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Buyable Wormhole Potions
Download v1.0 (2.1 KB)


A tiny mod that makes the Witch Doctor sell wormhole potions.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
Download v1.1.2.3 (7.8 KB)


This Mod Adds Weapon items, if you have any recommendations or spot any bugs, please email me at: and i will look into it! Most Items are made from dirt.
Version -Atempted to Add a github respository and added icon
Version -Nerfed LightSaber
Version -Anti-Bug update
Version -Added Weapon: Poop Sword
Version -Anti-Bug update
Version 1.1 -Added Weapons: Vampire Sword and Wooden Dagger
Version 1.0 -Mod Released

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
30x Spawn rate
Download v0.6.1 (8.2 KB)


This code was taken from Cmaner 30xSpawnRate
This mod allows you to have 30x spawnrate or any other spawn rate forever!
This mod was made for all those people that ever wanted to use 30x spawnrate with max spawn 100.
The spawn rate will be editable after the Journey�s End update

Shoutout to jopojelly (helping with code)

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
More Magic Books
Download v0.1 (3.1 KB)


More Magic Books is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Starter packs
Download v0.12 (18.1 KB)

CDK Entertainment

This mod adds 5 starting packs:
Melee starter pack,
Ranger starter pack,
Mage starter pack,
Summoner starter pack,
Thrower starter pack;
All packs contain class items.

UPDATE 0.12:
Added thrower starter pack.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.2 (6.5 KB)

ShadoW, Obelisk9990

RandomLoot is a mod which gives every enemy a certain chance to drop any item in the game (standard is 2%), including mods if you have any installed. Have fun!!

Update 1.11:
Changed % chance from 2% to 3% for testing temporarily. I am planning to add a configuration option to the mod so everyone can change the chances to whatever they prefer.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
The Drow Challenge
Download v0.1.3 (14.9 KB)


The Drow Challenge is simple: the surface kills you very quickly. Creating a new world will set the spawnpoint underground (new characters will start with 1 torch).

This mod also adds a new potion type (sustainability) in order to allow you to go to the surface temporarily. This will allow you to fight skeletron, explore floating islands, and more without dying (but on a time limit).

In addition, this mod also allows the Eye of Cthulhu and the Mechanical Bosses to spawn underground.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Op Mod
Download v0.2 (110.2 KB)


Op Mod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Merchant Sells More
Download v1.3 (10.2 KB)


Makes the Merchant sell more items

Added items:
Life Crystal

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Endless Explosives
Download v1.1.1 (136.6 KB)


Upgradeable Endless Handheld Cannons That Fire Different Vanilla Explosives
-Cannons Are Crafted At An Anvil With 199 Explosives
For Example: 199 Grenades = Endless Grenade Cannon

Cannon Types:

They Can Be Upgraded To Shoot Farther And Faster

-Changed The Amount Of Explosives Required To Craft Their Respective Cannons From 999 To 199
-Added Icon">
-Adds Upgradeable Endless Handheld Cannons That Fire Different Vanilla Explosives
-Cannons Are Crafted At An Anvil With 199 Explosives
For Example: 199 Grenades = Endless Grenade Cannon

Cannon Types:

They Can Be Upgraded To Shoot Farther And Faster

-Changed The Amount Of Explosives Required To Craft Their Respective Cannons From 999 To 199
-Added Icon

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Starter Pack
Download v1.0 (6.1 KB)


Starter Pack is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.3 (7.3 KB)

The Annoying Dog And The…

Take Terraria into the world of terraria!

2 items so far c:

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
Genshin Impact Mod
Download v0.5.0 (460.8 KB)

Sean Weidlich

This is the new Genshin Impact x Terraria Mod

There will be 14 new weapons and 2 new NPC

NPC: Smith's Apprentice, Wagner

Weapons: Waster Greatsword, Dull Blade, Apprentice's Notes, Hunter's Bow, Beginners Protector, and all of Genshin Impact's 2 star weapon pack + 4 new weapons

New UI: Go to controls to assign the hotkey and you will see.

this is the first version and meant to be a beta test for everyone on TMOD so there will most likely be errors in code and sprites please contact me through discord

if you want to support this mod please donate in patreon (link is in the discord server just ask!)

Join the server below

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Download v1.1 (37 KB)


В данном моде присутствует:
Игрушечный нож
Настоящий нож

Послание от автора:
Лол.. Привет, я ещё один "разработчик модов" в террарии, я начал разрабатывать мод на андертэйл, и похоже уже закончил XD
Дело в том, что я не умею писать все эти коды, не знаю как делать всякие механики у оружия(выстрелы, эффекты) а гайдов на ютубе очень мало, из-за чего я немогу грамотно сделать мод.
Плюсом к всему этому я немогу делать нормальные спрайты, они получаются с невидимыми текстурами(меч есть а дамаг идёт дальше него)и я хз как это исправить.
Если вы умеете рисовать пиксель арты, умеете писать коды и хотите чтобы мой мод продвигался, то вот вам моя почта для связи только есть одна проблема, вам придётся работать за просто так)
Так как мне только 12 лет :), но всё-же если вы хотите помочь, то напишите мне на почту, я отвечу и скажу чем мне можно помочь!
Спасибо за внимание!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
XD Mod
Download v0.9.5 (1010.3 KB)


XD Mod is a mod cointaing these ePIC things: a boss, (WIP) a ore, (WIP) a sword, a pickaxe, armour set, (WIP) a summoner weapon (WIP) a ranged weapon (WIP) and all the other tools (WIP)
Help with code:
Help with icon: Arcri#0184
Sickle Sprite: MrDoom#8564


Social Links




Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
Dynamic Summon Damage
Download v1.0 (12 KB)


Dynamic Summon Damage is a small mod that makes it so any equipment that increases summon damage automatically gets applied to already summoned minions, in contrast to vanilla behavior where you'd have to resummon the minion to get the boosts.
Automatically supports any mod that has summon weapons.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Virus Mod
Download v6.7 (422.3 KB)

The Disco Ninja

Virus Mod lets you have weapons and items that are OP! It also adds new enemies that drop DNA and which is used for crafting good items! Virus pets are now added! Free gold is now available after Moon Laord! You can now craft gold bars with platinum bars so if you have a platinum world you can still get gold! :) :) :) New armour is now added and bosses. Added mage weapon! (More things coming soon). This is a link to my channel for a tutorial:

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Chat Source
Download v1.0.3.2 (17.2 KB)


For those who need to know which mod writes stuff to the chat!

Shows the source of messages in the chat. Clientside, toggleable via config

"Your world has been blessed with Cobalt!"
Player got 10 tier 1 Reversivity coins and now has 70 in total."

"Your world has been blessed with Cobalt!"
"[AlchemistNPC] Player got 10 tier 1 Reversivity coins and now has 70 in total."

- Some stuff like ore spawn announcements in multiplayer will show no mod associated because those messages are serversided
- "[Terraria]" prefix for vanilla messages is by default disabled
- Toggle "Display Name" and "Internal Name" of a mod via config

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Multiplayer Boss Spectator
Download v1.1.7 (441.8 KB)


Multiplayer Boss Spectator by Seedonator

This is a mod that allows you to spectate bossfights in multiplayer when you die and switch between bosses and players.

-Spectate bosses or players when you die during a boss fight
-Hides most UI elements when spectating (including some from other mods, chat is still visible)
-Cycle back and forth through players and bosses with hotkeys (with smooth interpolation)
-Load in tiles when spectating far away bosses/players
-Ability to freeze the respawn timer when a boss is active

Please hit me up on Discord if you find any bugs at Seedonator#8082

See mod homepage"> Multiplayer Boss Spectator by Seedonator

This is a mod that allows you to spectate bossfights in multiplayer when you die and switch between bosses and players.

-Spectate bosses or players when you die during a boss fight
-Hides most UI elements when spectating (including some from other mods, chat is still visible)
-Cycle back and forth through players and bosses with hotkeys (with smooth interpolation)
-Load in tiles when spectating far away bosses/players
-Ability to freeze the respawn timer when a boss is active

Please hit me up on Discord if you find any bugs at Seedonator#8082

See mod homepage

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
I Need Healing
Download v0.3 (20.8 KB)


I Need Healing the mod

v0.3: Added Lifemight Potion
v0.2: FIXED infinite potion bug

Currently it adds only 3 potions with 2 buffs (all craftable in hardmode on alchemy table):

Healing Mix:
Heals 400 Mana
Heals 180 Health
Regeneration for 2 minutes
Honey for 2 minutes
Rapid Healing for 10 seconds

Craft (x3):
2x Greater Healing Potion
2x Regeneration Potion
4x Pixie Dust
4x Bottled Honey
2x Greater Mana Potion

Megaheal Potion:
Megaheal for 3 minutes

Craft (x4):
3x Greater Healing Potion
6x Regeneration Potion
4x Daybloom
16x Glowing Mushroom
20x Soul of Light

Lifemight Potion:
Lifemight for 6 minutes

1x Lifeforce Potion
1x Deathweed
1x Daybloom
5x Soul of Might
4x Pixie Dust

Atronach Potion:
Atronach for 4 minutes
- This buff disables any healing while giving you +2400 HP and completely healing you

Craft (x3):
3x Bottled Water
1x Life Fruit
16x Soul of Night
30x Soul of Might

The Final Mix (Overpowered, Expert Mode only):
Heals 4000 Mana
Heals 4000 Health

Divine Blood for 4 minutes
Megaheal for 20 minutes
Lifeforce for 30 minutes
Regeneration for 30 minutes
Honey for 60 minutes
Rapid Healing for 15 minutes

Crafted (x8) at Ancient Manipulator
1x Suspicious Looking Tentacle
12x Luminite Bar
4x Life Fruit
8x Lifeforce Potion
10x Super Healing Potion
20x Greater Healing Potion
40x Healing Potion
80x Bottled Honey
160x Lesser Healing Potion
120x Souls of Fright, Sight and Might
40x Souls of Light and Night

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10 Edit | Delete
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