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Agus Mod
Download v0.8 (278.6 KB)

El Agus

Just dont download this

Currently adds:

- 1 Boss (it isnt)
- 54 Items (Tools,Weapons,Pets)
- 1 Biome (massive ball underground)
- 6 Accesories (1 of them is super op)
- 3 Monsters (all of them are a copy)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Saint Penetrator From Saints Row:The Third
Download v1.0 (3.6 KB)


Autor: Mierzwox
This is my first mod
Damage: 30
Crafting Recipe:
30 Iron Bar , Anvil

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Reloadable Guns
Download v0.3 (52.2 KB)

Ameer Arena

Reloadable Guns is a mod that changes the way bullet shooting guns work, by adding a reloading mechanic. (no this is not a nerf to ranged weapons), guns can shoot up a max amount of bullets before having to be reloaded via pressing a hotkey, after reloading your next shoot will do 300% more damage.
all gun weapons will also have a +12% damage increase as compromise.
the purpose of this mod is to make it so that there is more things to do as a gunslinger aside from holding right-click.

v1.1 :-
-the mod can now work in multiplayer.
-increased "Firing Moment" damage from 200% to 300%.
-made the reloading mechanic more compatable with other guns.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.1.2.6 (89.6 KB)



If you found any bugs or ideas, you can send them to me!

What Luminis has:
|-> 29 new items
| |-> 1 Wing
| |-> 5 pickaxes
| |-> 4 axes
| |-> 3 hammers
| |-> 1 yoyo
| |-> 1 Soul
| |-> 2 Bars
| |-> 1 Treasure Bag (Frozen Eye)
| L-> 3 Swords
|-> 4 new tiles
| |-> Luminis Ore
| |-> Luminis Bar
| |-> Granite Bar
| L-> Hardened Wood
|-> 1 New Boss
| L-> Frozen Eye
|-> 2 Armorsets
| |-> Obsidian Armor
| L-> Living Armor
|-> 1 new ore
| L-> Luminis Ore
L-> 3 Toolsets (Marble, Granite, Luminis)


-Added "Frozen Eye" (Maybe change the name later)
-Added Treasure Bags for Frozen Eye.
-Decreased defense of Living armor by 39. (Current defense: 52)
-New directory for everything


The Boss "Frozen Eye" is like the Brother from Eye of Cthulhu. He has the same textures but the red blood is replaced by blue blood. it has a max. life of 4000.


10/28/17: version 0.1: release of Luminis, my first mod.
10/28/17: version 1.0: bugfix
10/28/17: version 1.0.1: bugfixes
10/29/17: version 1.0.2: A new yoyo, and granite bars
10/30/17: version granite tools added.
10/30/17: version 1.1.0: bugfixes
10/30/17: version 1.1.1: bugfix
10/30/17: version added hardened wood.
11/1/17: version 1.1.2: Marble tools
11/1/17: version Obsidian Armor
11/1/17: version Luminis Wings added.
11/1/17: version Soul of Life added.
11/1/17: version Description Update
11/2/17: version Living Armor added.
11/3/17: version Frozen Eye added.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
The Elements Mod
Download v0.2 (70.8 KB)


The Elements is a mod that plans to bring you tons of new content in the future. Make sure to visit the homepage if you want a little more info on any new items or updates.

v0.2 Cloud Update:

-Added cloud armor
-Added cloud weapons

For more info on v0.2, visit our homepage!

Current Content:

-Cloud Ore, weapons, and armor

Planned Content:

-Tons of new ores
-Tons of new armor sets
-Lots of weapons
-20+ bosses
-Hours of post-Moon Lord content

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.7 Edit | Delete
Craftable Pillar Fragments
Download v1.0 (3.8 KB)


This is a simple mod that makes it so that you don't have to farm the lunar event many times to get enough fragments for what you want to craft.
Handy for playthroughs with a lot of people!

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
DNI Materialization
Download v1.4.1 (78.4 KB)


This mod allows you to "break" down and create items using MP (Materialization Points).

For more info, please visit the mod's homepage.

### v1.4.1
* Removed debug text when unloaded mod items are trying to be put in the materialization grid
* Added mechanic to try converting old materialization list into the new one
* Fixed mod icon

### v1.4
* Materialization knowledge now supports mod changes
* Functional UI changes
* Items in the materialization grid can be now held down with right click to materialize continuously
* Inventory items can shift-clicked to automatically transfer into the dematerialization slot
* Minor mod icon update

### v1.3.2
* Fixed item spawning issue
* Due to the code on how the item is spawned, item name is now thrown as "combat text"

### v1.3.1
* Fixed multiplayer materialization issue

### v1.3
* UI overhaul
* Added textbox for searching via item name
* UI operation changed
* Adjusted UI size and style
* Added UI mod configs
* Auto dematerialize
* Materialize needs locking

### v1.2
* Changed Materialization Staff into tiered Material Checks
* Tiers are starting from Hallowed to Luminite
* Adjusted Materialization and Dematerialization Rates
* Added sound when materializing and dematerializing items
* Changed Icon

### v1.1
* Migrated to tModLoader v0.11.5

### v1.0
* Initial release

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Zeph's Chat Notifications
Download v0.12.1 (6.8 KB)


This mod outputs notifications to the chat regarding certain events. This is intended to be used on small multiplayer servers.
This mod has no effect in singleplayer.
Example: [n:Zephilinox]Crafted

- Crafting one-stack items, like weapons
- Crafting stacks of items, like bars
- Picking up one-stack items, like armour

In The Future
- Looting items from world chests, like
- Configuration (Enable/Disable the notifications you care about)

- Zephilinox

v0.12.1 Bugfix
- Fixed duplicate crafting message issue added in the last update
v0.12 Bugfix
- Fixed error message when running the mod in singleplayer, sorry about that!
v0.11 Open Source
- Mod is now open source
- Homepage links to the github repo, please fill out an issue there
- Added icon
v0.10 Initial Release
- Crafting one-stack items, like weapons
- Crafting stacks of items, like bars
- Picking up one-stack items, like armour "> Description
This mod outputs notifications to the chat regarding certain events. This is intended to be used on small multiplayer servers.
This mod has no effect in singleplayer.
Example: [n:Zephilinox]Crafted

- Crafting one-stack items, like weapons
- Crafting stacks of items, like bars
- Picking up one-stack items, like armour

In The Future
- Looting items from world chests, like
- Configuration (Enable/Disable the notifications you care about)

- Zephilinox

v0.12.1 Bugfix
- Fixed duplicate crafting message issue added in the last update
v0.12 Bugfix
- Fixed error message when running the mod in singleplayer, sorry about that!
v0.11 Open Source
- Mod is now open source
- Homepage links to the github repo, please fill out an issue there
- Added icon
v0.10 Initial Release
- Crafting one-stack items, like weapons
- Crafting stacks of items, like bars
- Picking up one-stack items, like armour

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
War Fan
Download v0.3 (4.2 KB)


War Fan is mostly a test mod that adds a single War Fan to the game, I plan on updating it and when I have an arsenal of modded weapons, I'll compile them all intp one big mod called Warring Weapons, Enjoy

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Stanley's Random Items
Download v1.1.1 (60 KB)

Stanley the Saint

This is my first mod, and it's mainly for me and my friends. It contains some random items I made, and stuff for minigames we do, like the health increase stuff for player bosses.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Soul Charger
Download v1.3 (35.3 KB)


Harness the Soul Charger with souls from fallen bosses.
It's a linearly upgradeable accessory that uses the boss's treasure bags as a catalyst.
Increases life, mana and moviment speed.
It works from the inventory.

Created by NP person

1.3 Nerfed all accessories to be less OP
Fix the dumbest issue with Lunatic bag (sorry about that)

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
A Mod
Download v0.1 (3.3 KB)


A Mod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Pteran Mod
Download v0.1.12 (1.2 MB)


This mod will have more stuff... soon. My first mod, going great so far.
It's just got like a lotta weapons, an armor set, an enemy, 2 unique AI bosses, and a town NPC right now lol.
Lots of stuff inspired by the game Spiral Knights because I'm not feeling creative, and these designs are cool lookin.

More more more weapons and new pet (+ balance changes).

Added a couple of accessories, a pet, new Catalyst weapon (which took me forever to make), droprate and balance changes.

Added several new weapons. Antigua line is now available with Bark Modules. Some balance changes and reworks of weapons.

v.0.1.8 & v.0.1.9
New boss Roarmulus Twins. Not much to get from him yet but that's a WIP. Also a few new weapons. Hotfix buffed Roarmulus Twins' AI, since it was lacking and too easy to cheese.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Dark Space
Download v0.4.4 (202.9 KB)


Dark Space, Developed and Produced by:




Update Log: V.0.4.4

The Digger + Knitemare Update


- The True Blade, A Melee Weapon based off of Undertales "True Knife".

- Knightmare, A boss drop for the newly added "Knitemare Xero" Boss.

- Dark Matter, A Yoyo Weapon, also dropped by Knitemare Xero.

- Seraphim's Staff, A Mage Weapon (Finally), Dropped by "The Digger" for the current moment in time.


- Knitemare Xero, The second of the four "Big Bads" Of the mod, Knitemare Xero is basically just a buffed version of Invader for now. (Will be summoned with "Celestial Doomsday")

- The Digger, A Worm Boss that (Will) Be summoned by using a "Totem of the Earth".


- Invader is now summonable in a Plain Playthrough, 350 Crimstone Blocks + 350 Ebonstone Blocks @ Mythril Anvil makes the "Catastrophic Beacon".

(Yes, two worlds will be required to make the spawners for Invader, a Crimson and a Corruption, sorry but it only makes sense for his character & lore.)
"> Dark Space, Developed and Produced by:




Update Log: V.0.4.4

The Digger + Knitemare Update


- The True Blade, A Melee Weapon based off of Undertales "True Knife".

- Knightmare, A boss drop for the newly added "Knitemare Xero" Boss.

- Dark Matter, A Yoyo Weapon, also dropped by Knitemare Xero.

- Seraphim's Staff, A Mage Weapon (Finally), Dropped by "The Digger" for the current moment in time.


- Knitemare Xero, The second of the four "Big Bads" Of the mod, Knitemare Xero is basically just a buffed version of Invader for now. (Will be summoned with "Celestial Doomsday")

- The Digger, A Worm Boss that (Will) Be summoned by using a "Totem of the Earth".


- Invader is now summonable in a Plain Playthrough, 350 Crimstone Blocks + 350 Ebonstone Blocks @ Mythril Anvil makes the "Catastrophic Beacon".

(Yes, two worlds will be required to make the spawners for Invader, a Crimson and a Corruption, sorry but it only makes sense for his character & lore.)

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v2.0 (9.5 KB)


This mod causes all items to be stored into a static golden tombstone on death.

You can retrieve them by right clicking on the tombstone. Only the player who died can do this. Items are stored clientside, so should the player lose connection or restart the items will be lost permanently

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Leveling mod
Download v1.1 (301.1 KB)


Players + Levels + Stats.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
MS Baum
Download v1.2.1 (2.3 MB)


It Baum.
Hand a Banana to the guide to begin your adventure.

Contains a Boss with a couple cool drops themed around Baum Productions.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Comically Large Spoon Mod
Download v1.2.1 (29.4 KB)

Mason Spies

"Only a spoonful!"
Crafted at any anvil using iron/lead bars and can be upgraded to it's True variant.

Inspired by the legendary King Bach

[Version Notes]

- Weapon balancing
- Added True Comically Large Spoon
(Comically Large Spoon + Broken Hero Sword @ Mythril Anvil)
- Disabled autoswing on Comically Large Spoon
- Modified tooltips

- Weapon balancing
- Added legitimate recipe
- Resprited item texture
- Fixed bugs

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.7 Edit | Delete
Paper Mario Badges
Download v0.1.4 (435.2 KB)

Spunk Bunkers

Paper Mario Badges adds over 30 unique accessories and other fun Paper Mario themed items into the game! Do crazy damage with Mega Rush, dodge attacks with Lucky Day, or never fear a boulder trap again with Spike Shield -- and tons more!

All badges are sold by a new NPC, Charlieton (from The Thousand Year Door), who functions as a traveling merchant and has a selection of items to buy.

Inspired by my initial Lucky Day mod. Enjoy!

If you have a suggestion, encounter a bug, or simply want to see a list of the items in the mod and a description, join the discord listed in the mod homepage!

Few of the assets are my own, mostly ripped from Paper Mario. Support the official release!

Version 0.1.4 -- Some multiplayer fixes
Version 0.1.3 -- Favoriting now enables certain items, rather than disables
Version 0.1.2 -- Description Change, Heart and Flower Finder from 1/75 to 1/50 chance
Version 0.1.0 - 0.1.1 -- Initial Release

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
No Hardmode V-Shape Gen
Download v1.0.1 (4.5 KB)



Version history:
1.0.1: Updated for tModLoader
1.0.0: Initial release."> Disables the V-Shape biome generation upon starting hardmode

Version history:
1.0.1: Updated for tModLoader
1.0.0: Initial release.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
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