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Download v0.3.1 (1.4 MB)


Economy is a mod revolved around making everything buyable

Version Alpha 0.3.1
Dispenser (Crafting Station): Used to buy/create the items
The Dispenser is used as a crafting station.
Created by having 10 gold coins in your inventory and crafting the Dispenser
Different tiers of dispensers, 5 tiers. early game to post-moonlord
Up to 2 types of coins per recipe are allowed. A new pricelist will be added soon!
Config files are in Documents>My Games>Terraria>ModLoader>Mods> Economy.txt and EconomyTutorial.txt
You can change/add items in the Economy.txt file
For more information. Look at the forum post. It's way more updated

The Changelog is on the Forums post.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Thejordster135's Mod
Download v0.1.0.3 (26.3 KB)


I Made This So I Didn't Get Bored Of This Game.
Sub For More.
I Added Wings, I'm Making A Tutorial When I Get 80 Subs Probably.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.1 Edit | Delete
Green Screen Mod
Download v1.1 (63.2 KB)


This is a mod for adding green screen effects in-game.
Whether for playing around with, for backrounds of builds, or video effects.

The mod includes 2 commands:
/gui, for bringing up the green screen ui
/toggle, for toggling the green screen filter

And 2 Items:
A green screen tile.
And a green screen wall.
Each are crafted with glass and glass walls respectively, and are fullbright tiles.
Giving a perfect backround in which to use the green screen filter with.

You can add in backrounds on the fly via the Open Folder button in the gui,
or by opening the folder located at Documents/My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/Backrounds/
You can then load those backrounds with the Reload Images button.

The gui lets you select which backround image to show,
min and max color cutoff for red green and blue,
the opacity of the backround image,
the scale of the the backround image,
whether the backround follows the player, or follows the world,
and how much the backround image scrolls.
As well as 6 option presets.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.4 Edit | Delete
PrelawGunmir's Content Mod
Download v0.1.2 (31.7 KB)

PrelawGunmir, Xenex, Alk…

My Content Mod adds in items that I want in the Game.

The Mod's Homepage will have ALL the info, SO GO LOOK AT IT!!!!!!!

PrelawGunmir(me): Coder, Spriter(just resprites for now)
Xenex: Spriter
Alkan: Spriter

If you would like to help contact me via Terraria Forums(is the mod's homepage)

- Uploaded to ModBrowser!

- Added Github Repository for Mod Icon on Browser!
doesn't work :(

- Sprite updates for Victrite set!
- re-balanced Victrite Spike projectile the Victrite Scythe & Sword shoot

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Terra's Fuckery
Download v0.0.4.1 (96 KB)


Contains random shit that doesn't fit in my mods.

Why did you download this again?

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Ok, but why?
Download v0.1.5 (25.4 KB)


why did you get this

this is a mod thats mostly built on weapons and tools.
this is my first mod also so im very bad at coding and sprite making


added bepis weapon

added bepis soul

- bope
- bope soul
- soul of owo
- the master of the elements

- wow an enemy (basiclly buffed demon eye)
- shadow dust
- shadow sword

chaged ai type
thats it

ai type broke
added S B E V E

updated sprites


made tmote tree more reasonable

updated heart of bope sprite

why didn't i do this before

fixed name
updated shadow dust
tweaked mg

-tin upgrade
-upgraded tin broadsword
fixed other stuff

added tonys club
(as tribute)

- more annoying masked ghost
- sword i forgot its name

sorry for the delay

alot of stuff

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (38.4 KB)


TerrariaTestmod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Sword Overhaul 2.0
Download v1.0.2 (8.9 KB)


From the creater of Sword Overhaul with over 20000 downloads, Sword Overhaul 2.0 aims to redo and improve on the previous mod, and support it through the 1.4 update.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Falling Horizon
Download v1.1 (18.1 KB)


This mod is heavily in development at the moment!
It just features 1 new invasion event and a few items but there are big plans for this mod!
The event has a 1/15 chance to start when the night begins after you killed the eye!
stay tuned!

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
CeraliteMod +
Download v0.1 (2.1 KB)


Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Nokia Mod
Download v1.2.2 (207.1 KB)


Special thanks to Jteoh99 for this wonderful Idea and Nokia Sprite!

This is an accessory mod that widly expands crafting and debuff protection within the game. After much positive reception on its announcement, this mod will recieve continued support and updates!

Examples of Added Items:
Nokia 3310 (Combines Ankh Shield and CellPhone)
Charm of Myths (Like an Ankh Charm but Moreso)
Expert only Items!

Change log:

V1.0: Introduction

V1.1: Mod Icon Added

V1.1.1: Github Repository Support added

V1.2.0: Major Update 1

Added multiple new items!
>Emergency Holy Water
>Excaliburs Spirit
>Fire Extinguisher
>Gravity Anchor
>Handwarmers (Modded dupe to make it more accessible)
>Hero's Might
>Insulated Gloves
>Pocket Flamethrower
>Sap of Yggdrasil
>Spicy Lube
>Ultra Bright Lantern
>Water Charm
>Air Charm
>Earth Charm
>Fire Charm
>Omega Charm
>Terra Nokian
>Terra Nokian with Belt Clip
>Omega Shield

Updated Description

Coming soon: a Forum Page on terraria with a crafting tree!

V1.2.1: Added Homepage, Corrected a BETA tag that was designed for seperation use

V1.2.2: Fixed a major bug where information was not being displayed while the Nokia items were equipped

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
KIRILLAND`s Random Stuff!
Download v0.18.1 (74.5 KB)


Small content mod. Developing this to just test my skills in programming. Nothing too exciting, but i trying to make this mod as unique as possible.
Last major update: Hex debuff and weapon. Weapons balance and changes. Bugfixes.
Last minor update: Added icon back. Renamed most weapons. bugfixes and new weapon/accessory (proof of concept) prototype.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Experience Extra
Download v1.3 (43.1 KB)


Experience Extra is a mod that gives you ALOT more items!

Stone Broadsword
Hellstone Hacker
Ruby Armor
Stone Bow
Stone Arrow
Emerald Devastator
Stone Yoyo
Topaz Gem Sword
Christmas Carnage (EXCLUSIVE ITEM)
And a secret item


Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
The Shapes
Download v0.1 (60.1 KB)


The Shapes is a mod inspired by the Riddle of the Rocks.
It adds various multidimensional geometrical structures
such as the Rhombicosidodecahedron of Ascension,
the god-like item of (somewhat) infinite power.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
No Blend
Download v1.0.1.1 (7.2 KB)


This mod forces all blocks to not blend with each other. Basically the complete opposite of AllBlend.

See Homepage for changes and other mini mods.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Summoner Update Pack
Download v0.1.4 (112.9 KB)


Summoner items upgrade.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Dev Helper
Download v0.1.3.1 (50.8 KB)

Tyfyter (Tyfyter2002 on …

This mod adds a few useful features for mod development

Added toggles to GUI recipe code generator.

Added GUI recipe code generator.
Added changelog for 0.1.2.

Dye items now show their shader ID in their tooltip.

Changed description.

Initial release.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
one op sword
Download v2.1 (8.3 KB)


oh my god your now a god

1.3 update changelogs
new progectile for the opsword
might be adding armour in the future

1.4 update changlogs
now a less op sword used for bosses and enemies that have butcher defence(:<

1.5 update changelogs
lessopsword now shoots a different progectile and is a magic weapon(that uses 0 mana)

1.6 update changelogs
lessopsword is now like how it was but shoots stronger progectiles and deals more damage

1.7 update changelogs
omg its faster than light

1.8 update changelogs
new progectile for both swords

1.9 update changelogs both swords shoot different progectiles and the swords arent autoswing anymore idk why

2.0 update changelogs
now deals more damage

2.1 update changelogs
defence and life regen increased

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Hardmode Weapons
Download v0.1 (53.8 KB)


This mods adds weapons, which can be crafted in hardmode. All weapons are balanced to weapons from the Thorium mod, which can be aquired at about the same time as these. No modifiers are equipped to boost the damage for the DPS values listed.


Deathfire (bow, ranged) (~150 DPS against single target)
Shoots a straight flying projectile, which bounces from tiles. It is followed by two homing fire balls, which can travel through walls. All of the projectiles inflict the On Fire debuff.
Craft using Mythril Anvil:
-Lava Buckets x2
-Hellstone Bar x18
-Souls of Light x8

Vindication (Revolver, ranged)
This weapon is basically from the great book series placed in the world of "Mistborn". You can switch between different bullet types using right click. It will make the sound of full mana and give a particle effect to indicate which bullet type is equiped.
Bullet types:
-Standard: Does not consume Ammo (though at least one bullet of some sort is needed in the invent) (~180 DPS)
-Thug: Has increased damage and heavy knockback (~250 DPS)
-Tineye: deceased damage but highly increased attack speed (~250 DPS) (A louder boom wouldn't have done much ;) )
-Bloodmaker: Shoots a cursed bullet regardless of ammo used (~180 DPS + cursed flaming debuff)
-Lurcher: Shoots a metal bullet incased in ceramic. Metal is homing, ceramic flies straight (~260 DPS)
Craft using Mythril Anvil:
-20 Hellstone Bars
-10 Souls of Night

Fire Claw (Claw, melee) (240 DPS against single target. Balanced using Calamity mods mandible Claw)
Extreamly fast short range melee weapon. Shoots fiery claws in the direction the player is facing and creates a shield on the back of the player, which has great knockback. Shield can be toggled using right click.
Craft using Mythril Anvil:
-Obsidian x20
-Lava Bcuket x2
-Soul of Light x8

Szhimaahas' armor
As the past weapons so far, this armor is made for Szhimaaha.
It provides 36 Armor, 10% damage, increases the maximum minion count by two and grands im

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Craftable Paintings
Download v1.3 (56.3 KB)


Craft paintings with this mod!

Create Canvas from Silk or Hay at a Loom
Create an Easel from Wood, Canvas, and a Paint Brush at a Sawmill.

Each painting requires 1 Canvas and 1 Paint bucket at the Easel.
Some paintings require an extra ingredient based on their progression.

Includes paintings from:
Calamity's Vanities
Shadows of Abaddon
Fargo's Mutant Mod
Fargo's Souls Mod
Mod of Redemption
Amongst the Cosmos
Echoes of the Ancients
Valhalla Mod
Chad's Furniture Mod
Minecraft Paintings

Modded painting recipes must first be enabled in the config!

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
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