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Ancient Arsenal
Download v1.2 (106 KB)


Ancient Arsenal is my first mod, and my first real attempt at learning to code (and sprite). There isn't much in the mod right now but I intend on slowly adding to it as I become better at this sort of thing.

If you have any issues or suggestions, feel free to message me on discord @ Naq#8327!

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
Gotta Go Fast
Download v0.1.4 (47.5 KB)


A simple mod that implements a standardized Magic Speed and Ranged Speed like there's Melee Speed.
(Also a simple all attack speed value)

View the homepage to see how to use these values for your mod

Configurable vanilla changes to add Magic Speed and Ranged Speed content
- The (Wild/Rash/Intrepid/Violent) Prefix affecting all attack speed
- The (Sun/Moon/Celestial) (Stone/Shell) affecting all attack speed
- The Werewolf buff affecting all attack speed
- The Well Fed buff affecting all attack speed
- Shadow Armor affecting all attack speed
- Magic Speed affecting enemy's immune time (for piercing weapons)

Custom Items
- The Second Amendment - 17.76% Ranged Speed - Crafted at a Lihzahrd Altar with 10 Silk, a Feather, 1 Black Ink and 1776 Musket Balls

v0.1.4 Make Vortex Beater be affected by ranged/attack speed
v0.1.3 Affect Well Fed Buff
v0.1.2 Make Laser Machine Gun be affected by magic/attack speed
v0.1.1 Add Icon
v0.1 Release

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
Brooke's Races
Download v0.1 (52 KB)


Adds 3 races. Likely not compatible with other race mods.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Recursive Craft
Download v1.6.1 (44.8 KB)


Recursive Craft is a QOL mod that allows you to craft items directly without having to craft the intermediate (so you could craft a table with walls)

If too many craft are shown this way, you can configure the number of intermediate recipes that can be used (unlimited by default)
Compatible with Magic Storage Extra

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Desert World
Download v1.0 (4.5 KB)


Desert World is a pretty dry mod. You probably wouldn't like it. Especially if you don't like sand.

Why? Because it changes almost all naturally occurring blocks into sand and other blocks from the desert biome. Dirt is now sand. Snow is now sand. Stone is now sandstone. etc.. No jungle, no corruption, no green leafy forests. Luckily the oceans survived because they were already made of sand.

Think of it as a challenge. How do you make your morning breakfast with only cactus and sand? (I don't know please tell me)

This only changes the world when in is created. You can disable this mod after making your world because it won't do anything for you.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
Projectile Tracing
Download v2.6.0 (10.4 KB)


A small helper mod that allows modders to easily find out where a projectile originated from.

It can currently detect whether a projectile was:
- shot when a player used a specific item
- created by another projectile
(Pygmy spears, North Pole snowflakes, etc.)

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
Transparent Liquid
Download v1.1 (27.6 KB)


This mod is inspired by the texture pack of the same name, Transparent Liquids.
It makes your liquid transparent and looks better. But using IL codes, not replacing sprites.
It also fixed the lighting bug that happens in vanilla transparent liquids.
Effects are only available for White and Color lighting modes.
You can adjust the transparency of water, lava, honey in the mod configuration.
The mod is client-side only. Which means you can use it in the server even if the server doesn't enable this mod.

本Mod受同名材质包Transparent Liquids的启发,请注意我不是材质包作者.
这个Mod会使所有液体透明. 但是使用IL代码,而不是直接替换贴图.
该Mod为客户端模组. 这意味着即使服务器未启用此Mod,你也可以在服务器中使用它。


- 1.1
Changed mod icon.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Power Attacks
Download v1.2.1.1 (60.2 KB)


Power Attacks by Dark-Assassin

Visit homepage for description and changelog

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
More Craftables
Download v0.4 (2.4 KB)


Originally called "Craftable Lens" for adding a recipe for lens, changed name to More Craftables because it adds more crafting recipes in general.

v0.3 adds:
- Extractinator Recipe
- Renamed to More Craftables
- Black Lens Recipe

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Ranger Expanded
Download v1.5 (215.7 KB)

Scared Scarecrow, FullOf…

Ranger Expanded is a mod that aims to expand the ranger class adding new ammo and weapons

The mod currently adds 17 different bullets and 17 different arrows from Pre-HM to Post-ML

-Bullets have been added

- Sword Bullets
- Muramasa Bullets
- Inferno Bullets
- Shockwave Bullets
- Shock Bullets
- Sawbullets
- Disc Bullets
- Jester Bullets
- DropShot
- Glass Bullets
- Flak Bullets
- Beellets
- Bonellets
- Bullerangs
- Heavy Bullets
- Soul Bullets
- Rocketes

- Arrows have been added
- Bonellets and Inferno Bullets now drop from their respective enemies

- Slimy Arrow
- Stinger Arrow
- Curved Arrow
- Shadowflame Arrow
- Laser Arrow
- Micro Arrow
- Heatseeking Arrow
- Arrow Arrow
- Antigravity Arrow
- Fang Arrow
- Steel Arrow
- Meteor Arrow
- Gas Arrow
- Ecto Arrow
- Frost Arrow
- Mechanized Arrow

Gels and Stars are coming next, including some nice flamethrowers and star cannons

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.7 Edit | Delete
Mermaid Man's Mod
Download v0.1 (19.1 KB)


Mermaid Man's Mod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Liendra Mod
Download v0.2 (53.2 KB)

A Dot

Liendra Mod is a mod that will add for now:
-7 Weapons (2 Developer Crafteable)
-1 Ore and bar
-3 Tools
-1 Wing

Next Update Changelog 0.2

-Amazon Trapper (Boss)
-More Weapons
-Making the Askerium Ore Appear
-More Tools
-1 Npc and more enemies
A Dot (Owner of the mod)
WhatTheHec (Co-Owner of the mod)
Some Pinky Ball (Or AWasteOfAName) (Spriter of the first sprites of the mod!)
Turquoise (For Custom AI for bosses!)
Other Modders that inspired me:
Fabsol (Creator of calamity)
A Cat (Creator of Ultraconyx and Chaotic Uprising)
DivermanSam (Creator of Thorium Mod)
Gnom (Creator of Universe of Swords)
Blushie (Creator of Element's unleash/Blushiemagic and Tmod!)
Thank you a lot! :3
If you want to join our discord, go to the homepage of this mod, you can found it there!
Mod uploaded by hec because me (dot) cant publish it for the passcode problem -.-

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (3.6 KB)


PickleYoYo is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.3 (183.2 KB)


In my opinion, there is one big issue with wiring. You can�t really SEE what is actually going on. Everything happens instantly once you flip the switch. This isn�t a big deal if you just want to build simpler door mechanisms or traps, but when you have a huge chain of logic gates, things will quickly become rather confusing� To resolve this problem, I have created MechScope, a TModLoader mod that can pause and visualize the wiring execution process.
For more information, please visit the terraria forums.

Default hotkeys:
Toggle - NumPad1
Step - NumPad2
Auto-step - NumPad3
Settings - NumPad5

Version history:

- First release

- Mod Browser release
- Fixed unloading and other minor bugs

- Improved UI

- Improved UI
- Fixed multiplayer crashes
- Fixed Harmony unloading

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Fortnite Death Sound
Download v0.1 (56.6 KB)


Fortnite Death Sound Mod

This mod changes the player death sound to the original Fortnite death sound.

No settings to config.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Advanced World Generation Seeds
Download v1.2.0 (66 KB)


This mod aims to make more special seeds like 1.4's drunk world, for the worthy or not the bees.

For now, it adds 4 more simple seeds :
- Random : Features a world where each block and wall type is randomized.
- Painted : Features a world where each block and wall type get a paint.
- Entropy : Features a normal world, but each dusk and dawn, a part of the world has one type of tiles and walls randomized
- Santa : Unlike the others, this seed is christmas themed.
You can select the options you want with the UI in the seed selection screen

To get the world of your dreams, you may combine multiple special seeds by a comma, so "painted,santa" will be a painted christmas world.
Unlike vanilla special seeds, the true seed can be set, so you may copy a world by using its seed, you will still get the same world.

The changelog is with the source code on Github (link in the forum)

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (14.2 KB)


NOTE: Mythical Mod is my in-development mod uploaded for open player testing. Very tempormental and may crash, but otherwise, have fun!

Mythical Mod mod adds a bunch of weapons and items that can lift the game in a big modpack, or help along in vanilla Terraria.
Hopefully I can add more items as I go along!


Beta 0.1 -
Added Tidal Wave and Sandy Shiv.
Fixed a bug involving Frosty Katana's crafting recipe.

Pre-Beta 0.2 -
Added Frosty Katana
Added Robotic Warrior town NPC.
Fixed a bug where Oblivion wouldn't appear in-game
Updated Oblivion Sprite (old was a re-textured Cobalt Sword)

Pre-Beta 0.1 -
Added Oblivion
Removed SolarSlayer

Pre-Beta 0.0
SolarSlayer made unobtainable

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
Boop Mod
Download v0.11 (8.3 KB)


Adds a Boop Spell to the game. Low damage, high knockback. Made using Acorns, Bombs, Gel.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1.2 (40.6 KB)


SummonsGalore is an unfinished mod whose primary focus is to add content for the summoner class.
It currently adds 4 new summons that try to feel more unique, attacking in different ways than most minions. Two of these are from a new "subclass" that spawns friendly mobs that help you fight, and their max health scales with summon stats, but they also lose health when hitting enemies.
NOTE: These two staffs don't fully work on multiplayer.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Unnerfed Spectre Hood
Download v0.0.1 (2.3 KB)


Does exactly what the title says. It removes the -40% magic damage from the Spectre Hood.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.2 Edit | Delete
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