tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
[900Downloads!] Xenod
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Download v1.0.7 (222.5 KB) |
Halohunterx234 |
Xenod Mod is a mod designed to add a little more content to your terraria world and gameplay, it is meant to be played in a modpack as it is a small mod just to add a few more weapons and items.
homepage = omg almost at 1k DLs!!! Thank yall! Heres a small update (sorry its small because preparing for the next big update :D ) V1.0.7 (900DLS Milestone and Small Update): -Changed the selling prices of all items to balance them -Changed the rarity of all items to balance too -1 Magic Weapon (However it is a WIP, so expect the done version in the next update) 500 Downloads Reached! Thanks you guys! As a reward, here are three new weapons and two materials We have a Icon too now! :D V1.0.6 (500DLS Celebration Update): -2 Boomerangs -3 Swords -2 Materials (Drop from vanilla bosses) V1.0.1 Is Here! (yep part II for those who were early): -3 Bows -2 Boomerangs -3 Throwing Items -3 Weapons -2 Ingots -1 Ore ((Spawns upon world generation, so create a new world in order to have the ore)) -2 Ammo -1 Material V1.0.0.1 -Minor fixes to some recipes V1(Total Content Added In): -13 BroadSwords -1 Shortsword -2 Weapons -5 Ingots -1 Pickaxe -1 Axe (Weapon) -3 Bows -4 Boomerangs -4 Throwing Items -1 ORE ((again, Spawns upon world generation, so please create a new world in order to have the ore)) -2 Ammo -3 Material -1 Magic Weapon ((WIP)) New Updates Will Come Soon! Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Powerfix, the best post-hardmode, pre-mechanical bosses, weapon.
Download v0.8 (15.5 KB) |
Matt |
NEW UPDATE!! I am way too early with updates, this one adds a new sword, POWERLORD. Powerlord is a Melee weapon that does 3 seconds of poison damage, it's base damage is 400 :O, it is crafted with Powerfix, 15 Luminite Bars, and Meowmere.Tired of entering Hardmode, not having any good weapon to start you off? Well now with the combination of Breaker Blade, Fiery Greatsword, and 15 Hellstone Bars, at a Hellforge or Mythril Anvil, you can craft Powerfix, a Powerful Post-Hardmode sword. This weapon is guaranteed to last you a long time in Hardmode with it's 70 melee damage, moderately fast speed, and very good knockback. BIG THANKS TO njr7#0702 ON DISCORD FOR THE INCREDIBLE SPRITE <3 :). Enjoy the mod.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Personal Difficulty
Download v0.2.0 (58.9 KB) |
Geodew |
A mod for playing multiplayer with players of varying skill levels. It also works in single-player, if you want to make your solo play harder or easier. You could also use this mod to make the game hard again after installing too many mods that make you too powerful, or to make the game just a tad easier if a mod made it too hard.
This mod sets your own personal difficulty level that doesn't affect other players. Only your own stats, like damage dealt and damage taken, are changed. You can also enable other side options like immunity to fall damage, water-breathing, and constant glowing. Other players must still install this mod to avoid players de-synchronizing with the server. (If someone doesn't have the mod, players and enemies would likely appear to teleport around or stutter, or something's health might suddenly change. It would look like Internet lag.) To begin using this mod, open Mod Configuration (default is no difficulty change). To do that, hit Settings -> Mod Configuration when in a world. (Mod Configuration may not be present right now, but it will show up after you install this mod.) Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Extra Variants
Download v0.3.2.2 (806.9 KB) |
Davi Santus |
Extra Variants is a mod for those who want more variants to the vanilla weapons, as of the actual build ( alpha), it
has about 17 Items, being these mostly weapons, the mod page is outdated, and maybe it'll still be for a long time Feedback, check the creator's forum account: Mod Page on Terraria Forums: Last Patch Notes: Fixed Defected Mechanical Grapeshooter Recipe, added Tome of Blood Lust (although unobtainable outside of cheat sheet). Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Futuristic Mod (Beta)
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Download v0.1.0 (119.3 KB) |
kmartin3 |
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v1.0.1 (84.5 KB) |
Tacomancer |
UpgradePlus is an upgrade mod based on
Oempa's Upgrade Equipment The Blacksmith is a town NPC that can arrive after EoC, EoW/BoC, or skeletron are defeated. Fight bosses and strong mobs for tokens you can trade to upgrade your gear. Take your favorite weapons deeper into the game or grind past difficult bosses. --Features-- >Upgrade weapons, wings, & wearables >Stacks with Oempa's EU & hrr_'s fork >New stats: Crit Damage & Wing Speed --Improvements-- Right click to max out an item! Remembers item favorite status More configs! +Jank test features Supports all damage types, I think --Q&A-- * What drops tokens? Any Boss or NPC above 1k HP drops tokens based on maxHP+Atk+Def. Boosted in HM + further in postML. --Known Issues-- * Calamity removes levels when reforging (goblin). Reforged gear will have it's tokens refunded at standard rates (90% returned) to prevent mishaps. * Player projectiles spawned from non-hotbar sources can have wrong Crit Damage and Rollover. 1.3 limit, Crit Damage is disabled (config) by default until 1.4 * Crit chance doesn't raise projectile crit chance * The upgrade slot shows a 1 in the corner * Wings don't have appropriate speeds in WingSlot or in the social slot using Antisocial --Changelog-- 1.0.1 Release: * Released * Mod Icon Added Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.3.1 (20.3 KB) |
IonBattery |
Adrift is a really tiny mod, with the hopes of adding many weapons, armor, bosses, and everything in between!\
Currently adds: 1 Sword 1 Magic Tome (3 Very Unfinished Magic Tomes) 1 Armor Set 1 Soul used for crafting, drops in underworld. Keep in mind, everything is a work in progress! Nothing right now is balanced. At all. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Mefare Mod
Download v1.5 (10.9 KB) |
Mefistic |
Mefare! Here you will see new items that should exist in vanilla!
It adds: ![]() Flaming Bow: Ignites Wooden Arrows! Craft it at Workbench ![]() 1 Wooden Bow ![]() ![]() ![]() Dual Flame Bow: Shoots 2 Arrows: 1 Frostburn and 1 Flaming! Craft it at Anvil using: 1 Flaming Bow ![]() ![]() ![]() It adds: ![]() Flaming Bow: Ignites Wooden Arrows! Craft it at Workbench ![]() 1 Wooden Bow ![]() ![]() ![]() Dual Flame Bow: Shoots 2 Arrows: 1 Frostburn and 1 Flaming! Craft it at Anvil using: 1 Flaming Bow ![]() ![]() ![]() Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.3 | Edit | Delete |
Calculated Strikes
Download v1.1 (3.6 KB) |
Espiritual |
Doubles the damage and knockback of all melee weapons that use the broadsword animation and increases their size but cuts their swing speed in half. This does not affect weapons that fire projectiles nor any item that has pickaxe, axe, or hammer power.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
The Australian Challenge
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Download v0.2.0 (37.2 KB) |
Dhozou |
Gravity Globe, attempt to complete the game start to finish in reversed gravity. With the sky below and the Underworld above, experience the game from a whole new perspective! This mod is a work in progress. Terraria has some limitations when played exclusively with reversed gravity, which this mod intends to address. Please report issues and mod incompatibilities in the forum thread or on GitHub. Special thanks to Aimuzion for suggesting the challenge that inspired this mod. What's New (0.2.0) - Platform collision now works upside down - Spawn platform no longer cuts off trees "> The Australian Challenge turns Terraria on its head - literally. Upon generating a world you'll find yourself standing on a cloud above the deep blue sky. Inspired by the ![]() This mod is a work in progress. Terraria has some limitations when played exclusively with reversed gravity, which this mod intends to address. Please report issues and mod incompatibilities in the forum thread or on GitHub. Special thanks to Aimuzion for suggesting the challenge that inspired this mod. What's New (0.2.0) - Platform collision now works upside down - Spawn platform no longer cuts off trees Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.3 | Edit | Delete |
Raptor's Forge
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Download v1.3.5.1 (143.6 KB) |
Raptor23Red |
This is my first mod.
