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The Dragon Arts
Download v0.2.1.0 (7.7 KB)

Krialte Stynedaxt

The Dragon Arts is a small mod at the moment, working on adding a lot more! But for now here is what you can experience in game:
New Enemy NPC's: 1
New Weapons: 1
New Item Materials: 1

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
god power
Download v0.1 (56.2 KB)


op is a pretty cool mod, it adds into game some op items.
at this moment mod adds 3 op bags, 2 op tools and 4 weapons
to do: redraw sprites for tools and some weapons, add op armor set, add an op bow, magic weapon, summoning staff and trowing weapon.


P.S. everything in this mod requires 1 dirt block for craft.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Terra Wheelchair
Download v0.9.5.6 (168.6 KB)


Added a real wheelchair entity! (not a mount item)

- Allowing riding, pushing, throwing and more!
- Multiplayer! Let your friends sit on your wheelchair and push them around (or vice versa).
- Wheelchair challenge? Beat the game with your friend while staying in your friend's wheelchair all the way

Have fun with your wheelchair adventure!

At Workbench
No ingredients needed

* Wheelchair Item
- Use the wheelchair item to spawn a wheelchair entity
- When holding the wheelchair item, you are able to push the wheelchair you summoned
- When pushing your wheelchair, use the wheelchair item again to throw the wheelchair (also the player on it) towards your mouse direction
- When your wheelchair is far away, use the wheelchair item again to teleport it (also the player on it) back

* Wheelchair Prescription
- Favorate (Alt + click) the prescription item in your bag to allow others to carry you with there wheelchair
- In that case, when a empty wheelchair is near, your charactor will automatically sit on it
- When sitting on a wheelchair, others can push, throw, and teleport you as they doing that to the wheelchair

* Extra
- Only the player who own the wheelchair entity can push the wheelchair. If you want to carry your friends around, you'll need to summon your wheelchair.
- The prescription item even allow you to sit on your own wheelchair (e.g. in single player). If that happens, the wheelchair will get into auto runing state to slowly carry you around (since others can't push the wheelchair you summoned).

- 1.4 Alpha support
- Get this mod for tml 1.4 on Steam Workshop

Bug report:

Version (on 1.3 tml)
by Moebius Meow

v0.9.5.5 - Fixed minor sync bugs 修复了同步上的一些小问题
v0.9.5.4 - Fixed sound effects positioning issue, added support for conveyor belts 修复了音效没有立体音的问题,加入了传送带支持
v0.9.5.2 - Added a new wheelchair for town NPCs 加入了运载NPC的轮椅


- 为联机整活而生!让你的小伙伴们坐上你的轮椅被你带飞(或者让他们来载你)
- 双人轮椅开荒挑战?试试禁止移动然后让你的朋友用轮椅载着你开荒(你可以在轮椅上输出)



* 轮椅物品
- 使用时召唤你的轮椅实体
- 当手持这个物品时,如果你在轮椅旁边,你会自动握住轮椅,你可以推着它一起移动、跳跃、飞行(甚至骑坐骑)
- 当握住轮椅时,再次点击鼠标左键,就会把轮椅向鼠标方向投掷(轮椅上的玩家也会一起被投掷)
- 如果轮椅在远处,再次点击鼠标左键,轮椅会从远处被收回到玩家身边

* 轮椅证书
- 把轮椅证书标记为喜爱(Alt+单击)时才可以坐上轮椅(如果你想当推轮椅的人,就不要标记为喜爱)
- 标记为喜爱时,会自动坐上附近的空轮椅
- 坐在轮椅上时,推轮椅的人搬运、投掷、传送轮椅时,你会被一起带动

* 备注
- 只有轮椅的召唤者可以推动这个轮椅实体。如果你想推轮椅,你需要召唤一个自己的轮椅(不能推别人召唤的)
- 标记轮椅证书时你甚至可以坐在自己召唤的轮椅上(单人游戏中这是唯一的坐轮椅方式) 在这种情况下,轮椅会进入电动模式,自动慢慢往前运行

- 支持1.4 tModLoader
- 在Steam创意工坊上安装此MOD


Version (on 1.3 tml)
by Moebius Meow

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Civitas Mod
Download v1.1.2.2 (4 MB)

Misa372, Nokilos, IgnusT…

CivitasMod Alpha v.

Misa372, Nokilos, IgnusThaum, Bazhenoff, Rekstri and many others.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
AdamChromeE Mod, I Guess: Happy Anniversary, adam discord
Download v1.4 (703.3 KB)

Sag (Programming) Arisau…

a very cool and unhealthy mod for your brain

AdamChromeE (Showcasing the mod)
Nogod (support)
ariasuri/kirbee (ideas)

no more crashes i hope!1!

adams big brother
brand new item
idk more stuff

New logo
adam boss has epic trail

Minecraft shield
funny repellent
Name format changed;
now AdamchromE Mod I Guess: Update Name

1.0 ( initial release )
Subscribe button
Life crystal fragments

Fixed serveral bugs where you were unable to load the mod
added somehow "annoying ui"

Fixed stuff

Dungeon Gaurdian Item
among us
other stuff

-Adam Boss no longer turns the player to a ghost, expert mode-friendly as well
- a pong ball
- screenshot of dms
-Logo replaced

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Respawn Timer
Download v1.0 (9.8 KB)


Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Less Pillar Stuff
Download v1.0 (2.1 KB)

constant int IQ = 0

Reduces the amount of enemies needed for a pillar's shield to be destroyed.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
The Aether Mod
Download v0.0.2.8 (174.9 KB)


The Aether Mod is a mod with big dreams.

We aim to add a host of new Bosses, Items, Lore, NPCs, NPCs, Mechanics, and more.

--Update v0.0.3-- (Planned, not released)
-Renamed the Mod
-Resprited the Lumberjack
-Resprited the Old Sage
-Reworked Current Enemies
-Added Some Lore Tablets
-Full Corrupted Mage

--Update v0.0.2.8--
-Resprited the Logo
-Beta Corrupted Mage
-Water Slime Variants, They Don't Spawn In The Right Areas Yet
-Added the Glass Cannon

--Update v0.0.2.7--
-Bug Fixes
-Water Slimes

--Update v0.0.2.6--
-Added Some More Rune Sprites
-Fixed Some Bugs
-Balanced Some Things
-Added More Weapons
-Added the Tainted Pixie

--Update v0.0.2.5--
-Added the Runes, they are not fully functional.
-Added the Magi Armor"> Warning: This is currently in very early development, so bugs, glitches, and absence of content will be imminent. Thanks! :P
(Its in alpha)

The Aether Mod is a mod with big dreams.

We aim to add a host of new Bosses, Items, Lore, NPCs, NPCs, Mechanics, and more.

--Update v0.0.3-- (Planned, not released)
-Renamed the Mod
-Resprited the Lumberjack
-Resprited the Old Sage
-Reworked Current Enemies
-Added Some Lore Tablets
-Full Corrupted Mage

--Update v0.0.2.8--
-Resprited the Logo
-Beta Corrupted Mage
-Water Slime Variants, They Don't Spawn In The Right Areas Yet
-Added the Glass Cannon

--Update v0.0.2.7--
-Bug Fixes
-Water Slimes

--Update v0.0.2.6--
-Added Some More Rune Sprites
-Fixed Some Bugs
-Balanced Some Things
-Added More Weapons
-Added the Tainted Pixie

--Update v0.0.2.5--
-Added the Runes, they are not fully functional.
-Added the Magi Armor

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Xela's Music Collection
Download v1.2 (14.7 MB)


Just a few Music Boxes from songs I made. :)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Heaven & Hellfire Music
Download v0.0.2.1 (39.7 MB)

Project Elements

This is the Music Mod for the Heaven & Hellfire Mod

tracks featured:

Ancient Onslaught

A Fragment Of Hope

A Glimmer in the Bliss

Aquatic Manifestation


Running Hell

Spawn of Hell

Into Darkness


DM Dokuro

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Pug Mount
Download v0.1 (74.6 KB)


Pug Mount is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Buff Charm
Download v1.0.0.0 (113.9 KB)


Tired of constantly having to grind for buff potions?
Hate having to always lug a ton of potions to boss fights?
Do you struggle to even use your potions?

Introducing the Buff Charm mod!

With this mod, you can use your old buff potions to craft a new type of "accessory" called charms.
These are equipped in new slots found under your player's inventory, so they don't take up any actual accessory slots.
Charms give your player certain permanent buffs depending on the type of charm it is!
Craft a charm with a stack of 10 buff potions and 6 gold or platinum bars at an anvil. Note that not all buff potions can be turned into charms.
Certain charms can even be combined with each other at an anvil!

Huge shoutout to abluescarab for their custom item slot wrapper! This mod would have taken me much, much longer without it!


- Released to tModloader

- Uploaded code to GitHub
- Added mod icon

- The Rage buff now allows minions to crit at a fixed 10% chance
- Added Featherfall Charm, Gravitation Charm, and Charm of the Cosmos
- The Wizard will now sell holy, unholy, and blood water, no matter what evil your world has
- Official thread created
- Fixed bug causing some people's buffs to constantly enable/disable themselves
- Fixed multiplayer bug causing charm slots to hide themselves when the host opens a chest
- Fixed charm slots not being hidden when chests are opened in singleplayer
- Fixed multiplayer bug making buffs from charms last for 5 more minutes when unequipped by everyone but the host
- Many changes to charms were made to prevent the player from having to craft multiple of the same charms to craft
their combined versions.
- Charm of Chaos, Charm of Fury, and Charm of Tranquility were removed. Anyone with these charms after this
update will recieve a Charm Ticket that can be crafted into another charm.
- Added Charm of Crimson and Charm of Corruption!
- Buffs can now be disabled by right clicking the buff icon! This will give you a "Disabled Buffs" buff that
essentially keeps track of what buffs you have disabled. Disable this buff to re-enable them.
- Added the charm of Terraria! This charm grants your character most vanilla buffs.
- Buff limit increased by 55!
- Bug fixes

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
DamageAble Town NPCs
Download v1.0 (11.8 KB)

IceCoffe (SolariumTea)

this mod make any weapon can now damage Town NPCs From vanilla and mods

useful for farming items that drop only Town NPCs

mod have ingame config:
enable and disable projectiles damage to Town npcs
enable and disable Items damage to Town npcs

AVARITIA - for mod name

bug fix update

-fixed incorrect values of true and false in mod config
- config now look better

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Mouse Finder
Download v1.0.1.1 (17.2 KB)


Made at the request of a friend.

0: Disabled
1: Draw a line towards your mouse cursor
2: Draw horizontal and vertical lines intersecting at your mouse cursor
3: Draw a second cursor near your player pointing towards your mouse cursor

They will use your mouse cursor colors, and if you have the border colors enabled, it'll draw those too.

Maybe I should change the name of this mod...

See Homepage for changes and other mini mods.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0.0.87 (100.4 KB)

RainbowFluorescence Chur…

火焰花魔杖 基础伤害提高17
海蓝权杖 基础伤害提高4 攻速加快
暗影链球 基础伤害提高10
蓝月链球 基础伤害提高15
熔火链球 基础伤害提高20
恶魔镰刀魔法书 恶魔镰刀带有追踪!
永夜之刃 可以连击
太极链球 基础伤害提高至300!
魔法竖琴 基础伤害提高20
诅咒火焰魔法书 攻速加快 魔耗降低
钥匙剑 基础伤害提高45 可以连击 暴击造成4倍伤害!
亵渎三叉戟 基础伤害提高至140!
寒霜法杖 攻速加快 魔耗降低
蘑菇矛 攻速加快,基础伤害提高20!
蜜蜂枪 删除穿透 握持时增加2点直接伤害
胡蜂枪 删除穿透 握持时增加10点直接伤害
霜炎花魔杖 基础伤害提高33
大地魔杖 基础伤害提高50 攻速翻倍!
石巨人之拳 基础伤害提高11 攻速加快
幽魂法杖 攻速加快 基础伤害提高28!
尖桩发射器 攻速加快
北极 攻速加快 基础伤害提高23!
圣诞树剑 可以连击 一次放出5个能爆炸的圣诞装饰!
泡泡枪 射程略微增加
波涌之刃 剑气速度加快 有概率释放多重剑气!
电浆魔爆炮 激光模式下可以转向了!
舌锋剑 直接射出脓血!
喜庆弹射器 基础伤害提高100!
飞弹法杖、烈焰火鞭、彩虹魔杖 法球滞空时伤害会不断提升!
肉前回旋镖 回旋镖速度加快
肉前八矿护甲 提供的防御大量增加
蘑菇套、鬼木套、甲虫攻击套(胸甲)、幽魂套 提供的防御大量增加
肉后钻头 挖掘范围增加

蜂膝弓、代达罗斯风暴弓 攻速减慢
影炎飞刀 弹射后会伤害衰减
水刃龙卷 基础伤害减少8
叶绿弹 基础伤害减少6


上传者:脏渔歌"> StarlitRainbowCollection 星虹集

火焰花魔杖 基础伤害提高17
海蓝权杖 基础伤害提高4 攻速加快
暗影链球 基础伤害提高10
蓝月链球 基础伤害提高15
熔火链球 基础伤害提高20
恶魔镰刀魔法书 恶魔镰刀带有追踪!
永夜之刃 可以连击
太极链球 基础伤害提高至300!
魔法竖琴 基础伤害提高20
诅咒火焰魔法书 攻速加快 魔耗降低
钥匙剑 基础伤害提高45 可以连击 暴击造成4倍伤害!
亵渎三叉戟 基础伤害提高至140!
寒霜法杖 攻速加快 魔耗降低
蘑菇矛 攻速加快,基础伤害提高20!
蜜蜂枪 删除穿透 握持时增加2点直接伤害
胡蜂枪 删除穿透 握持时增加10点直接伤害
霜炎花魔杖 基础伤害提高33
大地魔杖 基础伤害提高50 攻速翻倍!
石巨人之拳 基础伤害提高11 攻速加快
幽魂法杖 攻速加快 基础伤害提高28!
尖桩发射器 攻速加快
北极 攻速加快 基础伤害提高23!
圣诞树剑 可以连击 一次放出5个能爆炸的圣诞装饰!
泡泡枪 射程略微增加
波涌之刃 剑气速度加快 有概率释放多重剑气!
电浆魔爆炮 激光模式下可以转向了!
舌锋剑 直接射出脓血!
喜庆弹射器 基础伤害提高100!
飞弹法杖、烈焰火鞭、彩虹魔杖 法球滞空时伤害会不断提升!
肉前回旋镖 回旋镖速度加快
肉前八矿护甲 提供的防御大量增加
蘑菇套、鬼木套、甲虫攻击套(胸甲)、幽魂套 提供的防御大量增加
肉后钻头 挖掘范围增加

蜂膝弓、代达罗斯风暴弓 攻速减慢
影炎飞刀 弹射后会伤害衰减
水刃龙卷 基础伤害减少8
叶绿弹 基础伤害减少6



Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2 (14.1 KB)


This mode for cheating.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
No Jungle Corruption
Download v0.1.5 (10.1 KB)


This mod disables both the corruption and the crimson from infecting the jungle.

Does not stop the initial corruption or crimson in a world from generating in the jungle.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Deuwes mod
Download v0.3.4.8 (459.3 KB)


Adds some custom made items to the game. The mod is still in development.
(mostly end hardmode and post moonlord) (currently focusing on pre-hardmode and hardmode)

version =

- Bugfixes
- Price fixes
- Re-textures for some weapons

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Shroom's Weapons
Download v0.1.0.1 (20 MB)


Hey, IcyShrooms here. Is your modded playthrough feeling too bland? Want edgy quotes and OP weapons? Well this mod is for you! Containing several overpowered weapons and even some calamity content (Maybe, still ironing out the kinks)

New Content!

Thank you all for over 8000 downloads! It means so much to me to have your support in this mod.

We have finally added the 2 bosses whose recipes have long been unavailable. The Ancient Mask and the Peculiar Gem are now fully functional and can be crafted by using the Multidimensional Artifact Fabrication Device (or M.A.F.D for short)

Again, it means the world to me to have you all enjoying my mod. If you have any suggestions, please voice them in my Discord server (which is now working!)

Change Log:
+ Ancient Mask is now craftable (M.A.F.D)
+ Peculiar Gem is now craftable (Demon Altar)
+ Yeast Gun is now craftable (M.A.F.D)
+ Changed Terraflail recipe (M.A.F.D)
+ Changed Xenos recipe (M.A.F.D)
+ Changed Alchemist Dispencer recipe (M.A.F.D)(Now requires Radiant Chlorophyte Bars)
+ Changed Beestroyer recipe (M.A.F.D)(Now requires Radiant Chlorophyte Bars)
+ Changed Celebration-Mark3 recipe (M.A.F.D)(Now requires Radiant Meteorite Bars)
+ Changed Dark Stalia recipe (M.A.F.D)(Now requires Radiant Meteorite Bars)
+ Changed Death310 recipe (M.A.F.D)(Now requires Radiant Meteorite Bars and Radiant Chlorophyte Bars)
+ Changed Midas Grasp recipe (M.A.F.D)(Now requires Radiant Meteorite Bars and Radiant Chlorophyte Bars)
+ Changed Pumpking Blade recipe (M.A.F.D)(Now requires Radiant Meteorite Bars and Radiant Chlorophyte Bars)
+ Changed Yeast Breadsword recipe (M.A.F.D)(Now requires Radiant Chlorophyte Bars)
+ Changed Yeast Gun recipe (M.A.F.D)(Now requires Radiant Chlorophyte Bars)


Join the Discord server!

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Rays Mod
Download v1.0.7 (4.6 MB)

Theray070696 (and jopoje…

Adds a few random things to Terraria.

All textures are WiP because I can't do texture work :(

All mobs with more than 50 health in normal mode (and 100 health in expert mode) have a very low chance of dropping an item that will give you one extra accessory slot!
This item can also be bought from an NPC during a Blood Moon. This NPC can move in at any time if there is housing available.

Each mechanical boss and the Moon Lord also drops an item that does the same as the above item, but each item can only be used once. (Expert Mode only)
Ie: You can use the one from random mobs only once, no more. But you can still you the one from each mechanical boss and the Moon Lord.

Also adds a Music Box with some good music ;)

Alongside that, a couple sounds are played on death. Just for fun!

Respawn time is also 4x shorter.

More to come in the future.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
<<-- | <- | -> | -->>