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Mediumcore Inventory Save & Local Real Time
Download v1.6 (21.3 KB)

Vedavox, The Green Egg

Are you tired of fixing your inventory after you die in mediumcore? Me too... use this mod.
Are you so obssessed with the game that you lose track of real world time? Me too... so what? Now you can see it.


"Home" - Used to enable/disable death cache. When death cache is true and you die, it saves your inventory. By default this value is true, however, when you die this value becomes false.
Once you recover your items, press the hotkey to set it back to true so when you die, it works again. This will also display the current status.

The above hotkey was added as a safety measure in case of subsequent deaths prior to picking up items.

Note: If your hotkey is not displaying a message when you press it, make sure to check your key bindings.


The code behind displaying the time was inspired by GoodPro712's FlightTimer Mod.
You can check out that mod here:


1. If you have a full inventory when you go to pick up your body, this mod will not do anything as your inventory is full.

2. This mod does not work properly with players who have the same name.


When you pick up your items after death, this mod puts everything back the way it was in your inventory right before you died.
Also shows time

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Skyhawk's Mod
Download v1.5.1 (3.6 MB)


A bunch of random additions that spice up the base game!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Swaez's Expansion
Download v0.1 (7.7 KB)


Swaez's Expansion is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Broken Rod of Discord
Download v1.0.1 (18.1 KB)


Broken Rod of Discord adds a limited range pre-hardmode rod of discord that uses a magic missile-like projectile. It can also be used to find caves ;)

PS. I used a lot of code from Vex's quality of life mod and the example mod (vanilla included), so dont yell at me please!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.4 Edit | Delete
Quick Buy
Download v1.1 (10.7 KB)


Adds a hotkey to quick buy an item from an NPC.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Extinction Tales
Download v0.12.0 (610.7 KB)

The Extinction Tales Team

Extinction Tales is a Mod that aims to add new content to Terraria

Currently this Mod adds:
. 100+ Items including Weapons, Accessories and Armor Sets
. New enemies
. New ores
. 3 Bosses -
> 2 Pre-Hardmode Bosses
> 1 Hardmode Boss
. 2 new classes: Assassin and Brute
. New difficulty: Exterminator Mode(W.I.P)

- This will be moved to a wiki as soon as possible -

V 0.12.0:
.New Boss: Rune Warrior
.Items replaced: Ornament Crystal -> Misleading Heart
.Balanced items, recipes, basically everything
.A ton of resprites
.New Items
.New Weapons
.New Armor Sets
.New Enemies
.New Buffs/Debuffs
.New Materials
.New Ores: Brilliance, Charged Granite, Ancient Marble
.Reworked the World Generation(We highly recommend you to create a new world to play the Mod)
.Now every accessory dropped by a boss was moved to Exterminator Mode

If you find any bugs, join the Discord server and feel free to feedback us!
We are looking for people to help us develop the Mod, for more info. click on the Mod homepage.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Random Block Worlds
Download v0.1 (11.1 KB)


The Random Block Worlds Mod is going to randomly swap the block types in a world after it's generation has been finished.
Now you can play in very strange world, that can be very cruel or beautiful! Enjoy!

1. It is not advised to use this mod together with other mods, especially those which change the world drastically by adding many new biomes. Therefore using popular mods like Thorium or Calamity can sadly lead to lags or even crashes during world generation or playthrough.

2. Depending on your PC's performance, Terraria might be unresponsive and taking some time to swap the blocks at the end of each world generation, mostly if it's a large world. Unless it takes longer than around 5 minutes, you should be fine by just waiting for terraria to finish the block swaps and not interacting with the program during that period.

- Idea by "Wand of Sparking", Terraria Youtuber; Implementation by lucker, some Terraria Veteran.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.3.3.3 (381.9 KB)


Knives is a mod that adds a 63 items and 4 npcs currently Thx for 1000+ downloads

the name is bugged and i cant be bothered to fix it with all other work i have to do

this mod focuses mostly on post-moonlord content but has some stuff sprinkled in pre-hardmode and hardmode

16 weapons
7 armor sets (21 items)
7 accessories
20 misc items

3 bosses:
Devourer of Souls
Gate Lord Diablos
Devourer of Souls Hard version

and ooh its my first mod
added 3 weapons
changed some recipes
added a few items (no weapons)
modified some weapons
fixed DOS body.(there is a chance for the head to bug out still)
added new weapon
mad a "Hard" Version of DOS
modified Hades armor
fixed DOS droprates (it tried to drop like 9 items per body part... so now the head drops the loot)

massively buffed DOS
massively buffed summoner aspect of endgame armor
balanced sulfuras weapon
did some more stuff that i cant remember
old boss nerfed
nerfed afterlife armor set
New boss
recipe changes
new armor set
new weapon
weapon stat changes
Boss buffed
boss minion buffed
endgame weapons nerfed (mostly melee)
minor buff to ranged weapons damage and attack speed
minor buff to magic attack speed but nerfed damage
cleaned upp description
added 1 weapon
added 3 weapons
tweaked reaper armor

added 2 npcs
added 1 boss (breaks if you are using the throwing knives(can't seem to fix it))

1 armor set (hardmode)
1 pair of wings
1 crafting item
tweaked reaper armor set

added 1 item

added 1 armor set
added 4 crafting items
changed Sun's Fury stats, projectile and sprite
added 1 weapon

added 1 meele weapon
fixed mob drops (all items should be obtainable)

removed icon

failed to add icon

added 1 more armor set (post-moonlord)
added 2 hardmode weapons
added 1 pre-hardmode weapon
added 1 pre-hardmode crafting item
added 1 post-moonlord crafting item

added 3 more armor sets (hardmode)

added first armor set (pre-hardmode)

added crafting items (11)
changed weapon recipes

added weapons (6)
realeased mod

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.7 Edit | Delete
Breakable Chests
Download v1.0.1 (13.7 KB)

LolXD87, GoodPro712

Breakable Chests is a mod that allows the player to break a chest with items in it with the items dropping as they break it.

Thanks LolXD87 for doing basically all the work.

Version History:

- Initial release

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.4 Edit | Delete
Shaanvirs Nightmare
Download v0.1 (9.6 KB)


ShaanvirsNightmare is a cursed mod with tons of items (soon) and cool stuff

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Fireblaze Mod
Download v0.2 (53.1 KB)


Fireblaze is a new mod that hopes to at some point add new biomes, bosses, tiers, and more. As of now, it only contains 27 items, as I try and grasp how exactly to program in C#.

If anyone would like to help me with spriting, programming, or anything else with the mod, PLEASE contact me on Discord at TheCrock#9613. You will be given full credit for any work you do on the mod in this description.

Huge credit to Rebmiami, he's helped me so much with the code for things like the ore generation and the Abyssal Sword's homing ability.


-Added two new enemies.
-Vulcan Ore generates in the stone layers after killing the three Mechanical Bosses.
-Added four new tiers of items and weapons: Vigorite, Frostite, Vulcan, and Abyssal.
-Added two new pairs of wings, two armor sets, three swords, one staff, two yoyos, and one accessory.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Vertigo's Mod +
Download v1.7 (155.7 KB)


Hello, This is a mod that adds more stuff to the game. I tryed to make it as balanced as possible. With some exseptions >:).
Anyway I am planning on adding more to this in the futrue.To keep posted on updates. Subscribe to my youtube channel.
The link is right here
anyway, this is my mod <3


1. Added Mighty Saber (10 hallowed bars, 5 souls of might, 2 steel)
2. Added Mechanical Firefly (1 Firefly, 1 steel bar) !CAUSION! This is a boss summon
3. Added The Mechanical Menace (Boss) Note: it can be fought at any time, anywhere
4. Added Exo eye (New nightime enemy) Note: they drop Eternal bars that are not used in any crafting recipe. . . yet >:)

Thank you all for 2500 downloads.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Forced Jungle Temple
Download v1.7 (16.6 KB)


Let's face it, nobody fights Golem in the temple, and while I can sort of understand that, I feel there should be a limit to this, at least for the first time you fight and defeat Golem.
So what does this mod do? Well, for one, you can't fight Golem anywhere except in the jungle temple if you haven't defeated it first, as you will be inflicted with Golem's Curse otherwise, which will disable use of items, and you won't be able to hurt Golem either.
In addition, while you are in the jungle temple, you are inflicted with Golem's Presence, which works exactly like Creative Shock, until you defeat Golem for the first time.
While this does have some flaws, such as temple generation being utter garbage sometimes, as well as the fact that there's nothing stopping you teleporting into the temple chamber, but it still does its intended job, to present a challenge.
Did anyone ask for this? No, not really, but I still felt like making this mod.

(Lowkey I think I have a Chaotic Good stance on this whole thing)

Being in front of natural Lihzahrd Brick Walls before Plantera is defeated will summon Temple Guardians

Traps, Pressure Plates and Wooden Spikes in front of natural Lihzahrd Brick Walls can no longer be mined if Golem hasn't been defeated yet
Golem's Presence no longer has the Creative Shock effect and now only serves as an informational debuff
This means you can build in the temple again, allowing you to make a more controlled arena
Just don't make your arena out of dart traps, as those will be affected too

Creative Shock is replaced with Golem's Presence, the effect is identical
It didn't really matter that Creative Shock was replaced, as the debuff itself is purely cosmetic
Lihzard Bricks in front of natural Lihzahrd Brick Walls can no longer be mined if Golem hasn't been defeated yet

1.1 to 1.4

Initial release

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (61.5 KB)


A Galaxyian Expansion Mod

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
840's Better Building
Download v1.0 (6.3 KB)


This mod allows you to instantly break and place any block. This feature is super useful for building, even in just a normal playthrough.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Futik Mod
Download v0.1 (8 KB)


Futik Mod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Ikea Mod
Download v1.2 (14.3 KB)


Ikea Mod is a mod that adds an Ikea Dealer NPC which sells furniture and building items. This mod also adds a few weapons and an interesting type of ammo.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Call Of Duty Zombies Perks
Download v1.0.1.2 (252.2 KB)

Big Nickel

Call Of Duty Zombies Perks adds many of the perk-a-colas featured in the Call of Duty Zombies modes
They are mostly faithful to their original counterparts apart from some where the features are adapted to fit terraria's gameplay mechanics
Drinking a perk will provide its effects until the player dies

Perks can be obtained by killing bosses and rare enemies

The mod currently adds 5 perks being:
.Quick Revive
.Double Tap
.Speed Cola

1.0.1 - Added a homepage

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Craftable Dyes
Download v1.1 (15.4 KB)


Are you ever tired of scouring your world for Strange Plants just to get a dye you don't like? Well fear no more!

Craftable Dyes makes every single Strange Dye (excluding Dev Dyes) craftable with a new item, Colorless Dye. Just bring a Strange Plant to a Dye Vat, and boom, Colorless Dye.
Each dye will only be craftable at the time it is meant to be obtained via the Dye Trader.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Terrup [Discontinued]
Download v0.0.3.2 (6.7 KB)


Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
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