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Fun Mod(More Boss Patterns Mod)
Download v1.2 (41.6 KB)


This mod is designed for making game harder by adding new attack patterns to all vanilla bosses. The patterns can be check from mod homepage.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Battle Guy's Better Weapons Mod
Download v1.5.11.0 (189.7 KB)

Battle Guy

Battle Guy's Better Weapons Mod adds in better weapons to the game!

This mod adds in better weapons such as upgrades of vanilla weapons and class weapons!
This mod also adds in summon weapons, and a new melee subclass: Daggers
Info about Daggers:
Daggers are basically swords but lower damage,short size and faster speed!
Most/All Daggers will have auto use!
Theres 2 Different types of Daggers too...
Theres the Dagger and the Throwing Dagger!

ALSO if your doing a Dagger only Play Through please use Directional Melee (Mod)
It will help alot with your playthrough!

To myself (Spriter, Coder, and Mod Publisher)
To my Cousin (Helped with ideas)
Gameraiders (Influencer)
Pootis (Allowed me to use a sprite of his)

Latest Updates
Rework Update

Adds in Hammer Wrench
List of Reworked Weapons: Meteor Hammer, Shadows Bane, Dino Rang (yes its now a summon weapon),
Caterpillers Choice, Pigrons Choice, Bottled Snow, Stink Cushion, Tome of Earth, Skull Of The Pheonix,
Tiki Pack, Poison Touch, Reflective Mirror, Explosive Powder, Cursed Cauldron, Menacing Mask, Piranha Swarm,
Prehistoric Dagger, Prehistoric Beak, Storm Dagger, and Chaos Dagger. (These are still melee)
Changed the name of Explosive Powder to Gunpowder
Fixed/Added many new crafting recipes to Weapons
Fixed the Caterpillers Choice Recipe (It didnt use crimtane bars)
Changed Axe Of The Abyss Sprite (Shoutout to Gameraiders and Pootis)
Reworked Axe Of The Abyss
Changed Void Bow Recipe
Adds in Lead Crafting for Basic Dagger
Changes the recipe for the Eye Poker
Adds in Endless Bullet Quiver
Buffed Shadow Flame Arrows Damage

Bow Update

Adds in 4 new arrows!
The Dragon Arrow, Ice Arrow, Hellwing Arrow, and Bullet Arrow!
Changed the Shortbow Dagger and its upgrades to do ranged damage
Changed the recipe of Cursed Bow
Changed the recipe of The Genocide
Reworked Boring Bow
Reworked Cursed Bow
Adds in Beam Dagger
Adds in Skull Dagger
Adds in Skull Arrow
Fixed Chaos Daggers Range
Reworked Jokers Toy
Reworked Menacing Mask
Reworked Frozen Dagger
Reworked Myth Sickle
Reworked Star Dagger
Reworked Shortbow Dagger
Reworked The Genocide
Reworked The Battler
Retextures Star Dagger
Retextures Frozen Dagger
Retextures The Genocide
Removes Shadow Dagger
Renames Frozen Dagger to Winter Dagger
Buffs Disaster
Nerfs Mega Daggers Size
Changes Disaster Recipe
Changes Frozen Daggers Recipe

10000 download special:

Adds in Void Bow
Retextured Axe of The Abyss
Reworked Axe of The Abyss


Yoooo thanks for 10000 Downloads!
Thank you guys so much for all of the support!

But the question still remains...
Can we make to 15k?

By the way at 15k I'll release a discord server!

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
World Wrap
Download v0.2 (9.7 KB)


World Wrap allows simple circumnavigation in Terraria! When you go to one of the left or right edges in the world, you'll end up on the other side.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.2 Edit | Delete
Geoff's Death Counter
Download v2.4 (21.5 KB)


Counts and displays deaths of online players

New Feature: It works better.

Left Click to drag the window
Right Click to close
/deaths will reopen it

2.2 - Updated to latest tModLoader
2.3 - Updated so the first death isn't '0'
2.4 - Fixed some crash errors, data sync may not be instant any more.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Dark Ghouls
Download v1.40 (133.5 KB)


Dark Ghouls is a pretty cool mod, it will add many weapons and some other misc. things. it currently only adds a few weapons an ore and a few other things.

Thanks to errorpotato for helping me a bunch!

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Minecraft Cave Noises
Download v1.1 (7.3 MB)


I fear no man. But that thing... Minecraft Cave Noises it scares me
Mod adds cave sounds from Minecraft and some new ones

Mod contains sound effects from game Minecraft made by Mojang

Added new noises
Added new configs
Changed Mod Icon

Added in game config to set how often should noises be played

Added new noises"> I fear no man. But that thing... Minecraft Cave Noises it scares me
Mod adds cave sounds from Minecraft and some new ones

Mod contains sound effects from game Minecraft made by Mojang

Added new noises
Added new configs
Changed Mod Icon

Added in game config to set how often should noises be played

Added new noises

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Catchable Anything
Download v0.3.5 (44.2 KB)


Fargowiltas add catchable town npc
but what if we go even further BEYOND.

this mod allows you to catch NPC and Projectiles
support modded npc and projectiles.

there is a config for more customization :0

[ Changelog ]

- Added Experimental mode :)
- Player can now use catched projectile as any ammo. yes.
- Player can now use golden bug net to catch projectile
- Player can now increase bug net size for more easier to catch things in the config

- Player can now catch "Projectiles"
- Player can use catched projectiles as bullet. yes.
- Changed item internal names
- Fargowiltas fix
- Added config

- added icon
- npc that already catchable now does not get changed

- initial release

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
ARPGLoot/Ru перевод(Ren4o)
Download v1.2.8.1 (148.5 KB)


Action-RPG inspired loot system that adds 37 new modifiers to your gear!
Modifiers on non-crafted items are discovered with a scroll of identify sold by the merchant.
+18 weapon modifiers
+10 armor modifiers
+9 accessory modifiers
Randomized loot quality
+1 unique modifier
Rare (25%)
+2 unique modifiers, 1 for accessories
Legendary (10%)
+3 unique modifiers, 2 for accessories
Primal (1%)
+3 unique modifers for weapons and armor, 2 for accessories
+PERFECT rolls in each modifier
Custom modifier effects, for example:
+damage when standing still
+attack speed during night
+damage in jungle
damage taken cannot exceed a certain amount
ignores damage taken if under an amount
...and much more!

added 37 modifiers
fixed armor ignoring modifier not calculating defense
added multiplayer compatibility
fixed item rolls reseting when reforged
non crafted items now spawn as unidentified
added scroll of identify
bought from the merchant
required to discover item's modifiers
added tome of identify
created with 100 scrolls of identify and a tome at a bookcase
not consumed when used
rebalanced some affixes
changed scroll and tome sprites
fixed bug with equipping unidentified armor or accessories
added added orb of alchemy
used to upgrade a single magical item to rare quality
crafted with 1 soul of night and 3 cursed flame or ichor
drops in hardmode (2%)
added essence of favorable fate
allows a reroll on a single item
crafted with 1 bottled water, 1 ectoplasm, and 1 soul of sight
drops post-plantera (1%)
fixed items not dropping properly and chests not storing items properly in multiplayer
magic items can now roll chance on hit affixes
improved magic reduction scaling on weapons
fixed damage in jungle affix not working properly
fixed items not storing affix values properly in multiplayer

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
The Mystery Bags
Download v1.4.1 (16.7 KB)


The Mystery Bags is a new mod which aims to extend vanilla play and change the difficulty of it with Mystery Bags.
It currently ads:

- Boss Bags. These bags drop from any enemy with a low percentage. These bags may contain certain boss drops, helpfull items, and in general items to further progress gameplay without having to struggle with said boss again.
- Misc Bags. These are craftable and are not related with vanilla progression in mind. They're just for fun and RNG.

I'm planning on adding more in the next updates, thou time is short for me right now.
Below is a link to the GitHub page, where you can check out the latest releases of the mod in .zip format, and also join our Discord.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Animosus Mod
Download v0.16 (5.8 MB)

Person, Terreiff, Code_W…

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Better Music Boxes
Download v1.0 (4.8 KB)


This small mod makes the music box record music instantly and make music boxes work in vanity accessory slots. This mod is open source.

Known Issues...

- Custom music doesn't record instantly
- Since this checks for accessories containing "Music Box" in its name, vanity music box playing might not work for non-English languages

Future Plans...

- Mod icon
- Make custom music record instantly if possible. Even then the custom music would need a music box to go with it

Change Log...

- 1.0: Released.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1.1 (9.8 KB)


EasierCrafting can allow you to make Endless Quiver and Endless Musket Puch in workbench.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Deific Weapons
Download v0.2.2 (38.3 KB)

diet dirt

Deific Weapons adds items that are extremely overpowered and extremely rare, only being obtainable through killing certain bosses.

It currently contains:
-3 weapons
-1 armor set

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Download v1.1.13 (1.9 MB)


Update Note: I haven't really been updating this mod for 1.3, as I'm hard at work porting everything over to
tmodloader 1.4 and adding a TON of new content there! I'm sorry if a few things are bugged, I'm aware of some of them.
You can expect most things to be fixed in the 1.4 version however! If you like it, be sure to look for SpooderStuff on
the Steam Workshop once tmodloader updates! Thank you for using my mod, it brings me great joy! << You can see it here! Click the mod Homepage below for this link to Steam

Mod description:

I don't know what the heck I'm doing... But maybe you will enjoy the mod!

It's full of lots of inside jokes and memes, with a little bit of actual vanilla-type content sprinkled in there.
You'll probably have no idea what's going on when you see some of it. But you're free to check it out if you want to!

What you can expect from the mod:

-Vanity Sets
-Tool & Weapon Prefixes
-An Additional Drop for every Vanilla Boss and most Events (Some require Expert mode, some... don't)
-Shortswords that aren't really all that short
-Weapons of many other types I promise

With a little bit of:

-Brawl stars
-Jojo references
-Furry nonsense
-Other miscellaneous items (often chaotic)
-Strange QOL things nobody asked for or will even notice probably

Thanks for giving it a play ;)

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Expert Enabler/Disabler Remade
Download v1.0 (11.6 KB)


I do not know if it works with multiplayer so be aware of that.

All it does it change the difficulty from Expert to Normal and vice versa.

So, yeah...

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Present Opener
Download v2.1.1.1 (18.8 MB)


- Fixed "Reset Defaults" button defaulting each scale to 0.
- Config no longer freaks out and gives you a decimal like 0.2489, scales every 0.25 now
- Removed processors and the recipes with them. It was nice knowing them, but Fargo beat me to that.
- Presents and goodie bags can be earned outside of Christmas and Halloween, at a much lower chance.
- Minor Code improvements
- Fixed a recurring bug where the mod dev would go on hiatus over fixes... again... Let's hope it works this time.

Unlike real life, this mod lets you choose what you get from your presents! Well, to an extent. You can use the ModConfig to adjust the rate at which you can get rare items from presents and goodie bags!

Changelog (Not including minor releases):
1.0 - Mod Released
1.0.1 - Added Coal to the list of crafts.
1.1 - Added Thorium support with their Mistletoe item.
1.2 - Added Spirit support for all the items in the Goodie Bags.
2.0 - Revamped crafting stations. Doubled the cost of all recipes for balance.
2.0.1 - Added a recipe to make presents and goodie bags.
2.1 - 0.11 code changes, New icon, Processor tweaking, ModConfigs, Added and Finalized recipes.
2.1.1 - Config support for Modded items inside the bags, and fixed these items not dropping.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Cosmetic Armor - Cosmetic(ALPHA)
Download v0.4 (11.4 KB)


If you are a slime king or a fierce deity at your heart, this mod is for you.

wiki is on WIP ;)

-slime king mask added
-Fierce Deity Costume added (WIP)
-Black Top Hat added (WIP)
-Link OoT Costume (WIP)

//crafts not final//

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Dirt Platform
Download v0.1 (142.6 KB)

Annonemus. Credit: Joost…

Dirt Platform v0.1
This mod gives you Dirt Platforms like Joostmods
Not Original <---
-- All Credits to Joost8910 from --
Visit his website / forums

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.1 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2.1 (208.9 KB)


This description
Translated from Japanese by Google Translate.

v0.2 -> v0.2.1
Fixed an issue where the cursor was initialized.

This Mod aims to make it possible to build like CAD.

Currently has the following functions
- Function to display the effective range of tools such as Pickaxe
- Function to same as Fly Cam, Infinity Reach of HERO's Mod
- Function to draw Line, Rectangle, Circle
- Function to place png images
- Function to parallel copy

*Currently, there is no function to save what you placed

- About Loading Images -
Place the file "TeraCAD_Image.txt" in the "My Games\Terraria\ModLoader" folder.
For the contents of the text file, please describe the path of the png file.
Please save "TeraCAD_Image.txt" with UTF8.
The maximum size of the png file is 2048 x 2048 pixels.

*** Acknowledgments ***
Most of this Mod's UI code is based on jopojelly's Recipe Browser.
I am grateful to Mr. jopojelly for publishing a great code.
Also, some code uses HERO's Mod code.
Therefore, this mod inherits the license of HERO's mod.
"> This description
Translated from Japanese by Google Translate.

v0.2 -> v0.2.1
Fixed an issue where the cursor was initialized.

This Mod aims to make it possible to build like CAD.

Currently has the following functions
- Function to display the effective range of tools such as Pickaxe
- Function to same as Fly Cam, Infinity Reach of HERO's Mod
- Function to draw Line, Rectangle, Circle
- Function to place png images
- Function to parallel copy

*Currently, there is no function to save what you placed

- About Loading Images -
Place the file "TeraCAD_Image.txt" in the "My Games\Terraria\ModLoader" folder.
For the contents of the text file, please describe the path of the png file.
Please save "TeraCAD_Image.txt" with UTF8.
The maximum size of the png file is 2048 x 2048 pixels.

*** Acknowledgments ***
Most of this Mod's UI code is based on jopojelly's Recipe Browser.
I am grateful to Mr. jopojelly for publishing a great code.
Also, some code uses HERO's Mod code.
Therefore, this mod inherits the license of HERO's mod.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Useful Weapon Upgrades Mod
Download v1.1 (20.9 KB)


Welcome to
the Useful Weapon Upgrades mod! This mod aims to take some of the useful weapons throughout your run that don't have vanilla upgrades, and upgrade them into very fun and very powerful versions.
Contact me on discord (Nate#8820) if you have a idea for a future upgrade to a weapon in a future update! You will get your discord name sponsored in the weapon's tool tip for the suggestion!
The current upgrades are...
Beekeeper, The Bees Knees, Death Sickle, Crystal Serpent, Starfury

There are 6 current developer weapons (4 weapons, 2 of which have hardmode upgrades)

I plan on adding more to each category in future updates!

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
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