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Unofficial AA Tweaks
Download v0.1 (65.7 KB)


So I may have done a lil editing :]

The title speaks for itself. This mod makes a handful of various tweaks (and reworks) to random things form Ancients Awakened.

== Initial Release 0.1 ==

- Enemies can no longer swpan in places that they shouldn't. No more mimic central :).

- Reworked Hydroatoxin, now deals accelerating damage over time.

- Reworked Discordian Inferno, player max hp drains over time and additional hits reduce enemy max hp.

- Blaze Claw and Abyss Claw now have gores.

- Reworked and Renamed Mossket to Muckshot, fires a shotgun blast of bubbles.

- Reworked and Renamed Firebuster to The Eggbreaker, right click to charge and fire an egg bomb. Shooting the egg bomb releases a ton of bullets.

- Attemped to buff Yamata's Phase 1 damage.

Localizer Package
7 months ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2.2 (4.2 MB)


This mod was created by Ian Alton Noble jr.

version = 0.2.2
nothing buzz

version = 0.2.1
morwe geometry clas stuffs bujzz

version = 0.1.9
bUZZlightyer dicdexed fixed 634 pm 1/17/2021

version = 0.1.8
bUZZlightyer updates

version 0,1,6;
new boss, eye of the sea

version 0,1,5;
bug fixes
some new items

version 0,1,4;
bug fixes

version 0,1,3;
bug fixes
Grass Crab Can now spawn
Grass Shard items added

version 0,1,2;
Grass Crab added
Ekie Creatures can now spawn afer deafeting ekie
Grass Praying Wand added
Grass Gun added
Grass Triangle added

version 0,1,1;
bug fixes
Glowing Mushroom Square added

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Angler Mod
Download v0.1 (15.7 KB)


This mod adds a hardmode upgrade to the angler armor, making it easier to fish.
The sprite is not the best because I'm not a spriter, sorry. It's just a recolored angler armor.

+35 total defense
+5% speed boost
+ 1 minion
+25 fishing skill

to craft it, you will need :
-angler armor (hat, vest, pants)
-30 souls of light for the complete set
-30 souls of night for the complete set

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Glowing Water
Download v1.0 (2.8 KB)


Glowing Water makes water in the Hallowed and Glowing Mushroom Biomes glow, but only on the surface. Enjoy!

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
OP Sword (The One-Shot Weapon)
Download v1.0.0 (22.8 KB)


The OP Sword is a re-write of the KO Sword by xbxbxb123 with plenty of changes and additions!

Unlike the KO Sword, the OP Sword was designed with the intention of bypassing "Anti-Butcher" from multiple different mods.
The KO Sword had the limitation of range, so, the OP Sword introduces projectile's which themselves provide the true power!

Not only does this mod amp the Sword, it also introduces a helmet!
This OP Helmet provides 1 million defense, and is being worked on to provide true invincibility.
(Testing is against the Devourer of Gods from the Calamity mod as it can one-shot)
Note: Currently the helmet does not display on the player when equipped.

The recipe for both items is 999 Luminite Bars at a Workbench.

(This mod was made with xbxbxb123's permission)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Easy Fish Finder and DPS Meter
Download v2.1 (2.3 KB)


The title says it all.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Halo UNSC Weapons SP ONLY
Download v1.1.1 (4.2 MB)


DISCLAIMER: This is Singleplayer only! GlowMaskAPI is required to run this.
All sprites were made by Hashashaaaa, so all credit goes to him and his amazing pixelart skill.
All sounds and intellectual properties are owned by Microsoft, 343 Industries, and Bungie.

This includes nearly every UNSC Halo weapon, however variants that reappear in other games are a weird hybrid, fusion of their art and functionality. This is my first experience with coding and modding so if you have any suggestions or compaints please tell me so I can improve this because we are all hyped for Halo Infinite and Halo MCC on PC.

Plans for the future: Currently this only includes UNSC weapons, but I plan to add either a Covenant update or Covenant counterpart. I am also planning on adding some UNSC based mounts, town NPCs, and Covenant enemies. I also hope I could actually become somehow good at spriting so I can resprite everything and then as well add a Forerunner set of weapons. Another mechanic I'm trying to work on is reloading, a different Halo 3 ODST mod (Which I highly recommend!) does it very well, so far I've experiment with mana on the M41 SPNKr and M57 as well as the M6 GNR.

Thank you for downloading!

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Cha0s Mod | Forum page!
Download v1.3.1.2 (515.7 KB)



Thanks for checking out the description!.



Thanks for checking out the description!.


Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2 (434.8 KB)


Something mod... Is there something?


Cool npcs!
Awesome items
and an awesome experince :P

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Terraria, But All NPC's Are 10 Times As Big
Download v2.0.3 (19.9 KB)


This mod makes every enemy, boss, and friendly npc 10 times as big. NPCs that are underground are normal sized sometimes because the can't fit.

You can check out my other mod called Flex Tape III here:

you can also join my Terraria mod Discord here:

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.7 Edit | Delete
DOOM Mod Music (Read Description)
Download v0.4 (8.6 MB)


I made this a separate mod to DOOM Mod because if you want you can have
some nice doom music with out crazy weapons, or you can have both!

This mod includes:
Bobby Prince Town NPC

He moves in and sells Classic doom music boxes after King Slime has been defeated.
DOOM Mod is now out!

im sorry if it sounds compressed its because i had to do that to make music files smaller

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Refined Yoyos
Download v0.4 (42.1 KB)


Combine multiple items of the same yoyo to craft a stronger, refined version of that yoyo!

v0.2: Small balances
v0.3: Small balances
v0.4: Small balances

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Hardmode Potions
Download v1.4 (84.7 KB)


Hardmode Potions increases the potency of some potions after Wall of Flesh, Plantera and Moonlord are defeated, makes some tooltips more informative, balances a couple vanilla potions and adds a few potions I felt fit in Terraria.

The aim of this mod is to make potions more useful in Hardmode. What is 8 defence from an ironskin when your current defence is well over 130? Why is the archery potion so dang good and where's the bullet equivalent?

Vanilla potions changed: Ammo Reservation, Archery, Battle, Builder, Calm, Endurance, Fishing, Gravitation, Heartreach, Inferno, Ironskin, Lifeforce, Magic Power, Mana Regeneration, Mining, Obsidian Skin, Rage, Regeneration, Shine, Summoning, Swiftness, Thorns, Titan, Warmth, Wrath

Potions added:
Piercing - Increases armour penetration
Sentry - Increases the number of sentries you can have
Levitation - Allows you to hover in the air
Ballistic - Archery, but for guns
Berserker - Increases melee damage and swing speed
Grave - Teleports you to the location of your last death
Leap - Increases jump height and enables auto-jump

For a full list of all changes, check the forum page

Planned content and known issues:

-Levitation potion causes you to fall if you walk into a block
-AlchemistNPC combination potions aren't compatible
-AlchemistNPC buff from piggy bank does weird stuff with Inferno Potion

Version 1.4:
- Tweaked lots of potion effects, check the forum post for a full list of changes
- Potions last longer. 25% increase after Wall of Flesh, 50% increase after Plantera, 75% increase after Moon Lord
- Shine and Calm potions and buffs no longer have changing tooltips, though their effects will still change
Version 1.3:
- Added more potion tiers post Moon Lord
- Tweaked Grave Potion so that you can use it any amount of times after dying and removed time limit to use the potion
- Fixed a bug making post Plantera calming potion endless
- Fixed a bug giving players vanilla inferno buff and post plantera inferno buff
- Fixed typos in some buff tooltips
- Improved icon with a border from Typhlosionater, creator of Ty's Yoyo Redux
- Cleaned up the source code
Version 1.2:
- Levitation no longer prevents you from levitating on trees
- Improved some potion and buff tooltips to be more informative
Version 1.1.1:
- Added to Github, Added icon
Version 1.0:
- Released

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
DomNite's Additions
Download v0.5.535 (259 KB)

DomNite (FragileFrenzY)

I made a discord server for you to join
You can chat there, report bugs or suggest ideas

**V0.5.534 UPDATE**
Read Change Logs Below

DomNite's Additions is a mod that adds a lot of weapons(mostly guns) to the game.

*81 Weapons
- 14 KM Manufactur Guns (Some Upgradeable)
- 11 SH Manufactur Guns (Some Upgradeable)
- 5 RW Manufactur Guns (Some Upgradeable)
- 5 TS Manufactur Guns (Some Upgradeable)
- 4 PL Manufactur Guns (Some Upgradeable)
- 1 TG Manufactur Gun
- 1 Sword
- 3 Bows

- Most of These Weapons Are Dropped from monsters (Slimes, Zombies and Demon Eyes), Pre Hardmode Bosses or Craftable
- Weapons have Tiers depending how good they are, the higher the tier, the better they are.
*4 Consumable

-There are 6 Manufactures

-KM Manufacture (Kefaz Machines)
-Focuses on SMG Type Guns, Mid Damage with High Rate of Fire

-SH Manufacture (Sluve Handguns)
-Focuses on Handguns and Revolvers, High Damage with Normal Rate of Fire

-RW Manufacture (Robi Weaponry)
-Focuses on Insane Weapons Dealing High Damage with Normal/Very High Rate of Fire

-TS Manufacture (Tasho Shotguns)
-Focuses on Shotguns, Normal Rate of Fire and Very High Damage up Close but loses a Lot of Damage the further you are from your Enemy.

-PL Manufacture (Plasla Longshots)
-Focuses on Snipers, Very High Damage Weapons with Slow Fire Rate.

-TG Manufacture (Troshiabi Guns)
-Focuses on Assault Rifles that burst.

-These are the current Manufactures, some updates introduce more Manufactures, which makes it more intresting.

**Recent Change Log:
- Fixed a bug with Zombie Gunner spamming chat

- Fixed a bug that causes a gun drop from any monster even tho it was supposed to be from a zombie gunner.

- Removed Drops from statue summoned monsters (my items).

- Added New bags!
- There are 3 tiers which drop guns and ammo depended on the bags tier dropped by any monster.
- More coming soon with more guns!

- Added Crystals
- There are 3 crystal types which allow you to upgrade your weapons for more damage.
- All 1/2/3 Tiered Weapons are Upgradeable.
- Obtained From Tiered Bags (Tier 1/2/3 Bags)
- Nerfed Zombie Gunner Defence and Buffed Knockback Resistance
- Nerfed Drops for All Normal Vanilla Monsters (Mod Items)
- Changed Weapon Textures
- Nerfs/Buffs to Weapon Stats
- Added a New Weapon, Robi-W Expertenter! (Discord Winner Weapon)
- Fastest Firing Weapon Yet! (Compared to other Guns from the Mod)
- Craftable with 5 Other Weapons
- Extracting the Mod will now Put everything in folders for Better User Experience.
- More Weapons Coming Soon in the next update!

- Major Nerf
- Almost all weapons have been nerfed to balance out with other weapons
- Nerfed Zombie Gunner's Damage, HP and Defence
- New Craftable Tier 4 Gun, TG C-A-R
- Part dropped from WoF
- Some guns will now burst fire.

- Added 2 new Craftable guns, KM P77 (Tier 3) and KM Hovik 2 SMG (Tier 2)
- Both are craftable with tier 2 guns.
- Both are upgradeable with Tier 2 Crystals.
- Retextured some guns.
- Description changed on some guns/items.
- Adjusted Damage and Fire Rate Values on some guns.
- Gun Starter Bag now always drops 500 ammo.

*V0.5.53f (Fix Update)
- (Didn't cover this update)New Weapon, KM Mak (Tier 2)
- Now is craftable at anvil.
- Upgradeable with a Tier 2 Crystal.
- Crafting Guns will now require anvil (not for upgrading).

- Added bows!
- Currently there are 3 new bows, ranging from tier 1-3.
- All of them are craftable.
- None of them are upgradeable with crystals.
- Buffed Better KM-11 SMG because it was worse than the KM-11 SMG xD
- Fixed a few invalid stats on weapons.
- Updated True Poison Sword
- Increased Base Damage.
- Increase Use Speed.
- Made the sword MUCH bigger, and now it has auto-swing.
- Is now craftable instead of dropped from skeletron.
- Updated Sprite, looks better than that crappy old one.

- Buffed Tiered Bags
- Now always drops ammo
- Increased chances for weapons

- New Bow
- Dreadalon:
- Post-Golem Bow
- Best Bow in the mo

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2 (2 MB)



Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Download v1.8.6.4 (533.9 KB)


My First mod! Adds a new tier of ranged armor to prehardmode, makes arkhalis
craftable, and more!

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (9.6 KB)


With ItemSummoner, you can use the commands /item item_Name Number_of_Items
or you can use /addtime Number_of_Ticks

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Espiritual's Assorted Collection of Random Items
Download v666.1337 (4.7 KB)


A mod full of random items that I have created. Now with even more awfully made sprites, extremely obscure references, and very poor balancing!

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
Bee Swarm Simulator Mod
Download v0.4.1 (200.6 KB)


This is a mod based on the ROBLOX game 'Bee Swarm Simulator' by Onett. Credit for the original designs of any content in this mod goes to him.

While the item designs themselves are based on those from the ROBLOX game, they do not necessarily work the same.


== Version 0.4.1 ==
> Emergency fix - removed Sticky modifier for Hive Weapons, as it seems to crash the game when applied to a newly obtained item
> Slightly changed the chance that a modifier will be applied upon obtaining an item

== Version 0.4 ==
> Introduced the Sprinklers: Basic Sprinkler, Silver Soakers, Golden Gushers, Diamond Drenchers, and the mighty Supreme Saturator
> Added the Magnet and Vacuum collectors which can bring dropped items towards the player
> Added three new Hive Weapon Modifiers - Ace, Grandmaster & Sticky
> The Scooper and Rake can no longer be crafted and are instead bought from the Merchant
> Slight changes to the Tide Popper
> Tide Popper can now be dropped by the Old Duke (Calamity Mod)

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Download v1.9.81 (313.7 KB)


This mod is a huge work in progress...

Discord at the link or at

(The link has all the info)

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
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