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Piercing Immunity Fix - now per weapon
Download v1.0.0.1 (24.5 KB)


It should allow you to damage enemies with piercing weapons while your Star Dust Dragon minion also damages them. Enemies are immune only to projectiles of the same type. Generally this doesn't break balance because you still can't hit same enemy multiple times with the same weapon (except if it fires projectiles of different types).

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Devotion Mod
Download v3.4 (71.4 KB)


Welcome to the Devotion Mod.
This is a Work in Progress mod planning to add a plethora of weapons, equipables, armors, and bosses.
The mod is being developed by Panicakr and DylanDoes (along with some help from friends)
Currently the mod has 19 weapons, 2 armor sets, and 6 wings

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Where I Am
Download v0.6 (27.6 KB)


Because of some unknown bugs, I can't translate the Hotkey and the UI. It will take a crash

The Hotkey means "Function Toggles"
Four options in the UI are
"Display Biome"
"Display Time"
"Display Position"
"Display FPS"

这个模组可以告诉你所处的环境, 当前时间(白天,晚上), 人物坐标 (以地图左上角为原点) 以及游戏帧数


-Add a UI allows players to open or close certain displays freely (Needs to set the button by yourself).
-添加一个UI,玩家可自由开启或关闭某些显示 (需要自行设置按键)

-build for tmodloader
-使用 tmodloader 生成模组

-Add an icon

-Add FPS at the lower left corner

-Add player position
This mod shows the biome you are in, current time(day or night), player position (Take the top left corner of the map as the original point) and FPS
Does not support mod biome temporarily

Because of some unknown bugs, I can't translate the Hotkey and the UI. It will take a crash

The Hotkey means "Function Toggles"
Four options in the UI are
"Display Biome"
"Display Time"
"Display Position"
"Display FPS"

这个模组可以告诉你所处的环境, 当前时间(白天,晚上), 人物坐标 (以地图左上角为原点) 以及游戏帧数


-Add a UI allows players to open or close certain displays freely (Needs to set the button by yourself).
-添加一个UI,玩家可自由开启或关闭某些显示 (需要自行设置按键)

-build for tmodloader
-使用 tmodloader 生成模组

-Add an icon

-Add FPS at the lower left corner

-Add player position

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
More Stuff
Download v0.2.6 (82 KB)


This is a mod that adds a bunch of new stuff to Terraria.

Update 0.2.6
-Added Plasma Slime Boss
-Added Ball of Plasma enemy
-Added Plasma Crown (Plasma Slime Summon)
-Added Plasma Bow, Plasma Yoyo, Plasma Fragment (Plasma Slime drops)
-Added Slime Bow
-Changed sprites of most of the bows

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Coins are Health
Download v1.0.1.4 (157 KB)



This mod replaces your health with your coins.
(Any mentions of "Health" or "HP" listed below are for the coins' worth of health instead of actual HP.)

Micromanaging money just became a whole lot worse... Are you up to the challenge?

=== CHANGES ===
- Positive life regeneration is completely disabled. Damage-Over-Time effects, such as "On Fire!" can still drain your health though.

- Healing via the Nurse has been replaced with a trade of for an Extra Life.
- Once the trade has been done, you'll have to wait a few days before you can get another Extra Life.
- Dying while having Extra Lives will instead give the player 50HP and brief invincibility.

- New and respawning players start with 50 HP
- This amount can be increased by consuming Life Crystals and Life Fruit
- Players that were created before using this mod and have no coins are considered "new" players
- Health modifications from sources such as the Lifeforce Potion are only 20% effective

- Running out of coins in your Inventory, Piggy Bank , Safe and Defender's Forge will start a short countdown. Once this countdown ends, the player will die.
- The countdown lasts for 2 seconds in Softcore, 5 seconds in Mediumcore and for 10 seconds in Hardcore

- Picking up Hearts , Candy Apples and Candy Canes will give +3 HP

- Items that heal the player, such as the Healing Potion , will give 1/10th the normal amount of health.
- For example, consuming a Healing Potion , which normally gives +100 HP, would give +10 HP instead.

- All monsters drop more money (except for bosses).

- All shop items that don't use custom currency, such as the Defender's Medal , have increased prices.

- Invincibility after being hit is doubled in duration

- Pickup range for coins has been slightly increased

- The Coin Gun has a chance to not consume ammo based on what coin type was used for ammo

=== BUGS ===
- Other mods trying to do things to the UI layers might cause problems"> THIS MOD IS STILL A WORK-IN-PROGRESS.

This mod replaces your health with your coins.
(Any mentions of "Health" or "HP" listed below are for the coins' worth of health instead of actual HP.)

Micromanaging money just became a whole lot worse... Are you up to the challenge?

=== CHANGES ===
- Positive life regeneration is completely disabled. Damage-Over-Time effects, such as "On Fire!" can still drain your health though.

- Healing via the Nurse has been replaced with a trade of for an Extra Life.
- Once the trade has been done, you'll have to wait a few days before you can get another Extra Life.
- Dying while having Extra Lives will instead give the player 50HP and brief invincibility.

- New and respawning players start with 50 HP
- This amount can be increased by consuming Life Crystals and Life Fruit
- Players that were created before using this mod and have no coins are considered "new" players
- Health modifications from sources such as the Lifeforce Potion are only 20% effective

- Running out of coins in your Inventory, Piggy Bank , Safe and Defender's Forge will start a short countdown. Once this countdown ends, the player will die.
- The countdown lasts for 2 seconds in Softcore, 5 seconds in Mediumcore and for 10 seconds in Hardcore

- Picking up Hearts , Candy Apples and Candy Canes will give +3 HP

- Items that heal the player, such as the Healing Potion , will give 1/10th the normal amount of health.
- For example, consuming a Healing Potion , which normally gives +100 HP, would give +10 HP instead.

- All monsters drop more money (except for bosses).

- All shop items that don't use custom currency, such as the Defender's Medal , have increased prices.

- Invincibility after being hit is doubled in duration

- Pickup range for coins has been slightly increased

- The Coin Gun has a chance to not consume ammo based on what coin type was used for ammo

=== BUGS ===
- Other mods trying to do things to the UI layers might cause problems

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Dirt Mod
Download v1.1.5 (53.5 KB)


This mod adds items made from dirt.
Mostly for early game.

- 1 Armor Set
- 1 Wing Set
- 1 Pickaxe
- 1 Sword
- 1 Hook
- 3 NPCs
- 1 Crafting Station

Change Log
1.1.5 - Fixed Discord Link
1.1.4 - Bug Fixes
1.1.3 - Bug Fixes, Changed items and values
1.1.2 - Bug Fixes
1.1.1 - Bug Fixes
1.1 - Added 3 new NPCs, 1 currently unspawnable, added Dirt Furnace, crafting recipes are now crafted at this station.
1.0 - Released

Thanks for Downloading
Thanks for 400 downloads

Any suggestions
Email Me:

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1.0.1 (237.5 KB)


Terrainia is not the biggest mod in the world.
But here is what it offer's:

13 Items
1 Biome
1 Boss
1 Enemy

Remember there will still be some small glitches, but
feel free to report then at the e-mail below.

Feel free to ask questions on:

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Ok weapons n stuff
Download v0.101.10 (9.6 KB)


As the title said, they are ok, but not great.

currently this adds:
6 weapons,
4 melee
1 throwing
1 gun
1 magic

Sadly this mod is not updated much, so enjoy what you have with sparse updates.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
Duck Sword
Download v0.1 (3.8 KB)


You will be happy to know that some random person out there in the world has finally created it... the Duck Sword. (In future updates there will be upgrades available to modify how much damage it does. The idea of those updates is to be able to have the Duck Sword as your main weapon throughout the entire game by combining it with different ores.)