If you wish to assist in textures or simply have something to report or wish to add, please message me on Discord at Corgi#9712 TO COME (Hopefully) -Zombielike NPC (will drop some special vanity) -Town NPC (Custom Shop with another armor set [or fragments of] and custom currency) -Various accessories (I require I D E A S, I want at least 8 -Several tiles for building. (Ideas appreciated) -And More! (Once again, I'd appreciate it if you, the one reading this, is involved) --v1.3.5.1 --Remembered to add Desert King Fork crafting recipe. -v1.3.5.0 --Added Desert King Fork ---Armor sprites for same set didnt work properly and armor is annoying, expect them tomorrow. -v1.3.4.4 --Fixed Mirinite spawn rates, decided it was too plentiful -v1.3.4.3 --Added Hermes Armor (Sprite credit goes to Protechol, who contacted me and voluntarily made sprites.) -v1.3.4.2 --Minor fixes -v1.3.4.1 --Added Mir's Core to custom chest loot (hopefully,) for now the Servant of Norik npc still drops the item. -v1.3.4.0 --Added Servant of Norik, an enemy npc. It drops the Mir's Core item, though this is just so the item is obtainable for now. -V1.3.3.0 --Added Mir's Core pet item. Cannot currently be found anywhere or have any real purpose. ---Use Cheat sheet or similar mods to obtain the pet. -V1.3.2.4 --Modified minimum pick value for Mirinite...again... -V1.3.2.3 --Apparently mod icon was being very uncooperative with size. I have fixed it successfully. -V1.3.2.2 --Added mod icon. -V1.3.2 --Fixed layer level Mirinite spawns on as well as its frequency and size of blob. -V1.3.1.1 --Im an idiot. forgot to give Mirinite the proper minimum pick value. -V1.3.1 --Woops!! Forgot to change method for Mirinite, causing it to fail to gen. Fixed!! -V1.3.0 --Added new ore: Mirinite ---New armor, slightly better than gold. ---New tools, same as above. --Fixed rarity level to better match game progression. --Fixed Raptor's Waraxe (Technically a hamaxe but sh,) to have better power. -V1.2.1 --apparently ore generation broke when I balanced the armor. It's fixed now. -V1.2 --Changed the armor damage multiplier to balance it better, no longer doubles damage. --Raptor's Hood buffs function now. -V1.1 --Added set bonus to armor ---Hood refuses to accept buffs given (supposed to increase magic damage, add shine and spelunking effect) ---Helmet adds shine effect, increases melee damage ---Chest piece increases melee damage and speed ---Legs increase movement speed -V1 --added armor,tools,ore,ore gen, wings Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.4 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (13.8 KB) |
寰宇最终合成站 |
极度破坏平衡,不建议使用。 娱乐mod,玩个开心就好。 Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.3 | Edit | Delete |
BareEssentials: Quick Swap
Download v1.2.1 (6 KB) |
Rasy |
Quick Swap is a pretty neat mod that removes the cooldown between swapping items on the hotbar.
Version 1.2: Potions are again usable while using a weapon! Beware: The mod might not work perfectly with all mods, and might have introduced a bunch of unforseen bugs. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
Sky Lord's Random Mod
Download v1.5 (31.4 KB) |
Sky Lord |
Sky Lord's Random Items is a mod with stuff that I put in as soon as I think of it.
It includes: Op Sword Luminite Blaster Luminite Bow Treasure Chest Hamburger Of Doom Chi Bullet Superman Potion Literal Gun Candy Cane Stake Launcher Candy Cane Stake The Treasure Chest is a pet summon item but I don't know how to make it equipable, or make it have a buff. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Damage Tracker
Download v1.1 (14.4 KB) |
Lex |
This mod allows clients to track damage done to creatures.
For example when set to track only bosses, after the boss dies, it will spit out details of how much damage was done between sources. Example: /track npc Any npc you hit (example: slime or a king slime) on the death of that npc your damage will be spit out in chat. /track boss Any boss you hit (like the kingslime) on the death of that npc your damage will be spit out in chat. Players are not currenlty tracked, It's an option that might be added later. 1.1 - Updated latest api - Made some of the text responses look better Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.6 | Edit | Delete |
Download v1.0 (9.7 KB) |
RedPythons |
Damage+ is a mod that allows the modification of how much damage your player can do. The mod will allow you to update damages from all vanilla damage types and mabye modded ones too in the future.
Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Hard To Less Hard
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Download v5.0 (42.9 MB) |
Sockmit2007 |
Hard To Less Hard is a mod made for a easier experience.
4.0 The God Of Blood 1 new boss 2 new npcs 5 new items 4.3 The Flames Of Fury HotFix 1 new item 4.5 Fright Brings MIGHT SIGHT LIGHT AND NIGHT 4 new recipes 5 Stark Lore 5 new recipes 5 new items 1 new boss 1 new npc Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Bagel Mod
Download v0.4 (13.4 KB) |
Toasty |
All sprites in this mod were sprited by Freerasinbread
This mod is 100% not me messing about with random stuff and a 10 second sprite. Changelogs: 0.4: made all bagels obtainable 0.3.1: made the "bagel" item no longer give the potion sickness debuff 0.3: added a new weapon 0.2: updated the mod description 0.1: release Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.3 | Edit | Delete |
Rigel's Mod
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Download v0.5.1.1 (158.8 KB) |
Rigel, Wallam |
This is just bunch of random ideas.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
OP Presents
Download v0.1 (18 KB) |
Dirt Rod |
Every enemy has a chance to drop a mildly overpowered present that scales with game progression
Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |