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Boss Tools & Weapons
Download v1.3.2 (100.2 KB)


Boss Tools & Weapons is a pretty cool mod.
It adds 15 New Swords, 15 Pickaxe, 15 Axes, a New Bow and a new Magic Weapon which are crafted from the trophies or maskes of the different bosses.

Pickaxes and Axes are crafted from Boss Trophies
Sword are crafted from Boss Masks

1.1 Update:
-Added Moon Bow
The Moon Bow does 500 DMG and converts any arrow into a luminite arrow, It also has a 50% crit chance and an 80% chance to consume ammo
The Moon Bow crafting recipe is: 100 Luminite Bars and 1 Phantasm Bow

-Added Boss Axes
Boss Axes are crafted from boss trophies aswell

-Buffed Hardmode Swords
The size has been increased by 2x

-Made Lunatic Cultist Pickaxe and Sword Unobtainable

-Added Testing Yoyo

1.2 Update:

-Added The Zapper, Soul Scythe, and Frost Sword
The Zapper is a better versoin of the removed Zapinator
The Dark Scythe is a very similar weapon to the Original, removed Soul Scythe
The Frost Sword is very similar to the removed Ice Mourne

-The Twins Pickaxe and Axe only require one of the two twins trophies rather than both

-New Enemy "Remi"
Remi has a 10% chance to spawn in the hardmode jungle

-Added the Lunar Gun
The Lunar Gun has a 2% chance to drop from Remi

1.3 Update:

-Added Fishron, WoF, and Golem Hooks
Range and Speed varies

-Added Dark Bomb
Dark Bomb has a range of 15 tiles

-Added Remi's Ring
Remi x Mechanic

-Added Remi and C4md3n Dev Hats
Only obtainable through mods (Cheat Sheet, Hero's Mod, etc)

-Added Remi's Yo-Yo
130 Dmg, Inf Time, Far Range

1.3.2 Update:

-Added 2k Ring
Celebrate 2k Mod Downloads by D3ealing 2k Damage

-Fixed Error in the Crafting Recipes for the Hooks

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Ultimate Stacking
Download v1.0.0 (5.1 KB)








Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Tonks mod
Download v1.1.2 (42.3 MB)


Tonks mod is cancelled
for more info, check:

Tonks is a mod made by the Szlachta team. sebaq GoldenGamerPL & Ineedge
discord - link in the homepage
Szlachta team YouTube -

LOOKING for someone to make a Tonks mod wiki. DM me on discord for more information

1.0 - The Legend of Tonks
Finally the 1.0 update, adding:
2 new challenging bosses
new ores and materials
new weapons and tools
new enemies
new buffs - Fixed a bug when lore items didnt drop

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Rune Carver
Download v0.1.1 (78.2 KB)


Rune Carver adds six new weapons which can be "empowered" six times as the game progresses.
This mod currently includes:
* The Rune Carver, a machine which, given certain materials, carves runes into compatible weapons, making them more powerful
* Exultion, a long spear which can stab your opponents from afar
* Exodium, a sword which fires a fast-moving projectile
* Colstice, a shotgun which fires a tight spread of five bullets
* Cellcrusher, a bow which fires two arrows instead of one
* Ash, a staff which rapidly fires fireballs
* Auger Arcanum, a railgun which fires a solid laser to cleave your opponents into two

* Atenfyr: programming
* Geocide: sprites and balancing

The source code for this mod is available on Github -

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.9 (307.8 KB)


Create New World For a better experience
Currently we have:
All Swords, Bows, Pickaxes, Axes, Shovels, Some Potions, Some Blocks and Bags

Change Log:
- Means Small Patch or Fix
- Means Small Update
- Means Big Update
- Means some of the Biggest Updates
Means New Item, Buff Or New Icon
Means Patch, Change or Bug Fix
Means Removed, Item Nerf or Warning

1.9 - Complete Revamp:
Crossbow Crit Chance (10 --> 20).
Bow Crit Chance (0 --> 10).
Jump Boost Buff and Potions.
Turtle Master Buffs and Potions.
Icon Reverted to Old One
Complete Rewrite of All of the Lost Code.
Changed Stuff from the NPC Loot.
More Mobs drop MC Materials
New Changelog Style.
Changed Buff Icons to Minecraft Potion Icons.
Changed Max Bags Stack to 100.
PH and HM Boss Extra Rewards Bags.

1.8.2 - Changes:
Gray 3D Essence.
New Icon for the Mod.
3 Extra Bags sold by NPCS
More Mobs drop MC Materials.
Ancient Bag Nerf

1.7.2 - Changes:
3D Treasure Bag
Completely Revamped Ore Generation
Ores Spawn in certain Y Levels
Ancient Debris has a larger vein.
Fixed Softlock during WG

1.6.2 (1K Downloads Milestone) - Changes:
Special 1K Downloads Item
Changed Something Sprite"> M:T.T (Minecraft: Terraria's Take) adds Minecraft items in Terraria.
Create New World For a better experience
Currently we have:
All Swords, Bows, Pickaxes, Axes, Shovels, Some Potions, Some Blocks and Bags

Change Log:
- Means Small Patch or Fix
- Means Small Update
- Means Big Update
- Means some of the Biggest Updates
Means New Item, Buff Or New Icon
Means Patch, Change or Bug Fix
Means Removed, Item Nerf or Warning

1.9 - Complete Revamp:
Crossbow Crit Chance (10 --> 20).
Bow Crit Chance (0 --> 10).
Jump Boost Buff and Potions.
Turtle Master Buffs and Potions.
Icon Reverted to Old One
Complete Rewrite of All of the Lost Code.
Changed Stuff from the NPC Loot.
More Mobs drop MC Materials
New Changelog Style.
Changed Buff Icons to Minecraft Potion Icons.
Changed Max Bags Stack to 100.
PH and HM Boss Extra Rewards Bags.

1.8.2 - Changes:
Gray 3D Essence.
New Icon for the Mod.
3 Extra Bags sold by NPCS
More Mobs drop MC Materials.
Ancient Bag Nerf

1.7.2 - Changes:
3D Treasure Bag
Completely Revamped Ore Generation
Ores Spawn in certain Y Levels
Ancient Debris has a larger vein.
Fixed Softlock during WG

1.6.2 (1K Downloads Milestone) - Changes:
Special 1K Downloads Item
Changed Something Sprite

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
RPG Overhaul
Download v2.1 (16.6 KB)


RPG Overhaul adds in 9 RPG's that are pretty powerful.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Rangers Rejoice
Download v0.90 (95.1 KB)


Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
[MSQ] Weapon Pack
Download v1.4 (131.1 KB)


Murder Squirrels Weapon Pack is a collection of new weapons for our group of friends.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (3.3 KB)

Drake the Drybro

The VHS Mod is a pretty cool mod, it adds a VHS tape item and is mostly for my Youtube channel.
Speaking of which, come check out my channel! It has some pretty cool stuff. Don't forget to subscribe while you're there!

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Gravitation Don't Flip the Screen
Download v1.1 (14.3 KB)


This mod makes the gravity inversion effect not flip your screen, only the player flips.


Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Miky Extend Mod
Download v0.94.68 (150.9 KB)


Thank you very much for 3000+ downloads!
This is what it adds:
This can change.
3 New Ores
92 New Items (including magic,range,melee weapons)
14 Tiles
1 Wall
3 sets of armor
9 NPCs
- 1 Pre-Hardmode NPC
- 7 Hardmode NPCs (1 hardmode NPC is not done yet)
Some Computer/Electronic stuff.
0.91.66 NPC update
-added 3 new hardmode NPCs for Corruption (1 new drop from all)
-added 3 new hardmode NPCs for Crimson (1 new drop from all)
-nerfed Binary book, now it does 500 damage
0.91.67 small weapon update
-added mechrimson and mechrruption bar
-added a sword made from mechrruption bars
-added a sword made from mechrimson bars
0.94.68 small tool update
-added an axe made from mechrimson and mechrruption bars
-added a hampick made from mechrimson and mechrruption bars
-added prizes for mechrimson/mechrruption bars,tools
-skipped a few versions because i think its getting closer to 1.0.0

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.45 (10.9 KB)



A mod I will add stuff to as I want something to be added to the game.

Currently adds Inspection.

Right-click a player to know what Items they have equipped.

Alpha v0.4b

Stuff that isn't Inspect.

Change Log:
~~Removed recipes for W.I.P items.
~~You're no longer able to Inspect yourself.
~~Fixed Ghost Inspection.
~~Chests now take priority over Inspection.
~~Added new items:
Mask of Insanity -> + 8% crit chance
Heals upon critical damage with a cooldown of half a second.

Information -> Tells you some info.
Increased drop chance of Mask of Insanity
Increased even further drop chance of Mask of Insanity
Increased life steal from Mask of Insanity
Mask of Insanity now heals for a minimum
Fixed Mask of Insanity healing when equipped as vanity
Fixed Mask of Insanity healing through Moon Lord's Moon Bite debuff

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
Steve's Vanity Mod
Download v0.4 (37.6 KB)

Majick and Galaroid

Adds all sorts of new vanity items.

Mainly uploaded for friends and family to play.

Changelog and Updates

v0.2 - 20/05/2018
-Fixed some bugs
-Added 3 new vanity items

v0.3 - 20/05/2018
-Fixed some bugs
-Fixed some sprites

v0.4 - 20/05/2018
-Added 3 new vanity items

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2.0.1 (3.3 KB)


Removed vestigial code.

Changes sentry style minions of Thorium Mod to last from various seconds to 24 hours.

Changes sentry style minions of Tremor to last from 15 seconds to 24 hours.

Initial release, first mod, may break everything. Consider it a test.
Changes sentry style minions of Terraria to last from 2 minutes to 24 hours.
Changes sentryish style minions of Spirit Mod to last from 50 seconds to 24 hours.

Special thanks to Leemyy for writing most of the code.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
DeNarr's Recipes
Download v0.14 (4.5 KB)


DeNarr's Recipes is a mod that is attemtping to add a balanced way to get some of the items that otherwise would require grinding through multiple worlds. Primarily, these are mostly items that are used as components for other mods. By the time you can craft most of these items, you should already be at or beyond the power level of the item you're crafting.
Version 0.11
Realized the other people were downloading this mod, so decided to give it a description
Added a few more recipes
Version 0.13
Added more recipes
Version 0.14
Added Uzi and Spectre Staff

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Rainbow Power
Download v1.2 (41.9 KB)


This mod adds two mega OP post-game weapons that are powered by ~gay~

- TERF Destroyer: A sword that rapidly fires powerful, swirling prismic stars at super high speeds
- Hetero Upsetero: An upgrade to the razorblade typhoon! (now with rainbowwwww oooooooo)

Both weapons are crafted at an Ancient Manipulator! The recipes are:

~TERF Destroyer~
- 1 Star Wrath
- 1 Meowmere
- 100 solar fragments
- 30 gender change potions

~Hetero Upsetero~
- 1 Razorblade Typhoon
- 1 Last Prism
- 100 nebula fragments
- 30 gender change potions

(oh and fyi, this is actually the first Terraria mod I've ever made! I decided to mess around with modding this game and I got so into it that I spent like half the day making this little weapons mod hahah)

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1.10.4 (112.3 KB)


My mission is for this mod to fill in progression gaps that were left throughout terraria along with adding in some of my owm flare of course. Updates weekly.

Thanks for over 4500 downloads guys :D.

Patch (

Added - XN-4 Carbine - Crafted the same way as a mega shark. More damaging and accurate but slower firing.

Added - Wright & Under Model 104 - Crafted at an anvil with 12 hellstone bars and The Undertaker.

Updated sprite for HS-3 Grand.

Updated sprite for Star Staff.

Updated and buffed Wooden Staff - Damage has gone up from 11 to 12 and it's use time is 7 frames faster.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
[Calamity Expan] Remove Damage Soft Cap
Download v1.0.1 (13.9 KB)


!!!!! Warning !!!!!
This mod removed the damage soft cap of projectiles in calamity mod
Which means this mod whould greatly boost your overall damage output
So PLEASE DONT use this in challenges or nohitting, that IS CHEAT!
And I'm adding a sign on the mode indicator that states this mod is enabled, too

*The following content is Chinese description*

所以 *请 勿* 用于挑战或无伤,那算作 *作 弊* !

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
More Auras
Download v0.5 (51.3 KB)


More Auras is a mod that attempts to increase the viability of Aura accessories.
It adds 7 new accessories.
These will spawn moving projectiles around the player that will damage anything that comes into contact with them.

Especially the end game ones are pretty cool! Check it out :)

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Sam's Samurai Mod
Download v0.1 (39.2 KB)


Sam's Samurai Mod will add the following to your game:

- A new ore (Samurai ore) that can be found throughout the world after generation with the mod enabled.
- Two sets of samurai armor designed for progression before and after hardmode.
- A new pickaxe (more to come later, new tools, and a final set for all of the tools as well.)
- Three new weapons with a few more planned in the near future.
- A new workstation: the Samurai's Anvil.

What is coming soon?

- New NPCs
- Samurai themed enemies.
- An Edo themed Japanese Biome.
- Yen as currency
- Dyes
- Random item drops
- Retheming several things.
- Adding new tools and possibly even magic.

Bugs? Not sure yet.


Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
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