tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
Download v0.1 (10.4 KB) |
Shadow |
Pew Pew Stab!
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (6.9 KB) |
eldzntm |
American Army Light Machine Gun.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.2 | Edit | Delete |
Worse Multiplayer
Download v1.1.1 (13.1 KB) |
Oli.H |
Better Multiplayer by Kittenchilly implies the opposite of that - Worse Multiplayer!
This mod turns multiplayer into even more of a bug than it already is using a variety of astounding features: -Almost all boss summons are uncraftable! Now, you get to spend more time with your """friends""" as you wait for everything to spawn. -Wormhole potions are also uncraftable, but don't fret - Better Multiplayer makes it so the Witch Doctor sells them, though I couldn't have left it untouched, so they now cost 1 platinum! -Spawn rate now scales with the number of active players, for added fun during events! -Bosses have a 50% chance to drop nothing - good luck with all that grinding! -EVERY ENEMY now scales with the number of players online, in health and damage, of course! What better way is there to promote teamwork? -Careful - PVP is always on! And to spice it up even more, the team you're on is randomized every tick! -Share the pain! When a player has a debuff, every other player gets this debuff as well! -Damage taken from PVP is doubled, so you'd better be extra careful! -I even undid the Reaver Shark nerf from Better Multiplayer - it now has 225% pickaxe power! -Lastly, packets sent to and from the server have the sender/receiver randomized! Watch as your poor server bursts into flames! Enjoy the mod, and may your multiplayer experience be laggy and frustrating! Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1.2.2 (10.7 KB) |
Miracle |
---------------------------------- - Adds "Goodiebags" (Dropped by slime) - Adds "Arclanus" (Dropped by Eye of Cthulhu) ---------------------------------- Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Combat MG
Download v0.1 (9.6 KB) |
GlebBan69 |
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Spawn Egg
Download v1.2.0 (964.6 KB) |
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Ammo Lock & Prioritize
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Download v0.2 (20 KB) |
Lasthue Or Neko |
Ammo Lock & Prioritize is a mod that allows you make a weapon to prioritize or only use 1 type of ammo
originally requested by UsodaKanpeki by holding an ammo and hovering over a weapon that can use it then right - click to prioritize ammo type by holding an ammo and hovering over a weapon that can use it then alt + right - click to lock ammo type you can simply remove this effect by shift and right clicking the weapon [ Changelog ] v.0.2 - added icon - added option to lock ammo type instead of prioritize it v.0.1 - initial release Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.6 | Edit | Delete |
HST Mod Pack #1
Download v0.5.1 (125.3 KB) |
HSTech |
My first mod pack officially.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
CannotDie 无法死亡
Download v0.2.4 (3.5 MB) |
寰宇最终合成站 |
English provided by Google Translate.
Avoid your death by any means. But not an outright ban on death. When you hurt, if damage more than your max life, you will be immune to this damage. If there are hostile projectiles around you, these projectiles will be removed. If there are hostile npcs around you, if this npc is not a boss, then it will be killed. If this npc is a boss, but the maximum life is less than 30,000, then it will also be killed. Otherwise he will be cancelled AI. When you fall, you slow down and are immune to fall damage. You will walk in lava at the same speed as on land and be immune to fire damage. Your walking speed in the water will be the same as on land, and your oxygen value will always be the maximum. You will be able to bleed back very fast. You will be immune to the suffocation and vanilla debuffs. You can't turn on pvp.(No one to play with, so untested.) Demon Altar will not require 80 hammer power with hard mode to destroy. When attacking the Devil's Altar, you will bleed back and weapons, trinkets and armor will drop randomly when destroyed. (No new ore can be brought into the world before hard mode). Please try to die in vanilla. 英语来自google翻译。 会用各种方法阻止你死亡,但并不是直接禁止死亡。希望你能在原版中找到死亡方式。 当你受伤时,如果伤害大于你的最大生命值,你将会免疫此次伤害。 如果你周围有敌对弹幕,那么这些弹幕将会被清除。 如果你周围有敌对npc:如果这个npc不是boss,那么这个npc将会被清除。如果这个npc是boss,但最大生命值小于30000,这个npc也会被清除。否则这个npc将会被取消AI。 当你下落时,你会减慢下落速度并无视摔落伤害。 你在水里和岩浆里的行走速度将不会减少,并且你的氧气值将会一直为最大值,且无视火焰伤害。 你将免疫窒息与原版的debuff。 你不能开启pvp。(大概吧,毕竟没有人陪我玩,我测试不了qaq) 恶魔祭坛将不需要80锤力与困难模式才可摧毁。当你攻击恶魔祭坛时,你每次会恢复50生命值,并且摧毁恶魔祭坛时,会随机掉落武器、饰品与装备。(但新三矿并不会在困难模式前出现) Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.6 (181 KB) |
dualfighter1 |
Stuckraria is an all new terraria mode with homestuck stuff.
Developers: Coders: Dualfighter1 Shou Music editors: Sprite workers: Dualfighter1 Supporters: Lalazwayiero I dont own anything in Homestuck i am just merely here to port it all to Terraria. Homestuck belongs to Andrew Hussie. Update log 0.1 08/24/2020 Mod created 0.2 08/24/2020 - 08/28/2020 Grist types: build grist added flame grist uranium grist shale added cobalt grist addded ruby grist added emerald grist added agate grist added void grist added blank grist cart added sapphire grist added meat grist added candy grist added miracle grist added Items: the comprehensive guide on how to turn tools into weapons added Weapons: sord added 1/3 claw kind added - shou xylium blade added - dualfighter1 0.3 08/28/2020 - 08/29/2020 Patches: Items description updated: 1/3 claw kind xylium blade Items crafitng recipe changes: sord xylium blade Weapons damage increased: xylium blade Grist types: dorito grist added ocean grist added darkness grist added creation grist added destruction grist added tar added marble added magma added gold added oraoraoraangngngngng added iodine added Items: homestuck book 1 added Illithium bar added Enemys: shale pinata added grist pinata added 0.4 08/29/2020 - //2020 patches: sprite cleanup grist types carnelian grist added silver added 0.4.5 item changes: darkness grist turned to obolisk grist grist types: dark grist added light grist added 0.5 blocks: grist stone added shalestone added world gen changed: blocks now generate: griststone shalestone 0.5.1 The Alchemy Update items: cruxite ore added cruxite bar added cruxite forge added alchemiter added totem lathe added blank cruxite dowel added 1/3 claw kind dowel added added blocks: cruxite ore added cruxite forge added totem lathe added alchimiter added crafting recipes updated: 1/3 claw kind 0.6 the extended weapons update items: megacrafter added scarlet ribbitar added hammer added sledgehammer added blocks: megacrafter added Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Soul Destroyer
Download v0.3.2 (1.7 MB) |
Soul Destroyer
Author: POCKETS Version: 0.3.2 V0.3.2 * Added Mod Icon.. oops V0.3.1 - Mod has been updated to 1.4 standards. Soul Destroyer focuses on one specific weapon that can do many different things. The Soul Destroyer weapon comes in three separate stages - Soul Seeker (First Stage) Soul Ripper (Second Stage) Soul Destroyer (Final Stage) Each proceeding stage requires the previous stage to craft. It's all about building to the final version of the weapon! You can augment each stage of the weapon with various different items, such as the Blood Needle, using Augmentation Devices. Augment items allow the weapon to function differently when using right-click. There's quite a bit more to this mod, including enemy debuffs and a few other random things you'll discover on your own ;-) This description of Soul Destroyer is intentionally brief. For a much more thorough explanation of this mod, please visit our home page in the Terraria forums. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Promethium Mod
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Download v0.1.3.1 (141.1 KB) |
Cal |
The Promethium Mod is a mod that is currently in progress.
Shoutouts to the team working on this mod's development, you can meet them by clicking on the link to our homepage, which is also our official Discord server. [Also check out Memes Unleashed, a community project mod focused on less serious gameplay.] ------PATCHNOTES------ v0.1.3.1 Added icon Fixed some AI issues v0.1.2 Added Promethium and Carnium ores and they spawn on world creation - Ore tiles have a distinct glow (Owo ) Fully added Carnium set (minus armor, coming soon :]) Resprited some items Added Spirit Geysers Added the Wayward Spirit Added Spirit Cores Added Crytogon Bars Added Crytogon Bow Added Crytogon Sword Added the Regulator (no drops) v0.1 Added Gold and Platinum Flamethrowers Added Promethium Ore Added Promethium Bars Added Promethium Armor Added Harrowers Added Promethium Sword Added Promethium Pickaxe Added Promethium Javelins Added Promethium Staff Added Promethium Bow Added Carnium Bars (unobtainable) Added Carnium Katana (unobtainable) Added Bow of Blood (unobtainable) Added Carnium Pickaxe (unobtainable) Added Flora Blade Added the Goo Staff Added the Missile Mirror Added Survival Knife Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Paper's Guns
Download v0.2.0.1 (379.9 KB) |
Printed Paper |
Adds many cool and silly guns to the game.
This mod adds: -76 ranged weapons -4 ammo types -3 potions/buffs -1 armor set -12 accessories -1 material item My first mod made/published, so don't be surprised if there is anything broken or unoptimized. I had fun making this, and I hope you have fun playing with it. CHANGELOGS: v0.1.1 - Buffed Cannon of the Night (19 > 42 dmg). - Removed crafting recipe from Potato Cannon. v0.1.2 - Arms Dealer, Eye of Cthulhu, and Skeletron have a 1/10 chance to drop illegal gun parts. > In hardmode, Arms Dealer, and all 3 mechanical bosses have a 1/5 chance. - Tactical Suitcase recipe changed. - New item: Laser Sight. - Buffed True Cannon of the Night (24 > 52 dmg). v0.2.0 - Buffed Bone Gun (20 > 35 dmg, 15 > 12 usetime). - Added 6 new laser weapons, which have 2 upgrades each. - Added more types of ammo. - Fixed recipe for Amber Pistol. - Nerfed Cannon of the Night (42 > 30 dmg). - Nerfed Dragunov (70 > 60 dmg, 50 > 60 gold). - Changed Gem Launcher (55 > 42 dmg, more accurate). - Terra Rifle recipe changed, it is now post-Plantera. - Changed Evils Bounty (Autofire, 25 > 18 Secondary dmg, 50 > 40 Primary usetime). - Tactical Suitcase and First Aid Kit recipe changed, they are now post-Moonlord. - Drop chance for illegal gun parts in hardmode bumped to 1/3. - Fixed bug related to modded ammo types. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.3 | Edit | Delete |
Cataclysmic Velocity
Download v0.1 (65.2 KB) |
ayymundane |
Cataclysmic Velocity is a WIP (Work in Progress) Mod, it is a mod with supposedly a bunch of OP swords but i have only made one so far, i will make more in the near future.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.4 (21.5 KB) |
Calderax |
The old God of war's chest
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Celexity's Starter Equipment
Download v0.1 (175.7 KB) |
Celexity |
This StarterKit is Craftable with 1 Dirt at a WorkBench (Could change in future)
The StarterKit Includes: - 5 Life Crystals - 4 Mana Stars - Obsidian Skull - Hermes Boots - Magic Mirror - Carrot - Hook Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Corey Vanity Set
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Download v1.1 (23 KB) |
Hex |
Adds Nick Vanity Set.
Made by me Hex! pls commission me im doing custom furry vanity sets msg me on discord Hecks#1616 Character owned by: @alhcum_naitsyrk instagram. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.6 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.3 (103.2 KB) |
sean |
SuperHammer is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Lava Slime Spawn No Lava
Download v1.0 (13.2 KB) |
-Cyril- |
It removed lava slimes' lava-spawning behavior in expert/master mode.
Pretty useful for expert/master mode players who are tired with lava slimes. 移除了熔岩史莱姆在专家/大师模式下生成熔岩的行为。 对于玩专家/大师模式但是不想要熔岩史莱姆生成熔岩的玩家十分有用。 Github: Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.4 (55.4 KB) |
Ineedge |
This mod is created by Ineedge
Youtube: Ineedge In this mod you can as the title says.. Eat Everything! Wow Uptade 0.3 Added The "Glowing Mushroom" set The Frog throwing item And a lot more Eatable things! Update 0.4 I've stepped from the eating toppic And Added Some weapons The! Spell Update! Adds - The Stonks - A Shadow Beam Spell - A Blizzard Spell - A Fireball - The Wand Of Stars - And The Missile Spell! Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |