tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
Dr.Nefario Inventions
Download v0.1 (519 KB) |
Ajricewiz and Masi |
Defile the world with Dr. Nefario's despicible creation, The Fart Gun...
- 1 Fart Gun - Fart Cartridges More coming soon,,, Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v2.0.1 (23.2 KB) |
HomereQ |
HomerMod, a mod which adds things that should be in the game, in my opinion
Update Log v0.1 -added the Grinder -added the gem swords Update Log v0.2 -filled the gap in the gem swords (sapphire, topaz coming soon) -mod icon added Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
The FogBound
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Download v0.5 (237.7 KB) |
efcawesome |
This mod adds a really bad version of The FogBound, a post golem boss.
It also adds some drops which are, yes, foggy themed. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
True Meowmere
Download v0.1 (8.1 KB) |
njohnson2009 |
True Meowmere is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Garfield Pet
Download v0.1 (11.9 KB) |
Illuminati & Sharpfart |
Garfield Pet is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Unbreakable Block V2
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Download v1.2 (20.9 KB) |
Fuzu |
Unbreakable Block V2 adds the unbreakable block that used to be available!
Unbreakable block V1 used to be a mod available on tmodloader but was taken down. This mod adds it back! Credit to Doomboom589 for making the original mod, and letting me use his assets. Features: ~ Nokia brick, a block that can only be broken using a flat-headed screwdriver. This is definatly an end game item, having to be craft with 15 of each fragment. ~ Screwdriver handle, a material made with plastic, used only to make screwdriver. ~ Screwdriver head, a material made with a Last Prism + 35 Luminite Bars for making the screwdriver. ~ Flat-headed screwdriver, the pickaxe used to break Nokia Bricks, very powerful. ~ Plastic, a material used in the production of the screwdriver handle, made with 20 gel and 10 bee's wax. Patch Notes: v1.1 - Added Icon v1.2 - Updated Plastic Icon Github: Please visit the Github link below to make suggestions and report issues! Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.15.5 (123.5 KB) |
Seriae |
Curently adds a couple new weapons, a class, a couple skills, and a leveling system with the start of a skill tree.
I will be adding more soon such as more weapons, skills, a skill tree, and more classes. V0.15.05 fixed mod in multiplayer (leveling should now work), new weapon(Gunblade), old gunblades rejuvinating shell now actually heals. This weapon has multiple firing modes making it quite versatile. The new weapon is bought from the npc or dropped from Eye of Cuthulu like forgotten tome. You have to have energy and right click to fire the gunblade. Most textures are just place holders for now while I work on actually good ones. To access the skill tree you need to speak to the new npc which is currently spawned just by having 100 max health but will be changed eventually. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Mooshroom Things
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Download v0.1.6.1 (557.9 KB) |
Cal |
Mooshroom Things is a mod that adds a lot of new Quality of Life improvements. Some of these changes include: being able to dip critters in gold, being able to swap recall potions for wormhole potions and vice versa, a 6 sided Mooshroom Dice, and a random Mooshroom 8 Ball. More is definitely to come for sure!
Subscribe to Gameraiders101 on Twitch and Youtube for some fun Terraria themed content. -=PATCHNOTES=- v0.1.6 Enemies have a low chance of dropping a Mooshroom Coin, which can be crafted directly into a single gold coin. v0.1.5 Lowered the chance for Mooshroom Bags to drop from 1/100 to 1/150 v0.1.4 Added custom sounds to the Mooshroom 8 Ball Changed how the Mooshroom particles look Changed the velocity of the Mooshroom 8 Ball v0.1.3 Added Conversion Token Added conversion recipes using the Conversion Token Added a couple more responses to the Mooshroom 8 Ball v0.1.2 Added a fancy new logo! v0.1 Added Mooshroom Bag Added Mooshroom Dice Added Mooshroom 8 Ball Added Gold Dipped Critter crafting recipes Added potion swapping capabilities for wormhole/recall and swiftness/ironskin Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Dababy's Car
Download v0.1 (1 MB) |
DeathPacito6 |
This mod will help you turn into a convertible, via the wisdom of Dababy!
However it only turns your lower body into a convertible. This mod only includes Dababy Car. Car Specs: - A Ferrari 3.9-litre twin-turbo V8 engine providing a top speed of 200 miles per hour - A 15th century silken throne for you to sit in - Multitudes of SRS airbags - A nuclear fusion reactor which converts atoms into petrol for the engine - Air conditioning - Very fast acceleration (idk how fast) - Dababy's wheels will let you jump 10 feet in the air Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.3 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.2 (9.4 KB) |
calderaxz |
The armor of the Old God of War
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
The Cheese Mod
Download v0.401 (122 KB) |
KungandFoo |
Adds a Bunch of Stuff usualy to do with cheese
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (8 KB) |
JoshuaLemons |
LunarSword is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (23.9 KB) |
flop and woof |
DevilsSwordMod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Goblin Army Overhaul
Download v0.1.3 (31.8 KB) |
PidgeGaming |
Goblin Army Overhaul V0.1.3
*PLEASE NOTE THIS IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT* Adds the new Soul of Plight obtained from new enemies from the Hardmode Goblin Army. These souls can be crafted into new accessories and weapons which are supposed to be used in Early Hardmode. V 0.1.3 Changes Added the Goblin Pillager Bug Fixes and Balance Changes Fixed Various Sprite issues *ADDITIONS SO FAR* Soul of Plight: A new Soul used to create Shadowflame items. The Goblin Warlock: A Hardmode-exclusive Goblin enemy which drops the Soul of Plight. The Goblin Pillager: Another Hardmode Goblin enemy 4 new Shadowflame Weapons A new mage emblem *Future Additions* New enemies for both Hardmode and Pre-Hardmode Goblin Army New Shadowflame Tools New Shadowflame weapons for all classes A Shadowflame Armor set for all classes If you have any suggestions or find any bugs let me know at Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.3 | Edit | Delete |
The Master Mod
Download v0.1 (8.1 KB) |
Rodrigo M |
The Master Mod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (57.1 KB) |
trml |
trmlsMod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (23.2 KB) |
L |
Scythes are overdone at this point but here're mine anyway. A scythe for each pre-hardmode ore, hardmode ores to come.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Ghostly's Norizm Mod!
Download v0.1 (7.5 KB) |
iCommanderGhostly |
Ghostly's Norizm Mod! is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
The "Bland" Sword
Download v0.1 (7.6 KB) |
Quackinton |
The "Bland" Sword is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
chaos elemental will always drop RoD
Download v0.1 (5.7 KB) |
chaos elemental will always drop RoD is a mod that does wht its title says.
plans: making any rare drop a 100% chance enjoy:) Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |