tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
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Download v0.0.0.4 (858.5 KB) |
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After loading mod, you can synthesize "Execute" items empty handed After use, you can use most weapons in the backpack with one button 加载MOD后可空手合成“执行”物品 使用后即可一键使用背包内的大部分武器 QQ群:415380627 作者QQ:2026731584 Update :修复消耗弹药武器射出奇怪弹幕的BUG Update :现已兼容原版武器 Update : 增加了Icon Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v1.0 (56 KB) |
RandomZachOfKindness |
Also known as Every Mod That Claims It Has A Boss Harder Then Spirit Of Purity Rematch In A Nutshell *glares at ultraconyx*. A mod that is basically just a meme. The boss is NOT possible, and that is intentional, cause this is a mod that makes fun of some other mods :)
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
Oxymite Mod
Download v0.1 (8.8 KB) |
shrug0 |
New Swords Added! 1. Oxymite 2. OxyMight 3. Atmosphere It is A W.i.p as there are bugs with the projectiles but i will fix it soon! v0.0 Oxymite Mod Is Here! W.i.p Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
skardian guardian
Download v100.1 (3 KB) |
NoScam |
skardian guardian is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
+100% increased quality of life
Download v0.8 (19.2 KB) |
thegigibeast |
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.2.2 | Edit | Delete |
Karambit Mod
Download v0.1 (3 KB) |
Goat Fetus Gamer |
Karambit Mod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.0.8.1 (388.2 KB) |
AwesomePerson159 |
The Terrxplosion Mod
A portal has opened up in the realm of Terraria with a large explosion, filling it with new content! Explore the new revamped world with new revamped gear and fight new revamped mobs! Discord: Wiki: Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Disable Spider Nests
Download v1.0 (7.7 KB) |
NuovaPrime |
This mod disables spider nests from spawning entirely, for those of you with arachnophobia. This mod also gives an alternate recipe for spider fangs.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
TheLegend's Mod
Download v0.11 (8.4 KB) |
TheLegend27 |
This is my first mod ;/
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Overpowered mod
Download v0.5 (11 KB) |
Petr |
wanna kill moon lord one hit? Yes? Well get the not really rare K.O sword and kill everything one-hit (this mod will contain also a boss that can't be 1 hitted in the future)
Happy to say that i added the sonic fast pickaxe! Everything can be crafted from demonite! kill few mecha bosses to farm those You can't craft at anvil only at workbench because only legends use workbench. armor idea was canceled because it gave a lot of errors. You don't have to upgrade to this version but if you want you can CHANGELOG - Old item descriptions removed + New item descriptions added * Fixed K.O Sword name Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Portable Banner(便携旗子)
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Download v0.0.0.301 (25.3 KB) |
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Let you get the Banner buff permanently, no need to plant another Banner
让你永久性获得旗帜buff,不用再插一地旗帜 update It also applies to creatures without banners Use "Banner core" to switch this effect更新: 现在也适用于没有旗帜的生物 通过使用"旗帜核心"开关此效果 Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
Sword of Gaia
Download v0.330.3 (139.7 KB) |
Sinaqua |
Simple Things to learn Terraria modding. Changelog at bottom.
!!BALANCE IS WIP!! Honestly, it's not balanced right now. Mostly indev recipies and the like. Slowly getting there as testing progresses. -DESCRIPTION- Weapons: !!ALL RECIPIES SUBJECT TO CHANGE, THIS MOD IS VERY WIP, BUT IT IS STILL FUNCTIONAL/SAFE TO USE!! Sword of Gaia: Hardmode Arkhalis, longer reach and higher damage. Crafted from the Arkhalis and any Cobalt bar. Namesake of mod. New custom slash animation + emits light now! Color/recipe/name subject to change. Can be upgraded once more with Luminite. Shadowflame Dagger: Buffed Shadowflame Knives. Crafted from Shadowflame Knives. Daybreaker: Daybreak Upgrade for post-Moonlord. Faster and more damage. Crafted with Daybreak, Luminite Bar, and 15 Solar Fragments. Hammer of Gaia: Automatic Buffed Paladins Hammer (90dph ---> 150dph). I got tired of repeatedly clicking, Okay? Crafted with Paladins Hammer. AER-14, Improved Laser Rifle, crafted from Laser Rifle, 10 Metoric bars and 3 lens. Little less damage than SDMG or round-about. Uses 4 mana/shot Converted AER-14, as above but uses ammo rather than mana, projectile changes to whatever ammo you use. Crafted from AER-14. Can be converted back to the normal AER-14. Beam Rifle, crafted from 10 Hallowed bars, 10 Metoric Bars, and 3 Lens. Fires a Long-Range beam that bounces off of walls. Great for hitting everything in a cave at once. 4 Mana/Shot. Crystallus, 15 Solar fragments, 10 crystal shards, 1 Omni-Bar. Fires 5 SoG that seek. Semi-slow launch rate. Sealed Scroll: One Thousand Knives, 15 Nebula Fragmnets, 10 crystal shards, and an empty scroll (made from a book). Uses 5 mana/shot, fires 1 SoG that seeks. Fast. Recipe WIP. Balance WIP. Items: Psudeo Omni-Bar: crafted from all pre-Hardmode Bars (including those not spawned in a single world eg. BOTH Iron and Lead required). Crafted at Hellforge. Hardmode Psudeo Omni-Bar: As above, but Hardmode Bars. Crafted at Adamantite Forge. Omni-Bar: The 2 Psudeo Omnibars crafted with a Luminite Bar at an Ancient Manipulator. Used for this mod's penultimate crafting. Trinkets: Attuned Vial: 5 Omnibars at an Ancient Manipulator. 20 Armor Accessory that increases your minion count by 15 and buffs their damage by 100%. Azure Band: 5 Omnibars. Magical accessory that eliminates magic costs and increases health regen. Does not make you immortal, don't get cocky. Scroll of Lava-Wading: Omnibar and lava charm. Grants total immunity to lava and fire blocks. Prevents the "On Fire!" debuff. Probably the earliest Omnibar equipment to get. Golden Stone O' Life: 10 Omnibars, 10 Gold Bars, 10 Hallowed Bars. Rediculously powerful artifact that increases your health to around 1,000 and gives you standard life regen about on-par with the Shiny Stone, without needing to hold still. Omnicell Swarm: 15 Stardust Fragments and 2 Omnibars; spawns 5 Omnicell protectors, these take no minion slots and do base 120 damage. Try them, I recommend. Health/Other: Resonant Starcell: Omnibar, 15 Stardust Fragments, and a Super Healing Potion yields 10. Heals 500 Health. More things with Omnibars Soon! Omni-Armor is planned and being worked on. Everything except Omni-Bar equipment is crafted at a standard workbench. Anything done with Omnibars (besides the two sub-omnibar items) is done at the Ancient Manipulator. Enjoy, or don't. I don't own you. -------------------------------------- Plans: Bossmelter orb: Expensive consumable that summons a temporary minion. Does Extreme damage, but only to things that have ove X000 Health. Useless as a horde protection. Hordemelter orb: as above, but only targets things under X00 health, fires many seeking projectiles over its lifetime before dying. Used as either "emplacement" horde protection or maybe followers? Add in more weapons/abilities. Add special ammo for the AER-14 (or other guns, it's just meant to compliment the AER-14) Eventual plans (Don't Expect Soon): Learn how bosses work and code in an Omnibar Boss (Thinking like the mechanical bosses, but much, much stronger), drops Omnibars/Trinkets/Equipment. Omni tools/Weapons Omni Armor Actual In-Game icons for added stuff, rather than vanilla icons. //Somewhat done?? Shout out to my testers helping me along with Ideas and the such: Alaunus adth3759 Changelog v0.330.3: Fixed some misspellings, typos. Changelog v0.330.1: Added Omnicell Swarm. Changed SoG's slash, and added another version to be upgraded after moonlord. Balanced damages and some crafting recipies. Reworked how both seeking projectiles and the minions think. Changelog: v0.321.1: Lowered SoG brightness + changed how it moves. Now spawns particles (fancy!). Fixed an issue whe Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
Dark Bone Sword
Download v0.1 (3.2 KB) |
a3dg |
Dark Bone Sword is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Gizmodo's Toxic Sludge Mod
Download v1.0 (6.7 KB) |
Yuyutsu |
Gizmodo's Toxic Sludge Mod adds a craftable upgrade to the Slime Staff- The Toxic Sludge Staff! Enjoy :)
Idea by Gizmodo and sprites by bla2e. Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
Bubobble Mod
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Download v0.4 (161.9 KB) |
InfinaMii |
Bubobble Mod
This mod adds random stuff into Terraria. It is compatible with: - Ultranium (v0.6 and later) Unfortunately, I have removed the 'enablers', and the modpack will come full with this mod; so no choosing which content you want. Anybody with these enablers can delete them now, as they serve no purpose. Sorry! Weapons: - Platinum Sharpstake Crafted with platinum bars and arrows. A new upgrade to the Platinum sword! - Platinum Flamepoint Crafted with Platinum Bars and Flaming Arrows, Or by adding flaming arrows to the Sharpstake. The Sharpstake, but with fire! - Bubble Beamsword Crafted with a Sharpstake, gel, and amethysts. A pre-Hardmode Beam Sword! Items: - Cakes Traded by the Stampy NPC. Gives regeneration! - Nasty Cakes Traded by Stampy on a Full Moon. Gives poison! - Malicious Muffin Crafted with Hay, Honey, and Gel. Summons the Giant Cream! - Flesh Ball Crafted with Crimtane Ore and Souls of Night + Light. - Demon Ball Crafted with Demonite Ore and Souls of Night + Light. - Nectar Heart Drops from Ultranium's Beelectron! Can be made into various items. Bosses: - Giant Cream A harder King Slime. Summoned using a Malicious Muffin. - Eye of Flesh A pre-Mech Bosses Eye of Cthulhu. Summoned using a Flesh Ball/Demon Ball. Friendly NPCs: - Stampy Appears after defeating the Giant Cream. Sells different types of cakes! - Skeleton Appears after beating Skeletron. Sells bones! - Amethyst Penguin A purplish penguin. Crafted with a penguin and amethyst. Blocks: - Stardust Grass Found in the Stardust Cave. Generates after the Queen Bee."> Bubobble Mod This mod adds random stuff into Terraria. It is compatible with: - Ultranium (v0.6 and later) Unfortunately, I have removed the 'enablers', and the modpack will come full with this mod; so no choosing which content you want. Anybody with these enablers can delete them now, as they serve no purpose. Sorry! Weapons: - Platinum Sharpstake Crafted with platinum bars and arrows. A new upgrade to the Platinum sword! - Platinum Flamepoint Crafted with Platinum Bars and Flaming Arrows, Or by adding flaming arrows to the Sharpstake. The Sharpstake, but with fire! - Bubble Beamsword Crafted with a Sharpstake, gel, and amethysts. A pre-Hardmode Beam Sword! Items: - Cakes Traded by the Stampy NPC. Gives regeneration! - Nasty Cakes Traded by Stampy on a Full Moon. Gives poison! - Malicious Muffin Crafted with Hay, Honey, and Gel. Summons the Giant Cream! - Flesh Ball Crafted with Crimtane Ore and Souls of Night + Light. - Demon Ball Crafted with Demonite Ore and Souls of Night + Light. - Nectar Heart Drops from Ultranium's Beelectron! Can be made into various items. Bosses: - Giant Cream A harder King Slime. Summoned using a Malicious Muffin. - Eye of Flesh A pre-Mech Bosses Eye of Cthulhu. Summoned using a Flesh Ball/Demon Ball. Friendly NPCs: - Stampy Appears after defeating the Giant Cream. Sells different types of cakes! - Skeleton Appears after beating Skeletron. Sells bones! - Amethyst Penguin A purplish penguin. Crafted with a penguin and amethyst. Blocks: - Stardust Grass Found in the Stardust Cave. Generates after the Queen Bee. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v1.4 (58.4 KB) |
Fullzer0 |
FullziestModziest is a mod that is in development. Currently it only added a few items, when it's finished it add A LOT of items!
Current Version is 1.1 Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Extra Items
Download v0.12 (3 KB) |
superhempfi |
This mod is cool.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
The Super Fast Sword
Download v0.2 (7.5 KB) |
The Artic Space Fox |
The Super Fast Sword Brings an Very Fast Sword Into The Game + Does 1 Million Damage... Thats all it does...
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Neff Or Nothing
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Download v1.1 (221.5 KB) |
Dartsavo |
Adds more than 20 NEFF blasters to your game along with apparel, accessories and more! Its NEFF or Nothing!
V1.1 Update: Added 14 blasters, 5 crafting stations, 1 new Neff dart variant and the ability to create toy blasters for PvP. V1.0.6 Update: added the ability to craft empty shells at a 3D printer and they can now be purchased from the nerf fanatic when the player has the trilogy. V1.0.5 Update: fixed bugs with the Nerf Fanatic and jolts not appearing, added a hardmode infinite ammo item Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Calamity Broken Earth
Download v0.1 (7.6 KB) |
FluffythePanda17 |
Calamity Broken Earth Adds a Broken Version of the Calamity earth Sword.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |