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Download v0.1 (3.1 KB)


SlimeStaffRecipe is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
Aluminum Mod
Download v2.2.0 (20.8 KB)


Aluminum Mod is a mod that adds aluminum
Its still in early development and is definitely not finished

The contents are:
1 Natural Spawning Ore (bauxite ore(texture will be changed))
1 Bar (aluminum bar)
1 Weapon (aluminum sword)
3 Items (aluminum bar, aluminum can, and Sproot(soda))

3 bauxite ore = 1 aluminum bar
3 aluminum bars = 1 aluminum can
1 aluminum can = 1 Sproot (soda)

Huge thanks to Lynx who's Youtube videos really helped

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1.1.4 (72.6 KB)

Paladin Supreme

Definitely didint make this mod bc i wanted a real paladins hammer... please send me suggestions to the discord channel or the forums page

join me at my discord channel:
for moar fun together! and also if you want to contribute to the mod...

Also i need more ideas for mid game hammers. after all, im not the greatest mind out there. also please
send me any nerfs that you wish to be added to some of the hammers. I know some of these are wayyy to op and im trying to adjust dammage values to tone
the unbalance down a little, in that regard send me a quick email on what it is you would like fixed.

I hope that in time I can get this mod balanced and fun for all!

thanks to Majora's Final Cut for the first suggestion inspiring the creation of DERPION 9000

DERPION 9000 is finally complete: the problems with right clicking have been solved
by switching shoot type via hotkey. Please let me know on my discord channel(link on homepage) if you would like to see all other
weapons use this hotkey for shoot types!

Content added:
-10 new weaponized hammers in 5 tiers up to moonlord
-2 new hammer shotguns!!!
9 hammers multifunctional!!!
-moar on the horizen
-some adjustments were made concerning the hammer guns and the derp hammer
-fixed DERPION 9000 changed shoot type selector from right click to Q or any hotkey you set

-added homepage some stuffs to the description

- fixed derpions sprite and finished shading
-lowered dammage for hellderpgun and derpgun 1st function
-fixed meteoderp overrandomness
-fixed the changlog

v0.1.1.0 - fixed DERPION's game placement and added shading to DERPION's sprite

- added DERPION 9000"The culmination of technology and magic forged with the essence of hollow..."
-note:derpion is not complete, or at least the sprite isnt. i just didnt feel like shading that
100x100 pixel sprite its a real pain for my untalanted self
thank you for understanding

v0.1.0.8 -added 2nd use to derp gun family (non penetrating shot) please report if this is too unbalanced
-btw testing is in effect im new to this and i hope to make more complicated mods in the future
v0.1.0.0 -first hammers introduced

v0.1.0.7 -quick update: rebalanced and fixed meteoderp

v0.1.0.1 -shotgun hammers introduced

v0.1.0.6 -fixed tile hitboxes on throwable hammers

V0.1.0.5 -small update: increased derpites dammage

v0.1.0.4- added diep "looks like a starderp..."
-updated icon

v0.1.0.3-switched mod to different name to fix file issues

v0.1.0.2 -new meteohammer, derpite and new starderp introduced
-fixed value and rarity
-fixed some crafting recipes
homepage =

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.7 Edit | Delete
Polarities: Cichlid Expansion
Download v0.44 (43.8 KB)


Polarities: Cichlid Expansion is a mod that adds more cichlids based on the Cloud Cichlid from Polarities. Get polarities, also this is still a pretty early version! It adds:
9 critters
9 items
Discord link:
0.40 Changelog:
3 new Cichlids! 2 Halloween themed ones, and one extra meant for a previous version! They are different sizes!
0.41 Changelog:
1 new Cichlid! It is my favorite color. :)
0.42 Changelog:
Added an icon. (i think)
0.43 Changelog:
Fixed the name of a Cichlid. Rereleased the mod.
0.44 Changelog:
Added a new Cichlid.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Death Penalty
Download v1.0.1.1 (19.1 KB)


Made as a request on TML Discord, this mod will penalise those who die.

Pentalties are:
* Reduction of Max Health (Default: 1 heart or 1 gold heart)
* Reduction of Max Mana (Default: 1 star)
* Debuffed with Darkness, Slow and Weak on Respawn (Default: 10, 5, 20 seconds)

Also added recipes for obtaining additional life crystals too.
* 1x Mana Crystal + 4x Lesser Healing Potion @ Demon Altar = 1x Life Crystal
* 1x Mana Crystal + 2x Healing Potion @ Demon Altar = 1x Life Crystal
* 1x Mana Crystal + 1x Greater Healing Potion @ Demon Altar = 1x Life Crystal
* 2x Mana Crystal + 1x Super Healing Potion @ Demon Altar = 2x Life Crystal

All settings can be configured

See Homepage for changes and other mini mods.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
DBT + Leveled Patch
Download v0.1 (10.4 KB)

Simping For Mercenaries

Just adds scaling for Ki weapons. It was made for private use in mind, but you wanna use it for whatnot, go ahead.

There's not much more to add upon here.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Minecraft Paintings
Download v1.0.2.1 (37.9 KB)


Minecraft Paintings is a small-scale aesthetic content mod that adds all 26 paintings featured in Minecraft, manually recreated to include less noise and tile dimensions fitting Terraria paintings. While you won't be able to hide your secret passageways with these, they are still excellent at spicing up your town and base!

Each painting can be crafted at a Work Bench using 8 Wood and 1 of any Paint type.

For a visual gallery of all the paintings and how they look compared to their Minecraft counterparts, check out the mod's GitHub repo!

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Super Sword
Download v0.1 (3.1 KB)


SuperSword is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. its gives u a SUPER SWORD

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.2 Edit | Delete
Moon Mania
Download v1.0 (4.5 MB)


Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v3.24 (2.5 MB)


3.23 The Doctors Sonic Screwdriver works, place it in a tool slot. And the TARDIS key works, hold it and click.
Updating it to the Census mod(highly recommended, search for Census in the mod browser.) and applying new requirements for some of the villagers.
14 villagers now.
3.22 New villager arrives!
3.21 Retired Adventurer visiting from Kalciphoz's RPG Mod. (Recommended by me) and a quote from Kalcipho: " Any of my content may be used, but please give proper attribution (credits) and if using a larger part of my mod (such as a major mechanic), please refer people to the original."

2.8 Better graphics for the new people. Archer is much better.

Fix update, no more crashes. If you have crashes with any mods by anybody, using jopojelly's CheatSheet mod usually fixes them.

If you like what I’m doing, and would like me to continue in this direction, consider donating. If you do donate, that means I’m working for you. Feel free to post a note to let me know what you’d like to see in my future work, I'll make a villager custom to you. Thank you.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Blood's Scythes
Download v0.3.1 (229.6 KB)


Blood's Scythes contains a selection of Spin Scythes, similar to those found in the Thorium mod for the healer class.
It also contains a small selection of additional items I made while tinkering about.
Sprite work was done by me, BloodsMists, and it is terrible if I do say so myself.


Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0.0.0 (7.7 KB)


Skyblock+ inproves the overall Skyblock experience

Currently There Is
-Error 666 Wings(Dev Item(Wings)

Adding In The Future

-DaRubyMiner360 for creating this mod

Download Checklist
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Downloads = 9500 = UNACHIEVED
Downloads = 10000 = UNACHIEVED
Exact Amount
Downloads = 0

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Simple Sliders; Adjust HP, damage ecl.
Download v1.2 (18.8 KB)


This is a very basic mod that lets you control your game via sliders in its config. Useful for when your feeling overpowered and want an extra challenge, or you just want to give your town NPCs more HP so they don't die so easily.

V1.01: Hopefully fixed town NPCs despawning by setting their HP 1 frame after the first frame when you load a world

V1: Release

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Copper To Wire
Download v1.1.3 (3.9 KB)


This a simple mod that allows you to convert copper or tin to wires, instead of having to buy them. Enjoy!

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Scope Toggle Hotkey
Download v0.1 (2.9 KB)


Adds a hotkey for enabling/disabling the Scope zoom effect on right click.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Invisible Blocks
Download v0.3 (5.3 KB)


(More in the next update)

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.1 Edit | Delete
Project Snow.
Download v0.0.4.1 (119.4 KB)



This mod adds snow items.

I try to make a Project Snow, I hope you rate it.
The developer - Donat1k

NPCs - 2
items - 45
block - 1

Project Zero my friend's mod


Этот мод добавляет снежные предметы.

Я пытаюсь сделать Project Snow, надеюсь, вы оцените его.

Нипы - 2 (мобы)
предметы - 45
блоки - 1 (скоро)

Project Zero мод моего друга

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Raw Expansion
Download v0.12 (203.1 KB)


Raw Expansion Is a Super mod for terraria adding a bunch of new things:
Goal : 3000 Downloads!
Check out the website for more details on :
Tips/Hints/Ideas/Dev logs etc!
Minor Bug fixes!
Tried to fix zombie invasion
Added crafting recipe for Manabag
Started adding materials for a new system that will be added (Inscriptions)!
Zombie Invasion can now only be started at night!
Day Bat: Enemy npc of bat that spawns and attacks during the day!
Flesher's Scout : Enemy Npc
a small little update currently out of ideas atm tbh!

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Dark Cloud Mod
Download v1.1.7.2 (15.2 KB)


The Dark Cloud Mod adds in many different variants of slingshots, from the PS2 game, Darkcloud. I hope you enjoy! B-) (bosses and others coming soon!)

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
ProjectC (EE2 / ProjectE)
Download v1.5 (56.4 KB)


Added Anti Matter
Anti Matter gives various boost to most stats and has a special power
Anti Matter will be the last matter added
You can now craft demonsteel with EMC

Past Changes:

Fixed Red Matter Legs Name
Pickaxe no longer destroy walls
Added 2 new pickaxes Dark Matter and Red Matter massive AOE Mining ability
Added Red Matter
Increased EMC items (Dirt, Stone, Sand and more trash items)
Buffed Dark Matter Armor (Set Bonus is very good)
Added Red Matter Armor (Set Bonus is very good)
Added Red Matter Spawner (Consumes EMC to spawn bosses !Risky!)

From the maker of a terrible mod called "Compression" comes Project_C
The goal of Project_C is to recreate EE2 in terraria check the forum thread for more information on this topic.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
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