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Block Accessories
Download v0.11 (22.3 KB)

HR Phantom

Block Accessories V0.11

Adds 23 block accessories.
Also has coin to wormhole recipe!

- V0.11 Release
Adds accessories for some blocks and all ores.
Up to 30% damage and 15 defense with Luminite!

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.1 Edit | Delete
Banner Reward
Download v1.0.8 (348.4 KB)


Banner Reward is a quality of life mod that allows you to use enemies' banners to transform them into a loot bag that gives different loot depending on the enemy.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Miner 49er
Download v0.7 (5.6 KB)


Miner 49er first version, adds mattock as a tool. For mining, hammering, and axing. Gets better as you do it. Starts you out slower than vanilla. Shows numbers when you mine. Works well with "Learn by Doing"
.6 made the mattock a little better.
.7 updated to tmodloader 10.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Ore Conversion
Download v0.2 (32.2 KB)


You can covert ore with ore convert table:

Coper <---> Tin
Iron <---> Lead
Silver <---> Tungsten
Gold <---> Platinium
Demonite <---> Crimstane
Cobalt <---> Palladium
Mythril <---> Orichalcum
Adamantite <---> Titanium

---Made by sevenno07---
Thanks for downloading, have fun.

The merchant sell the "Exchange Coin" now.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Multiplayer Progression Assist
Download v1.3.1 (58 KB)

Juni Knytt

Multiplayer Progression Assist is a crafting mod that adds in balanced crafting recipes for items that are practically

essential for progressing in the game. The main idea is to bring in all the vanilla craftable items in Calamity,

like craftable Hermes boots, cloud in a bottle, etc, and add them into a standalone mod with an emphasis on balancing.

Multiplayer Progression Assist recipes:

-Crafting Tables Recipes-

Skymill: 10 Sunplate Block, 2 Any Iron Bar, 1 Chain

Evil Alter: 20 Any Evil Bars, 20 Any Evil Material, 20 Any Evil Stone, 5 Any Evil Seeds

Leather: 5 Vertebrae

-Anvil Recipes-

Hermes Boots: 1 Leather, 1 Fallen star, 5 Silk, 5 Any Silver Bars

Cloud in a Bottle: 1 Bottle, 5 Cloud, 1 Fallen star

Sandstorm in a Bottle: 1 Cloud in a Bottle, 5 Sturdy Fossil, 10 Sand Block

Blizzard in a Bottle: 1 Cloud in a Bottle, 5 Ice Block, 10 Snow Block

Anklet of the Wind: 10 Jungle Spore, 1 Any Evil Material

Aglet: 5 Any Copper Bar

Ice Skates: 5 Silk, 2 Leather, 2 Any Iron Bar

Water Walking Boots: 5 Silk, 1 Leather, 1 Water-Walking Potion

Lava Charm: 1 Chain, 5 Any Evil Material, 5 Hellstone, 1 Obsidian Skin Potion

Flipper: 3 Silk, 1 Leather, 2 Shark Fin

Diving Helmet: 5 Copper, 5 Shark Fin

Cobalt Shield: 10 Any Cobalt Bar

Magic Mirror: 1 Recall Potion, 5 Any Silver Bar, 10 Glass

-Evil Alter Recipes-

Fallen Star(3): 1 Mana Crystal

-Tinker's Workshop Recipes-

Dart Trap: 5 Wire, 10 Stone, 5 Wooden Arrow

-Skymill Recipes-

Shiney Red Balloon: 1 String, 20 Gel, 1 Fallen star

Golden Horse Shoe: 5 Any Gold Bar, 10 Sunplate Block, 1 Fallen Star

-Hardmode Anvil Recipes-

Soul of Wight(3): 1 Soul of Sight, 1 Soul of Might, 1 Soul of Fright

Soul of Sight: 1 Soul of Wight

Soul of Might: 1 Soul of Wight

Soul of Fright: 1 Soul of Wight

Life Fruit: 5 Soul of Wight, 5 Jungle Spore

Artificial Bulb: 5 Chlorophyte Bar, 10 Souls of Wight, 5 Jungle Spores

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
SCP Terraria
Download v0.0.11 (53.2 KB)

Atom Isle Development

SCP Terraria is an attempt at adding items, entities, and objects from the SCP Universe into Terraria in a non intrusive way. Current version: v0.0.5

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Anomicon Mod
Download v0.9.1 (380.7 KB)


The Anomicon Mod

Created By: Super66reaper Coder and Spriter

Igosuicide Spriter

BRIPE/True North Spriter

This mod is in a beta form right now and is not fully out.

Anomicon Mod currently has:
175+ Items

5 NPCs

1 Boss

1 Mineable Ore

2 Armor Sets

1 Buff



60+ Items

1 Boss

Updated to tmodloader


Fixed the update to


Added a WIP Forum for the mod


Changed snow bone recipe
Resprited Baron MasterMind trophy

Added frost stuff made with snow Bones

Sand and cactus stuff

New biome type bows

Fixed bow of the crimson recipe

Changed staff of the elements recipe


Added new magic weapons (Wands)

Make the base wand and upgrade that to make advanced weapons

Some more crafting items
Changed some recipes


Complete resprite for baron master mind
Elements for the staffs resprited
Slime armor
New baron sword replaced with light sword
Slime bar now placable
Amgite ore after defeating eye of cthulhu

Nerfed cactus spear and the crimtane wand


Changed lumination sprite

Added 3d printer with filaments to make items

Changes to some items

Changed amgite spawn

New ice swords sprite

Demon scythe weapon upgrades

Unholy trident weapon upgrade


Resprited most of the items

Changed some items abilitys
Changed some items crafting


Added more weapons

Resprited some weapons

Added new hardmode materials

Cosmithian, Cosmatic, Cosmitic, Cosminic Fusions

Added new weapons
updated to new tmodloader

Fixed crafting recipe for some weapons

Staffs idea are from Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombies, Origins

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
Hollow Knight+
Download v0.8.3 (47 KB)

Sam Fochs and Shane Eric…

Adding Hollow Knight stuff while fitting in with Terraria. (Uploaded for testing)

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0.0.2 (14 KB)


CHICKENS!! is a little, teeny tiny mod I made to introduce myself to modding Terraria. CHICKENS is very simple, all it does is adds 1 NPC to the game, a chicken. You can stare at the chickens all day long and watch them walk around the overworld, or brutally murder them for their meat. When killed, CHICKENS drop 'Chicken', which you can eat raw for a small health regen or cook them up for a better source of HP. Also, CHICKENS will drop 'Chicken Eggs', which you can throw at friends and enemies alike to coat them in yolky mess. Finally, if your lucky enough, CHICKENS also drop the rare "Golden Egg" which will force one of those adorable little feathery friends to follow you around all day. Have fun, and I hope you like this mod :). Open to suggestions and definately open to resprites, see mod homepage for Github Home and please message me

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Magic Mod (FIXED)
Download v0.1.9 (311.9 KB)


Magic Mod is mod based around... well... Magic!

It will add a bunch of new magic weapons, accessories, and consumables, and tinker with some of the basic magic mechanics in the game.
Currently added: 4 new weapons, 12 new accessories, 8 new accessory modifiers, 5 new buffs/debuffs, 3(4) new recipies for vanilla items, and 1 new enemy.



Fairy Wand: Early game magic weapon that shoots fallen star projectiles.
1x Wood, 1x Fallen Star

Icicle Staff: Early game magic weapon that creates magical icicles that fall onto targets, gaining speed and damage the longer they fall.
80x Ice Block, 12x Boreal Wood, 1x Mana Crystal

Lesser Healing Staff - Will restore a small amount of the user's health when used.
1x Wood, 1x Mana Core (Read more about this in accessories)

Greater Healing Staff - Will restore a large amount of the user's health when used.
1x Lesser Healing Staff, 15x Pixie Dust

Zephyr's Blade - My first modded weapon, a Terrablade that deals Magic Damage.
1x Terrablade, 5x Mana Crystal


Mana Core - Restores Health when spending Mana. 2 Defense
2x Life Crystal, 2x Mana Crystal, 10x Stone

Shiny Gem - Grants the player additional Mana and some reduced Mana usage. Also makes the player glow.
1x Large Diamond, 3x Fallen Star, 3x Shine Potion

Ceremonial Dagger - Uses Health to cast spells when the player runs out of Mana.
6x Hellstone Bar, 1x Mana Core

Essence Dropper - Grants the player additional Mana regen when hitting an enemy with a magic attack.
1x Empty Dropper, 5x Soul of Light, 3x Mana Crystal

Soul Dropper - Grants the player additional Health regen when hitting an enemy with a magic attack.
1x Empty Dropper, 5x Soul of Night, 3x Mana Crystal

Reaper's Vial - Grants the player additional Health and Mana regen when hitting an enemy with a magic attack.
1x Essence Dropper, 1x Soul Dropper, 4x Ectoplasm

---Sigils--- (These powerful accessories will allow you to play as a Mage in a multitude of ways, but you may only have one equipped at a time.)

Power Sigil - Grants the player greatly increased Magic Damage and Magic Critical Strike Chance, at the cost of increased Mana Usage;
1x Avenger Emblem, 10x Mana Crystal

Focus Sigil - Grants the player moderately increased Magic Damage and Magic Critical Strike Chance, at the cost of a massive Melee, Ranged, and Minion Damage reduction.
1x Avenger Emblem, 10x Mana Crystal

Mana Sigil - Grants the player insanely high Mana regen and lots of Maximum Mana, at the cost of a medium Magic Damage reduction.
1x Avenger Emblem, 10x Mana Crystal

Blood Sigil - Increased Magic Damage and Magic Critical Strike Chance, at the cost of casting spells with Health instead of Mana (at a reduced casting cost).
1x Avenger Emblem, 10x Mana Crystal

Control Sigil - Greatly reduced Mana Costs for casting spells, at the cost of a very high Mana Regen delay.
1x Avenger Emblem, 10x Mana Crystal

Chaos Sigil - Work in progess! Currently in the game, but will do nothing upon being equipped.
1x Avenger Emblem, 10x Mana Crystal

---Prefixes/Modifiers for Accessories---
Twinkling - +5 mana regen
Shimmering - +10 mana regen
Sparkling - +15 mana regen
Glistening - +20 mana regen

Curious - 2% reduced mana usage
Imbued - 4% reduced mana usage
Enchanted - 6% reduced mana usage
Ancient - 8% reduced mana usage


2 New Recipes For: Mana Crystal
1x Life Crystal, 1x Fallen Star
1x Life Crystal, 3x Mana Potion

1 New Recipe for: Life Crystal
1x Mana Crystal, 3x Healing Potion

1 New "Recipe" for: Fallen Star
Bought from Merchant

Fallen Star Zombie
Drops: 3x Fallen Stars
Spawns at night
Note: Very dangerous up close!!!

New enemies, NPC's, items, and more will be coming soon!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Happy Days's Mod
Download v1.1 (4.6 MB)


Happy Days's Mod:Magic by Adt_10

-This Mod adds new weapons, cool items and bosses

-Tier 1 Weapons

Copper Staff(20 Copper Bar, 1 Ametyst Staff) - Shoots an Ametyst Staff projectile, but faster

Tin Staff(20 Tin Bar, 1 Topaz Staff) - Shoots a Topaz Staff projectile, but faster

Snowflake Shuriken(1 Ice Block) - New modded shuriken

Greatsword of Kah(40 Marble/Granite Block) - Shoots a magnet sphere projectile

-Tier 2 Weapons

Silver Staff(20 Silver Bar, 1 Sapphire Staff) - Shoots a Sapphire Staff projectile, but faster

Sunshine Star(1 Fallen Star) - Shoots 4 star shurikens at once

-Tier 3 Weapons

Gold Staff(20 Gold Bar, 1 Ruby Staff) - Shoots a Ruby Staff projectile, but faster

Platinum Staff(20 Platinum Bar, 1 Diamond Staff) - Shoots a Diamond Staff projectile, but faster

Poison Kunai(1 Stynger) - Shoots a poison kunai

-Tier 4 Weapon

Kluex Staff(20 Hellstone Bar, 1 Amber Staff) - Shoots an Amber Staff projectile, but faster

Meteorite Kunai(1 Meteorite Bar) - Shoots a meteorite kunai

Acid Gun(1 Slime Gun, 1 Illegal Gun Parts, 15 Hydrochloric acid) - It's like the Aqua Scepter, but that's a ranged weapon

Blade of Elements(1 Meteor Slasher, 1 Shark Shooter, 1 Ice Blade, 1 Mandible Blade) - Shoots a bouncing elemental ball

Meteor Slasher(20 Meteorite Bar) - Shoots superhigh velocity meteors

Shark Shooter(10 Coral, 1 Palm Wood Sword, 5 Shark Fin, 10 Star Fish) - Shoots rapidly sharks

-Tier 5 Weapons

Cobalt Staff(20 Cobalt Bar, 1 Poison Staff) - Shoots a Water Bolt projectile

Palladium Staff(30 Palladium Bar, 1 Flamelash) - Shoots a Flamelash projectile

Cursed Kunai(1 Cursed Flame) - Shoots a cursed kunai

Crystal Kunai(1 Crystal Shard) - Shoots a crystal kunai

Ichor Kunai(1 Ichor) - Shoots an Ichor kunai

-Tier 6 Weapons

Adamantite Staff(30 Adamantite Bar, 1 Bladetongue) - Shoots a Bladetongue pr

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Team Spectate
Download v1.1.0.2 (35.8 KB)


NotLe0n#7696 on discord if you have any problems.

Special thanks:
Mirsario for fixing unloaded chunks
pollen__ for giving me his player render code.
bafto for multiplayer testing

How it works:

If you click on a player button other than your own you start spectating the other player.
To exit the spectating mode press the player button again or press your own player.

You can NOT spectate players that are dead, in a different team than you, or don't exist.
Everyone can spectate players that are in no team.

If you can't spectate a player their player head button turn grey.

You can also cycle different players using a hotkey (you have to set it fist)

Recent Chnages:
- Fixed the buttons postion for real this time
- Changed author name

- Added Hotkeys
- You can now spectate other players while you're dead
- The Player id now shows next to the players name when you hover over the button
- Fixed bug when trying to spectate yourself
- Fixed bug with player ids
- Fixed button not being rendered correctly at lower resolutions (be sure to tell me if it's still broken)

- Release"> Team Spectate lets you view your team mates' screen.

This mod only works in Multiplayer. The Menu button is below the team selector.

For a Changlog and more information visit my homepage!

Contact NotLe0n#7696 on discord if you have any problems.

Special thanks:
Mirsario for fixing unloaded chunks
pollen__ for giving me his player render code.
bafto for multiplayer testing

How it works:

If you click on a player button other than your own you start spectating the other player.
To exit the spectating mode press the player button again or press your own player.

You can NOT spectate players that are dead, in a different team than you, or don't exist.
Everyone can spectate players that are in no team.

If you can't spectate a player their player head button turn grey.

You can also cycle different players using a hotkey (you have to set it fist)

Recent Chnages:
- Fixed the buttons postion for real this time
- Changed author name

- Added Hotkeys
- You can now spectate other players while you're dead
- The Player id now shows next to the players name when you hover over the button
- Fixed bug when trying to spectate yourself
- Fixed bug with player ids
- Fixed button not being rendered correctly at lower resolutions (be sure to tell me if it's still broken)

- Release

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Insanity Potion
Download v1.0.0.1 (18.8 KB)


Adds the Insanity Potion which greatly increases spawn rates.
It does the same thing as the Zerg Potion from the calamity mod.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
Friday Night Funkin' Costumes
Download v0.4 (84.5 KB)


'Friday Night Funkin' Costumes' is a mod that adds several costumes from various Friday Night Funkin' characters (including modded ones).

Sprites made by Pixelnando, original FNF game by ninjamuffin99. Mod characters owned by their respective creators.

The mod adds the following costumes:
- Boyfriend costume
- Pico costume
- Tricky costume
- Hex costume
- Whitty costume (Normal and Ballistic)

...and FNF themed weapons too!
- Microphone (Plantera-tier ranged weapon)
- Tricky's Stop sign (Hardmode-tier melee weapon)

Note: I am not the owner of any of the mods present in this Terraria mod.

(Side note: The items currently don't have recipes. Use Cheat Sheet or Hero's Mod to get them.)

Patch notes

-Updated icon
-Added Hex's costume
-Added Tricky's costume
-Updated Whitty's Head (Normal and Ballistic), added full set for both
-Added Microphone weapon
-Added Tricky's Stop Sign weapon

-Added Pico costume

-Added an icon

V0.1 - Release

-Added Boyfriend costume
-Added Whitty head (Normal and Ballistic)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Crafting+ Mod
Download v0.1 (3.4 KB)


Crafting+ Mod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Risk Of Rain 2 Mod
Download v0.0.8 (84.5 KB)


The Risk Of Rain 2 Mod is currently a work in progress and may not have a lot of features currently but it is a huge work in progress and I have many plans of what to add in future.
This mod will eventually add;

-All 10 survivors currently in the game and new ones that come out in the future as armor sets

-All enemies current and future as enemies in terraria

-All bosses ported into terraria

-Summon-able turrets, drones and much, much more!

Credit to Kiraa for the huntress bow sprite!

To see current patch notes, head to the mod's homepage (terraria forums), linked below

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1.3.1 (32.8 KB)


This mod adds more weapons into the game.

Any suggestions or bugs tell me on my twitter

- It is still in deveoplment

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
Sticky Situation
Download v0.1.6 (78.8 KB)


Sticky Situation
More uses for gel!

Currently adds :

Gel Sword
Gel Boomerang
Gel Javelin
Gel Bow
Gel Coated Arrows
Gel YoYo
Gel Anvil & Mythril & Orichalcum Gel Anvils
Gel Bars
Gel pickaxes
Gel hamaxes
Gel multi-tools

Changelog :

Mythril & Orichalcum gel anvils
Re-textured gel sword
Pink gel bars (5 pink gel at adamantite forge)
Gel pickaxe
Pink gel pickaxe
Gel hamaxe
Pink gel hamaxe
Gel multi-tool (axe, hammer, pickaxe)
Pink gel multi-tool

merchant sells gold crowns after king slime is defeated
merchant sells various new items
fixed gel javelin hitbox
linked to github
gold/platinum crowns & bars are interchangeable at any anvil
made gel javelin hitbox larger
solidifier can be crafted
added mod homepage
added gel anvil
added gel bars
gel items must be crafted at gel anvil with gel bars

added mod icon
added gel bow
gel boomerang shoots slower
gel boomerang is no longer auto-reuse
changed gel javelin tile-hit sound
added gel coated arrows
gel javelin ai changed
gel javelin use time increased
gel javelin no longer auto reuse
reduced gel crafting cost for gel sword, gel boomerang, and gel bow even more
added gel yoyo
merchant sells gel coated arrows & gel

added gel javelin
readded gel boomerang (fixed)
fixed errors

temporarially removed gel boomerang

added gel boomerang
reduced gel crafting cost from 99 to 75

added gel sword
mod created"> Sticky Situation
More uses for gel!

Currently adds :

Gel Sword
Gel Boomerang
Gel Javelin
Gel Bow
Gel Coated Arrows
Gel YoYo
Gel Anvil & Mythril & Orichalcum Gel Anvils
Gel Bars
Gel pickaxes
Gel hamaxes
Gel multi-tools

Changelog :

Mythril & Orichalcum gel anvils
Re-textured gel sword
Pink gel bars (5 pink gel at adamantite forge)
Gel pickaxe
Pink gel pickaxe
Gel hamaxe
Pink gel hamaxe
Gel multi-tool (axe, hammer, pickaxe)
Pink gel multi-tool

merchant sells gold crowns after king slime is defeated
merchant sells various new items
fixed gel javelin hitbox
linked to github
gold/platinum crowns & bars are interchangeable at any anvil
made gel javelin hitbox larger
solidifier can be crafted
added mod homepage
added gel anvil
added gel bars
gel items must be crafted at gel anvil with gel bars

added mod icon
added gel bow
gel boomerang shoots slower
gel boomerang is no longer auto-reuse
changed gel javelin tile-hit sound
added gel coated arrows
gel javelin ai changed
gel javelin use time increased
gel javelin no longer auto reuse
reduced gel crafting cost for gel sword, gel boomerang, and gel bow even more
added gel yoyo
merchant sells gel coated arrows & gel

added gel javelin
readded gel boomerang (fixed)
fixed errors

temporarially removed gel boomerang

added gel boomerang
reduced gel crafting cost from 99 to 75

added gel sword
mod created

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Add Vanilla Item Recipes
Download v1.2 (3.6 KB)


Add Vanilla Item Recipes

Weapons:Wand of Sparking,EnchantedSword,Arkhalis

Crafting Stations:AlchemyTable

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
terria sex edition
Download v0.3 (2.8 MB)

joe nuts

update 1:
this mod is funny mod and add funny thing and funny splooge things haha funny

update 2:
haha funny noises and funny spinning brain cancer

update 3:
add funny flobber boss(not fully implimented) and lot of funny weapons and a armor set and funny ore

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
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