tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
Fishing Tokens - Angler Overhaul
Download v1.1 (36 KB) |
mothbeanie, stupid cat |
This mod gives the Angler a new shop! Instead of being randomly rewarded with an item upon completing a quest, you're given fishing tokens to spend to buy exactly what you want!
Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.6 | Edit | Delete |
Randomly Generated Items (Read Desc.)
Download v0.1 (3.8 MB) |
iamcoolman |
PLEASE do not use this mod with any other mod. It will ruin your experience, especially in the
early game. This mod adds 1200 items to the game (400 swords, 400 bows, 400 guns). ALOT, HOWEVER they were all randomly generated. The sprites are resprites of items in the game, albeit a lot uglier. The crafting recipes and damage and everything is random. I might update this later so that it is even more random, or I might leave it be. This mod was made for you to laugh at the names and tooltips, as those were randomly generated as well, and most of them don't make sense. THIS MOD IS NOT BALANCED AT ALL. IF YOU WANT AN ACTUAL SENSE OF PROGRESSION DISABLE THIS!!! If you find a bug please report it to me :). Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.2 | Edit | Delete |
Just A Normal Mod For Normal People
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Download v0.5 (75 KB) |
Aqua Cake |
JANMFNP Introduces:
4 Items (Including A New Drop For Moon Lord) 3 Items Not Fully In The Game! (Will Be Added Eventually) (Can be found in cheat sheet) 3 Enemies 1 Armor Set 1 Critter 1 Tool 1 Mount made from crimson 2 Banners V0.5 - Last Updated 12/3/2019 This is my first mod, I hope you enjoy some part of it. Planned For The Future: Custom Sounds A Boss After Moon Lord A Boss After A Boss After Moon Lord Blocks that require higher pickaxe power than currently in the game Armor Screaming Slime Lots more not listed here Changelog: v0.5 - The Eye Of Cthulu now can drop Essence Of Sight, New armor can be crafted from the Essence Of Sight called invis armor (with the chestplate not sprited.) v0.4 - Added a new desert cave enemy called the fire bubble, added a banner for Small Man, fixed The Squished Ones Banner not working, gave The Squished One a higher spawn chance. v0.3 - Added the Life believer which is a hardmode caverns npc, added a banner for the squished one. v0.2 - Gave The Squished One More Defense, Made a mount, Added a new critter that can be used as bait. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Custom Challenge Mod
Download v0.1.2.3 (69.8 KB) |
Rebmiami |
NPC Combat Mod is a mod that allows the player to change the rules of Terraria to create an interesting variety of custom challenges.
To use the challenge creation features in this mod, you must do the following: -Go into "Mods" from the main menu -Find Custom Challenge Mod and enable it (if it isn't already) -Reload your mods -Click on the config button (gear and wrench) next to CCM -Adjust settings to your wish -Click "Save Config", reload your mods again, and play! Thanks to Kazzymodus for this shockwave tutorial: Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Spell Sword Mod - Dagger Update!
Download v0.1.2 (11.5 KB) |
Woxxxter |
Spell Sword Mod is a Mod based around quality and interesng weapons with vanilla-like interactions.
All weapons have two attack modes (main fire and secondary fire). For now the mod includes: a) 5 weapons: -Moguelian Sword -Mana Daggers -Crystal Daggers -Cursed Daggers -Ichor Daggers Changelogs: 0.1.2 -Dagger update! -Added Crystal, Cursed and Ichor daggers -Fixed Mana Dagger visual bug 0.1.1 -Regular update -Added Mana Daggers -Changed Moguelian Sword behaviour 0.1.0 -First release -Added Moguelian Sword -This is my firt mod and also a testing mod. Be aware that any weapon could be reworked in the near future. I'll soon create a post on Terraria Forums to have discussion about the mod and ask for suggestions (I don't feel like there's enough content yet for me to make a post). I'll also work on an icon for the mod. Enjoy! Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Super Accessory 测试版
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Download v1.2 (99.3 KB) |
是黑岩啊 |
新增快捷键显示饰品信息 修复了[九王国守护]弹幕无效bug 修复[狄拉克倒影]数值异常 修复与灾厄冲突的部分饰品 --------------模组说明--------------- 饰品可见开关可以隐藏部分饰品效果 关于[洛基附身][赫尔之魂][狂暴之心]数值异常: 将这三个饰品全部摘下后再戴上就好了 如果遇到新的bug可以到b站私我 "> --------------更新日志--------------- 新增快捷键显示饰品信息 修复了[九王国守护]弹幕无效bug 修复[狄拉克倒影]数值异常 修复与灾厄冲突的部分饰品 --------------模组说明--------------- 饰品可见开关可以隐藏部分饰品效果 关于[洛基附身][赫尔之魂][狂暴之心]数值异常: 将这三个饰品全部摘下后再戴上就好了 如果遇到新的bug可以到b站私我 Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.6 | Edit | Delete |
COD zombies
Download v1.7.6 (2.7 MB) |
snipeparpar, and leechyh… |
this mod is being made, bye me (snipeparpar/owner/coder/spriter) and xavierhax/leechyhax (spriter) COD zombies, a great game that i played as a kid and still play till this day, was play some terraria made a texture pack based on COD zombies, and started to think what if i make this a mod, and then i well did, but i also am cus im not done, enjoy :) UPDATE 1.7.6 USEABLE IN SURVIVAL NOW added 4 perks (music boxes) they can be equiped or just used like a normal music box they do just become invisible when you click it, will try to found out why soon and patch that all 4 of them drop from the moon lord, they have about 2.5x more of a chance to drop then 115, and they also drop from the boss bag will get new sprites for them soon, spriter needs to finish them ------------------------------------------- PATCHES, AND BUG FIXES ------------------------------------------- Fixed not being able to craft weapons such as .Raygun .Raygun mk2 .Mustang and Sally ------------------------------------------- also made it so that you can craft these guns now .WonderWaffe .Hell's Retriever ------------------------------------------- Fixed all 115 drop bugs and issues, such as .not dropping from moon lord bags .rarly spawning .sometimes giving over 200 .never giving it for some reason ------------------------------------------- Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Riven Blade
Download v0.1 (6.1 KB) |
Mantecol |
Riven Blade from League of Legends now in Terraria!
Includes (for now): Default Riven Skin Blade only and the "Wind Slash" This is a alpha version so not expect High Quality content. I will be updating with new blades and effects as i have time. TO DO list: Championship Blade Battle Bunny Blade Dawnbringer Blade Redeemed Blade Arcade Blade Crimson Elite Blade Dragonblade Blade? Pulsefire Blade All blades with their respective wind slash and effects. Sorry for bad english and this is my first mod! yay! Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Wooden Sword
Download v0.1 (3.7 KB) |
darkn1nja01 |
Wooden Sword is a pretty cool mod, it shoots sand to pwn your foes!Can be made with 10 Wood on crafting bench
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Hobbiton Mod
Download v0.9.2 (238.7 KB) |
jvidalc |
This mod, so far, simply adds a new NPC Hobbit to your town.
He sells several items a hobbit would, such as fishing items, ale, barrels, benches... and some more! Also, the conversation lines are custom (These are in spanish, but I'm looking for a way to translate them to other languages). Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.4 | Edit | Delete |
Gilligan's Sword
Download v0.1 (4.6 KB) |
shockbr3 |
Another custom sword mod.
This mod adds: 1 Sword: Gilligan's Enchanted Wooden Sword, a basic early-game sword. Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Zotsky's Arsenal
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Download v0.0.3.1 (2.9 MB) |
Zotsky |
Zotsky's Arsenal v0.0.3.1
Mod oriented to Endgame stuff. Adds a new class, and a lot of weapons and items wich synergize greatly with it. The mod is still fresh and under development, not playable at all, the reason i published it is to get some feedback and create some hype :P v0.0.3 changes: - Deleted "Hel's Mark" and "Hel's Rest" accessories. - Deleted "Hel Syphon" accessory and its associated buff. - "Hel Syphon" buff is now a bonus for the Hel's Visage armor set. - Color change on the three "Hel's Flakker" versions. - Other unimportant changes. v0.0.3.1 hotfix: - Fixed a bug where "Hel's Vow" worked incorrectly. Zotsky's Arsenal currently adds: - Helhound Sub-Class: Vanguard serving the godess Hel, deals destructive amounts of damage at the cost of his own health. Weapons made in Helfheim use health as ammo, and enrage whenever its weilder goes under half HP - 4 new items: * 3 Weapons * 1 Armor set * 1 Accesory - 2 buffs -- THIS MOD IS IN PROGRESS AND IN NO WAY PLAYABLE WITHIN A NORMAL PALYTHROUGH -- If you want to help me with this mod, contact me in the forums or in Discord "zotsky#3469" Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Defender Forge Unlimited Buffs
Download v0.1.1 (8 KB) |
Fayyne |
This mod allows you to place stacks of Potions into your Defender Forge for unlimted buff duration. Default is standard max stack, can be increases from 1 to 1000.
Do note if you go above standard stack size you will need a mod that allows for the QTY to be in a SINGLE stack. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.3 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.1.1.7 (15.1 KB) |
Mak0 |
Moloko is a mod adding special Milk items. Some of them may be overpowered but most of them are balanced. This mod is in very early alpha state.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
mod for test
Download v0.10.1.4 (23.9 KB) |
sancheS |
it's test mod.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
Simple Display Clock
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Download v0.2 (23.2 KB) |
ejherran |
Simple Display Clock is a mod, that allows you to see the time of the world without having to equip a watch as accessory.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Chad's Better Prefixes
Download v0.4 (76.5 KB) |
Chad Dewitt |
This mod adds 6 modifiers
Veto = +45% knockback Colossal = +35% size Penetrating = +20% critical chance Ruination = +25% damage Wildfire = +25% speed Irregular = random stat distribution. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.7 | Edit | Delete |
Chao Playmate Mod
Download v0.30 (112.7 KB) |
Chao Playmate |
This is the Chao Playmate Mod! It's currently not very big, but there are a few things added:
- 9 Weapons - 2 Pets - 1 Town NPC - 1 Crafting Material - 1 Enemy - 4 Paintings - 3 Statues Sprite credit goes to: - Chao Playmate (Me, I made all the sprites that kinda suck lol) - Mr. Porkchop (NPC sprites, Statues, Paintings) - EmilianoMario (Paintings) - CynikalTazumu (Paintings) Changelog: v0.3 NEW!: - Added a new line for Chao's potential dialogue when speaking to the Lucario NPC - Changed the ridiculous sell value of the Expensive Film from 3 Gold to 1 Silver - Rebalanced and altered the crafting recipes for the Canvas Quest weapons - Changed the Ball of Aura by replacing the required Black Dye with 5 Staura Cores because Black Dye SUCKS to get - The shotgun weapons actually work like shotguns (amazing) - Added 4 new paintings sold by Chao (Credit to artists Mr. Porkchop, EmilianoMario, and CynikalTazumu for art used) - Added 3 statues crafted with 50 stone and a Staura Core at a Heavy Workbench (Sprites created by Mr. Porkchop) - Slightly altered the sprites of the Staura Slime and fixed the particle effects on being hit - Fixed the crafting recipe of the Staura Tome to need just a book and not a tome, making it viable at the point it is craftable v0.2: - Added Chao (that's me lol), a new Town NPC that moves in when you kill the Eye of Cthulhu or own one of the new pets. - Added Staura Cores that drop from Staura Slimes. - Added the Staura Tome that can be crafted with Staura Cores or bought from Chao. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (3.3 KB) |
SW31/Zaigooch2k |
MoonSwordv1 is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Palo Mod
Download v0.1 (4.9 KB) |
Gaelmendia |
Pepito tiene una defensa igual a 60, en el modo normal reduciria el da�o en 30, y en el modo Experto lo reduciria en 45. Asi que si le pegan con un palo y le hacen 100 de da�o en un mundo en modo normal, va a recibir 70 de da�o, y en un mundo del modo experto va a recivir 55.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |