tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
Download v0.1 (4.5 KB) |
Sk1m |
Sk1m is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (6.5 KB) |
ExpiredToast |
noahdownloadthisplease is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.1 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.7 (47.3 KB) |
tyw |
QuickStackPlus for tModLoader ver 0.6
About: Extend "Quick stack to nearby chest" using Chest name. Restock items using RestockRuleChest or RestockRuileFile. NOT TESTED IN MULTIPLAYER. Chest name prefixes: %<ANY> : Autosplit stack if reach Item#maxStack !<ANY> : Ignore chest /<REGEX> : Regex match(particial, case-sensitive) =<FILENAMEBASE>: Use PatternFile ?<FIELD_NAME>[<OP><RHS>] : Item#FIELD_NAME match. bool and interger field only. @<CHAR_NAME> : RestockRuleChest using Item#maxStack #<CHAR_NAME> : RestockRuleChest using size of stacks in chest. KeyAssign: QuickStackPlus(T):execute LoadRuleFile(Y):as is UniteInventory(U):unite divided stacks to one. RestockRuleFile: File path : <MyGames>/Terraria/ModLoader/Players/<CHAR_NAME>_rule.txt syntax(regex): " *([0-9]+) +(.+)" example: [CODE] #comment out 100 Dirt Block 90 Torch [/CODE] Item name is Case and Space sensitive. PatternFile: File path : <MyGames>/Terraria/ModLoader/Players/<FILENAMEBASE>.txt Can use prefix: /, ?, ! example: [CODE] Yellow Marigold /.* Dye$ #Store all items of Item#ranged==true without gel and coins !Gel !/Coin$ ?ranged #armor(not vanity) !?vanity ?headSlot != -1 ?bodySlot != -1 ?legSlot != -1 [/CODE] Filed name example: Refer Terraria source(Item.cs) for all fields. boolean : melee, ranged, magic, summon, thrown, vanity, mech, accessory, consumable, material int(defalut value=0) : pick, axe, hammer, damage, defence, headSlot(-1), bodySlot(-1), legSlot(-1), ammo, useAmmo, mountType(-1) Filed operand and RightHandSide value: OP: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >= RHS: interger History: ver 0.7 Add icon. ver 0.6 2018.12/31 Remov Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Project Eucalyptus
Download v0.1.1.1 (8.1 KB) |
Project Eucalyptus is an expansion mod.
Currently WIP It currently adds: Weapons (1) Melee (0) - Ranged (1) -Guns ~ 1 Magic (0) - Summon (0) - Armour (0) Items (1) Blocks (0) Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
Xeryph Insanity
Download v0.1 (30.5 KB) |
Xeryph |
Xeryph Insanity is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.1 | Edit | Delete |
Litoprobka's Random Stuff
Download v0.4 (6.2 KB) |
Litoprobka |
Just a small simple mod I wrote for playing with friends.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
DBT Addon
Download v1.0.9.2 (133.2 KB) |
VibingCat |
Intended for use with postmoonlord patched kaioken x3 not dropping from eater of worlds Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.2 | Edit | Delete |
Deco Plus
![]() |
Download v0.4 (44.7 KB) |
Migoor |
Deco Plus is a pretty cool and simple mod, this mod add a lot of decorations. === === This is an ALPHA mod so..don't have a lot of things YET. Don't judge the mod...thanks! === Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v2.60 (178.8 KB) |
filipton12, AleX |
LennyMod is pretty cool mod, beacause this mod add cool and powerful weapon!
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
Recipes for vanilla item from Calamity
Download v0.5 (6.3 KB) |
r3dmistyle |
I think somebody need this mod. It took vanilla recipes from calamity. Its not final version of mod. Yea, my english is bad :(
Contact: why this description is default? Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Endless Basics
Download v11.57 (30.7 KB) |
Golden |
Endless Basics
This Mod Allows You To Dupe Basic Items of the Gameplay Download CheckList Done! Downloads = 500 Done! Downloads = 1000 X Downloads = 1500 X Downloads = 2000 X Downloads = 2500 X Downloads = 3000 X Downloads = 3500 X Downloads = 4000 X Downloads = 4500 X Downloads = 5000 X Downloads = 5500 X Downloads = 6000 X Downloads = 6500 X Downloads = 7000 X Downloads = 7500 X Downloads = 8000 X Downloads = 8500 X Downloads = 9000 X Downloads = 9500 X Downloads = 10000 Enjoy ! These Dupe Mods Arent So Cheaty, And, Im Only Doing What We Do In Multiplayer. Check My Mods, Author Name : Golden Real Name & Surname : Alessandro Crimaldi. Email : You Can Dupe: All Ammo, Gel, Torch, Rope, Dirt, Stone, Shuriken, Sand, Jungle Spores, Throwing Knife, Count, Bee Wax, Bottled Honey, Bottled Water, Bottle, Mana Crystal, All Coins, Stinger, Vine, Life Crystal, Life Fruit, Silk Rope, Vine Rope, Web Rope, & Much More! Total: Items. Alert : This Mod Has Over Hundreds Of Items, So It Will Be In Continue Progress. Peace."> Endless Basics This Mod Allows You To Dupe Basic Items of the Gameplay Download CheckList Done! Downloads = 500 Done! Downloads = 1000 X Downloads = 1500 X Downloads = 2000 X Downloads = 2500 X Downloads = 3000 X Downloads = 3500 X Downloads = 4000 X Downloads = 4500 X Downloads = 5000 X Downloads = 5500 X Downloads = 6000 X Downloads = 6500 X Downloads = 7000 X Downloads = 7500 X Downloads = 8000 X Downloads = 8500 X Downloads = 9000 X Downloads = 9500 X Downloads = 10000 Enjoy ! These Dupe Mods Arent So Cheaty, And, Im Only Doing What We Do In Multiplayer. Check My Mods, Author Name : Golden Real Name & Surname : Alessandro Crimaldi. Email : You Can Dupe: All Ammo, Gel, Torch, Rope, Dirt, Stone, Shuriken, Sand, Jungle Spores, Throwing Knife, Count, Bee Wax, Bottled Honey, Bottled Water, Bottle, Mana Crystal, All Coins, Stinger, Vine, Life Crystal, Life Fruit, Silk Rope, Vine Rope, Web Rope, & Much More! Total: Items. Alert : This Mod Has Over Hundreds Of Items, So It Will Be In Continue Progress. Peace. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Star technology
Download v0.1.1 (68.6 KB) |
ppudumi |
Star technology
-new 1 magic weapons Will advanced technology lead to ruin? Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Infinite Features
Download v1.0 (16.8 KB) |
DasJafss |
InfiniteFeatures adds just that, infinite features.
All new features are found in the Merchant's shop, to have more features, simply close and reopen the shop. Should keep you entertained for quite a while. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Limbo: Alpha 1 "We Have Liftoff!"
Download v0.1.3 (3.7 MB) |
dandykong |
An early test build of the Limbo mod. Available for testing and feedback, but very much a work in progress.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
Refined Mod
Download v0.1 (4.6 KB) |
titedog |
This mod adds tons of new items, mobs, ores, and more! New Updates come out soon, so remember to update and check if Refined mod has any updates! Enjoy! ------------------ Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.1 | Edit | Delete |
Xeryph Test!
Download v1.3.3 (3.9 MB) |
Xeryph |
Test is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
Limit Break
Download v0.1 (74.5 KB) |
Nic246 |
Provides a limit break thing, press a hotkey and get a temporary boost to all damage, with a cost of course.
This mod is in early stages, download with doubts in mind. Version 0.01 - Initial Release Adds: Limit Break, a hotkey that buffs your damage by 150% temporarily while sapping your life away. Paradisio Set, a post moon lord set, balanced with vanilla but sadly not with other mods. Might be underpowered/ overpowered. Tailor stuff, a sub class to summoner, basically a free minion at the cost of an accessory slot/ buff slots. Kawa(River) Set, was meant to be fishing, but just decided to make the material a drop from duke f***ron. Notes: Honestly not my best work so far with modding, especially sprites wise, but definitely is the direction I want to go into which is late/ end game stuff. Idk, maybe working with others would be a lot more fun, but my sprites aren't really up to everybody's standards, especially for those who also mod. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH gotta git gud with them sprizzles dawg forizzle. Don't get me started on the paradisio set, those sprites are a disASTER like HELLA (recolors). I'm finna redo all that stuff don't worry. I think I made this mod out of pure, unadulterated boredom. Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
Stuff Mod
Download v0.2 (41.1 KB) |
Lime Beer Salt |
Random shit I made on my spare time, most of it is OP I also don't know how to use modding tools. Anyway, have fun
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (4.1 KB) |
Lati |
CyanClumpsMoreMod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
Elemental Weapons and Things
Download v1.2 (14.5 KB) |
kurbaga |
ELemental Weapons currently adds:
a hot sword. a chill sword. a scythe named jaw. a heavy pick-axe that does not breaks things. (not a real pickaxe) INNNNNNNFINITY BLADE - I want to add more cool things. btw, you need meteorite to make the hot sword. you need ice to make the chill sword. you need cactus to make the jaw (which is actually a scythe) you need some clouds to make the zzap. have fun with these. ------- 1.1 added INNNNNNNFINITY blade. 1.0 chille now requires normal ice block, not purple. 0.8 this time really fixed the zzap not being slow. adjusted all weapons. 0.7 fixed zzap not being slow. 0.6 changed description. 0.5 added zzap. 0.4 added icon. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |