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Domitance42's Mod
Download v0.1 (3 KB)


Domitance42's Mod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Just A quality of Life Terraria Mod
Download v1.0 (65.6 KB)


This is Just a Quality of Life Terraria Mod.
by : michaelpeet2 and cyber

This is our first mod so hope you enjoy! We just added items we fealt were useful / interesting.

> 1 Summon
> Staff of the masters
> 1 Spell Tome
> Tome of the Masters
> 1 Sword
>Heros Blade
> 1 Bow
> Super Shot Bow
> New Trades for NPCs
> Dryad
> will now also sell the opposite evil biome seed for the same price during blood moon
> Demolitionist now sells ores based on conditions below
> Copper, Tin, Iron, Lead, Silver, Tungsten, Gold, Platnium = Anytime
> Demonite and Crimtane =Blood moon after EoC has been defeated
> Cobalt, Palladium, Mythril, Orichalcum, Adamantite, Titanium = Anytime during Hardmode
> Luminite = Anytime after Moodlord has been defeated
> Mechanic
> Now sells Hallowed bars after a mech boss is defeated
> 1 Ore
> Qualitite Ore
> 1 Crafting bench
> Quality Crafter - functions as a Tinker's Workshop and is used im some recipes
> 1 Ore Bar
> Qualitite BAr
> 2 Accessories
> Master Ankh Gear - Master Ninja Gear + Ankh Shield
> Master Emblem - most of the emblems combined for a larger power boost

Planned Future updates:
> More accesories
> More weapons
> Updated sprites
> More trades for vanilla NPC's
> New NPC's
> Homepage
>Improved sprites

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1.3 (24 KB)


This is a general purpose mod intendend to add lots of stuff.
It is currently under development.
Right now it adds some materials and a weapon.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.0.0.3 (13.7 MB)

Newsec, B.E.E

This mod is still work in progress!

Coder: Newsec
Artist: B.E.E

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Chaos Mod - H₂O
Download v0.5 (304 KB)


Chaos Mod - Adds
- 3 new armor sets
- 10+ new weapons
- 6 new tools
- 45+ new items
- 2 new bosses

If you want to suggest anything about the mod please email me at

I will be updating the mod constantly, this is my first mod so yea.

In the next update I will be adding some accessories, guns, tools, and more weapons, so stay tuned!

In the 0.4 update I added a new boss as well as new items and a new armour set.

by - H₂O

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1.0.1 (12.6 KB)


Daily items coming soon

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Spawn X5
Download v1.1 (5.5 KB)


Spawn X5 increases enemies Spawn rate by FIVE.
5 times more enemies on your screen. Enjoy! :)
maxSpawns = 600

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Blunk's Class Additions
Download v0.7.2 (83.9 KB)

Blunk Slime


Added the first NPC

Guides Mom

Get her by having the bunny slime staff in your inventory!

- Community News -

wow more downloads lol

gamerz we got the discord
join here:
btw talk like a 5 year old, no swearing at all unless you want the supreme ban

have a good week :D

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2 (23.9 KB)


Prot's idea to waste a weekend. Or a couple more...

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Tome of reddit
Download v1.0 (24.6 KB)


adds 2 weapons

tome of upvote

tome of downvote

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Bacons Tools
Download v0.2 (14.3 KB)


Currently only adds Gold Digging Claws

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.2 Edit | Delete
Toshnika's Random Content
Download v0.5.1 (128.4 KB)


This is a work in progress content mod. Its purpose is to add random cool and unique content, without necessarily a story or progression line.

Content at present:
Ice Master Boss (Post-WoF, Pre-Mechs)
New Early Hardmode Dash Accessory
Grotto Armor (Early Hardmode General)
Hellfire Armor (Early Hardmode Throwing)
Prism Cave Biome, Generates After Killing a Mech Boss
Prism Weapons
Prism Cave Fishing Content (partial)
An Early Hardmode Accessory For Each Class
Two Cross Immunity Accessories, One in Earlygame, One Post Mechs
Other Cool Accessories

Planned Content:
More Unique Accessories, More Evenly Spread Through The Game
More Cool Random Items


---Alpha phase is devoted to adding new content and testing---
Improved Ice Master Fight
Major Bugfixes
Updated to tML 0.11.6
Added Ice Master, And Assosiated Items
Bugfixes And Balance
Prism Pickaxe, a Unique New Pickaxe
Added Discord
More Critical Bugfixes :|
Added More Throwing Stuff to Early Hardmode
New Accessories
Shield of Resilience
Ankh Shield Upgrade With Various Cool Effects
Thermal Wings
Decent Post-Golem Expert Wings

Critical Bugfixes
Added Prism Crate Loot
Added Basic Prism Cave Fishing
Added Grotto Armor
Minor Additions and Tweaks
Finished Adding Prism Weapons
Added a Lot of New Accessories
Bugfixes and Tweaks

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6 Edit | Delete
Soul Vial
Download v0.5.1 (10.2 KB)

Fluffy Boi.

This mod adds something like Estus Flask from DS series.
Flask can be crafted from a crystal heart on a bonfire.
Works with "Levelled" mod.

4th patch - added green numbers after healing.
5th update - added mana restoring vial - Ashen Vial.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Skeletron Limbs Health Bars
Download v1.0 (5.9 KB)


Now adds mini-sized boss healthbars to Skeletron's hands and Skeletron Prime's limbs.
Now totally requires Another Boss Healthbar to work.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Download v0.42069 (46.9 KB)


BRUHMOMENT is a pretty YES

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.0.0.2 (7.1 KB)


Allows you to equip banners.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Setnour6's Mod (Unfinished)
Download v0.2.1.5 (2.4 MB)


less frequent due to real life complications.

~ With love from Setnour6.


YouTube: Setnour6 (Best place to contact me)
SoundCloud: Setnour6
Spotify: Setnour6
PayPal: ( [Seriously, I worked hard on this]


- Updated description.

- Fixed description.

- Added "Statical Destruction Potion", but is unobtainable through normal gameplay.
- Added "Statical Katana"
- Added "Statical Destruction" Debuff, which is caused by the "Statical Destruction Potion" and the "Statical Katana"

- Added PayPal redirect in mod description (also linked it via homepage button).
- Resprited "Ultimate Healing Potion".

- Increased "Tiny Healing Potion" recipe result from 4 to 5.
- "Tiny Healing Potion" now requires Chlorophyte Ore for crafting (because "Tiny Healing Potion" is somehow OP, due to it not giving you potion sickness)
- Treasure Bags are now craftable! (This feature has moved to another mod under the name "Craftable Treasure Bags")
- Added "Ultimate Healing Potion", which heals much more than the Super Healing Potion. (Calamity Mod likely required)

- Added "Zenith"???.
- "Zenith" does not act/function like the actual Zenith from 1.4, but it does something related to it.
- Added "Static Wings", which grants 10 seconds of flight with huge speed and acceleration.
- "Static Wings" will require "Celestial's Particle" for crafting (If AlchemistNPC Mod is enabled)
- "Statical Essence" now has a guaranteed chance of dropping from the Dungeon Guardian.
- Note that the Moon Lord already drops 1 "Statical Essence" at a guaranteed rate.
- Gave "Blue Potion" a unique rarity (original rarity set to 9 for consistency).
- Slight adjustments to "Statical Essence".
- "Orange Static" is now easier to see.

Note to self: 69 of 70"> This mod has been made and published for testing reasons, but also for better gear that combines certain vanilla items.

This is an incomplete mod, but that's okay.

- Updates will be less frequent due to real life complications.

~ With love from Setnour6.


YouTube: Setnour6 (Best place to contact me)
SoundCloud: Setnour6
Spotify: Setnour6
PayPal: ( [Seriously, I worked hard on this]


- Updated description.

- Fixed description.

- Added "Statical Destruction Potion", but is unobtainable through normal gameplay.
- Added "Statical Katana"
- Added "Statical Destruction" Debuff, which is caused by the "Statical Destruction Potion" and the "Statical Katana"

- Added PayPal redirect in mod description (also linked it via homepage button).
- Resprited "Ultimate Healing Potion".

- Increased "Tiny Healing Potion" recipe result from 4 to 5.
- "Tiny Healing Potion" now requires Chlorophyte Ore for crafting (because "Tiny Healing Potion" is somehow OP, due to it not giving you potion sickness)
- Treasure Bags are now craftable! (This feature has moved to another mod under the name "Craftable Treasure Bags")
- Added "Ultimate Healing Potion", which heals much more than the Super Healing Potion. (Calamity Mod likely required)

- Added "Zenith"???.
- "Zenith" does not act/function like the actual Zenith from 1.4, but it does something related to it.
- Added "Static Wings", which grants 10 seconds of flight with huge speed and acceleration.
- "Static Wings" will require "Celestial's Particle" for crafting (If AlchemistNPC Mod is enabled)
- "Statical Essence" now has a guaranteed chance of dropping from the Dungeon Guardian.
- Note that the Moon Lord already drops 1 "Statical Essence" at a guaranteed rate.
- Gave "Blue Potion" a unique rarity (original rarity set to 9 for consistency).
- Slight adjustments to "Statical Essence".
- "Orange Static" is now easier to see.

Note to self: 69 of 70

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Derp Item
Download v4.2 (12.5 KB)


the Derpiest sword in game might beat WOF
New Pickaxe The Durp Pickaxe!

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
Paladins Honor
Download v0.3 (39.9 KB)


Paladin's Honor is a mod where you are unable to damage any living creatures with any item of any kind that does damage, EXCEPT the Paladin's Hammer. You start with this weapon that has a special stat called "Honor Points". When you kill enemies with the hammer you will get a certain amount of "Honor Points" based on the enemy's stats. When you gain enough "Honor Points" you can upgrade your hammer to the next tier making it stronger by right clicking it in the inventory.

(It cannot get "Honor Points" from statue mobs or when the "Honor Points" are maxed out)

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
Gauntlets (Fist Weapons)!
Download v1.0.1 (85 KB)



This mod adds GAUNTLETS!
Fist fighting, refernces, and other fun stuff!


v1.0 (current release) - 14 Gauntlets, 5 Accessories

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
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