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Ultimate Terraria
Download v0.0.0.1 (4.7 KB)


This is totally different. With different biomes, weapons, accessories, mobs, and MORE! I will always be adding MORE STUFF.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
OP Swords Remastered
Download v4.4 (16.7 MB)

Bradlee Barnes

OP Swords brings you OP swords... as it says!

If you get yourself 23 dirt blocks, you can craft the Dirty Sword AND the Dirty Accessory to boost your health regen, speed and more!

We are working on new swords but we won't do every material = op sword in that material

The only downside to this is the OHHH YEAHHH sound. All mods have downsides... right?

Versions that aren't recorded here are bug fixes or things that I am testing and trying out whilst publishing them and then finding an error.

Check out our discord:


+ Mana In A Star updated to give you 10 seconds of pain and 2 seconds of panic attack

+ Swcythe and Mana In A Star have been added! Join the discord and you can view all the recipes... just... I haven't added this yet.

+ Added new "Buff" to the Stoney Accessory... hopefully this increases CMD Slime and Caramel Slime

+ Added new accessory! OW SO STONEY!

+ Updated Time Smasher to be way more efficient and take less time to use.

+ Fixed SO MANY bugs with Time Smasher and updated the IMU, Time Smasher, and other stuff. TLDR: Fixed Time Smasher and updated stuff

+ Time SMASHER: Breaking through Time since 2010... but you don't needa know that. Just need my trusty I-M-U to turn it into a time blaster.

+ Caramel Slimes are less annoying but comes with a hacker foe... the C@mma%d LiN@ SliM3... oh god he's hacked the m@d someon3 hel% me

+ Mmm, tasty caramel slime! Annoying but high on health AND hard to defeat... somewhat...

+ Oops, forgot to say that I added a daytime song.

+ Copper Sword and Swords above that will take away mana.

+ Colored mod title! Yayyy!

+ Gravestone is now a shootable, still run@ing out o$ memor@ tho#gh.
+ Dirty Sword has 25% Pickaxe Power, Stone Sword has 50% Pickaxe Power and Copper Sword has 100% Pickaxe Power

Yay we made it! We made it to v3.0!!! Now, what's new?
+ Gravestone texture updated; Moved the RIP across the left a bit.

+ I have the Gravestone now... time to meet your death...

+ Fixed new night song.

+ New night song! Now with 100% more vibe!

+ Added C#pper S@ord, h3lp M@ I am runni!g out of M£MOry...

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
More Vanity
Download v0.1.1 (23.4 KB)


More Vanity adds tons of new craftable vanity items!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Terra Fortress 2
Download v0.11.0 (110.8 KB)


Terra Fortress 2 is a mod that adds alot of Team Fortress 2 Related stuff. to get started with the items Some NPCS sells them.
Current Items Added.
Scrap Metal
The Bat
Heavy's Set. (Blu and Red!)
Scout's Set! (Blu And Red!)
More will come soon

Update 0.11.0 : The Pyro Update
Adds Pyro Weapons!
Flare Gun
Fire Axe!

Resprites for some weapons!

Update 0.10.0
Armor set Bonuses!
Scouts set bonus will give: Increased movement speed and Double jump!
Heavys set bonus will give: Slow Movement and More Ranged Damage!
Added Sets to Clothier Shop after Brain of Cthulhu!

Update 0.9.8
Updated Icon!

Update 0.9.5
Added Scouts Set!

Update 0.9.0
Added Heavy's Set! :>

Update 0.8.1
Fixed Description

Update 0.8.0
Added Sandvich what heals you 100 Health.

Update 0.7.0
Added Shotgun!
Added Scrap Metal! (useless currently)

Update 0.6.0
Added Minigun!
Buffed Pistol
Changed Prices for shops.
The Bat is sold by the Merchant!

Update 0.5.0
Added Icon!

Update 0.4.0

Update 0.3.0
The Bat.

The Bat from the store

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Jeff mod
Download v1.16 (11.9 MB)


Honorable Mention
-Gameraider101 For a video on the jeff mod
-PootisTweet For an Amazing Sprite




2 new boss

9 material

10 accesories (2 hook 8 wings)

6 Armor

55 Weapons

The Jeff mod is a story about a dude name jeff he was the son of the most powerful individual in the glowing mushroom this is is story jeff lived alone on a smol house on a hill but then one day is parent died to an unfortunate accident and the young jeffery became Tyrant of the Glowing Mushroom Land he was powerful every challenger that tried the take is place got brutally murder by the jeff but then jeff got a letter from an unknow person He read the letter out loud

i am going to challenge you into a 1v1 Battle for the mushroom land its going to be a death match meet me at the forest


jeff was happy maybe a whorty opponent but fred was more then a worthy a challenger he was the old tyrant before is that but got trapped in the under world and now

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0 (13.5 KB)


Fuel your guns with the power of mana!

How does it work?
You can craft guns that can shoot as many bullets as you want...
as long as you have the mana to do so.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Randomized World
Download v0.3000000 (26.3 KB)


Randomized World is a mod which allows you to randomize the tiles in your world for a fun challenge.

Randomized World was inspired by this popular youtube video: In that video it's seen that the creator manually randomizes all the blocks in a spreadsheet and then replaces them with Tedit. This mod makes you only have to type a command to randomize the blocks!

Randomized World has 4 settings that you can find in its config they are: Randomize walls, Only solids, Randomize liquids and Change Random Seed. What they change can be seen when hovering over them in the config.

to start using Randomized World enter a world then change the config settings to whatever settings you prefer and then type /randomizetiles.

There are two commands in Randomized NPC's:
/randomizetiles: (randomizes all the tiles in your world this may take a long time depending on the size of your world) and /leavewithoutsave (leaves the world without saving handy when you don't like the randomized blocks and wanna try again after changing the random seed)

Well thats all you need to know about this mod, i hope you enjoy it! if you have any questions or feedback you want to give you can contact me on discord at: Memez4Life#6947.

(make sure you are in the tmodloader discord otherwise i will most likely ignore your friendrequest as i don't accept friend request from people i don't have common servers/friends with due to bot spam reasons)

NOTE: This mod has not been tested with modded tiles and probably doesn't work with them, this may change in the future but for now if you want to play with any additional mods you should first randomize the world with only this mod enabled and then when the world has been randomized add the mods you would like to play in the world with.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Chippy Gamings Christmas Mod
Download v0.1 (4.6 KB)

Launchpad Dude

Chippy Gamings Christmas Mod is a Mod for Chippy Gaming�s Christmas Calander Terraria Series

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Minions Mod
Download v0.3 (9.5 KB)


Minions mod is an upcoming content mod, this beta will have minimal content and is for testing purposes, but it is playable and balanced.

---Pretty much discontinued---

Bananas are obtained from breaking things in the jungle:

Hanging Banana- 4% drop from each tile of a jungle vine, the most efficient method of obtaining bananas
Fallen Banana- 5% chance from breaking a large jungle bush/flower
Monkey's Stash- 2% chance for breaking jungle thorns to yield a huge deposit of bananas, as well as a unique accessory

IHOP minion food:

3 minion themed consumable foods that yield unique buffs, made with bananas and other stuff


Vladimier, Miningdiamonds8 - Sprites
Five, East, ColinAV- Code

If I forget to mention you then contact me

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
*VeryWIP Don't Get Now* LBAMod
Download v0.1.1 (112.6 KB)


Linty's Boss Arena Mod is a pretty bad mod, it does...nothing good.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Star Trek
Download v0.1.1 (6.9 KB)

Unknown Penguin

Star Trek is a mod that brings Star Trek hand Weapons to terraria. More content coming soon

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
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