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Random Balancing
Download v1.3.8 (7 KB)


- If you have the infinity mod enabled, the starcannons damage is reduced to 30, and its usetime is reduced to 8
- Necro armor now gives a 20% increased ranged damage bonus
- Magic daggers pierce up to 4 enemies now
- Clinger Staff's wall now lasts longer and hits more enemies
- Other slight magic weapon changes
- Buffed the defense of forbidden armor
- Buffed drills
- Coins guns now have a base damage (for modifiers)

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Universal Tools
Download v0.7.6 (55 KB)


Universal Tools is a mod that adds a fusion of the Pickaxe/Drill, Hammer and Axe/Saw from each set.

Current additions:

Copper/Tin HamSaxe: 1 Copper/Tin Pickaxe + 1 Copper/Tin Axe + 1 Copper/Tin Hammer

Lead/Iron HamSaxe: 1 Lead/Iron Pickaxe + 1 Lead/Iron Axe + 1 Lead/Iron Hammer

Chlorophyte HamSaxe: 1 Chlorophyte Warhammer + 1 Chlorophyte Pickaxe/Drill + 1 Chlorophyte Axe/Saw

Adamantite HamSaxe: 1 Adamantite Hammer + 1 Adamantite Pickaxe/Drill + 1 Adamantite Waraxe/Saw

Adamantite Hammer: 16 Adamantite bars @ Mythril/Orichalcum Anvil

Cobalt Hammer: 16 Cobalt Bars @ Mythril/Orichalcum Anvil

Recipes will be added in next major patch

And so much more (though they may not look as nice or even be statted 100% correctly)

Message me on Discord for Bug-Reports or any cool ideas you have for the HamSaxes:


Polarities Mod for letting me use their cobalt, adamantite, orichalcum, titanium and palladium hammer models

1k Downloads! Woohoo!
Working on sprites for the rest of the tools, then the plan is to add mod support.

!!Still in the beta phase!!
Note - Majority of textures are simply a palette swap and official textures will eventually be made

==== Patch Notes ====

V 0.7.5 : Tools statted correctly, sprites not done and working on the final two items

V 0.5 : Tools officially done, not statted correctly and sprites not done"> Universal Tools is a mod that adds a fusion of the Pickaxe/Drill, Hammer and Axe/Saw from each set.

Current additions:

Copper/Tin HamSaxe: 1 Copper/Tin Pickaxe + 1 Copper/Tin Axe + 1 Copper/Tin Hammer

Lead/Iron HamSaxe: 1 Lead/Iron Pickaxe + 1 Lead/Iron Axe + 1 Lead/Iron Hammer

Chlorophyte HamSaxe: 1 Chlorophyte Warhammer + 1 Chlorophyte Pickaxe/Drill + 1 Chlorophyte Axe/Saw

Adamantite HamSaxe: 1 Adamantite Hammer + 1 Adamantite Pickaxe/Drill + 1 Adamantite Waraxe/Saw

Adamantite Hammer: 16 Adamantite bars @ Mythril/Orichalcum Anvil

Cobalt Hammer: 16 Cobalt Bars @ Mythril/Orichalcum Anvil

Recipes will be added in next major patch

And so much more (though they may not look as nice or even be statted 100% correctly)

Message me on Discord for Bug-Reports or any cool ideas you have for the HamSaxes:


Polarities Mod for letting me use their cobalt, adamantite, orichalcum, titanium and palladium hammer models

1k Downloads! Woohoo!
Working on sprites for the rest of the tools, then the plan is to add mod support.

!!Still in the beta phase!!
Note - Majority of textures are simply a palette swap and official textures will eventually be made

==== Patch Notes ====

V 0.7.5 : Tools statted correctly, sprites not done and working on the final two items

V 0.5 : Tools officially done, not statted correctly and sprites not done

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
the mega boss mod
Download v0.1 (29.9 KB)


the mega boss mod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Cinematic Mod
Download v1.0 (14.9 KB)


Have you ever had problems when time-lapsing a build, making a trailer or anything like that... where you had to use a 3rd-party creative mode mod just to be able to control the camera, your editing software doesn't allow you to control zooming, or you don't have the time to make a time-lapsed build look good?

Cinematic Mod allows you to do this within just a few key presses and configurations, allowing you to make time-lapses, trailers and the lot with relative ease... while still having control of your character! (most other freecam mods don't allow this)

All you have to do is configure, set points and record. So, what are you waiting for? Go and make some awesome videos! Cinematics have never been easier in Terraria.

Special thanks to FuryForged for the idea behind the mod!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Deltarune Boss Fights
Download v0.2101 (29.2 KB)


Deltarune boss fights. This mod helps on making the fight of SPAMTON NEO in terraria exist. Maybe more if i update it to include JEVIL! maybe even SANS! or QUEEN?
So so sooo sorry I dont know how to code very well to even add SPAMTON NEO so instead I had to just add a few more items... Im so so so SORRY

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.31 (30.3 KB)

Bad Luck

for MAGES is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
The Apex Mod
Download v0.3.1 (4.8 MB)


The Apex Mod is a major expansion mod, it adds a ton of brand new items that are sure to change the way you play the game.

Creator: Alpkurt2

Version 0.1: The Base Game
Version 0.1.1: Adjusted rainbow feathers needed for some Apex items
Version 0.1.2: Fixed the Sky boss not dropping his magic weapon
Version 0.2: 'The Elemental Update' Made dynasty wood armor and made it so Elderwood armor requires it to craft. Nerfed Elderwood armor defense. Added an accessory to the Hallow Mimic. Made the Crimson Mimic and Corrupt Mimic spawnable on opposite biome evil worlds. Added drops for the Jungle Mimic and made him spawnable, made a combination of all the biome mimic drops to create the 'Elemental' tier.
Version 0.2.2: Forum Page
Version 0.3: Overhaul of the Apex weapons (except for staff because I have no clue what to do with it), megashark line, turtle bars and I polished some stuff that I did in the past.
Version 0.3.1: Revamped the Sky boss so he's way harder now.

This mod is far from complete and expect even cooler stuff in the future!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Actually Good Respawn
Download v0.0.2.1 (19.4 KB)


Thank you for downloading!

Actually Good Respawn Mod TM makes it so you don't have to smash your keyboard after you die to to the respawn timer!

TL;DR: No Respawn Timer!

Enjoy :)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Impossible Mode (BOSS UPDATE!)
Download v0.6 (891 KB)


The Impossible Mode Mod is aiming to change every single aspect of the game.
Join us on this journey as we change weapons, enemies, and bosses!
You can get treasure bags in normal mode if you play this mod!
(hint: you get two treasure bags in expert mode) :)

I'd also like to give thanks to:
Myself, XxDerplingxX for creating and programming the mod.
Antho24 for all of his amazing spritework and helpful feedback!
phil swift (not real one) for testing the mod and providing helpful feedback!


Update Log:
Version 0.1 (release):
- Changed all pre-hardmode enemies and bosses. (this includes drops)
Version -
- Added icon (and fixed it) and fixed description (there was a spelling error.)
Version 0.2 (HUGE UPDATE):
- Changed nearly all popular pre-hardmode weapons and accessories, and if there's
an accessory that you think needs to be changed (or a weapon!) then join the discord and
leave a suggestion!
Version 0.3:
- Changed every pre-hardmode weapon. That's about it
Version 0.4:
- Added exclusive items to each and every pre-hardmode boss,
and resprited every prehardmode boss
Version 0.5:
- Added Brain of Cthulhu accessory.
- Made Skeletron actually drop his exclusive. Sorry about that.
- Various changes to pre-existing accessories.
- Balanced some weapons and enemies.
- Changed each and every pre-hardmode enemy!
Version 0.5.1:
- Nerfed many enemies' projectiles.
- Nerfed some enemies' healths and damages that didn't get nerfed last update.
Version 0.6:
- Changed all pre-hardmode boss ai, after BoC and EoW, the bosses start to get really good!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.2 (5.4 KB)


Adds a few recipes, such as for Crates, Herb Bags, Fallen Stars, Souls of Light and Night, etc.
May or may not be a bit cheaty.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Divine Mod
Download v0.22 (25.6 KB)


Weblink -
Divine Mod currently adds new gem tools for amethyst, sapphire, topaz, emerald and ruby. Diamonds and amber will be added soon, alongside more tools and unique weapons such as throwing weapons and armor.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
CA Clicker Addon
Download v1.1 (22 KB)


an addon for compact accessories! Clicker

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Xen's Vanity Sets
Download v1.3 (171.7 KB)


This is an extremely simple mod I made for my friends and I to give us custom vanity sets and look dapper.
Feel free to download it yourself if you really want to use one of them, but be warned:

- Since this is just a thing for my friends and I, I will not be actively maintaining it, and;
- None of the sets have crafting recipes, so you will need to use a spawn menu mod to get them.

Current vanity sets include (as of v1.3):
- Corona Australis
- Castle Crashers Knights
- Master Chief
- Floral-Casual
- Ronin
- Alien

Future Plans:
- Mad Titan
- Monsoon
- Jetstream Sam
- Raiden
- Senator

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Download v1.2.1 (40.6 KB)


Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Spaz's Extra Recipes
Download v1.3.5.1 (78.1 KB)


This mod intends to add recipes for items that are lacking them. It adds new items to craft items with, and some recipes using vanilla items.
Adds an NPC to sell you ores so you don't have to spend all day mining.
Adds an NPC to sell boss summons

Voodoo Dolls Stack (from 1.4 Alpha)

Added Alternate summons for bosses
Mutant now sells Truffle Worm post-Duke Fishron
Fixed Mutant sprite glitch
Added more Mutant quotes
Removed free Mutant items
Added more Mutant names
Fixed Mutant quotes
The Mutant now goes to neither King nor Queen Statues
Fixed Mutant naming system

Added Mutant NPC
Updated description

Miner now teleports to King Statue
Miner drops new weapon, Flying Pickaxe
Fixed typos
Updated description
Added Tally Counter recipe
Changed Depth Meter recipe to be more akin to it's original recipe (Anvil rather than Table and Chair)
Stone is now free
Miner no longer sells stone
Fixed bug related to stone costs (Did not work)
Removed wire from Depth Meter and Compass recipes
Increased all ingredient amounts in Metal Detector recipe
Increased amount of Gold/Platinum in Compass recipe

Changed name back to Spazs Extra Recipes
Fixed bugs with alternate recipes
Increased number of Shurikens and Throwing Knives made from one bar
Added Depth Meter and Compass recipes
Added basic Miner arm animation
Stone is now worth 60 copper
Fixed the bug that made the Miner walk backwards

Added 13 new Miner names
Added 10 new Miner quotes
Fixed a typo in a Miner quote
Miner now sells Cobalt, Palladium, Mythril, Orichalcum, Adamantite, Titanium, and Chlorophyte Ores
Fixed the order of ores in the Miner's shop
Miner damage now scales throughout the game
Miner now sells Luminite???
Added Miner walking animation
Changed name of mod
Changed Lunar Glass rarity
Fixed Miner shop glitch

Replaced Metallic Shard with Lead Shard and Iron Shard
Resprited Stardust, Lunar Glass, and Jungle Cluster
Edited description
Updated to new version of tModLoader
Added Enchanted Sword and Magic Quiver recipes
Added Bug Net recipe
Added Rod Of Discord recipe
Added Shuriken and Throwing Knife recipes
Added Fast Clock, Megaphone, Metal Detector, Nazar, and Radar recipes
Added Cobalt Shield, Muramasa, Blue Moon, and Aqua Scepter recipes
Added Gold Chest recipes
Added Mandible Blade recipe
Added Miner NPC
Fixed typo in the changelog

Changed the name of the mod
Resprited the Metallic Shard
Resprited the Tundra Clump
Remade the mod icon
Resprited the Jungle Clump
Renamed Jungle Clump to Jungle Cluster
Removed Planned Features section from the description
Added GitHub Authorization
Added icon
Updated description to 1.2
Updated to the Steam version of tModLoader
Removed the icon because it was bugged

Renamed Jungle Materials to Jungle Clump
Renamed Metallic Materials to Metallic Shard
Added Changelog to description
Added Planned Features to description
Changed Jungle Clump tooltip to "From the depths of the Jungle, Used to make several items"
Added in Tundra Cluster
Added recipe for Ice Boomerang
Added an icon
Added Sickle
Added recipe for Ice Sickle, Ice Blade, Ice Mirror, and Magic Mirror
Fixed a bug that prevented the description from showing
Fixed a bug that prevented the description from showing (Bug did not fix)
Fixed a bug that prevented the description from showing (Bug did not fix)

Added Metallic Materials

Added Jungle Materials

(Accidently Skiped)

Included Stardust and Lunar Glass

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
No Fishing
Download v0.1 (2.5 KB)


Craft buff potions without fish!

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Lan's No More Banners
Download v0.2 (25.5 KB)


Removes all banners from inventory on pickup, no more inventory clutter!

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
On Fire!
Download v1.0.31 (114.4 KB)


A both singleplayer & multiplayer mod that adds destructive fire particles to all your firey projectiles

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
AXZ's Waifu Spirit
Download v0.2 (31.6 KB)


This mod was created by AXZ and allows you to get Spirit boss from Spirit Mod (unhooded) as your home NPC.

Note: You need Cheat Sheet or alike mods to manually add Spirit as town NpC

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.7 Edit | Delete
The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening
Download v0.0.1.2 (2.3 MB)

Piers from Piers Hub


This mod will add transformations, items and pets from the Legend of Zelda into Terraria.

This mod will currently allow you to play as Link and it adds Navi as a not annoying pet. There were plans for more content like mounts and stuff but unfortunately, again, just like the Among Us mod, I don't have much when it comes to sprites/code help so updates will be slow.

In order to obtain the (Classic) Link transformation and the Navi pet, you need to start with a new character.

>>If you want to see the Legend of Zelda mod grow and evolve, consider joining the hub and offering some sprite or code help! <<

To join the server, press "Visit the mods homepage for more info" and then accept the offer to join Piers Hub!


-Definitely not Piers again

--Other Credits--

>>Shoutout to The Spriters and Sounds Resource for the sprites and sounds used in this mod!<< "> Welcome to the Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening mod!


This mod will add transformations, items and pets from the Legend of Zelda into Terraria.

This mod will currently allow you to play as Link and it adds Navi as a not annoying pet. There were plans for more content like mounts and stuff but unfortunately, again, just like the Among Us mod, I don't have much when it comes to sprites/code help so updates will be slow.

In order to obtain the (Classic) Link transformation and the Navi pet, you need to start with a new character.

>>If you want to see the Legend of Zelda mod grow and evolve, consider joining the hub and offering some sprite or code help! <<

To join the server, press "Visit the mods homepage for more info" and then accept the offer to join Piers Hub!


-Definitely not Piers again

--Other Credits--

>>Shoutout to The Spriters and Sounds Resource for the sprites and sounds used in this mod!<<

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
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