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Download v0.2 (4.8 KB)


Javelinius Is a mod with 3 items A GrassSword and GraySword and a Sapphire sword

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Cursed Expansion v0.1
Download v0.1 (3.7 KB)


Cursed Expansion v0.1 is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Castlevania Subweapons
Download v1.0.0 (26.7 KB)


Adds in 7 new throwing and 2 new thrown melee weapons based on the Castlevania series.

Craft basic axes with 1 Iron Bar and basic crosses with 1 Wood.
You can poison the axes like knives, with either powder.

Bone crosses and axes are present, and can be crafted as any other bone throwable.
The Magic Dagger and Shadowflame Knife can be converted to a Magic Axe and a Shadowflame Axe, respectively.

Finally, there is a Vampire Hunter Axe and Cross, crafted with Hallowed Bars, Souls of Light/Night, and Souls of Might.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2.1.2 (712.4 KB)


Boulder is a content mod that as of now is pretty small. As of now, the content is limited, but was made sure to be at least decent quality and roughly balanced for the tier you can get the items.

Since the first update, the mod now has another early game boss and a hardmode biome that generates in the sky after defeating a mech boss. !WARNING! If there is a building in the far left of the world that you wish to keep, do not use this mod as it WILL overrite anything in that area. If you are uncertain, make a test world and defeat a mech boss in that world to see a preview of how it will generate.

Update: Removed crafting recipe for Duskmourne, as the weapon would be severely overpowered in it's stage of accesability. The weapon is still in progress, so it won't be obtainable until it is roughly finished.

Added Rotted gear and bars, the former are crafted from the latter which are dropped by rotted probes, a rare pre-hardmode probe enemy that cant go through walls. Also made bars placable.

Fixed an issue with the placeable metal bars not dropping when mined

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0 (4.6 KB)


My first mod, the ideea is from Full Metal Alchemist.
-reworked the sword
-added buffs and debuffs
-added a "windslash" effect/projectile when attacking

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
One Hit Decimator
Download v0.1.0.6 (260.4 KB)


This is a weapon for Can terraria bosses survive on the gameraiders channel.

This is the most powerful weapon out of every mod. It can kill any enemy. AND they drop loot.
How can I tell? It can kill ENRAGED echdeath.

Also miniture version of it in the icon.

Added a right click ability to the Lunar Decimator.
Projectiles from both weapons now produce light.

Lunar Decimator can now kill anything.
Added a right click ability to the Solar Destruction.
Solar Destruction and Lunar Decimator now provide stat bonuses while being held.

The One Hit Decimator is now called Lunar Decimator.
Added Lunar Decimator's little brother, Solar Destruction.

v0.1.0.3: Added stuff to the icon. (Miniture solar pillar planet and comets added)

v0.1.0.2: Every tooltip now says something different. (Damage, Crit, Speed, and Knockback tooltips are now changed)

v0.1.0.1: Icon now shows in mod browser and extended tooltip for the weapon.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Magic Archives
Download v0.1.2 (105.2 KB)


This is the Magic Library mod, which adds a bunch of spell tomes into the game...

and that's about it. Have fun lol

Current version: 0.1.2

- 19 weapons
- 5 accessories

Enjoy :D

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Aurora Arms
Download v1.2.6 (87.5 KB)


极光武器 在过渡期添加了10武器,强度高于同一时期原版武器,帮助快速开荒。


Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (7.5 KB)


Revolution is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Dirt Rod's Wrath
Download v1.2.2 (316.4 KB)


The Dirt Rod's Wrath Mod is a mod that adds a series of upgrades to the almighty Dirt Rod. It can make Dirt Rod a powerful magic weapon. It is recommended for Mages. It is also recommended to use a Crafting Recipe browser as the weapons use lots of items to craft with.

Version 1.2.1 (Or version 1.1.1)
Introduces additional content in the mod
Some fixes.

Version 1.2 (Meant to be v1.1):
Introduces a majority of weapons and items including new swords, a new magic weapon, a new weapon and a bunch of new crafting materials

Version 1.0.1:
Minimal update.
Adds debuffs to v1.0 magic weapons' projectiles

Version 1.0:
Introduces magic weapons:
- Copper Cane
- True Dirt Rod
- Grand Dirt Rod
- The Dirt Overlord
Introduces a new material called Broken Hero Staff, it is dropped by Mothron with a 5% chance.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
More Swords Mod
Download v0.1 (4.4 KB)


This is an insane mod that adds loads of new swords and items, all items are easy to craft but they are (not all) very overpowerd. I would not use (again not all) for a lets play or a normal game.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (3.4 KB)


CROSS OF DEATH is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Ulfric's Mod
Download v0.1 (15.6 KB)


Ulfric's Mod is going to add up to 50 sword when it's complete. Right now... only 1.

-Bane of Ulfric

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0.0.1 (4.8 KB)


Vinelight - Makes it so vines of all kind don't block light

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
Souls Mod
Download v0.5 (99.9 KB)


Souls Mod is a pretty cool mod, it adds a bunch of cool early hardmode weapons, like the Soul Shooter, the Soul Sword, the Soul Staff and many more!

Also adds a town Npc called the grim reaper that arrives after defeating the wall of flesh, who sells items like souls, ectoplasm, and if the calamity mod is enabled, will sell the essences (Eleum, Chaos and Sunlight (or cinder if youre an og))

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Cheevo Getter
Download v0.1.2 (9.4 KB)


You know the drill ---
"Those fishing achievements suck." Or maybe "Moonlord is way too hard of a boss." Or maybe "I'm a perfectionist and can't stand a 95%."

Whyever you're cheating, there's Cheevo Getter!

--- How it works ---
All you have to do is double-click an achievement!
It's all client-sided. It even syncs with Steam achievements.

--- That's all! ---
Big thanks to Moonburn for the nice icon.
Happy hunting!"> --- You know the drill ---
"Those fishing achievements suck." Or maybe "Moonlord is way too hard of a boss." Or maybe "I'm a perfectionist and can't stand a 95%."

Whyever you're cheating, there's Cheevo Getter!

--- How it works ---
All you have to do is double-click an achievement!
It's all client-sided. It even syncs with Steam achievements.

--- That's all! ---
Big thanks to Moonburn for the nice icon.
Happy hunting!

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Ultimate Mod
Download v0.2.1 (251.5 KB)


Adds several items to enhance the normal gameplay of terraria

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (3.4 KB)


Beez adds a variant of the Bee Gun that deals summon damage.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Download v0.0.4 (117.9 KB)

SN Company

Name : Elementaria
Version : 0.0.4
Tags : Fantasy, rpg, extra content
- - -
Have you ever wanted a weapon but with a different element? well, with this mod you can have it.

The mod focuses on vanilla, for the addition of elemental weapons, adds a wide range of extra items
a great grinding to restore the sense of exploring and grinding the enemies of the biome of the element you are interested in.

The mod is under development by releasing some items each version, keep updating and playing our mod so as not to miss anything new,
in this way you can prepare for the release of the weapons.

This mod also changes the combat style of the weapons giving them a unique and never seen effect.

This update:
- Core : Elemental Core, Empty core, Elemental Globes
- Crafting : New crafting station for craft the new weapon variants

Content List:
- 22 Items
- 2 Weapons

- - -
New content:
- Core : Air Core, Corruption Core, Crimson Core, Earth Core, Fire Core, Hollow Core, Ice Core, Thunder Core, Water Core.
- Globe : Air Globe, Corruption Globe, Crimson Globe, Earth Globe, Fire Globe, Hollow Globe, Ice Globe, Thunder Globe, Water Globe.
- Empty Core : Empty Core, Rare Empty Core, Mystich Empty Core, Dream Empty Core.
- Crafting Station : Elemental Pedestal
- - -

SN Company.
(enter in our discord to not miss our works outside the terraria).

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Division Mod
Download v2.0.2 (456.7 KB)

The Zatsunes

Division Mod is made from the Zatsunes. Also thanks to "Zotsky" for making Sound-EFX for a couple of the weapons.

Latest Patches:
▸Working on lore for the mod.
▸Putting mod into beta.
▸Divinium Bars and Abyssilite Bars added
▸Divine and Abyss weapon added.
▸Division Mod now has a Terraria Forum Thread, aswell as a Github page.

Dolan: Discord "Dolan Zatsune#0566" Twitter "@DolanZatsune"
Crystal: Twitter "@CrystalZatsune"

Offical discord server:

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
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