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Download v1.51 (91.4 KB)

Senyour Spooks

Eureka is a work in progress.
If you feel like working with me, let me know on the mods homepage on the terraria forumns. I would love to have a partner.
Trying to learn how to sprite as well so bear with me on the visuals.

Added the Black Hole Grenade made out of 2 dynamite at a work bench.
Ever wanted to watch stuff explode, then watch the drops rotate around the explosion? Well now is your chance with the BHG. TM

-Added the Bladirang made from the breaker blade and the Gunnerang made from the clockwork assault rifle. These are both boomerangs of sorts.

-Added boomerangs for crimtane(BloodLetter) and demonite(TheDark).

-Added boomerangs for Copper, Tin, Iron, Lead, Silver, Tungsten, Gold, and Platinum.

-Lumirang made from 10 lunar bars and 10 vortex fragments. An end game boomerang

Release - V1.0
-Hellstone Spinner made from demon scythe and 15 hellstone bars (spins around the player and homes in on enemies as they approach)

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Painter Sells More Paintings
Download v1.2 (14.5 KB)


This simple mod makes it so the painting sells every painting in Vanilla.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.10.1.5 (17.4 KB)


ASpecialMod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
P.K.E Analyzer Device
Download v4.1.0 (165.4 KB)


Implements a PKE Analyzer Device item used for analyzing spiritual phenomena. This mod is intended to be combined with other mods that make specific use of the device (via. API).

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
One Way
Download v1.1.0 (16.6 KB)


Restricts your movement to a single direction at all times (locks the screen while backtracking).

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Element and Machine 元素与机械
Download v0.6 (716.5 KB)


-计划增加两个boss : 地魂巨石 和 墨翠矿鲨

-代码- 龙舞六道/狗舞八道/会龙舞的Mantodea/人/Aseprite官方/MSN魔骸/舞姐/小舞
-代码支持- 咸鱼男子 ,dam233666 ,月 ,赌上我的251秒(啥比一个) , 网络蛤心
-画师- 蛮荒画师 日耀画师 堕落画师 挑战者画师 混沌源起画师 守卫者画师(不要在意这些细节)
-乐师- 暂无

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Azraels Blade
Download v0.2 (3.7 KB)


The best replica of Azraels Blade in the universe!
Slay the monsters of the night with this great sword!

This replica has a base damage of 43, making it a great pre-hardmode sword.
Can be acquired with 35 hellstone bars.

There is the real deal. But its impossible...
Craft the wraith of god with 999 Hellstone bars and 99 Mythril bars.
Good luck.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0.9.1 (112.8 KB)


Voidic is currently being developed by one person so don't expect much.

* Adds 14 items (3 which are unobtainable)
* 5 Weapons (3 unobtainable)
* 3 Tools
* 1 Accessory
* 4 Potions (1 unobtainable)

* Adds 1 Debuff

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Qol of life
Download v0.7.5 (26.7 KB)

Matslo123, NighthawkSLO

Qol of life increases most stack sizes, provides unlimited healing and mana potions and adds recipes for some travelling merchants accessories.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Major Borealis
Download v0.3.1 (15.7 KB)


Major Borealis is a terraria extension mod that hopes to push the limits of the game itself. (Probably won't!)

Latest update: Added the Aurora, a hardmode sword.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Crayzy Mod
Download v0.3 (1.2 MB)

Worldwide Guy

This mod is a collection of random items that I felt would be good additions to the game.


Worldwide Guy (me) - Sprites
Espiritual - Coding

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.5.1 (32.7 KB)


This mod extends upon guns. There are 6 prehardmode guns, 1 mid harmode gun, three post-plantera bows, three post moon lord weapons, and one unobtainable weapon.



Fixed Lithium's Generation


Added some test guns (they will be noticeable when you see repeats of sprites) that may or may not be craftable.
Added the "Plasmatic Leecher".


Gel Gun:
Damage decreased from 18 to 16.
Projectile Speed decreased from 20 to 15.
Shoot Speed Increased from 14 to 10.

Shroom Shooter:
Shoot Speed decreased from 27 to 30.
Damage increased from 50 to 65.
Projectile Speed decreased from 55 to 30.
Crafting Recipe now requires 15 shroomite bars (originally 10)

Damage increased from 150 to 175.
Shoot Speed decreased from 15 to 17.
Projectile Speed increased from 50 to 80.
Crafting recipe now requires 15 chlorophyte bars (originally 10) and 5 vines (originally 10).


Gel Gun Added


Meteorshark now shoots Meteor Shots
True Tsunami now shoots 90-120 arrows in a shot (originally 50-150)
True Tsunami now has a spread of 60 degrees (originally 90)
Increased True Tsunami's damage from 25 to 30.
Decreased Dirt Gun's damage from 10 to 5.


Fixed Iron and Dirt Gun's weird behavior.
Decreased spread from Iron Gun further.
Made Iron Gun have the ability to shoot instead of 2 shots, shoot 2-4.
Increased Dirt Gun's damage from 7 to 10


Fixed "Iron Gun"'s name.

Decreased Cellshark's Damage from 9 to 6.
Increased Cellshark's Speed from 11 to 9.
Decreased Spread and number of projectiles shot from Iron Gun.
Iron Gun now has a 10% ammo reservation.

Decreased Cellshark's Damage from 15 to 9.


Added "Iron Gun", And "Cellshark", the crimson alternative to the Demonshark.
Reduced Dirt Gun's Damage from 20 to 7.


Made "Destiny" shoot faster and do less damage.


Mod released

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Miuki's mod
Download v0.1 (28.7 KB)


Miuki's mod

It's the best thing you could get.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Cool Kid Mod
Download v1.2.9.3 (990.6 KB)


Don't bother getting this mod, it's not very good.

Currently adds:
- 274 Items
- 20 NPCs
- 6 Tiles
- 1 Wall
- 3 Bosses

Most recent version:
- Fixed spelling of "homicide" (sorry, I didn't know)
- Made the shields scale crit with missing life, but harder to build

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2 (6.5 KB)


MoreStuffMod is a pretty cool mod, it adds More Cool Items Blocks Bioms Mobs

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Soap Mod
Download v0.4.3 (90.1 KB)

TeethPaste & Toekske

If you don't like downloading low quality mods, this isn't for you,
if you want to know what this mod has, keep reading.

This mod adds 50+ items, going from the very beginning, to the very end of the game.
Working on:
Changing sprites,
Adding more content such as accessories, bosses etc,
Item values and rarities,
(Accessories in the next update)
More end game stuff,
Changes to sprites,
Version 0.4.3:
*Added an icon,
*Added Soap of Planets III,
*Added the Void Eye,
*Added the Colossal Void Eye,
*Changed a few more sprites including Soap of planets I & II,
*Adjusted the 'Soap on a stick' recipe,
*Removed Broken Hero Stick, (It was only used in one recipe anyway...)
*Removed Safety Scissors, (Only used in 3 recipes and completely pointless lol)
*Some other changes to some other stuff
*Added 2 hostile NPC's - Plague Doctor and Void Zombie with new drops (!),
*Changed Planet Essence sprites,
*Changed a few other sprites,
*Changed the name of 'Soap of existance' to 'Soap of Planets I',
*Added Void Souls and Void Bars,
*Added Soap of Planets II,
*Hopefully (if it works) added an icon

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.11 (19.7 KB)


Jason is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Seraph Of The End
Download v1.0 (7.8 KB)


~~Seraph Of The End~~


- 7 New Weapons!
- 1 New Item!
- Many more things planned for the future!


- v0.1.0
Added 6 Weapons
- v0.1.1
Bug Fixes
- v0.2.0
Added Blood Leech & Mysterious Sword

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Nebula In A Bottle
Download v1.0 (5.3 KB)


Nebula In A Bottle!
With this N.I.A.B. You can quad jump! No mod has ever allowed you to do that before (probably has actually)
It's a little nebula in a little bottle!
I had this idea at school. Yeah.

v1.0 added icon

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (3.1 KB)


TimeAndWorld Hi i am Kurumi creator it's mod, creating in progress"> TimeAndWorld Hi i am Kurumi creator it's mod, creating in progress

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
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