progression
Download v0.1.2.2 (117.3 KB) |
Neos |
Celestial Progression is a mod that was made due to Celestial related things only being in one part of the game.
So the hope for this mod is to add in Celestial related things throughout an entire playthrough. This is the first offical version of this mod, this mod is far from complete and it will be a while before it is finished. So far this mod has: 1 early pre-hardmode boss 28 obtainable items, 9 of them being weapons, 5 armor pieces (All but Summoner), 2 accessories 4 unobtainable items (made for future use/special requests) Update Content: 2 weapons and an accessory made from the ideas of 3 people in the Radium Discord Server. Resprites for the Cosmonite Bar(Formerly know as Lesser Celestial Bar), Molten Scale, Celestial Scale, and Molten Celestus (Formerly known as Celestial Infused Molten Scale). All Resprites made by, Fluns #0097 on discord. Future Content: More resprites Balancing Items Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
Joes Mod
Download v0.14.7 (294.7 KB) |
Prince JKB |
This is my first mod
Discord: PrinceJKB Tag: 9457 Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |