tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
The Insanity Mod
Download v0.1.6 (10.7 KB) |
Cam962 |
The Insanity Mod is a mod that adds many powerful mobs and new items. Though you should be warned, night without a house is nearly imposible
Update 0.1.6 Lowered the HP for some enemies. Spawn rates for all enimies are higher. Added first items. Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Scythes and Such
Download v0.1 (18 KB) |
xMagic666 |
Scythes and Such is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Expert Tweaks
Download v1.0 (3.4 KB) |
KuroTsubasa |
Expert Tweaks allows you to tweak some of the global expert mode multipliers, such as enemy damage and health.
__________________________ Use \Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Configs\ExpertTweaks.JSON to configure the values. The default settings are the same as vanilla expert mode. A value of '1.0' is the same as vanilla normal mode. Defaults and descriptions- - Enemy Damage Multiplier : 2.0 //Damage that enemies do to players. Default is twice normal mode. - Enemy Health Multiplier : 2.0 //Health that all enemies spawn with. Default is twice normal mode. - Debuff Length Multiplier : 2.0 //The length of time debuffs last. Default is twice normal mode. - Enemy Knockback Multiplier : 0.9 //How susceptible enemies are to knockback. Higher values mean enemies are thrown further. - NPC Damage Multiplier : 1.5 //Damage that friendly NPCs deal. Default is 50% higher than normal mode. I do not recommend using a value of '0' or any negative value. The config is not automatically synchronised in multiplayer so make sure everybody is using the same values. Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
ZuaohX Mod
Download v0.5 (25.1 KB) |
ALPHAlockedZMod |
This mod will be cool and kill bosses and stuff
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Interesting Items
Download v0.10 (11.7 KB) |
chuthief |
Some new and interesting items to play and fight with. Currently, 8 new items exist.
(hint: sand blocks and gel are your friends) Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
A Test Mod
Download v0.2 (15.4 KB) |
Creeperkillo0or |
THIS MOD IS BEEING RE-WRITTEN ====================================================================== Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
Calamity Clicker Expansion
Download v1.0.1 (84.6 KB) |
Morzach |
This is a small mod made by me to add 5 extra clickers and 1 accessory into the game for post moon lord content.
Currently adds: Profaned Clicker, Cosmic Clicker, Auric Clicker, Exo Clicker, and Genesis Clicker. As well as the Elemental Clicking Glove. Requires Clicker Class, Withertaco's clicker addon and Calamity to work. V 1.0.1 - Added Description Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (2.3 MB) |
The Abrasion Mod Team |
Abrasion is a mod to enhance vanilla Terraria.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
The Pykrete Mod
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Download v0.2.2.1 (119.3 KB) |
GASHMILTZ, Paliy, WemZ, … |
Welcome to Pykrete mod everyone!
Director: GASHMILTS Devs: dukehootfish, paliy Sprite artist: wempoT V.0.1: Adds a new material called Pykrete, which is crafted by iron bars, wood, and ice blocks. the material can be used to craft weapons, tools, and armor. V.0.2: Adds The Matter Infuser, a new crafting station crafted from Iron, Hallowed bars, And the Souls of the Mechs, which can be used to craft Holy Pykrete, an upgraded version of Pykrete. Special thanks to the amazing people of the Aseprite and TModLoader discord servers, for helping us and providing us with Tutorials, Important Files, Advice for our Project and Echo. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Dye Swapper
Download v1.0.0.1 (4 KB) |
Creeper Da Snek |
This mod allows swapping between Strange Dyes.
Ex: Shifting Sands Dye <==> Mirage Dye. If you would like to request a recipe, ask for it on the homepage. Changelog: v1.0.0.0: Release. v1.0.0.1: Updated to tModLoader v0.10.1.2, made open source. Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.2 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.0.0.1 (7.1 KB) |
Rartrin |
This is a small visual mod that currently adds a text pop-up any time you change biomes.
I will be working on compatibility for mods to add their own custom biomes to it in the future. I intend to add other visual features later... that is, once I know what to add. Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.2 | Edit | Delete |
Random Improvements
Download v0.1.2 (15.6 KB) |
Yuyutsu |
Random Improvements is a mod that adds multiple small changes to Terraria. Some items now float, and others now glow in the dark! Check out the mod's page to learn more!
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Solstice mod
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Download v0.1.1.2 (86.7 KB) |
Caveweasel |
Welcome to Solstice mod!
A mod filled with magic and wonders! Version TODO List - Darkness Monster (AI) upgrade v0.2 - Light magic themed items, monsters and boss. - More Dark magic weapons - (maybe) More darkness monsters v1.0 - Magic themed stuff all through hardmode - Banners for enemies - Trophies for bosses Changelog v0.1.1.2 - Linked to GitHub v0.1.1.1 - Changed values of items - Added mod icon v0.1.1 - Added 1 new buff, Darkness Incense - Added 1 new miniboss, Darkness Shark - Added 4 new enemies - Added 1 new item, Darkness Incense - Edited Treasure bag sprite - Renamed mod to Solstice mod from Caves mod v0.1 - Added 1 new buff, Darkness Flames - Added 1 new boss, Darkness Monster - Added 2 new enemies - Added 13 new items, including weapons, materials etc. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
A Weapon
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Download v1.1 (74.7 KB) |
是黑岩啊 |
Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Terraria Supercharged mod
Download v0.2.8 (2.1 MB) |
Marisson_fr, Lazer, Dest… |
Terraria Supercharged mod is a mod that adds at the moment:
- 8 ennemies - 2 mini-bosses - 25 accessories - 7 crafting materials - 1 tool - 1 armor set - 12 melee weapons - 7 magic weapons - 5 summon weapons - 6 ranged weapon the mod is still in developpement so dont expect something big right now. if you want to know more about the mod, you can check out the official Discord server: last changes: 0.3.0 - added FIRST BOSS: The Cavernic centipede - added rare jewel - added Mod Icon - Bambow is now crafted at workbench - rebalanced stats of spore spirit, increased drop rate and spawn rate - resprited spore spirit - renamed Spore Spirit to sporit - added mechanical clockbow - added particles to slayser and mechanical clockbow projectiles - increased slayser damage by 5 - tweaked the recipe of slayser - sun harpy now fires sun feathers - added blank scroll - increased sun feathers dropped by sun harpy - feather sunfall's sun feathers now inflict on fire - added prism crystal - added prism crystal block 0.2.9 - added feathered teapot 0.2.8 - bloodstain knife can now be upgraded to vampire knives with ectoplasm - added tree ornament, mystical sand, muddy scope and force pebbles - reduced spawn rates of gargantuan slimes - golden slime can now drop gold ore 0.2.7 - reverted changes made to golden gel drop rates - updated luminangel sprite - added claw crusher - added tomb launcher - luminangel is now a summon - updated luminangel tooltips - added gargantuan bone slime and gargantuan Shell slime - added digested fish bones - added hemo shell - obsidi coin is now replaced with hemo shell - added bloodstain knife - reduced blood jelly in life crystal recipe - updated life shard tooltip - added blood bath 0.2.6 - eoc summon has his damage back hoever he only does 7 damage - golden slime staff has a reasonable sell price 0.2.5 - resprited golden slime staff, summon and buff - added flight animation to golden slime summon - changed recipe of golden slime staff - removed contact damage of EOC summon - reduced golden gel drop rates - removed paricles effect from angel slimes (particle flood) - added winged orb iten (luminangel light pet) - added helio wings - angel slimes now drop winged orb 0.2.4 - fixed angel slimes dealing 400 damage and 3000 hp 0.2.3 - fixed woodcrest multiclass badge increasing ranged damage instead of all damage - added angel slime - added 4 variants of angel slime - sunfeather is now also dropped by angel slimes 0.2.2 - added life shard - organ slimes now drop life shard - added recipe for woodcrest multiclass badge - reduced mama given by woodcrest multiclass badge by 10 0.2.1 - renamed magic knifes into starlight knifes and resprited them - renamed knife pouch into knife fan - resprited knife fan and updated tooltip - knife fan no longers need luminite to craft - changed recipe of starlight knifes to use 1 mana crystal and only 100 knifes - added yellow light and particles to starlight knifes - added bambow, flaming bambow, freezing bambow - recolored reprogrammed probe buff - flowery bar is now crafted on lizhard furnace - fixed craft of woodcrest badges and reprogrammed probe staff - added retina scepter 0.2.0 - renamed Corruflame Berserk Warhammer into Corruflame Warhammer, Crimblood Assassin Dagger into Crimblood Dagger and Pearled Shinobi Katana into Prism's Katana - resprited flowery bar, life blossom and Prism's Katana - fixed corruflame warhamer's projectile dealing magic damage - Prism's katana and it's projectile now inflict Confused on hit - reduced corruflame warhamer projectile speed by 1 and damage by 15 - increased Crimblood Dagger projectile speed by 1 - increased Prism's katana damage by 20 - added crystal shards and souls of light to Prism's katana craft - entierely changed Prism's katana projectile - fixed the celestial heart beeing able to be crafted with nothing - uptated Sun harpy's animation to be faster - decreased spawn and drop rates of hardmode slime warrior - recolored the container - added glowing spores - flowery bar now needs glowing spores to be crafted - changed flowery bar tooltip to "Spiritual flower ingot used by jungle summoners" - added spore spirit - woodcrest sword reworked: shoots crystal projectiles but halved damage - added light dust to sun harpy and golen slime - added woodcrest armor, bow and hammer - added woodcrest melee, magic, summon, ranged and multiclass badges - added reprogrammed probe staff - sharkron blastlancher does not need frost daggerfish anymore *NOTE THAT SOME MIGHT BE MISSING DUE TO THE THING CRASHING* - added but not inplein Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.2 | Edit | Delete |
The Starfall Mod
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Download v0.3.1 (7.4 MB) |
Szlachta |
AKA. Tonks mod reborn
The Starfall mod is made by The Szlachta Team that is basically a better version of the Tonks mod that adds new weapons, ores, items etc. mods discord link is in the homepage update 0.1 "When one story ends - another begins": - added t1 and t2 starfall weapons - added starfall and starfall torches - added Ultranium - a new ore that generates after defeading moon lord - added a couple of weapons from the Tonks mod - added star sentries - new early game enemies that spawn in space and drop starfall 0.2: - added Sky Snails - a new critter that spawns in space - fixed some bugs - Ultranium should now generate after Moon Lord has beem defeated - added the Super Tonx and Rainbow Bars 0.2.1 "The Dark Arts pt1": - added Ultra Armor - added The Ultra Scythe - added t1-t3 Stellar Throwing weapons - added Dirt Shurikens - added the Cluster Slime - a new boss that spawns during the slime rain 0.2.2 "The Dark Arts pt2": - added Darkstone - a new ore that generates after Skeletron has been defeated - added Aakhotep - a new desert boss that is summonned using the Ancient Artifact - many balance changes - added The Starfall Mod icon 0.3 "A brand new journey": - added the Shaman Class - a class that buffs its teammates but at a cost 0.3.1 "Shaman expansion DLC pack" - added a total of 11 new Shaman Class items Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
No Lag Chlorophyte Bullets
Download v1.2 (22.8 KB) |
ReviXy |
No Lag Chlorophyte Bullets is a mod that overrides your standart chlorophite bullets.
I tested this bullets on my weak laptop, so i had a lag only when I fired Halibut canon (Calamity mod) with equiped Soul of eternity (Fargo's souls mod). Well, there is also a little upgraded bullet AI. Enjoy! Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.3 | Edit | Delete |
Mod of Mushrooms
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Download v1.1.7 (1.4 MB) |
The Red Glowing Mushroom |
Mod of Mushrooms is a Mod that adds Mushroom Themed Weapons and More!
"Yoooo we have 100+ items now isn't that cool?" - The Red Glowing Mushroom (Destroyer From Terraria#0001) For now we have: -Some Crafting Stations -A Gun that might ruin your world. -A Challenge Accessory -Aturite, the ore of Nature -Mushroom Weapons -A New Class: Heavy Damage (can't get modifiers yet sadly.) -And More! Team: -Destroyer From Terraria#0001 (Owner of Mod Of Mushrooms) -Maikli Messes#5217 (Spriter) -gloop#9999 (Concept Arts and Spriting) Testers: -maxidaddy#3054 -OneMoons#1111 Changelog: -V1.1.7 v Wooden Fan and Reinforced Fan got a resprite by gloop#9999! v Reinforced Fan now uses Wooden Fan in it's recipe and no longer requires tin bars. v Added The Heavy Emblem which has a 14.29% chance to drop from Wall of Flesh (Sprite by gloop#9999) v Added The Heavy Gauntlet which increases melee and heavy damage! (Sprite by gloop#9999) v Renamed "Bouncy Grenade Cannon" to "Hallowed Cannon" and is no longer craftable, instead it's a 35.00% chance drop from hallowed mimics. v Added 3 more Grenade Cannons, 2 are Pre-Hardmode and 1 is Hardmode. (in total 4 Grenade Cannons) v Now Grenade Cannons can use grenades as ammo! v Added a Endless Grenade Pouch (for the Grenade Cannons) -V1.1.6 -You thought this was V1.2 but no it was me DIO! v Fixed Some Bugs v Renamed Heavy Hammer Damage to Heavy Damage, allowing for more Heavy Weapons v Added The Fan Subclass (Sprites and Concept Arts by gloop#9999) v Added 2 Grapple Guns: Starlight Grabber and Slimy Grabber (Sprites and Concept Arts by gloop#9999) v Added A New Heavy Weapon: The Bouncy Grenade Cannon. -V1.1.5 v Nerfed Eye Breaker v Added Slaythil Ore, Bars, Armor and Weapons (Crimson) v Added Akraontine Ore, Bars, Armor and Weapons (Corruption) v Now Eater of Worlds can drop Akraontine Ore v Now Brain of Cthulhu can drop Slaythil Ore -V1.1.4 v Renamed Woooden Warhammer to Wooden Heavyhammer v Renamed Mushroom Warhammer to Mushroom Heavyhammer v Added Gelatine Smasher and the Hallow Variant (Heavyhammer) v Added Eye Breaker (Heavyhammer) v Added The Harvester (Heavyhammer) v Added Aturite Heavyhammer v Added Ancient Wooden Armor v Added Hay Breastplate (Goes with Ancient Wooden Leggings) v Gave an use to the Aturite Fragment v Added 3 Ice Themed Swords v Added 3 Sea Themed Swords v Added Shoes (??????) -V1.1.3 v Added Some Glowing Mushroom Weapons (Recipes will be Changed) v Added The Vulture Launcher (00.23% chance from Vultures) -V1.1.2 v Wooden Warhammer and Mushroom Warhammer have the new damage class: Heavy Hammer Damage v Added Gelatine Armor Set dropped by King Slime (Slime Head, Gelatine Jacket and Gelatine Boots) v Added Pink Gelatine Armor Set, the upgrade of Gelatine Armor (Hallow Slime Head, Pink Gelatine Jacket and Pink Gelatine Boots) v Added a Stick (??????) v Added a Useless Item (for now), The Aturite Fragment (Might later on be used to craft more aturite stuff) -V1.1.1 v Changed the defense for Aturite Armor (we wouldnt want it to be the same as the Mushroom Armor right?) v Most Items got a Re-sprite by Maikli Messes#5217 v Fixed a bug where if you wear Aturite Helmet and Mushroom Armor it would give you the Aturite Armor Bonus but if you wear full Aturite it wouldn't give a bonus at all -V1.1 v Added Aturite, the ore of Nature v Added Mushroom Armor v Changed the Recipe of Mushroom Table v Added Aturite Armor and Bow of Nature v Changed True Blade Of Grass name to "Aturite Sword" and made it Pre-Hardmode v Added Moonlight, the Bow variant of Night's Edge v Added Skeleton Bow v Added Nature's Edge v Added Aturite Anvil (Warning: This Anvil is only used to Craft Aturite Stuff, its not a Upgrade for your well known Iron/Lead Anvil) v Removed Heart of Autumn -V1.0 v Mod Published Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Vanilla Bosses Remade
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Download v0.1.0.1 (161.8 KB) |
Core |
Vanilla Bosses Remade is a mod that attempts to overhaul every non-event vanilla boss to be more interesting and challenging, suitable as a side addition for other major mods.
Each overhaul can be disabled in the config, so you can pick or drop whichever ones you want. This mod only changes boss AI and their minions, projectiles, and nothing else (besides disabling natural spawns, which can also be disabled), making it compatible with non-boss-changing mods like Thorium. Also works in multiplayer! (mostly) Currently, this mod reworks: -King Slime -Eye of Cthulhu -Eater of Worlds -Brain of Cthulhu -Queen Bee With more to come... (mostly for 1.4) Forum page coming soon? Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Shrek Shreds
Download v0.7.2 (6.8 KB) |
BOIO48484848 |
Shrek Shreds is a pretty cool mod, with good weapons, items, and graphics. Also check out scooby snacks mod.Also check out the CherryFrez youtube channel!
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |