tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
ScriptsLite - basically command blocks
Download v0.1.1 (515.8 KB) |
Dual |
The mod basically a tile functionally similar to Minecraft's Command Blocks (called Code Blocks in-game). They work exactly like a C# REPL shell.
The name of the Code Block corresponds to a .cs file in My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/Scripts. The code in that file is compiled and ran on the fly. They also run when activated via wire. Still extremely WIP, sprites needed, etc etc. I only suggest using this if you know what you're doing. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
ProYMod: Lot of yoyo
Download v1.3.1 (98.9 KB) |
HappyJoy |
ProYMod v1.3.1
This mod adds: - 16 Items - 1 Tiles - 2 Buff - 1 mount There will be frequent updates. + Desert Yoyo + New Sprites - 1 Item Home page: Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Endless Boss Spawns
Download v0.3 (35.6 KB) |
Rocketlauncher269 |
Please Note This Does Not Include Boss Summoning Items From Other Mods, It Only Includes Vanilla And This Mod.
Allows You To Make Endless Boss Summoning Items From This List: Slime Crown Suspicious Looking Eye Worm Food Bloody Spine (New) Odd Skull Abeemination (New) Counterfeit Guide Voodoo Doll Mechanical Worm Mechanical Eye Mechanical Skull (New) Suspicious Looking Circuts (New) Plantera Bulb Lihzahrd Power Cell (New) Suspicious Looking Tablet (New) Solar Power Stand (New) Vortex Power Stand (New) Nebula Power Stand (New) Stardust Power Stand Celestial Sigil Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.3 | Edit | Delete |
Zema Mod + Thumpland (ft. Big Chungus Mount and Sega Items)
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Download v1.1.5 (441.8 KB) |
ZemaArts |
Zema Mod is a simple mod made to bring a slice of ZemaArts' and beeawo0's universes into Terraria! It's more of a personal project more than anything, but hey, who doesn't like more cool endgame items?
-Weapons Added- Melee: Sword of Redemption (Sword), ??? ("Shortsword"), Crystal Spinner (Yo-Yo), Lazir Arm (Flail), Light Spear (Lance/Spear), Light Javelin (Javelin), Roukanken (opaldolphin suggestion, from the Touhou series. (Overpowered Sword)), Mirage Axe (Paladin's Hammer type weapon), Curtain Call (Starfury type weapon) Magic: World Eraser (Laser), Cinna's Staff (Staff), Crown Scepter (Starfury type weapon) Ranged: Machino Gun (Gun), Machino Bullets (Ammo), Mark of 52 (Overpowered Weapon, Screen Clearer) Summoner: Demon Katelyn (beeawo0 Projectile Minion), ZEMA (Contact Damage Pet) Pets Added: Baby Angel Katelyn Pet (beeawo0 Pet), Poppy (beeawo0 Pet), XOLA (Pet), ZELA (Pet), S.T. (Pet), Upa-Upa (from Sega's Fantasy Zone Series, Light Pet), Angel Katelyn (beeawo0 Light Pet) Mounts Added: Chicken Wing Katelyn (beeawo0 Mount, Insane Speed, Insane Jump, Has Fall Damage, Grounded), Snoo Snoo Poo Poo (High Speed, Low Jump, Grounded), Opa-Opa (from Sega's Fantasy Zone Series, Average Speed, Average Jump, Flight), Shakere (Insane Speed, Flight), Big Chungus (THE BEST ADDITION TO THIS MOD OF COURSE) NPC's Added: Clown Mommy (beeawo0 NPC, Night Enemy), Chicken Wing Katelyn Critter (beeawo0 NPC, spawns in the underworld, 75% Bait.) Misc: Great Seal (From the Persona Series, Door), Lots of Vanity Items made with silk including Alis Landale Outifit from the Phantasy Star Series, Xola's Wings, Laconian Shield (From the Phantasy Star series) -Mod Staff- Developer/Spriter: @zemaarts (Instagram) Assistant Spriter: @beeawo0 (Instagram) Idea Helper/Supporters: @opaldolphin64 (Instagram) and @beeawo0 (Instagram) Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Boss Tokens Mod
Download v0.1.1 (27.4 KB) |
Katsumashi |
Ever had trouble getting the RNG to be in your favour? This mod is for you!
Bosses will now drop "Boss Tokens", which can be changed into one item each. The weapons cannot be changed back to tokens. Right now, bosses will drop one token and their random item. (Basically, you get double the loot.) Same in Expert Mode, but with Treasure Bags instead. I will fix that later. If there are any bugs, please tell me on Twitter @littlebugletYT. (Note: I am aware that the tokens sometimes don't drop - especially the Moon Lord one - in newer versions of tModLoader. When I work out what's happening I will fix this) Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.4 | Edit | Delete |
Download v1.3.1.3 (10.4 KB) |
my name |
GiantSwords is a pretty cool mod, it adds new swords into the game to make the game more fun and help you in your adventure!
1.0: testing and added Giant Smooth Lead Sword and Giant Smooth Iron Sword 1.2: Added Smooth Lead Stabber and Smooth Iron Stabber 1.3: Changed sprites and stats, Damage of Giant Iron Sword has been reduced to 17 and both of the weapons will swing a little slower# 1.3.1: Added 2 new swords, Slime Sword, Giant Smooth Iron Torture. had to change the Slime Sword texture because it was just too small... changed speeds of all weapons. changed stuff about the Slime Sword. now drops from slimes 1.5 plans: new swords: Giant gold sword +MANY MORE and Smooth bars and ores. Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (9.9 KB) |
Glitter Fatale |
Naruto's adventures in Terraria.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Random Items
Download v0.14 (10.5 KB) |
Weedfish |
Random Items is a mod where its purpose is to add simple items that compliment well
with the games progression. Currently an in progress mod. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Atom Smasher
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Download v0.2.1 (30.5 KB) |
Caseyperi |
Adds the Atom Smasher from the Frackin Universe mod for starbound. I've added 6 diffrent variants, for game progression that can be aquired through normal gameplay and crafting. (I am not, and have no intention of profiting off of this) It has a lot of work to do as, i want to get it looking and sounding as similar as possible. Which in it's cureent state does not. And it also has a few glitches here and there I am aware of and actively working on.
0.2.0: All of the sprites have been updated an a MK1s was added for the mehanichal bosses, and MK1s does not require the MK1 for crafting, nor can it be crafted into anything as of now. 0.2.1: Minor balance changes and an updated beam texture. I am working on the visuals for the beam as of now because it could be improved a lot. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v1.0.1 (202.4 KB) |
Just Req |
Echo-Everything is a mod that adds several Echo tiles.
So far, the mod adds Echo Blocks, Echo Walls, Echo Platforms, and Lit Echo Blocks (acts as a light source). As more time passes, more items will be added, including Echo Chairs, Tables, Chests, and more. * Note that the Echo Block and Spectre Goggles items will be in the mod for as long as tModLoader isn't updated to Terraria 1.4. Once the update happens, both items will be removed. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, suggestions, etc., you can express them in my Discord server by clicking the "Homepage" button below 1.0.1 - Mod icon *yay* 1.0.0 - Mod exists Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Destiny Items Mod
Download v0.3 (77.3 KB) |
Dets |
Hi there! I would just like to share this small mod adding some of the weapons from Destiny. It is not large at all, but some of the content could have potential. Please contact me if you are either a fan of Destiny or have any ideas. :)
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Mana Unbound
Download v1.1 (7.4 KB) |
This a really simple mod, that allows you to have more than 600 mana, by removing the 400 cap from statManaMax2.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.3 | Edit | Delete |
Money Trough Pet
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Download v0.5 (13.8 KB) |
SoaringGecko |
---Money Trough Pet---
Money Trough Pet is a mod that well... makes it so you can equip the Money Trough like a pet. ---Items--- Money Trough Pet || Can be crafted with either a Money Trough or Piggy Bank at a Work Bench. ---Crafting Changes--- You can turn the Piggy Bank into the Money Trough (and vice versa) using a Work Bench. ---V0.5--- Fixes the bug were the pet doesn't follow you. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Infinite Tile Buff
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Download v1.0.0.1 (15.8 KB) |
tRu Team |
ENG: Mark as favourite functional decorations in your inventory to gain infinite buff
RU: Положите в инвентарь декорации-усилители и пометьте их как избранное, чтобы бесконечно использовать их баффы Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.1 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.2.3 (26.8 KB) |
Rexy |
Adds AirPods :D
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Crafty Boss Drops
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Download v1.2.0.1 (146.4 KB) |
Momlob |
Have you ever fought a Boss, only for it to give you some Item you didnt want?
Farmed out a Boss and got mad, that it gave you the same crappy Item 10 times in a Row? Or are just tired of having to refight Bosses for that needed Weapon altogether? Well, this Mod aims to fix that. Lucky you! Crafty Boss Drops replaces Boss Drops with a Boss unique Material. This Material can then be used to craft the Bosses usual random Drops. If you want to keep the random Drops from Bosses, enable Drops in Config. Changelog: - 1.2.0 - Adjusted Drop Rates. - Improved majority of Sprites. - Boss Materials including existing ones are now marked by Tooltips. - New Mod Icon. - Added Items for Thorium Bosses. - Added Recipes for Thorium Items, Goblin Army Items and Golden Furniture. - Due to internal renames, some Items may be lost! Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Engineer Class / +100 new items WIP
Download v1.3.1 (344.5 KB) |
CopperLord44 + ssobedevad |
Engineer Class / +100 new items WIP
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Dragon Ball Terraria no infinite ki drain
Download v1.0.9 (284.1 KB) |
ColdHeaven |
A mod i made for Dragon Ball Terraria that remove the infinitely ramping up ki drain of transformations
*Special thanks to -screen shdaers -Exterminator, -GabeHasWon -And many others in the TModLoader discord for helping me make this mod *Credits for the main mod: the Dragon Ball Terraria team Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.6 | Edit | Delete |
The Ancient Nordic Expansion
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Download v0.2.6 (70.7 KB) |
JackHiggiins |
Welcome to the Ancient Nordic Expansion Mod!
- This mod adds: - 29 items - 2 tiles - Weapons + Tools - Ancient Nordic Wood ( Used to craft ) - Ancient Nordic Stone ( Also used to craft ) - Of course, this is the first version so a lot more is yet to come! Report any bugs to me on the tmodloader discord @JackHiggiins / or at Have fun guys. Changelog: 0.1 - Base 0.2 - Changed the sprite for Ancient Nordic Wood. 0.2.1 - Changed it again. 0.2.2 - c H an g ed it A G Ain 0.2.3 - Added Ancient Nordic Wings! 0.2.4 - Added Ancient Nordic Spears! 0.2.5 - Added Nordic Machine Gun! 0.2.6 - Added Nordic Grenade! Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.1 | Edit | Delete |
Sbeve the infinity gauntlet
Download v0.2 (3.1 KB) |
Rentabletank |
Sbeve the infinity gauntlet, made for a special doggo.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |