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Icecreamdude Mod
Download v2.0 (2.4 MB)


This is Icecreamdude Mod, made by icecreamdude.

27+ bosses
120+ Items and Weapons
1 Event
Many Post Moonlord Content!



Added Insane Mode, after advanced mode,

+8 Bosses

+1 Event, the tracker invasion!

+Loads of items

1.9 update: DEMON UPDATE!

+4 bosses, Duality Sentient, Devilghost, Dr.Super Evil, And Final Boss' eye!


+1 new ore

+Balances And Buffs

+New Summoner Weapons!

+Unique AI


1.8 update: The CONTENT update!

+7 bosses! Many many weapons and drops! Many pre-advanced mode content!

+ New Advanced Mode Mobs!

+ A new mech boss!

+ Tier 2 solar eclipse, and a Tier 2 martian madness!

Added more summoner content!

1.7 update: The Slavemaster Update!

+2 Town Npcs, Icecreamdude and Expert!

+3 bossses, Mimic God, Slavemaster, And Perfect Circle's Revenge

+Many, Many, Many new items.

New final boss in 1.9!

1.6 update: The endgame update!

+1 boss

+1 Superboss!

Added the final boss of the mod, so far.

+ Many unique items!

+ Tier 3 dungeon

+ Overhauled AI

+ A mount!

1.5 update: The hell update! This update includes:

+3 bosses

Many unique weapons

And Advanced Mode! A step up to hard mode, with harder mobs to fight, and unlocked after defeating moon lord.

1.4 update: BIG EXPANSION!!!! This update includes:

+6 bosses

Awesome Crafting Tree upgrades!

New Awesome Weapons

New weapon type: Zapatrons!

1.31 update: Icon!

1.3 update: ULTRA CRAFTING TREE! A really huge crafting tree to make the true terra blade This update includes;

+ Crapload of Weapons

1.21 update: Added boss summon to mech meme man, 1 more sword

1.2 update: BIG UPDATE! hardmode content, 1 new boss! Also Post-Moon Lord Content,

+1 boss

+Many Items

1.1 update: added 2 new weapons, really cool.

All bosses and events in order:

Big bad boulder
King Slime
Alpha Boulder
Eye Of Cthulu
Blood Moon
Goblin Army
Overloaded Robot
Enchanted Sentient
Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulu
Old Ones Army (Tier 1)
Queen Bee
Meme Man
Wall of Flesh


Frost Legion
Perfect Circle
Pirate Invasion
Terra Sentient
The Twins
Old Ones Army (Tier 2)
Solar Eclipse
The Destroyer
The Motherboard
Skeletron Prime
Solar Eclipse (Post Mech-Boss)
Mecha Mayhem
Solar Eclipse (Post Plantera)
Pumpkin Moon
Frost Moon
Death Wheel
Martian Madness
Duke Fishron
Old Ones Army (Tier 3)
Ectoplasm Saucer
Lunatic Cultist
Celestial Towers
Corrupt Slavemaster and Crimson Slavemaster
Moon Lord

Advanced Mode (Post Moon Lord):

Mechanical Meme Man
Toxic Slime
Eye of Death
Devilhorns' Fury Sword
Molten Duke
Mechanical Boulder
Mimic God
Cultist Doomsday Device
Solar Eclipse (Post CDD)
Mr.6666 and Mr.Sixixix
Space Worm
Smirky's Mech
Slavemaster II
Omega Tracker
Perfect Circle's Revenge
Martian Madness (Tier 2)
Duality Sentient
Dr.Super Evil

Insane Mode (Post Dr.Super Evil)
Final Boss' Eye
Temple Spirit
Pirate Invasion (Tier 2)
Meme Man's Revenge
Slime Lord
Tracker Invasion
The Money Gods
Dark Shadow
Devilhorns' Revenge

The Lore:

Overview: You are stuck in the imaginary world of terraria, with bunnies and slimes everywhere,
you ought to escape to pursue your normal life, but terraria is in final bosses mind,
and a dream that can last and eternity.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (12.7 KB)


A mod with a grand total of 1 item
very unbalenced

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Limited Lives
Download v1.2.0.4 (81.4 KB)


This mod adds a lives mechanic to Terraria.

Every time a player dies in game, their lives will go down.
Killing certain major bosses will make everyone's lives go up.

Running out of lives will cause the player to spawn as a ghost until they gain more lives, unless permanent death is enabled.
Characters will not be deleted, however rejoining a world in which you have no lives, or are permanently dead, will not allow you to play, unless force respawn is turned on.

Starting lives, dropping items, and lives from killing bosses can be changed in config.
Please go through the config before creating a new world.

Notes and warnings:
- This mod overrides vanilla character difficulties. Playing on softcore, mediumcore, or hardcore will not change the gameplay.
- Config options are server-side, with almost all not being able to be modified after world generation. As such, this mod also will not work on existing worlds.
- Lives are per player, per world.
- This mod will attempt to preserve your character's difficulty, but may fail to do so.
- Compatibility with GoG is somewhat limited (compared to Steam).
- Using this mod with a mod that makes respawn times instant is not recommended.

If you have any questions, feel free to join the Discord server ("homepage" link).

v1.2.0 - Added GoG compatibility
Added maximum lives setting (requires a new world to use)

v1.1.3 - Added ability to change "Lives Left" text position (click the arrow at the bottom of config, next to "Notification" box)

v1.1.2 - Initial Release

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Cave Story
Download v0.1.3 (3.1 MB)


I wanted to add Cave Story things into Terraria, because yes...
I'll update this with more Cave Story accurate items when I get the chance.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.1 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2.2 (66.4 KB)

EugeneFox, Fedor_&_Co, X…

ProwerMod v.0.2.2

Update 0.1.1:
* remaded mask texture
Update 0.2:
* 1 Mask
* 1 Ranged Weapon
* 1 Accessories
Update 0.2.1:
* Recipes Remake
* 4 Accessoires (You will not be able to get them at this time)
Update 0.2.2:
* 1 Mask
* 1 Melle Weapon
* 1 Accesoire
* 1 Furniture
* Nerfed Developers Masks

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (4.1 KB)


GoLDeNaK489 is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
CVNDY's Extension Pack
Download v0.99 (346.5 KB)


Adds upgraded accessories
"Legendary" accessory class
"Ungodly" accessory class

New Armours
New Ores
New Weapons
New Tools

91 Items total


Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
The Bone Candle Mod
Download v1.0 (5.5 KB)


Adds a Bone Candle.
...seriously that's all it does.
Craft it like you would any other: 4 Bones and 1 Bone Torch at a Bone Welder. Bones.
Currently it can't be placed on tables (must be some sync issues) but it can be placed on platforms.
Why isn't this in the base game?
Like, I know the Bone Lantern exists but it's not a candle.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (20.4 KB)




Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Air Strike
Download v0.1 (10.2 KB)


This mod causes bombs to be constantly rained down on the world around you. I have no idea why you'd want to use this mod unless you're a massive sadist or explosives enthusiast. Check out the original mod I made this from: Biome Barrage.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
Dungeon Quest Swords
Download v0.3 (46.3 KB)


This is my new mod... Dungeon Quest Swords! This adds swords from the popular Roblox game Dungeon Quest.

Currently, The mod has 36 swords, all from Dungeon Quest. To find the recipies, Download the recipe browser mod. This mod will have updates, they can be found down below once there are updates. Please Subscribe to Kirbycoolguy19 on YouTube.

0.2 - Added Winter Outpost Weapons

0.3 - Changed this desc

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Twisted Fate
Download v0.1 (34.9 KB)


TwistedFate Version 0.1

My first Mod and just to test out.

Includes 4 New Spell Items which are the Powerfull
Cards of Twisted Fate.

Red applies more Damage and cost alot of Mana
Blue deals lesser Damage but regenerates Mana on Hit
Yellow Homing enemies by Dealing great Damage and grants huge Knockback

Shuffel Cards for AoE Damage :)

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (2.9 KB)


GerPlaysKlinge is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
New Katanas
Download v1.0.4 (313.4 KB)


New Katana is a shameless ripoff of mokatana that I got no permission for. I am still working on balancing and fixing dumb stuff. Alt attack on broken katana is very fun.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Shards of Atheria
Download v0.6 (887.7 KB)


Shards of Atheria is a mod that aims to bring loads of weapons, accessories and items to Terraria. Also introduces harpy biome variants.

Spriters on discord:
Torra th

Mod Plans:

Sprite for the Atherian
3 bosses

Added many Deca items, Death Essence, Harpy Storm, Cobalt Workbench, Shinai, P90 and Yellow Plushie
Added display of how much Overdrive time is left
Added new config options
Added Void Harpy, Bone Sword, Forest Scythe, Storm Spear, Thorn Chakram and Tonbogiri NPCs
Increased chance for Valkyrie Blade to fire a Feather Blade from 1/3 to 1/2
Changed Areus Battery recipe
Fixed Rush Drive and Areus Key recipe
Gunsword now costs 6 Mana to use
Death's Scythe is now a Slayer Item
Fixed harpy hitboxes
Added 2 more modes to Areus Assault Rifle
Lowered all new pre hardmode harpy stats
Pre hardmode harpies do not spawn in towns

Ice Harpy inflicts frostburn instead of frozen
Tweaked all new harpy spawns and drops
Fully implemented Slayer Mode
Added Gunsword, Areus Assault Rifle, Phase Ore and Bar and many Slayer Items
Added config file
Added new boss and her items
Fixed Areus Railgun recpie and changed Areus Dagger, Areus Luger, Areus Magnum, Areus Pistol, Prometheus and Pandora recipes
Areus Luger and Areus Magnum now shoot an Electric Beam
Areus Railgun now penetrates through defense and has a higher crit chance
Areus Key does not increase flight time anymore
Areus charge cannot go over max
BB is no longer it's own ammo type
BB Bottle and Phantom Bullet Bottle effects only activate if weapon used is ranged and uses bullets
Eye Of The All Seer is now a Slayer Item
Rush Drive now has a recipe
Resprited Eye Of The All Seer
Megamerged is now toggled by using Living Metal instead of pressing a hotkey
Changed Hero Gun recipe
Player cannot have Megamerged buff if Living Metal is not in inventory
Player cannot have Overdrive and Overheat buffs if player does not have Megamerged buff

Made Areus Charge always at max while Terraria Overhaul is enabled (I need to figure out how to make Areus charge not drain while an Areus weapon is held)

Minor bug fixes

Probably more changes/fixes I forgot about
Harpy feathers no longer inflict electrified
Reduced Harpy debuff durations to 1 second

Added Valkyrie Crest, Slayer's Emblem, Bionic Ore and Bionic Bar
Added new mode: Slayer mode
Many items made into "Special Items"
"Special Item" tag displays at the very bottom of the tooltip
Resprited Rush Drive, Omega Drive and BB Gun
Properly implemented movement speed (again) and life regen increases
Crystal Infection now Orange rarity
Changed Prometheus, Pandora, Living Metal, Spider Clock, Slithery Land, Greater Topaz Core and most Areus item recipes
Living Metal works in vanity slot
BB Gun can only use BBs as ammo
Scarlet converts normal bullets into Luminite Bullets instead of Chlorophyte bullets
Rush Drive no longer needs Living Metal to be equipped
Rush Drive works properly
Fixed Areus Weapons
Fixed all harpy spawning
Areus Ore is now obtainable with Nightmare/Deathbringer Pickaxes and higher
Added Omega Drive
Added Corrupt, Crimson and Hallowed Harpy NPCs
Mega Gem Core grants immunity to Moon Bite and Potion Sickness
Soul Of Spite now drops at any time of day
Mod Icon fully implemented

Increased mana gain from Hallowed Seal
Increased shoot speed of BB Gun and Scarlet
Areus weapons are no longer a separate damage class
Areus weapons are more spread out
Changed Areus Pistol use sound
Changed Rush drive to lower defense/damage by 50% and in turn double damage/defense
Changed Atherian's name to always be Jordan
Changed one of Atherian's lines
Changed Infection Injection to be made at a Bottle and Furnace
Reduced Areus Charge regen rate from 8 per second to 1 per 1/5 second
Areus Charge does not regen while an Areus weapon is being used
Areus Charge takes 3 seconds to start regenerating
Resprited Areus Charge meter frame and Areus Staff
Added Areus Magnum, Overdrive Energy Pack, Areus Rod, Areus Railgun and Bone Marrow Injection items
Added Injection Shock buff
Added Cave, Desert, Forest, Ice, and Ocean Harpy NPCs
Added Mod Icon
Added another line to Atherian
Fixed display name of Hecate II
Fixed Soul Of Daylight drops during the Solar Eclipse
Fixed Living Metal related Death Messages
Fixed Heart Break tooltip
Fixed Atherian dialogue
Overdrive no longer drains life
Small injection rework

Added Souls Of Daylight, Starlight and Spite and added Rush Drive
Changed recipes of Prometheus, Pandora and Tainted Love
Sprited Living Metal transformation

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Metroid Mod for Discord Rich Presence
Download v0.0.2 (6.9 KB)

Dark Samus 7�

Metroid Mod for Discord Rich Presence is adding Metroid Mod's Bosses to Rich Presence

All bosses added

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Emrygue Random Mod
Download v0.2.6 (123.5 KB)


Private mod for some random things

Don't expect anything functional

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (3.5 KB)


TFade es un mod que agrega algunas armas que tal vez conozcas!


-1 New Weapon (Fade Hunter Knife)

Eso es todo por ahora, el mod se ira actualizandolo constantemente.

Enjoy 8)

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.2 (39.4 KB)


Tutoraria is a mod to help players who are new to the game itself... what it does is it tells you what you need to fight next through progression boss wise... it goes all through progression and if I feel like it, I will add more things to help you guys with learning the game!
The homepage is a link to my discord for my main mod Slime's Stuff where you can talk to me about either of these mods!
Thank you so much!

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Gel Tools
Download v0.12 (28.7 KB)


Gel Tools is forked from OP+Recipes.

It contains only the Gel Bait and Gel Weapons. It may possibly contain more as time goes on.

This mod is forked from the OP+Recipes mod.
It contains only the Gel tools and bait.

If you are looking for the recipes search Mod Browser for "Just OP Recipes"
Or if you are looking for the Pixels, search the Mod Browser for "Pixel Power"

Use the Recipe Browser to figure them all out. Read all about the stuff in the mod on the mod homepage.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
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