tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
You Killed Something Mod
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Download v0.8 (5.8 KB) |
TheHumanAlien5 |
This mod aims to annoy you by telling you whenever you kill something!
Everytime you kill something, it will give you a message that goes like this: "You killed something in the(insert biome)" The current biomes supported are: Snow Desert Jungle Crimson Corruption Hell Underground Ocean Sky Hallow Meteor Solar Pillar Nebula Pillar Vortex Pillar Stardust Pillar Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Excessive Worldgen
Download v1.1 (19.5 KB) |
Oli.H |
Hey you! Yes, you!
Ever thought that worlds weren't stupid enough? (As though vanilla code hadn't messed them up enough anyway.) Ever felt the need for something different in this wonderful game? Ever looked for an alternative to bland, repetitive worldgen? Look no more! I am proud to present Excessive Worldgen, which is both a revolutionary mod and also proof that some people should not be permitted near computers. Several new options exist for you now, such as having 100 dungeons generate on top of each other to create a super-dungeon! Marvel at the stupid amount of time worlds take to generate as you question your sanity while wishing you bought a better CPU! Stare in awe at the abominations that a combination of redigit's code and an idiot with Visual Studio can create! Download Excessive Worldgen now, because I promise you won't regret it! (However I can't speak for your computer.) Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Unknowite MOD
Download v0.6.0 (3.8 MB) |
IA_Des |
The world of Terraria has been invaded by an unknown factor. Nobody knows exactly what it is, yet it become more prevalent as you progress through the mod. New NPCs, bosses, accessories, weapons and more ! changelog: 0.5.00 => 0.6.00: - added timeNecklace (may freeze time when hurt) - added totem of dying (invicibility frames no longer exist) and totem of Undying (like peaceful mode) - added tarot cards (and custom effects) - new npc : bobombs - new boss : "Heart of the Unknown" - added a special statue which "spreads the truth" (and giant trees) 0.4.21 => 0.5.00 : - entierly rewrote the BSOD fight - changed the Faded Pillar AI - reduce grinding for materials - correct an issue concerning secret items glitching through the ground - add leeches (they love player's blood) - unknownOre can now be converted into any vanilla ore - hardmode minerals can be converted into others (ex : orichalum => Adamantite) - the traveling marchant can be summoned using a doll [craft from the guid voodoo doll] - added 'upgrade stone' to reveal the secret potential of some accessories Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
Redd's Recipes
Download v0.3 (10.2 KB) |
Reddhero12 |
Redd's Recipes is a mod that allows you to craft the important finite items in your world. Examples of this include Lucky Horseshoe, Aglet, Anklet of the Wind, and so on. Let me know if you want more items added!
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (7.8 KB) |
Unlimited Money is a mod that allows the crafting of platinum coins with dirt for those who don't want to farm money
1 Dirt=999 Platinums Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Ammo Cycle
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Download v0.1.3 (14.3 KB) |
Deculsion |
This mod cycles ammunition for your currently held ranged weapon with the tap of a button.
It will only cycle ammunition that the weapon uses. Compatible with other mods, probably. v0.1.3: * Cycling now skips to the next stack of ammo different from the currently used ammo * Cycling now plays a sound to indicate ammo has changed Future Plans: * Ammo selection wheel * Firing Patterns Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Convenient Dryad Trades
Download v0.2 (29.3 KB) |
anjodanoite |
Dryad will sell herb bags, life fruits(after any mechanical boss is defeated) and chlorophite ore(after all 3 mechanical bosses are defeated).
Update 0.2 pre-alfa++ one X: New trades + new name. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Let Me Retry
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Download v1.2.1.1 (132.8 KB) |
Momlob |
Ever found yourself getting annihalated by a Boss, and afterwards noticing you used your last Boss Summon.
Annoyed by an unnesesseary spawning Method... Wall of Flesh... cough. Or simply love grinding out infiniely reusable Items like me. Well do I have the Mod for you! Let me Retry add alternate infinite Boss summoning Items for most Bosses in Terraria. These Summons come at a slightly increased Cost however. The Crafting Recipes are highly configurable. Options include: - Normal Recipe - Vanilla Recipe. - X Times the Normal Summon. ^ How Many cofigurable. Aswell as Options to include Items from other Mods. This currenty includes: - Calamity - Thorium Currently this Mod only adds Summon Items for Vanilla Bosses. But Summons for popular Content Mods are in concideration, like the ones mentioned above. Changelog: - 1.2.1 - Adjusted some Recipes again. - New Aethers Hourglass and Limit Breaker. - Compatability with Crafty Boss Drops. - New Mod Icon. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1.7 (18.4 KB) |
Kasey |
-Adds 7 new items! -Adds 1 new NPCs! -Adds absolutely something! Have fun :) Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.1 | Edit | Delete |
Player Stats
Download v0.1 (4.5 KB) |
DerpyMoa |
A basic mod which adds an item capable of showing useful info about your characters stats.
Stats shown: 1. Melee Dmg/Crit chance 2. Ranged Dmg/Crit chance 3. Magic Dmg/Crit chance 4. Throwing Dmg/crit chance 5. Summoner damage boost 6. Movement speed boost 7. Life regen (updates based on if you're moving or standing still) 8. Mana regen (vanilla has only one mana regen item and it will show its max amount of regen) 9. Max amount of Minions/Sentries 10. Melee swing time (lower is faster) 11. Armor Penetration (switch to melee to show melee only pentration) 12. Fishing Skill bonus Crafting Recipe: 1 Dirt Enjoy. Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Starlight Mod
Download v0.1 (8.9 KB) |
MathsThundersz |
Starlight Mod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Corvo's Arsenal
Download v0.1.2 (71.7 KB) |
KSI Edge |
Corvo's Arsenal
Corvo's Arsenal is a small mod that adds a few things that the supernatural assassin used in Dishonored. Adds: Corvo's pistol, crossbow, and folding blade. All powers that Corvo has in game (Blink, Dark Vision, Possession, Bend Time, Devouring Swarm, Wind Blast). All abilities. Some Bone Charms. An Outsider chest that spawns in the world during world generation that gives you some runes when destroyed. All crafting can be done at the Shrine Candle. A Shrine Candle is needed for all mod crafting. Notes: The Outsider Soul, Blink are given to a new player. The Outsider Mark, Abilities, Bone Charms give the bonus in the inventory and is not needed in an accessory spot. Corvo's gear is given to a new player. Crafting: Powers are made from runes at Shrine Candle, the max runes needed ever for a power is 10 and no other material is needed. Abilities (see above). Bone Charms are made of 1 runes (Don't ask why they are like that). Shrine Candles are made from 1 rune at a outsider chest. Outsider Chest are made from 7 runes if you broke the chest and can be crafted in hand. Folding Blade is made from 10 titanium at any type of workbench."> Corvo's Arsenal Corvo's Arsenal is a small mod that adds a few things that the supernatural assassin used in Dishonored. Adds: Corvo's pistol, crossbow, and folding blade. All powers that Corvo has in game (Blink, Dark Vision, Possession, Bend Time, Devouring Swarm, Wind Blast). All abilities. Some Bone Charms. An Outsider chest that spawns in the world during world generation that gives you some runes when destroyed. All crafting can be done at the Shrine Candle. A Shrine Candle is needed for all mod crafting. Notes: The Outsider Soul, Blink are given to a new player. The Outsider Mark, Abilities, Bone Charms give the bonus in the inventory and is not needed in an accessory spot. Corvo's gear is given to a new player. Crafting: Powers are made from runes at Shrine Candle, the max runes needed ever for a power is 10 and no other material is needed. Abilities (see above). Bone Charms are made of 1 runes (Don't ask why they are like that). Shrine Candles are made from 1 rune at a outsider chest. Outsider Chest are made from 7 runes if you broke the chest and can be crafted in hand. Folding Blade is made from 10 titanium at any type of workbench. Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
Quantum Storage
Download v1.2 (95.1 KB) |
Itorius, orian34 & team |
Quantum Storage allows you to access a huge array of storage space. Be it portable or tiles, it's all at hand's reach through the quantum realm!
With the use of a 3 gem code, you can access specific frequencies, each with their own space and can be changed if need be. There is both item and liquid storage, with their corresponding containers to access it. Inventory pockets can hold 27 stacks, while you can have up to 4 buckets worth in one liquid pocket. Items Quantum Entangled Bag - Made with 12 leather, 4 hallowed bars and 5 souls of might. Quantum Entangled Chest - Made with 1 gold chest, 7 hallowed bars and 5 souls of might. Liquids Quantum Entangled Bucket - Made with 1 empty bucket, 4 hallowed bars and 5 souls of sight. Quantum Entangled Tank - Made with 40 glass, 7 hallowed bars and 5 souls of sight. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.1 | Edit | Delete |
Swords & More
Download v0.13 (173.1 KB) |
Uncle John (HY) |
Swords & More Mod is my very first mod (Note: Im not very good at coding). Please feel free to give us on our Discord (Link at homepage) to give us feedback and or your opinions on it and how us should improve!
Credit to Dilbo Daggins and for making sprites for the mod! You're awesome man ! :D Also special thanks to Rebmiami, who is also very helpful with sprites and codes! I owe you one! :D Also credit for everyone on the Discord for giving me suggestions and helping me! Also shout out to the Devs who put their mod codes on GitHub and on the Terraria forum thread! Included content: ~60 items (Melee, ranged, throwing and summoner included) 2 bosses (Both Post-ML) A new tier of weapons themed around serpents Planned content: More melee & ranged weapons Possibly a new boss Distinct minion buffs (Kinda hard) We the Swords & More community are trying really hard to fit many new stuff, and I think it's going pretty good! More members would be appreciated! Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.1 | Edit | Delete |
Cosmic Knife
Download v1.0 (381.8 KB) |
Potatokev1n |
Cosmic Knife is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
Death Counter
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Download v0.1.9 (15.3 KB) |
Xin |
Death Counter - remember how many times you died?
/deaths --displays all deaths, active players deaths /deaths <playerName> --displays specific player deaths Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Castled's Token Addon ![]() ![]() |
Download v0.5.6.5 (558.9 KB) |
Castled |
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Summoner Plus Armor
Download v0.1 (8 KB) |
Benny is Modding |
Summoner Plus Armor is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.2.261 (79.9 KB) |
GranTurismo27 |
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v1.1 (566.1 KB) |
Morlanrith |
This is TRRA, a mod designed to bring elements of the online web series RWBY into Terraria. This is version 1.1 of the mod, which now features spawning Dust crystals, a new NPC and a new weapon "Hush" (Neo's parasol). This is the current final version of the mod, with no additional versions planned besides an update that will allow it work with a version 1.4 updated tModLoader. This mod currently includes the following: New Weapons: A variety of weapons from the original series. Most of these weapons utilise a transform function that gives them dual use. New Accessories: Two new accessories which are designed to improve the players melee and ranged damage output. They can be constructed from the current class emblems. New Resource - Dust: A new resource based on the substance from the original series, these crystals will spawn throughout the world upon defeating the mechanical bosses. New NPC: A new town NPC that sells a variety of Dust related items which are required to craft the various weapons and ammo, as well as produce more Dust. Transform Hotkey: An additional hotkey for use with the new weapons in this mod. Causes the weapons to change from one form to another. It should go without saying, but I do not own the copyright to the weapon designs implemented in this mod. These are owned by Rooster Teeth Productions, LLC. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |