tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
Wow, that's like 25 oranges or something
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Download v1.1.1 (5.9 MB) |
Wow25 |
A mishmash of various ideas I came up with
Features: 1 Weapon type (13 variations) 1 Projectile 2 Accessories 2 Enemies 1 Microbiome 3 Music Boxes (music by me) 2 Weird and Hard-to-find changes to vanilla npcs **Netcode is hard** **If an item doesn't work in multiplayer, just drop and pick it back up. That usually works** v1.0.1 ~Harrows now more expensive v1.1.0 ~Harrows a bit weaker ~New Music box v1.1.1 ~Fixed Music box spawn rate Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.2 (139.5 KB) |
TheDarkLitten |
TerraStuff is a mod that adds Terraria themed equipment to the game. It is still in beta. Changelog:
BETA: Added True Terra Blade, post Moon Lord item that takes 25 of each fragment and 25 luminite bars, it also takes an Influx Waver and a Terra Blade. Added Terra weapons, crafted with one lunar weapon (ex. Nebula Blaze), 150 Terra Shards, 25 Luminite bars and 25 of each fragment. There is one weapon for each class. Added Terra Armor, crafted using 25 of each fragment and 50 terra shards for each peace. Added Dev armor, each crafting recipe is early game. Added a Terra Tools, crafted with 100 terra Shards. Added a pets based on the mod creator's pets, crafted early game.(they are not dead, I gave them wings because I couldn't get them to work without flying.) Things to add: Fix the Nature Staff, it does summon damage but works like a magic staff. Retexture the Terra Shards. Add Terra Hearts, which are just new life fruits. Add a Nature dragon mob, spawns in space, drops terra shards. Remove the terra shard recipe, making them only obtainable by the nature dragon. Add a new boss, The Spirit Amalgam, drops the best wings in the game. Add a set bonus for the Terra Armor. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Mod Schmod!
Download v1.24 (68.5 KB) |
ShotShockTM |
From the creator of Bloody & Evil comes this! Mod Schmod! Mod Schmod is an experimental mod where I will make, literally anything just to have fun with it. Here's some news, I can't update Bloody & Evil ever since I reset my PC. Darn. But this exists now! So have fun! Ooh! I used nearly all the code from Example Mod and modified it to make it my own, I learned alot from it, it's great! Sorry for the confusion with the update names. Damn Tmodloader.
Update 1.24! Adds the Holy Graible, the Holy Grail made in to a table, which can be used for crafting post Moon Lord items. Adds the Truest Excalibur, a post Moon Lord version of the True Excalibur. Adds the Holy Pickaxe, a post Moon Lord strong pickaxe. Adds the Holy Hamaxe, a post Moon Lord strong hamaxe. Adds the Cross Cannon, a post Moon Lord gun that turns musket balls into holy crosses. Adds the Cross Bullets, a post Moon Lord ammo that is used mainly for the Cross Cannon, but can be crafted. Adds the Light Striker, a slow magic weapon which shoots a small but strong ball of light. All of the weapons I have listed yet are made at the Holy Graible. I made the Nyoom weapons and tools OP and unobtainable without special mods. (Try the sword of nyoom, it's pretty damn cool, and can one shot dungeon guardians) Update 1.3! Adds Phaspears, phase blades but spears! All different colours added. Adds Planet Powder, around Moon Lord weapon. Lotta damage. Meteor Blaster rarity fixed. Update 1.2! Adds the Meteor Blaster, a magic weapon that blasts out bouncy meteors. Update 1.1! Adds the new Meteor Shooter, a gun made from meteorite which changes musket balls to meteor shots. Fixed the description. Update 1.0! Adds the Sword of Nyoom, a post Moon Lord sword. Adds the Pickaxe of Nyoom, a post Moon Lord pickaxe. Adds the Hamaxe of Nyoom, a post Moon Lord hamaxe. Adds the Dagger of Plasma, a meteorite based laser shooting dagger. Adds the Accursed Dagger of Plasma, a Hard-Mode version of the Dagger of Plasma that is much stronger and inflicts cursed inferno. Adds Pain Powder, uses mana to throw out damaging powder. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
The Blades Of Sun Dog
Download v0.1 (11 KB) |
HarryPogge |
The Blades of Sun Dog brings one new weapon to the game, the mighty sol canis. Can you achieve the might?
Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.6 | Edit | Delete |
Wynonna Earp's Peacemaker
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Download v0.5 (17.2 KB) |
Earper |
Wynonna Earp's Peacemaker adds a craftable peacemaker from the show Wynonna Earp. The recipe is 5 souls of light, 5 souls of night, and 10 lead/iron. It's slightly overpowered, so be wary of that.
Make your Peace. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Kira ti cho creizi
Download v0.1 (12.9 KB) |
Kira ti cho creizi is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Twich Chat Addon Module by SipcoGames
Download v0.1.1 (37.4 KB) |
SipcoGames |
TwitchChat fun mode
Any mod can have events for fun mode without depending on core mod if add weak reference to TwitchChat in build.txt "> This is example module for TwitchChat fun mode Any mod can have events for fun mode without depending on core mod if add weak reference to TwitchChat in build.txt Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.1 | Edit | Delete |
Sundial Temporal Crafting
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Download v1.1.1.0 (25.4 KB) |
20jonas02 |
Have you ever been waiting for your resouces to grow?
Have you ever wanted more use from the Enchanted Sundial? Fret not, for this mod adds more usefulness to the sundial. You can use it to accelerate the gathering of naturally growing resources Every time you craft something it adds 1 day to the sundial cooldown, craft too much and you will have to wait for the next day. Currently craftable: all types of wood in their respective biomes from acorns, chlorophyte from chlorophyte and mud, pumpkins from pumpkin seeds (for free on halloween), naturally growing items in their respective places: herbs only when they bloom, cacti, mushrooms, crystal shards, seashells, corals and starfish Planned additions: Herb crafting compatibility with Thorium, Shadows of Abbadon and Spirit mod Changelog: cleaned up code set default craft amount lower added crystal shard and (red) mushroom recipes added icon thanks to: direwolf420 for pointing out a correct way to go about crafting conditions Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v1.0 (20.3 KB) |
Blazer |
BlazerMod adds a cool weapon that probably works thats it thanks for your attention
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Terraria Man
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Download v0.6.5 (60.4 KB) |
Reuben |
TerrariaMan es un Mod que pretende incorporar Items de Megaman al Juego.
Tambi�n Pretende integrar Efectos de Sonido y M�sica del mismo t�tulo. Versi�n 0.6.5: -Armadura Completa de RockMan -Espada de Sword Man con Efecto de Sonido -MegaBuster Funcional y con Efecto de Sonido A�n En desarrollo. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.6 | Edit | Delete |
Genshin Impact x Terraria Mod Pack 1
Download v0.1 (33.2 KB) |
Sean |
This is the First Genshin Impact x Terraria Modpack Preview.
This Preview will contain 5 new weapons and 1 new NPC. The weapons are: Dull Blade, Waster Greatsword, Hunter's Bow, Beginner's Protector, Apprentices Notes. The new NPC is The Smith's Apprentice. This is a preview of the main mod so expect some spriting issues though there should be no mod errors. If there are any errors please contact me through Discord, my tag is Yeeeet#4519. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
More Critters
Download v0.2.9 (49.7 KB) |
Ender |
Made this mod to add a few more critters, because collecting them is fun.
Current Features: -Five new critters that naturally spawn in various biomes, one in the jungle, one in the desert, one in the ice biome, and two ocean critters. - shark pillow :) -As of now, only one critter can be crafted into a terrarium. ***The shark pillow looks kinda broken when placed, fixing that soon*** Upcoming Features: -NPC vendor that sells pets and furniture -An Axolotl critter that will spawn in underground lakes -Critters for both world evils -Terrariums for every critter Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
The Sentinal's Sword
Download v0.1 (8.2 KB) |
SuperNova |
The Sentinal's Sword is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Prismantic Chaos
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Download v0.5 (627.4 KB) |
EHance |
Chaos rules over all and those who choose to go against it all perish...except
Welcome to the world of Prismantic Chaos in Terraria a world which plagued by its various monsters and chaos with little balance in it. That balance being you... --- : Come with me, take a seat for this will be a long one... --- : There can not be light without dark, good without bad, chaos...without peace...a familiar world with more to it however things always felt different. --- : Oh where are my manners? The names Panehesy or Pane for short. I've been resurrected from my grave with no body yet I share the same mind as you. Panehesy : Now...where were we? Ah yes! A seemingly normal world yet something feels off. It has been a bit since moon lord was defeated afterall, several players let the cultists do their summoning and then there was came along. Panehesy : I don't know what happened exactly but it was first a cry, then the sounds of stars, then silence...then...there was light. I could see things, yet I couldn't move. I saw the guide, I was killing slimes, I was chopping trees...but it wasn't me... Panehesy : I have just now realized that I was inside the mind and not the body when the guide spoke to you... Panehesy : There are countless things we must discuss since. Namely...are the terrarians still on top? What..? The terrarians, tegotta...don't you know them? No?!? Panehesy : Uh oh Panehesy : Tell me do any of these names ring a bell: Tegotta, Imotta, Gaotta? Lunance Cultists? Nothing...I guess that means we will need to start at the beginning but I wish it hadn't come to this. Panehesy : When you finally awaken I'll need you to pledge your soul to someone. Then we will continue from there... Panehesy : I'll be seeing you. --- : Oh come now Pane honey, talking to someone else? Trying to get them to rebel? Haven't you seen enough deaths in your lifetimes? **v.05 is out hope you enjoy the new stuff :D (Now all the way up to WoF)** Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
Golden Critters+
Download v0.1 (6 KB) |
Autist-Senpai |
Golden Critters+ is a little mod I made, with a huge thanks to efcawesome for the code, it makes golden critters drop 10 gold coins on death so you don't lose any money to modded minions or reckless attacks.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
More Grind!
Download v0.1 (42.9 KB) |
Kenflesh |
This is my old and unfinished mod
I dont know when I will do it, and if I will at all, but maybe someone will like a couple of items that are To get the source code, download the mod, open its description in the mods list and click on the "Extract" button Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.6 | Edit | Delete |
Authentic Deathclaws
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Download v0.1.2 (1.1 MB) |
Apzen |
Hey hey, this is a MrPlague's Authentic Races addon, featuring Fallout's most fierce predator. These might be a bit OP, but honestly, who's gonna judge us? The sprites/sounds are low-effort. I'm not a great artist, nor a great coder. Credits to the original assets go to MrPlague, the death sound comes from Fallout 4. Races: -Deathclaw -Glowing Deathclaw Updates: I recently fixed up some of the poorly written stuff, but there's a couple of things I wanted to write here for posterity. Update 0.1.2 Changelog: ☢ Added Mod of Redemption interaction (Deathclaws are now immune to radiation!). Note, you don't need Mod of Redemption to play a Deathclaw. This is just a nice bonus if you do. ☢ Reduced the rate of spawns (the thing used in the tooltip mentioning the difficulty is increased if you play deathclaws). ☢ Removed some salt. Credits: -MrPlague (spriter, animator, and coder) -CrocWithShades (betatester) -Dragons Tired (betatester) -Blaquestone (gameplay balance) -Fallout_Patriot (gameplay balance, betatester) -Bethesda (Fallout, Deathclaws, and the death sound)"> Description: Hey hey, this is a MrPlague's Authentic Races addon, featuring Fallout's most fierce predator. These might be a bit OP, but honestly, who's gonna judge us? The sprites/sounds are low-effort. I'm not a great artist, nor a great coder. Credits to the original assets go to MrPlague, the death sound comes from Fallout 4. Races: -Deathclaw -Glowing Deathclaw Updates: I recently fixed up some of the poorly written stuff, but there's a couple of things I wanted to write here for posterity. Update 0.1.2 Changelog: ☢ Added Mod of Redemption interaction (Deathclaws are now immune to radiation!). Note, you don't need Mod of Redemption to play a Deathclaw. This is just a nice bonus if you do. ☢ Reduced the rate of spawns (the thing used in the tooltip mentioning the difficulty is increased if you play deathclaws). ☢ Removed some salt. Credits: -MrPlague (spriter, animator, and coder) -CrocWithShades (betatester) -Dragons Tired (betatester) -Blaquestone (gameplay balance) -Fallout_Patriot (gameplay balance, betatester) -Bethesda (Fallout, Deathclaws, and the death sound) Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Crimson Blade
Download v0.1 (10.6 KB) |
DesspairFlames |
Pearl Pike Pearl Pole (Pearl Pike counterpart) Crimson Blade Recipes: Pearl Pike | Sapphire 10 | Mythril Bar 15 | Pearlwood 50 | Shark Fin 15 | Pearl Pole | Sapphire 10 | Orichalcum Bar 15 | Pearlwood 50 | Shark Fin 15 | Crimson Blade | Diamond 5 | Fiery Greatsword 1 | Hellstone Bar 20 | Meteorite Bar 15 | Sorry i havent been able to update it it will be done within a month!! my youtube is Shiba make sure you filter for channels or else you wont be able to find me Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Research system from 1.4 addon
Download v0.1 (173.9 KB) |
Kopie_Miya |
Makes the fav potions be applied (without the omni potion) and fav ac's are equipped
Localizer Package |
one year ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.0.2.2 (47.1 KB) |
TaKo |
My new passion project that I want to work on and develop for a long time coming with plenty of ideas that I have. I am very new to coding and the modding scene so if you would like to help (which would be greatly appreciated) or join for the journey of this mods creation, join the discord!
Discord: I have a lot of dreams and ideas for this mod so I would appreciate anything! Currently adds: (accessible) -4 Weapons -1 Ammo -1 Material Latest Update Changelog: -Added the Leaf Pelter, a magic weapon, made from wood at a living loom. -fixed the discord link and added a homepage for the mod Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |