tModLoader Mod List
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Reference the Gungeon
Download v1.2.0.3 (479.1 KB) |
Tyfyter (Tyfyter2002 on … |
You can probably guess what game this is a reference to from the title.
That's right, whatever I felt like referencing that could benefit from the mechanics I programmed... Enter the Gungeon is a pretty cool game though, you should check it out! No, this was not sponsored. Changelog: Major fix with WorldGen, now compatible with Calamity Gungeon bandoleer fixes. 1.2: Slightly nerfed dark souls references. Fixed stuck chime bug. Added "Schrodinger's ranged weapon". Added crossbow (is crossbow). Added plague crossbow (is more kill). Added Hexagun (instead of turning things into chickens it just does more things that I programmed it to do. Now that's real magic!). Added "Tactical" Pistol. Switched to a superior nullable type, but that will be meaningless to anyone who hasn't used System.Nullable<T>. 1.1: Gungeon bandoleer now has infinite slots. Gungeon bandoleer now generally works better. Added a few more passives (Alpha Bullets, Omega bullets, etc.) Gave the gungeon bandoleer its own texture. Added "Schrodinger's ranged weapon" 1.0: Technically out of open beta now. Finally actually added passive items. Added a knife. It's kind of cool. Fixed Nightwatch Ogris not using multishot (and added yet another "unintentional feature") Buffed and renamed old hero's bow. Added hero's bow. Fixed hex daggers visual glitch when you have a multishot boost. Fixed changelog spacing. 0.4: Added things, but I forgot to change the changelog when I added them, so just know that there's more things (Including a weapon with a synergy) Me:"Note to self: you haven't released this one yet, and you might as well just move this line to the next version." Also me:"releases 0.3 without ever releasing 0.2" 0.3: Added a little bit of calamity-based balancing (with no stat changes and nothing changed at all if you don't have calamity). Added a gun that you might not want to use with bright bullets if you have epilepsy (it's also the first thine I've made that's a reference to a synergy). Added a few guns based solely on random puns. Added 3 weapons that belong in this mod even less than the pyromancy flame, I'm honestly just adding anything that fits with the mechanics at this point. 0.2: Accidentally skipped 0.2. 0.1.1: fixed an item or two. fixed a recipie or two. fixed a spell or two. 0.1: inital release Only guns are Fightsabre, Marine Sidearm(using its original name), Sticky Crossbow(renamed to crossboom for resons mentioned in the tooltip), and a few dark souls based spell-casting weapons. Special Thanks to: The Tmodloader dev team, without them, this wouldn't be possible... not just because they developed the api, also because I have no clue what I'm doing a quarter of the time and half of that results in glitch items and crashes (the other half makes "features") The other people in the tmodloader discord (Mostly Dark;Light tbh) Dodge roll games, they inspired this mod and ten of the items in it. And the 23 people who downloaded version 0.1 (especially #23, who downloaded it while I was developing 0.1.1, but will likely never know) Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Frec's Addons
Download v0.2.5 (58.8 KB) |
Frec |
Frec's Addons is a pretty cool mod, it does stuff.
v0.2.5 Tweaked a bunch of numbers in the fishing part Added Agility Gear Added Diving and mining gears v0.2.4 Added compatibility with Thorium and Calamity for boots crafting v0.2.3 Added tier 2 herb charms, and a temporary combination of all of them v0.2.2 Added stuff, check website for info v0.2.1 Fixed fishing rods "coming out of the player's crotch" Fixed recipes Changed bobbers texture and added lights v0.2 Fishing rods and baits for lazy people Herb charms with various effects Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.2.5 (29.9 KB) |
Tyler and Autumn |
BloodGod is a simple mod that will be added on hopefully once a day but no promises but right now theres a sword, yoyo,
and a laserbeam weapon. V0.2.5 -Added Bar for HellOre Still Working on getting the ore to spawn in the world which i will be doing with in this week hopefully and i will also be working on a wiki page so that might be up either tonight Mountain Time Zone or tomorrow V0.2.4 -Added Hostile NPC called flying gem -Added WorkBench -Added Ore but cant be mined/Doesnt spawn yet and still working on it -Souls now drop from NPCs when killed v0.1.9 -Added Wolf Blood Sword V0.1.6 -Added LaserBeam weapon called Harvester -Fixed/Changed the crafting recipe V0.1.4 -Added a yoyo -Changed Magic Weapon's Texture from book to staff -Changed damage values for Blood Sword And Magic Weapon -Changed Magic Weapons name to Blood Staff Note: I will be adding a wiki page for current/future recipes and posibly full descrpitions/lore of the items if i can get around to it cause im a little busy at the moment with life V0.1.2 -Changed Magic Weapons projectile texture Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (3.7 KB) |
Naruto |
naruto is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
True Weapons +
Download v0.1 (7.4 KB) |
TheCanceredRuby |
True Weapons + is a pretty cool mod, it introduces many well known vanilla weapons but in their true forms. This mod does exclude the True Nights Edge and True Excalibur.
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.0.0.5 (347.5 KB) |
Angel Icoe |
Swordmaster Is all about melee weapons. differen't melee types (will) do different things with this style active
Trickster Is focused on evasion, an easy to grasp style for those who aren't to good at evading attacks, not to say that it isn't a bad style or a crutch, it simply focuses on mobility and nothing else Gunslinger Focusses on ranged weapons. Providing new and stylish ways to pelt your enemies with bullets or arrows more effectively! Royalguard Is defense oriented, but don't be fooled by this, as it also has the most potential. It's a style that require's timing and awareness to optimize damage. Doppelganger Is the summoner style, either bring out a clone that attracts aggro but drains from your mana when it takes damage, or make your minions take formations. Mastermind Is the mage style. Manipulate magic and new ways and cause your enemies terror! "> Welcome to style switcher, a side project from Tectonium The goal of this is to incorporate DMC styles (and 1 style i made up) into Terraria! Swordmaster Is all about melee weapons. differen't melee types (will) do different things with this style active Trickster Is focused on evasion, an easy to grasp style for those who aren't to good at evading attacks, not to say that it isn't a bad style or a crutch, it simply focuses on mobility and nothing else Gunslinger Focusses on ranged weapons. Providing new and stylish ways to pelt your enemies with bullets or arrows more effectively! Royalguard Is defense oriented, but don't be fooled by this, as it also has the most potential. It's a style that require's timing and awareness to optimize damage. Doppelganger Is the summoner style, either bring out a clone that attracts aggro but drains from your mana when it takes damage, or make your minions take formations. Mastermind Is the mage style. Manipulate magic and new ways and cause your enemies terror! Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Halo Respawn Timer Sound
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Download v0.1.3 (39.1 KB) |
Seedonator |
It adds the Halo respawn timer sound when you are respawning.
Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Khaios Core
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Download v1.0.0.1 (68 KB) |
FoolsLynx |
Khaios Core is a mod which introduces aspects that make creating Adventure Maps easier.
The main aspect of the mod, is the Terminal. This works similar to Minecraft's command blocks. There are current 7 commands that have been added: - Weather (Gives the ability to set whether it is raining or not as well as sandstorms and slime rain) - Time (Allows you to adjust the time with set or add commands) - Item (Gives the ability to add or remove items from player inventories) - Say (Broadcasts a message to the world) - Kill (Allows you to kill any Player or NPC within a radius or all Player or NPCs in the world) - Event (Allows you to trigger the start of any of the default events. Goblin Invasion, Frost Moon, etc) - Summon (Allows you to summon an NPC based on their name or id to a relative position to the command tile) Terminal Syntax: There are a few ways to write a command. Please use this key to help understand what symbols are. | - This means or. for example, each command has a long and short way. For example weather has weather or just w. [] - These are optional. These will mostly be at the end of commands. "" - Anything inside quotations requires quotations around it. For example if getting an item, if you do "Iron Shortsword" it will correctly find it ~ - This means relative. This is related to X and Y coords. So if a command says ~X then the number to enter will be relative to the x coord. For example, if the tile is at X: 2000 and the command is -20 the relative position would be 1980. () - This means the command is a number. For example (Radius) you need to replace that with a number. Time Command: t|time set (value)|day|night|midday|midnight t|time add (value) Examples: t set midday time add 1000 Weather Command: w|weather set|toggle clear|rain|storm|slime w|weather clear Examples: weather set slime w clear Item Command: i|item give|take "name"|(id) [quantity] Examples: item give "iron shortsword" item give 1 99 item take "iron shortsword" item take 1 99 Say Command: s|say "message" Examples: s "Hello, World!" say "Broadcast Message!" Kill Command k|kill player|npc all|(radius) Examples: k npc all kill player 16 Event Command e|event start bloodmoon|goblin|legion|solar|pirate|pumpkin|frost|martian bloodmoon - Blood Moon goblin - Goblin Invasion legion - Frost Legion solar - Solar Eclipse pirate - Pirate Invasion pumpkin - Pumpkin Moon frost - Frost Moon martian - Martian Invasion Examples: e start goblin event start pumpkin Summon Command su|summon (id)|"name" ~x ~y Examples: summon "blue slime" 0 -5 summon 93 10 5 su "red slime" 0 0 For help, use the Help command and it will give you the name of a command which you can enter and get the syntax of. The help command can be: help|h|commands You can also use the "Commands" command in chat like so: /commands [command] Alone it will list all the commands you can use. By adding a command it will give you the syntax. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Tooltip Translator
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Download v0.1.0.1 (64 KB) |
R |
Tooltip Translator:
Translate tooltip into arbitrary language in real time. The mechanism has a web browser inside and it is just returning the result executed by google translation. It is thought that there is still unstable parts, please be careful. You can choose Baidu as a translation site. Please specify 2 for "translatingSite" in config setting. For Baidu 's translation language setting please directly change "urlBaidu" in config. The default url is as follows. --- About UI --- The character string being translating is displayed in green in the background. To delete from the translation dictionary Right-click the target. Please click the reload button when you changed the setting during the game. Also, please click the reload button if the translation stops halfway or there is a blank. --- About Translation File --- When "isSaveTranslat" in config is true, it will output the translation dictionary to the file when exit from world. Also, if "isLoadTranslat" in config is true, the translation file is read at the start of the game. The translation file is output to the following location. (In the case of Windows) "My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mods\Cache\TooltipTranslator.txt" (v0.1.0.1 -> "TooltipTranslator.json") From v0.1.0.1 it is saved in json format. Please use formatting tool etc. when editing files. If there is no "TooltipTranslator.json", "TooltipTranslator.txt" will be loaded. *** Acknowledgments *** The UI code of this Mod is based on jopojelly's Recipe Browser (v0.4). I am grateful to Mr. jopojelly for publishing a great code. Mod Settings uses Mod Settings Configurator. I am grateful to Mr. Flashkirby99 for making the setting of Mod easy. Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
Useful Items
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Download v2.0 (130.1 KB) |
Gortart |
Useful Items is a mod that aims to reduce wasted time.
Please visit the forum post for more information. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
The Knowledge Pack
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Download v0.1.6.5 (192.7 KB) |
KnowledgeYouCantHandle |
The Knowledge Pack is currently not much, but stuff is being added along the way. The name doesn't define the mod lol just thought knowledge was a nifty word. Everything is being created/sprited by one person, so development isn't going to be the fastest. DISCORD Join up for updates and stuff, you can also suggest things and give feedback BEWARE Still a work in progress. Theres a small chance that some items dont have a crafting recipe, so you can only get them thru CheatSheet CONTENT Introducing Boss Item Weapons/Accesories! Every vanilla (currently all pre-hardmode) bosses will drop boss items which can be crafted into boss weapons or accesories. 25 Weapons 31 Spells 10 Enemies 1 Town NPC 2 Ores 2 Armor Sets OTHER I am a Souls series fan, so there is and will be quite alot of stuff inspired by/from the Souls series. "> INFO The Knowledge Pack is currently not much, but stuff is being added along the way. The name doesn't define the mod lol just thought knowledge was a nifty word. Everything is being created/sprited by one person, so development isn't going to be the fastest. DISCORD Join up for updates and stuff, you can also suggest things and give feedback BEWARE Still a work in progress. Theres a small chance that some items dont have a crafting recipe, so you can only get them thru CheatSheet CONTENT Introducing Boss Item Weapons/Accesories! Every vanilla (currently all pre-hardmode) bosses will drop boss items which can be crafted into boss weapons or accesories. 25 Weapons 31 Spells 10 Enemies 1 Town NPC 2 Ores 2 Armor Sets OTHER I am a Souls series fan, so there is and will be quite alot of stuff inspired by/from the Souls series. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Zelda Weapons
Download v0.1 (5.4 KB) |
-Luka- |
Zelda Weapons is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Spelunker Surge!
Download v0.2 (4.5 MB) |
Yuyutsu |
Ever found that exploring underground is boring? Want some cool places to spice up your spelunking? Well, Spelunking Surge is here for you! This mod aims to flesh out underground exploration in all parts of the game.
Current content: - A new minibiome, the Fossil Caverns! While exploring, you may come across a new structure, filled with bones, ancient enemies, and new loot! - A new gem, Moonstone! Moonstone adds to the variety of gems, allowing you to craft multiple new weapons! - Otherworldly Beacons! Rare structures that spawn randomly underground. These cosmic beacons can do anything, from granting you ore to releasing multiple bombs! Watch out! - New fishing catches for the Marble, Granite, Fossil, and Mushroom biomes! - New music and effects for the Marble, Granite, and Fossil biomes! I hope you enjoy! Please report any bugs to out forum page :) Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
Death Note The Weapon
Download v0.1 (11.3 KB) |
VicGamer |
Death Note The Weapon is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.5 (67.1 KB) |
Tyfyter |
I need a better description for this
TODO: fix freezing bug (don't spam Wind Revolver right click until I fix it) add crafting recipes, I have crafting recipies for some weapons, but not others. Update 0.5: Added loot that does a thing instead of just sitting there. Added an accessory so complicated that I can't put exactly what it does here. Added an arkhalis clone with an above average temperature. Added a marvel reference. Update whateverI'matnow: Improvements Updated update log, Update 0.4: updated mod for tmodloader regretted putting such a high version number for the last version Update 0.3.1234567890: I honestly can't remember. Update 0.3.?: I have no clue how to set up the mod on github, so no icon yet. Update 0.3.5: Added a few items items include a pistol with a limited magazine capacity Update 0.3.1: I finally added a changelog I also added an icon Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
Gods, Golems and Dragons
Download v0.0.1 (104.5 KB) |
Positiv |
Gods, Golems and Dragons adds new stuff!
So far: - Leveling system - Classes - A few items - 1 Town NPC Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Serraria Mod 2
Download v0.2.5.9 (40.3 KB) |
Sasakowski |
This Mod is the successor of the first Serraria Mod (Discountinued)
For the most part, this mod makes life at some points easier -Makes the Pirate Map craftable -Makes the Magic Lantern craftable -Makes the Mining Shirt and Mining Pants craftable -Makes the Bone Welder craftable -Makes the Presents craftable -Makes the Fruitcake Chakram craftable -Makes the Wooden, Iron and Gold Crate craftable -Makes the Defender Medal craftable (Cheater...) -Makes the Anchor craftable -Adds Sea Snail Statues -Adds a UNCRAFTING TABLE It allows you to uncraft almost any vanilla(!) accessory. You need the accessory itself and a UNCRAFTING TOKEN. (It exists to make it harder to exploit the system) -Adds a UN-UNCRAFTING TABLE It's like a normal Table for crafting, has also an UN-UNCRAFTING TOKEN Counterpart. (For recipes, please use a recipe browser mod) Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Sane Randomizer
Download v0.7 (31 KB) |
Kabaril |
Sane Randomizer randomizes the following things:
- trade items - Weapon Damage - Weapon Shoot Speed - Weapon Knockback - Weapon Crit Chance - Weapon Scale - Weapon Mana Cost - Use Time - Bait Power - Fishing Rod Power - Item Value (coin cost, also affects reforge cost) - Potion Buff Duration - Potion Heal Values - Potion Mana Values - Armor Values - item drops (excluding Bosses) Item drops are bugged and are added onto existing drops Item drops do not support modded items and enemies Trade items do not support modded items All Randomizations are Seeded and only change when the Seed (in Mod Options) changes. Item Drops are separated into Pre-Hardmode, Post-Hardmode and Post-Plantera. Random Values are 50% - 200% of base value. The Mechanic is not randomized. The following Items are always sold: Bullets YoYo Glove Tinkerers Workshop Toolbelt Sickle BugNet Piggy Bank Explosive Powder Clentaminator Green Solution Purification Powder Dark Blue Solution Blue Solution Red Solution or Purple Solution Teleporter Illegal Gun Parts Minishark Crystal Ball Spell Tome Lesser Healing Potion Lesser Mana Potion Pygmy Necklace Hercules Beetle Some Rockets Unique Ammo Autohammer Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
Portable Crafting Stations
Download v0.3.0.7 (34.2 KB) |
Sigma Iota |
This mod adds some items.
First item is 'Portable Workbench'. When there is it in the inventory, it's not required to put Work Benches near for crafting. Merchant sells it for 35 gold in hard mode. Next item is 'Demon in the Altars'. When there is it in nearby chest, the chest is instead of Demon Altars. Breaking Shadow Orbs and Demon Altars, you get a chance to drop. You can also craft from 10 Soul of Nights. 'Mini-Altar' is crafted from 'Demon in the Altars'. Used it, you can place Demon Altar in hard mode. Other, if there is 'Bottomless Water Bucket' in the inventory, it is instead of water for crafting. When we get to tModLoader for Terraria v1.4, I will also support 'Bottomless Lava Bucket'. If you are equipping Snow or Ice Music Box, snow biome is needless for all crafting recipes. (However, I don't know if such a recipe exists.) I will correspond in a same pattern about Graveyard Biome. Mod Cross Contents: · Arcane Rune Mod (v0.2.3.3 or later): 'Rune of Clairvoyance' equipped is instead of Crystal Ball for crafting. If you find some bugs or have ideas on how to make this mod better, Please send me a Direct Message on twitter. My twitter URL: --- The following is written in Japanese. That is to say, the explanation is for Japanese who have installed Japanese font. If this is not the case, it is normal to see ***. ・ Portable Workbench / 携行作業台 これがinventoryにあることで、Workbenchが近くにあるという条件を満たす。 ハードモード移行後、Merchantから35gで購入可能。 ・ Demon in the Altars / 祭壇の悪魔 これが入っているChestをDemonAltar化させる。 要はこれが近くのChestに入っていると、そこでAltarを必要とするCraftingが可能となるということ。 ShadowOrbやDemonAltarを破壊すると確率でドロップする他、Soul of Nightから作成することも可能。 尤も、これをクラフト可能になった頃には DemonAltar を必要とするレシピはあまりないが。 ・ Mini-Altar / 小型祭壇 上記"Demon in the Altars"から作成可能。悪魔の祭壇を設置できる。 ただし詰み防止策として設置はハードモード限定。 ・ Camping Kit / キャンプセット これがinventoryにある時、Campfireの近くで料理(CookingPotによるcrafting)ができる。それだけ。 ・ Portable Furnace / 携行溶鉱炉 ハード素材で作る地獄の竈。攻略のサポートという意味では使いどころが微妙。 携行チタニウム炉の実装後は専ら中間素材。 ・ Portable Titanium Forge / 携行チタニウム炉 Soul of Flight および Soul of Light を素材とすることで軽量化に成功した Titanium Forge。 なお Titanium とあるが、別に Adamantite でも作成可能。 ・ Weightless Anvil / 無重量金床 AnvilとFeaherを合成することで軽量化に成功した。 ・ Weightless Mythril Anvil / 無重量ミスリル金床 MythrilAnvil に Soul of Flight および Soul of Light を合成することで軽量化に成功した。 作成には別途 MythrilAnvil が必要であるため、資材が余ってきた頃が作成時期となるか。 なお Mythril とあるが、別に Orichalcum でも作成可能。 ・ Electronic Bookcase / 電子本棚 電子書籍のデータが入ったチップのようなイメージ。 PDA や Cell Phone と一緒に所持することで、クラフト用のBookcaseタイルとして機能する。 ・ Ancient Wisdom to Create Liquid / 液体生成に関する古代の叡智 古代の叡智が刻まれた小型のルーン。内容を読み取るためには CrystalBall の力が必要。 条件を満たすと、クラフト用のWater, Lava, Honeyとして機能する。 ●その他の要素: ・ Bottomless Water Bucket inventoryにあればcraftingで水が不要となる。 tModLoaderが1.4に対応すれば溶岩バケツにも対応予定。 ・ Music Box (Snow, Ice) 装備中、クラフティングに雪原環境が不要になる。 Graveyardへの対応の為に処理を作成した。 因みにvanity欄でも有効。 ●他Modとの連携要素: · Arcane Rune Mod (v0.2.3.3以降) "Rune of Clairvoyance"の装備中、クラフティングにCrystalBallが不要に。 Antisocialと併用すればvanity欄でも機能する。 バグを見つけたりなんか良いアイデアがあったりしたらtwitterでDM送ってね。 twitter URL: Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
NPC Combat Mod
Download v0.1.2 (13.1 KB) |
Rebmiami |
NPC Combat Mod is a mod that turns all town NPCs hostile. They will attack eachother and can be killed.
This mod's config options will allow you to modify the stats of NPCs to make fighting them better. Note that it will not work with some NPCs. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.3 | Edit | Delete |