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Omega's Arsenal
Download v5.7.2 (182.7 KB)

Omega Nightfueled

Omega's Arsenal is a mod for all my ideas with for now really crappy sprites :))


Homepage for all items

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
Download v1.3 (44.3 KB)


Inside joke with a bunch of friends.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Dura Mod
Download v0.0.8 (164.4 KB)


Do not expect anything this way, it's just DURA.

The only item is created like this:

- 999 Dirt
- 70 Luminite Bar
- 1 Spear

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Pice Stuff 3
Download v0.7 (11.7 KB)


Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
League of Legends Runes
Download v0.41 (522.8 KB)


This mod ports runes from League of Legends.

current runes:
Grasp of Undying
Phase Rush

More runes are incoming.

v0.41 update:
Improved descriptions.

v0.4 update:
Added Phase Rush from League of Legends.
All runes are now equipable items instead of a switches.

v0.3 update:
Fixed a bug that Grasp proc with projectile gives permanent health.

v0.2 Update:
Fixed Conqueror healing amount, and increased to 8%/6% of damage dealt.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Autoplacing Torches
Download v1.0 (10.4 KB)


Allows you to automatically place a horizontal strip of torches every N blocks with a hotkey while holding a torch.
Only works with vanilla torches for now.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
The MORE Mod
Download v0.3 (78 KB)


MORE Mod is a simple mod that plans to add tons of new weapons and items to terraria.
Mod Page
Full ChangLog On Mod Page

*Update 0.3 "The Slayer Update Part 1" Major Update*
-Added New Rare Weapon From Each Pre Hardmode Boss
-Added Broken Biome Blade Droped From Wall Of Flesh
-Added New Tools
-Added New Items
-More Balancing
-more Details In Full Changelog On Mod Forum Page

*Update 0.2.1"Patching Things Up"*
-Added New Sword 1/7 Drop from EOC
-Made Goblin Warriors Drop DPS Meter 1%drop
-More Balancing
-Tweaked Drop Rates Of Essences
-Fixed Typos

*Update 0.2 "The Balance Update Part 2"*
-Made Essences Drop From Mobs In Respective Biome
No longer craftable
-Balanced Weapons prices Crafting Recipes and damage
-Changed Mythical Bars to Ancient Bar With New Recipe
-Removed lunar Dust and reworked Lunar Souls
-More Balancing to come

*Update 0.1 "The Balance Update"*
-Changed Recipes for Essences(Jungle,Hell,Evil,Hallowed) to reduce grind
-Changed Mythical Bar Recipe to Balance
-Re balanced Most Weapons

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Chaos Edition!
Download v1.2.2 (50.1 KB)


Inspired by Super Mario 64: Chaos Edition!

It adds random effects every few seconds making the game chaotic

Current effects:
- random buffs
- random debuffs
- teleport potion effect
- magic mirror effect
- healing deals damage instead
- spawn random enemy
- change hardmode
- display random text
- starts random event (regardless of requirements)
- skips to night/day
- swaps base mana and life
- removes the ability to build or remove blocks
- random monolith effect
- converts a random convertable block to crimson/corruption or hallow
- disables gravity for players and NPCs
- plays random music
- plays a random sound
- adds a random effect to NPCs
- recolors NPCs
- enables / disables christmas! D:
- no more flying and worming xD
- free dangersense! but all blocks are dangerous
- random pet
- smash bros-like physics :D

Changelog v1.2.2:
- noGravity is no longer overwritten preventing the enemy gravity to be changed
- reworked the monolith effects to match the original events

Changelog v1.2.1:
- Fixed a logic error making events happen every ~5-7s instead of 5-30s
- Changed effect frequency to 17.5 on average

Changelog v1.2.0:
- Split random buffs into random buffs and random pets effects
- Increased effect count to 24
- Brought back the flyless enemies from the gravity effect as their own effect
- Added a new effect to random NPC effects taking noclip away from enemies

Changelog v1.0.7:
- Flying enemies are no longer affected by gravity when no gravity effect is inactive (this should fix portals too)
- Code changes preparing for v2.0

Changelog v1.0.6:
- No longer take damage when hovering over a heal item during healing deals damage

Changelog v1.0.5:
- Some random enemy effects did not happen (random ai, regen, teleporting, gravityless)

Changelog v1.0.4:
- Corrects health and mana after respawn
- Attempt to fix health and mana saving wrong causing your max life to shrink
- Attempt to fix enemy knockback after smash bros effect

Changelog v1.0.3:
- Now reapplies life + mana swap after death to prevent life truncation

Changelog v1.0.2:
- Now undos life and mana swap before saving to prevent life truncation

Changelog v1.0.1:
- fixed gravity of smash bros and no gravity affect permanently overwriting each other
- removed debug message from smash bros effect

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Sword of Thing
Download v0.2 (3 KB)


Adds a very OP sword. Get 1 dirt block and craft it at the work bench.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Dynasty Mod
Download v0.5 (45.2 KB)

Adarube + SharpShaBOOM

The Dynasty Mod is a mod that (will) add all sorts of new weapons, armor, bosses, and biomes to Terraria. As of now though, it is nothing much. As of now, the Dynasty Mod adds some simple melee weapons that are styled off of ancient Chinese weapons, and that require Dynasty Wood and Iron to make. The weapons can be upgraded throughout the game.

This mod will likely receive very frequent updates as it is constantly being worked on.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.7 Edit | Delete
Spell Scrolls
Download v0.0.3 (57.6 KB)


This mod adds very useful items for use in Terraria:
Spell Scrolls! While geared towards magic users, scrolls can benefit everyone:
- Apply buffs to you and your teammates
- Cast forth projectiles to aid you in battle
- Increase crafting efficiency
- And so much more!

Currently adds...
- 7 Scrolls
- 7 Materials
- 1 Special Mechanic
Game mechanic will increase efficiency and effectiveness of scrolls, based on an Exp system. The more Experience you have, the more likely you'll get better scrolls!
- 1 Buff

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Download v2.1 (9.7 KB)


So Far Only A Super Pickaxe Has Been Added More Coming Soon

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Portal Of Warcraft
Download v0.2 (52.8 KB)


Portal of warcraft adds the dark portal from world of warcraft to terraria it adds lots of things from world of warcraft and thrall is not broken
he just spawns off the screen, also please note that Illidan and the Lich King must be spawned at night and they also spawn off screen
but Illidan will come to you.

Bosses & Monsters:
Maghar Bonechewer
Scourged Zombie
The Lich King

Weapons & Items:
Maghar Sword
Cat Claw
Doom Hammer
Suspicious Looking Hammer
???Secret Item??? --> Suspicious Looking Crown
Suspicious Looking Skull
Fel Blades

Dark Portal
Fel Forge

To get started you will need to craft the dark portal to do that you need to go to a hell forge then just use this recipe:
Stone Slab X100
Soul Of Sight X20
Hallowed Bar X10

To add:
Northrend & Outland biomes
armor & weapons for classes
expanded druid class

I am working on armor for death knight class right now but armor is hard so I will slowly work on it.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Terraria Hammer
Download v1.0 (3.1 KB)


Terraria Hammer is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Different Terraria
Download v0.1 (4.4 KB)


[English, 简体中文]
[This mod is easy to cause the game to crash, please use it with caution]

Different Terraria is a pretty cool mod.
You can change Terraria data with Different Terraria Mod.
In defaults:
Item's scale change to 250%.
NPC's scale change to 250%.
Projectile's scale change to 250%.

And you can use a command to change item, npc and projectile's damage and scale!
Usage: /DTerra <type> [scale] [damage]
<type> can be "npc", "projectile" or "item".
"scale" and "damage" are multiples added(%).
For example:
/DTerra npc 1.5 233
It changes npc's damage to 23300%, and changes scale to 150%.
/DTerra projectile 0.233 1.23
It changes projectile's damage to 123%, and changes scale to 23.3%.
Note: If you use the command to change the data, the data will take effect after the next spawn.


Different Terraria是一个非常酷的Mod。
您可以使用Different Terraria Mod更改Terraria数据。

用法:/DTerra <更改类型> [大小] [伤害]
   /DTerra npc 1.5 233
   /DTerra projectile 0.233 1.23

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
special kids weapons
Download v0.1.3 (1.7 MB)


cursed weapons is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
Piano boss themes (Music by BusiedGem)
Download v1.69 (9.3 MB)

Ebonian Void

Piano versions of the boss themes,
the music was made by BusiedGem check his channel out on youtube

bosses that still have the vanila theme because BusiedGem didn't make one for them yet:

-Lunatic cultist
-Queen bee

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Expanded Items Mod
Download v0.70 (98.5 KB)

steam: vibe_cat | discor…

Adds a bunch of new random items to your worlds.

- Added arthite sword
- Added arthite pickaxe
- Added arthite axe
- Added arthite hammer
- Added circuit board
- Added tool driver chip
- Added plastic board
- Added electrical parts
- Added pickaxe driver chip
- Added axe driver chip
- Added hammer driver chip
- Added battery
- Added plastic
- Added plastic mould
- Added electronic pickaxe
- Added electronic axe
- Added electronic hammer

Mod still has a long way to go, and downloading it really helps me! You could share it with your friends if you enjoy it, thanks! :D

if you want to help me out even more, please join the discord so i can
take in suggestions more efficiently!
Looking for good pixel artists and anyone who wants to help develop the mod
(programming it, helps out if you know C#, and you get a role on the server)

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
OPWeapons MK.2
Download v0.5.1 (9.7 KB)


OPWeapons MK.2

yes this is by the person who made OverPoweredWeapons

I have lost my code because forgot to back up my work, so yeah

To make "The Book of America"
-use 10 souls of night at a anvil.

Ps, I will try and work on this often thanks!
PPs, I am working on other mods right now that is why it took me a while to make this,

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2 (8.1 KB)


The Communist's eternal companion rifle.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.2 Edit | Delete
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