tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
Download v0.2 (6.9 KB) |
soulcal123 |
there's not actually any swords in this..
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
All The Pets
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Download v1.0.2 (66.4 KB) |
ExpandedReality |
Allows for the crafting of the Pet Star, which contains all of your friends.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.2 | Edit | Delete |
Thorn Mod
Download v0.5 (24.1 KB) |
Thorn |
This mod adds 1 block, 17 accessories, 11 weapons and 4 types of ammo. All of them are scattered across pre-hardmode and post-hardmode.
==== 17 accessories, some of them being: ==== ---- Pre-Hardmode ---- o Fire Gem: Imbues with fire. o Jungle Gem: Imbues with poison. o Jeweled Pommel: Pre-hardmode Warrior Emblem. o World Wanderer Boots: Frostspark boots + Lava Waders + Diving Gear. o Leather Quiver: Pre-hardmode Magic Quiver. Can be upgraded. ---- Post-Hardmode ---- o Warrior's Wrath: Meant to replace the Mechanical Globe. o Warrior's Cunning: Alternative to Warrior's Wrath, uses poison insted of fire. o Ethereal Halo: Magic damage accessory. o Mage Charm: Mana reduction accessory. o Techno-Quiver: Ranged damage and ammo reduction. o Hunter Talisman: Ranged damage and crit. ==== 11 weapons, some of them being: ==== o 3 Starting-level magic weapons. All 3 are upgradeable. o Hero's Sword: Pre-moonlord Terrablade upgrade. Launches Terrablade beams. o Fallen Hero's Sword: Pre-moonlord Terrablade upgrade. Launches Death Sickle's beams. ==== 4 types of infinite ammo ==== o Well crafted bullet/arrow: Pre-hardmode infinite ammo. o Vortex bullet/arrow: Pre-moonlord infinite ammo. ==== 1 Block: The Blower ==== o Crafted with stone, a torch, a mana crystal and a heart crystal. o Allows smelting pre-hardmode metal bars using less ore (still needs a furnace nearby). Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.3.2.3 (524.2 KB) |
Nakano15 |
This mod is incomplete. It has been released to show It's current state so I can receive feedbacks on how I can make It.
If you want more infos, click the Homepage button to go to the mod page. This mod is an attempt of adding a N Terraria style class system to tModLoader. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.6 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.4 (23.8 KB) |
Cabbage and Lachlan |
HOLY! If you want extramaly op weapons and armours, aswell as tools and mounts, download and start playing!
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Craft Anywhere
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Download v1.1 (9.2 KB) |
Nick Grief |
This mod makes it so you don't need any crafting stations or water/honey/lava sources.
Works with Magic Storage mod. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.3 | Edit | Delete |
Endless Vanilla Ammo
Download v1.1.0.1 (34.6 KB) |
Kruppted |
This mod adds endless pouches and quivers for every vanilla bullet and arrow. Originial by HumanGamer.
Send bug reports to discord: Kruppted #0906 Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Gapbro's Gavel Weapons Mod
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Download v2.0 (172.2 KB) |
gapbrogaming |
This mod adds a new type of weapon: gavels!
They are slow,tiny,but deal A LOT OF DAMAGE and knockback,including some useful effects Staff: Gapbro for making the code Maker of scratchock live for making sprites Dok(on the tmodloader discord) for helping Gapbro a lot with the coding(as he's new) We got gavels for almost every material in vanilla!Even a night's edge variant. Patchnote:update 1.0(since it's the first properly working update,don't include that) Most tooltips and recipes have been fixed,making the mod properly working without major balancement issues Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.8.3 (37.7 KB) |
HeroScorp |
This mod adds 3 new guns, 2 OP melee weapons, a ranged aromor set, an improved Undertaker, a new type of bar, and a Plantera summoning item. Enjoy!
Check out my Terraria Forum page to give suggestions for my mod or to report bugs. Thanks for checking this mod out! The ranged set gives less bonus damage per shot than regular Shroomite armor; however, the damage for every ranged weapon is increased, without needing to change helmets! That means increased damage and less inventory searching. Changelog: 0.8.3 Balanced the Chloroshot (did a playthrough and saw it was WAY too OP) Lowered the amount of feathers needed to craft the Bald Eagle Lowered the amount of Chlorophyte and Shroomite bars needed to make Shroomophte Made the Bald Eagle's tooltip more descriptive of what it does Deleted old patch notes 0.8.2 Adjusted values for the improved Undertaker Adjusted other things (I forgot what I did honestly) 0.8.1 Added the Shroomoshark, an upgrade from the Megashark Added Shroomophyte Bars, the new crafting material for the Shroomophyte armor, Shroomoshark, and more items to come Balancing changes 0.7.4 Changed the recipe for the Chloroshot Tweaked the Bald Eagle Started work on a new ranged weapon and special bar type 0.7.3 Fixed description grammatical errors 0.7.2 Added mod icon 0.7 Changed the sprites of the Bald Eagle, Chloroshot, PickAxeHamSword, and the Shroomophyte armor Fixed Chloroshot's bullets not coming from the barrel of the gun Changed Bald Eagle's damage from 40 to 35 Balanced Shroomophyte Armor Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Boss Orb Crafting
Download v0.1 (2.2 KB) |
Thanatos121 |
Addon to Experience and Classes mod. Enables crafting of Boss Orbs for 5 Ascension Orbs.
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
Fortnite Mod WIP
Download v0.1.3 (6.6 KB) |
IPlayGames360 |
Fortnite Mod add fortnite items into terraria from fortnite, into terraria!
So far this mod adds the Regular Assault Rifle and the Rocket Launcher VERY W.I.P Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (5.8 KB) |
Wenzird |
Equinox is a W.I.P mod that will eventually contain new enemies, NPC's, bosses, items and biomes.
Here is a couple of examples of what is to come: EverDark - Biome Shadow Merchant - NPC Dragling - Summon Water, Fire, Ice, Desert and Jungle Dragons - Mini Bosses Terror Wave - Event Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.1 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.5.1 (12.7 KB) |
naannes |
Themagicworld is a mod that adds a lot of magical stuff...
im not very good at coding but im a starter the mod is not done and needs a lot more stuff. of course, i will keep making this mod bigger even when its done ;) Check out this mods discord! v0.4.1: Some items name colors changed. v0.4.1: Decreased hammaxe's Damage from 50 to 25 and increased the pixie price from 6 to 7. v0.5: New item: Hamaxius! Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.1 | Edit | Delete |
Terraria: Lost Iems
Download v0.1.3 (13.3 KB) |
Kang |
Terraria`s Lost Item is Not Offial Item but I think it It will add it on Re-Logic
0.1 add Hero Sword 0.1.1 add Homepage 0.1.2 add Info 0.13 fixed Name Glitch -Vist Homepage to More Infos and Change Logs- Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
Entity Weapons
Download v0.1 (31.1 KB) |
Me_attack |
Entity Weapons allows you to make weapons with the drops of certain enemies!
so far I have: -the twins -Skeletron Prime -A griefer staff (LOL I had leftover code) -The Moon Lord -Skeletron The WoF more to come soon! Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
NPCs Hide From Bosses
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Download v1.0.0.1 (18.3 KB) |
Snek |
A simple mod that makes NPCs hide in their house during boss fights, like how they do at night.
Changelog: - Release. - Added icon. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.6 | Edit | Delete |
Health Begone! (1hp Mod)
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Download v0.4 (10.9 KB) |
Crimson |
Accessories can be crafted anywhere with no materials to lower your hp or set it to default
Equip them once and remove them for the desired effect. v0.4: changed sprites Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v1.2.0 (7.5 MB) |
Jester |
Technologic is a small passion project I can't decide to stop working on so I might update sometimes I guess
1.2.0 - I'm bored update: . Removed Soul Seller in order to make the Mech cooler . Added joke items . Changed some Mech quotes . Added new dev items (old ones sucked) . Almost died . Removed the Grand Coupon 1.1.5 - Small Tweaks: . Retextured Mech . Nerfed an infinite money farm . Changed some Mech quotes . Removed some unobtainable items . Removed More Equips . Contemplated removing less (removed more anyway) . Finally made the Grand Drippler work as intended . Added the Grand Coupon 1.1.0 - Coupon update: . adds premium coupon . makes coupons more easier to use . 20% more fun points . 12% more changelogs . and 465% more presses of the tab key Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.6 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.9.7 (15.6 MB) |
Astrum |
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Cacti and More Mod
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Download v0.3.1 (392.8 KB) |
Chimney Eggs |
'In a world, where people harvest cacti for cactus armor and tools... one mod comes to the rescue to give cacti the respect they deserve!'
And this mod is called the Cacti and More Mod ( Formerly known as the Cacti and More 2 Mod ) a mod that hopes to add new and interesting items throughout the progression of the game Content: - Cacti related items in the early game - 2 new bosses - Many new weapons - New class, the Artificer Make sure to check out my social medias: - YouTube: - Twitter: - Discord: ChimneyEggs#4663 Update v0.1.2: - Added new varities of the Molten Helmet - Added eleven new throwing weapons - Added thrower and artificer emblem - Fixed some minor bugs Update Log v0.1.3: - Added three new early pre-hardmode armors - Updated the Grand Tiki Spirit's sprite - Added two new crafting materials - Made it so Neverite only drops after Skeletron is defeated - Fixed bugs Update Log v0.1.4: - Fixed banner related bugs Update Log v0.2: - Added the Demolitionist class - Made multiple vanilla weapons be part of the Demolitionist class - Added two new crafting materials - Fixes bugs Update Log v0.2.1: - Added hallowed helmet varities - Added Azercadmium cross mod content - Added work in progress NPC - Removed Demolitionist class - Removed Demolitionist emblem - Fixed bugs ( Suprised?) Update Log v0.3 - Added a multitude of different weapons and items - Removed a lot of items, enemies and the Crystal Crusher - Added new cactus themed boss - Completely revised the Grand Tiki Spirit ( Now known as Kopare ) - Resprited 95% of all items and enemies - Balanced many things - Fixed bugs Update Log v0.3.1 - A minor update - Nerfed some of Kopare’s attacks - Began work on the Plentiful Fields biome - Added Boss Checklist support - Added Napolic Shiv - Added Giant Cholla Launcher - Added Cactusbloom - Added Skeletal Translocator - Added Cereus Armor - Added Cacti’s Wrath boss loot Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |