tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
WeaponOut compat for TerrariaOverhaul
Download v0.1 (9.3 KB) |
Ved_s |
Allows items to be shown by Weapon Out when TerrariaOverhaul's Item Overhaul is disabled
Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Bar Drops
Download v0.3 (3.5 KB) |
Dreamer |
Bar Drops makes all vanilla bosses drop bars and various other things.
V0.2 Added weapons, potions, and dyes to the drop lists. V0.3 Added Gems to the drop lists. Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Stevie's Mod
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Download v0.2.0 (189.1 KB) |
convicted tomatophile (S… |
Wanna know exactly when the mod gets updated? Wanna suggest new features? Interact with the community? Get access to unreleased updates? Then join the Discord(!):
This mod is small and currently a heavy W.I.P.! No content is final and stuff is likely to change. Stevie's Mod is a general content mod for Terraria (wow!). - 60+ new items (crazy, huh?) - Permanent breath upgrade! :D - Unique permanent mana upgrade. - Permanent mining speed upgrade. - 2 new coin portals. - Infinite ammo items + infinite consumables (well... some.). - Other stuff! Notable features: Improved shortsword mechanics (ported from 1.4). Lung Extension Card - An item rarely obtained from chatting with the nurse. Use it to increase your maximum breath by 50% and turn your bubbles from boring blue bubbles, to cool diamond bubbles. Star Fruit - Similar to Life Fruit. Consumable up to 10 times, increasing your mana by 5 each time. Every time you use one, a star turns gold (Mana stars cap at 10, you can gain more mana still, but you will only be able to see up to 10 stars. These stars will divide the maximum amount of mana you have between them, so the stars will still fade accordingly!). They grow in the jungle once a mechanical boss has been defeated, like Life Fruit. More endless pouches and quivers. NPCs will display their text above their head while talking (along with still displaying it in their message box). Disc of Discord, a new item that works like an ender pearl (dropped from Chaos Elementals). The pixel placers: RiverOaken Arcri Terra ("the real otp?!!?") Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Ragnarok Mod
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Download v0.125 (3.3 MB) |
SireRagnarok (Chance Bru… |
- Uranium - Uranium armor - definitely safe to use! - Nuclear bomb - Extremely OP pickaxe - Pepe on death screen - feels bad man - Morpheus NPC - Some paintings Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Kaizo Terraria
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Download v0.5.2.4 (10 MB) |
Cal |
Kaizo Terraria is meant to make Terraria very difficult and painful. It is not for the faint of heart.
Currently adds content through early hardmode. This mod is not compatible with multiplayer. Thanks to Oli.H and TML Discord for code help. Thanks to pbone for worldgen help. Thanks to all of you for your ideas and suggestions. Changes: -Mining is made significantly harder by adding harmful blocks. -The Dungeon is now much more difficult to traverse. -New enemies have come to wreck your day... and annoy you with their stupid noises. -There is a very small chance for enemies to permenently drop your health with the Groin Kick debuff. -There is a very small chance for enemies to cripple you temporarily with the Broken Rib debuff. -Being in the Underworld will make your acceleration slower, and regeneration impossible. -All bosses (pre-hm) have a new attack each. -All weapons do less damage and knockback. -Being near sunflowers will make you an undesirable customer to NPCs. -The Jungle is now contaminated with nasty poisonous gunk. -Heart Crystals will destroy tiles around them by chance. -All entities have increased health and damage output. -All enemies have a 1% chance to score a critical hit, dealing 3x their normal damage. -When a town NPC dies, you will become depressed. -Breaking Hives has a chance to inflict Venom and spawn Hornets. -Having the Honey buff will immobilize you. Stay tuned for more updates. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Google Chrome Mod
Download v0.1 (3.9 MB) |
DeschinatorZuS |
Google Chrome Mod is the best Terraria mod.
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Download v1.3 (64 KB) |
Flare123 |
I am currently adding more content into this mod
this mod currently adds: 5 new accessories 3 new items 14 new magic weapons 13 new pickaxes Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.1 | Edit | Delete |
Pre-Hardmode OP Weapons
Download v0.1 (5.5 KB) |
PumpkinBear111 |
Pre-Hardmode OP Weapons is the second mod I ever made for Terraria. I adds in some overpowered weapons for pre-hardmode. You do not have to be on pre-hardmode to use these weapons, but they would not be very op in hardmode. There is currently 4 weapons. I created all the textures myself.
Stats and Recipes: Stone Sword - Melee Damage = 50. Super Quick. Knockback = 12. To craft, take 75 stone, 5 wood, 1 copper shortsword, and a tin bar and put it together at a workbench. StarSword - Melee Damage = 60. Not very quick. Knockback = 25. To craft, take a fallen star, 100 wood, and 50 gel and put it together at a workbench. SandSword - Melee Damage = 75. Pretty Quick. Knockback = 2. To craft, take 90 sand, 10 wood, 1 tin bar, and 5 stone at a workbench. Bow Sword - Shoots arrows while you swing the sword. Also kinda glitchy. Damage = 60. Same speed as the StarSword. Knockback = 1. Shoots 1 arrow at a time. To craft, you will need a wooden bow, 5 wood, and 2 tin bars. Put it together at a crafting table. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
G910 Support - RGB Keyboard Lighting for Terraria
Download v0.1.3 (22 KB) |
webmilio |
G910 Support adds support for the Logitech G910 Keyboard. This enables single-key RGB Lighting in order to display statistics such as health, mana, the current biome, etc. This mod is still a work-in-progress. Version 0.1.3: + Keyboard effect on death. ~�Fixed mana and health bars. - Disabled Terraria Leveled support, need Beta version of Leveled to work, which isn't available to the public. Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.4.6 (29.1 KB) |
TheBonBon |
Cowu Mod (WIP) by TheBonBon
Adds: - Early Game Boss: 1 Star + 1 Bunny + 1 Bottled Water - Boss Loot Bag - Cow Pet - Cow Mask - Cow Chief (NPC) [WIP] - Light Pet - Cow Loot v0.4.4 ~ Cow Boss Sprite v0.4.4 + Cow NPC v0.4.3 ~ Pet Icon + Cow Scale v0.4.2 + Bag + Mask + 2x Pet ~ NPC [WIP] Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Legendary Weapons
Download v0.1.2 (7.4 KB) |
Mcdjhorton aka vojij53 |
Imp Sword And Ice Sword Are currently available Vulture Sword and Harpy Beam Are WIP.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Babbymod Super WIP Unfinished Edition v0.1 very illegal
Download v0.1 (9 KB) |
The host has left the ga… |
babbymod is my first mod, and very work in progress. it's illegal in 56 different providences of canada, at least i think.
overall downloading this is probably a bad idea due to it being made by me currently includes: 4 swords and that's it Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.1 | Edit | Delete |
Build Mate
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Download v2.1.0.2 (92.4 KB) |
Duze |
A multiplayer mod enabling the in-game construction of maps in an editor sort of fashion
version 2.0.1 -> # Added - Item spawn prompt - Networking for v2 functions Note: When the functions list is open, type an item name into chat to spawn that item. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Download v3.3 (247.3 KB) |
ipca |
2 0P 4 LYF.
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
opweapons for friends
Download v0.2 (2.3 KB) |
twichlove999 |
opweapons for friends is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
Amalgam Weapons
Download v0.1.2 (4.1 MB) |
Vareth |
Amalgam Weapons is a mod created by a noob user. Adds a few interesting, experimental (but balanced) weapons for some niche subclasses.
1.1 -Kev's Glass gun -Extremely High fire rate. Crafted from illegal gun parts. -Pierre's Claws -Upgraded version of Baghnakhs, consequently crafted from them. -ShadowBlade's Rending Claws. Late Pre-hardmode claw weapon, crafted from spikes and bones. Has low starting damage, but ramps up quickly on consecutive hits. -Greatsword -Bigger, slower sword with bonus damage if you're shirtless. Crafted from breaker blade. -Endless ammo bags for crystal, chlorophyte, ichor, and lumite. Bullets only so far, no arrows. Soz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.2 -Added invisible shirt and hat, craftable with gel at a solidifier. -Added Bunny feet, craftable with gel and a bunny at a solidifier. Makes you appear as the halloween costumed bunny-slime when worn with invisible shirt and hat. Might add more critters. This item can be dyed! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This mod is a work in progress. Thanks for the repeated downloads! Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
Easy Sword
Download v0.1 (4 KB) |
Zitho |
This mod just adds a sword for starting people. Not that useful.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
Download v4.0 (409.7 KB) |
This mod chooses a random class or race for you, based on basic dnd. There is a teacher npc that can sell you different classes to be. Requires the attributes mod, which gives you stats and a character sheet. If you aren't starting out new, then you will need to buy the character sheet from the villagers mod, when you get the hero villager. Or use cheat sheet to get it.
This is the one that brings them all together, designed to work with dnd, villagers, attributes, and starter weapons. Elves and Magic Users now have 3 spells, spellbook gained at dawn. Holy symbol placeable. 1.1 Major update to cleric. Bonus lives from dnd mod gives bonus wisdom. Wisdom gives bonus to class skill. Turn undead an item (for now) that gives a short buff. It hurts all monsters (for now). Small update to halflings. 1.23 If you roll a race, it will stay now if you take another class. 1.3 If you are a dwarf or halfling, the world looks mighty big to you. Also some benifits to Magic Users. And Theives. Upgraded Dwarves. 1.5 Paladins require 17 chr. If you are a fighting man, all you have to do is get your chr to 17. Extra lives give bonus to stats, based on class. Monks require 15 wis, 12, str, and 15 dex. 1.6 fixed Cleric. Paladin now has big benifit with holy avenger. Assassin class requires Thief class with dex, str, and int of 12 or better. 1.8 Updated some of the buff sprites, new sprites by Gilly. 1.9 A Bur-a-Hobbit. Feet, elf ears, dwarf beard, for new characters. 3.3 Druid added, if you qualify. Only purchasable from the Teacher if you meet the requirements. Turns into a beast at night with the class ability, be sure to set the key for it. If you like what I’m doing, and would like me to continue in this direction, consider donating. If you do donate, that means I’m working for you. Leave a note to let me know what you’d like to see in my future work, I'll make a custom class for you. And by class, I mean anything in D&D, warforged, teifling, dragonkin, etc. Thank you. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Ultra Vanity Sets
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Download v1.3.7.3 (357.5 KB) |
Bonnie :3 |
This mod is the Ultimate mod as it will contain alot of characters from different Universes and Such.
Right now there around 35 characters in play with 2 dev sets! Note: In order to obtain the characters youll need an Anvil, and 75 wood for at least one full Vanity Set. We hope you enjoy the mod! :D New Update - Added Pibby from Learning with Pibby, her phase 3 form. And also a new Original Character named Goo! ^w^ Pets unfourtanetly are taken out. I lost all the source data containing all the pet code and since pets are a pain to code I will for now have to scrap them out of the mod. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Faster Old One's Army
Download v1.0.1 (5.4 KB) |
exp111 |
Sick of waiting for the next wave to start? Just want the enemies to spawn faster? Well, then this mod is for you!
Just right click the Eternia Crystal Stand while the Old One's Army Event is ongoing to skip/change the spawn rate. Note: Lower Spawn Rate means faster spawns. Spawn Rate gets reset after each wave. Minimum is currently 10 (because it won't end wave 6 properly if the spawn rate is lower). Should work in MP now. Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |