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Project-T Addon: Coingenerator
Download v1.0.7 (45.2 KB)


Project-T Addon: Coingenerator

This Mod brings the ability to give out Project-T Coins to your Twitch-Viewers through various means!

- Viewers can Earn coins by watching
- Viewers can get coins by Donating Bits
- Viewers can get coins by Subscribing

These can be used to buy Stuff from my other addon:
Project-T Addon: Viewershop

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Awesome's Addons
Download v2.2 (48.6 KB)

Awesome Stuff Gaming

This mod just adds a lot of random stuff

Thanks to SirWafflePants for the NPC code!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.0.8.4 (945.5 KB)

Angel Icoe

Tectonium is an in progress content mod seeking to... do a lot of things really.
Bosses, Town NPCs, weapons, armor, you name it.
Anything from a little elemental amalgam that sells weapons to a massive freaking gun.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
AfterLife Swords
Download v0.6 (43.6 KB)


Adds two swords Hells Burn and heavens grace to craft hells burn combine a terrablade meowmere and a pickaxe axe at a mythril anvil. and for heavens grace combine a picksaw terrablade and meowmere at a mythrill anvil.
0.2: Added A Secret
0.3 added a new sword the spectraul aura to craft it combine a terra blade with 20 ectoplasm and 30 souls of might at a mythril anvil
0.4 added the metalic beast craft it with 20 silver bars 20 platinum bars and 30 wood at an anvil.
0.5 added the demon bow craft with the Daedalus Stormbow and the phantasm at a mythrill anvill
0.6 Added A sword and bow The sword (Frost Blade) is crafted with 20 silver bars 45 ice blocks and 30 wood at an anvil. to craft the bow (The Chiller) its 20 silver 20 cobwebs and 30 ice blocks at an anvill

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2 (38.9 KB)


thebestmodforyourmom is a mom mod (your the mod), it does...this. (?�?�)?? ??? or if you want more harcore

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use my other mod (i will add the name when i make it) i will prob make it never but when i do it will be right

mod name:


m0z does stuff


ENJOY THE MOD!! :P bye...

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
More Worlds
Download v1.4 (146 KB)


More Worlds allows players to host their own world through a server. The main server acts as a relay/proxy to save users the effort of port forwarding and also to protect the privacy of clients. The main server requires an additional port to act as a relay for clients (Normal port +1).

Players can easily switch between each others worlds and owners of a world can manage permissions that other players have in their own world.
Use /worldhelp for additional usage information.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.7 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (11.8 KB)


Really overpowered items.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Shrine Hunter NPC
Download v0.17 (21.8 KB)


Adds a npc that tells you the relative position of calamity shrines to make your life easier.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
PiU Mo'Crafting
Download v1.4.1 (13.3 KB)



This mod allows you to craft vanilla items thats uncraftable or hard to obtain.
Avaible craftings at this time :
- Low drop chance items (Rod of discord , slime staff etc.)
- Hard to find items (Life Fruit, truffle worm etc.)
- craftable expert items (you can craft expert item from boss trofeum,wall of flesh
not included because it doesn't work on normal worlds)
- some ore changing (demonite to crimtane etc.)
(Mod also adds one uncraftable weapon for fun)
Changelog :
v1.1 - added hardmode ores changing
v1.2 - now you can change moon lord items into luminite bars
v1.2.1 -some changes in code
v1.3 - added change from crimstone to ebonstone block and vice versa,
same thing with crimson and corruption seeds
v1.4 - brand new icon!
v1.4.1 - little icon change

(If you have idea for more recipes or want to propose change of existing recipe email me : )

ps. Big thanks to my best friend who helped with this mod. You're the best.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v1.2.1.4 (12.5 KB)


Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.2 Edit | Delete
Copper to Wormhole
Download v1.0.1 (6.1 KB)


Copper to Wormhole is a pretty cool mod, it makes it so that you can use copper coins to make wormhole potions!

Fixed a bug

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Wood Expansion
Download v0.1.8.1 (53.8 KB)


Trees quickly go out of fashion as you progress through the game already in the initial stages. Not anymore. Now the pieces of wood will stay with the player for some time and will serve him faithfully.

Nerfed "Erda":
*Damage 130>100
*Firerate 12>15

Update 0.1.8
Updated sprite of "Core of the soul"
Added "Erda"

Update 0.1.7
Added "Hallowed Soul Container"
Changed sprite of "Imperfect Hallowed Blade"
Changed sprite of "Imperfect Fortified Hallowed Blade"
Changed balance of "Imperfect Fortified Hallowed Blade"
Changed sprite of "Hallowed Blade"
Recipe of "Hallowed Blade" now is harder

Added new recipe for "Hallowed Wood"

Balance of "Hallowed Blade" is changed

Update 0.1.6
Added "Imperfect Hallowed Blade"
Added "Imperfect Fortified Hallowed Blade"
Added "Hallowed Blade"
Added "Hallowed Wood"

Added "Reinforced Rich Mahogany Helmet"

Update 0.1.5
Added improved versions of wooden helmets have been added

Updated sprite of "The Edge of Nature"

Update 0.1.4
Added "The Edge of Nature"

Update 0.1.3
Added "Unstable Wooden Sword"
Added "Stabilized Wooden Sword"
Added "Enchanted Soul Container"

Update 0.1.2
The crafting balance has been increased.

Update 0.1.1
Added "Special Hybrid Wooden Sword"
Added "Core of the soul" (Does not have a purpose on this build)

Update 0.1
Added "Advanced Wooden Sword"

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Calsu's Swords
Download v0.4.2.2 (121.5 KB)


just a cool little mod


-More Ores
-More Bars
-More Armour

Coming Soon-
-more ores
-other tools
-more armour
-more npcs

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (7.3 KB)


This is an OP Sword

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.6 Edit | Delete
Nae Nae Pack
Download v0.6 (84.5 KB)


This sword was casted under the Underworld with a special
but now forgotten material, "Nae Nae Ingots"
Only ONE sword exist, And now?
you wield it
Nae and Tear, Until it is done.

Made by BroodRiven

V 0.5
Changelog: Added Nae Nae Gun
Changelog: Added Essence of the gods Used to craft Nae Nae Items, Drops from bosses
Changelog: Added True Nae Nae Essence. Drops from moon lord...
Changelog: Made every boss drop Essence of the gods.
Changelog: Added Destruction Essence
Changelog: Added True Destruction Essence
Changelog: Added Destruction Sword
Changelog: Added True Destruction Sword

V 0.6
Changelog: Added Pets (Only accessible via Cheats)
Changelog: Changed Eater of Worlds drop to Broken Essence of Gods, Needs 50 to craft a normal Essence of Gods
Changelog: Added Accessories
Changelog: Added Cheat items
Changelog: Added Nae Nae Pickaxe (Looks horrible)

dev note: yes i know Essence looks like a potato

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.4 Edit | Delete
Lemonine's Coronavirus Mod
Download v0.1 (33.9 KB)


Lemonine's Coronavirus Mod is a pretty cool mod, it adds a Coronavirus boss.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Just Another Gun Mod
Download v0.1.3.21 (114.7 KB)


This mod is a passion project for me, and will absolutely take time to develop fully.
This means that updates will likely not be frequent.
It is highly recommended that you use a recipe browsing mod to view all of the items this mod has to offer!

This is Just Another Gun mod, or JAGMod for short.
Initially inspired by the Archery Overhaul mod and their fantastic team, I felt compelled to do something similar for the rest of the ranger class' arsenal.
Textures and names are NOT final and WILL be subject to change.

v0.1.3.21 Hotfix:
* Fixed item recipes involving recipe groups to have correct recipes
* Whoops

v0.1.3.2 Hotfix:
* Fixed developer tail recipe
* Made the Ember more accessible early game (removed Illegal Gun Parts)
* Updated Ember texture

v0.1.3.1 Hotfix:
* Fixed Ichor Spewer recipe

v0.1.3 Content:
* Day/Night changing flare guns
* Portable Munitions Case (Ammo Box accessory + 5% ranged damage)
* Clentaminator EX (Shoots farther)
* Rainbow Gel (Drops from Rainbow Slimes, flamethrower ammo)
* Sand Shark (Sandgun + Minishark)
* Ember (Early game flamethrower)
* Greek Fire (Pre-WOF Flamethrower)
* Cursed Flamethrower (flamethrower)
* Ichor Spewer (flamethrower)
* Endless Solutions
* Endless Poison Dart Case
* Endless Gel Pouch (flamethrower ammo)
* Endless Pink Gel Pouch (flamethrower ammo)
* Endless Rainbow Gel Pouch (yeah... flamethrower ammo)
* Grapple Gun (why not?)
* Minifish (lol)

* Gem Bullets that are probably not balanced!
* probably something else that I completely forgot about lol

* Fire Bullets (Woo!) (10 Musket Balls + 1 Torch by Hand)
* Frozen Bullets (Yeah!) (10 Musket Balls + 1 Frozen Torch by Hand)

v0.1.0 First Release:
* Rusty Pistol (12 Iron/Lead at Anvil)
* Dual Pistols (12 Iron/Lead at Anvil)
* The Jag wrench (16 Iron/Lead at Anvil)
* My developer set :)

This mod is playable at the current moment, but is best experienced alongside a big content mod.

* More guns
* More ammunition (with endless variants as well!)
* More accessories
* A new ore type (Bluesteel!)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
One more sword
Download v0.1 (25.8 KB)

Randomtrash production

One more sword is a Mod that adds one single sword into the game, crafted by using 100 luminite bars at the tinkerer's workshop.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Immortal Bunnies
Download v0.1 (8.9 KB)


Immortal Bunnies is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Better Movement
Download v1.0 (16.9 KB)


A mod to drastically improve movement, in customizable ways! Now for 1.3!

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
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