tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
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Download v0.6 (304.5 KB) |
xX_Cobalt_Boss_Xx |
CrackShell Is updating again! Thank you all for 6,100+ Downloads! I wasn't expecting this many downloads!(I'm not very well known)
v0.6: Added New Boss. May be Extremely Difficult. Added New Town NPC. Added New Biome. v5.9: Added Github stuff, icon and an item for a youtuber! support banners! v5.8.8: Fixed Rainbow Disk v5.8.7: Fixed Matser's Badge and added Oil Bottles v5.8.6: Added Rusty Knife Added Rainbow Disk v5.8.5: Added quite a few things don't have time for description. Added TmodLoader 0.10 support! v5.7.5: Fixed Dirt Gun and added a new gun! v0.5.7: Added another early game weapon: The Dirt Gun! v0.5.6.6: Fixed bug with the weapon! v0.5.6.5: Added New Early-Game Weapon! v0.5.6: Added more Stuff! v0.5.5.1: Updated Description! v0.5.5: Added Acorn Pancakes! v0.5.4.1: Added a homepage! v0.5.4: Added more Bosses! Have Some bugs to fix, but wanted to release this first. v0.5.1: Fixed Some Bugs v0.5: Very Update! Much wow! Added Lunar Death Beam Added Custom recipe for iron anvil(This took quite some researching) Added Two New Bosses! Added Summon items for them! v0.4.4: Added Lunar Wings to go with the armor set! v0.4: Added new armor set! v0.3.1: 2 Bossfights 5 NPCs 6 Items + Fixed Some Bugs v0.3: 2 Bossfights 4 NPCs 5 Items v0.2: 1 Bossfight 3 NPCs 4 Items v 0.1: 1 Boss 3 items (Not Very much) Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
Furry Vanity Items
Download v0.1 (9 KB) |
newmodder |
Furry vanity items... Or ITEM
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Mystic Anims
Download v1.1.1 (61.5 KB) |
MysticAnimator |
This is a mod. Yes.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Orion Mod: Throwing Class Expansion
Download v1.0.4 (805.6 KB) |
M10-Dru |
This mod aims to fully flesh out the throwing class by adding armor and weapons for each stage of the game, and even adds a 5th pillar: The Orion Pillar!
This is a remake of an old mod (The Nightmare Mod) made by my friend Elias. Adds: -9 armor sets -21 weapons -3 accessories -several other miscellaneous items and NPCs V 1.0.0 -Added base content V 1.0.1 -Just added some info and icon on the mod browser V 1.0.2 -Added new sharksteel armor set, some resprites, and banners for Orion Pillar enemies. -Changed the name of the mod to be more distinct V 1.0.3 -Remade the Orion Pillar Sky -Fixed some bugs V 1.0.4 -Added pre-hardmode armor set -Fixed some crafting recipes Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
/tg/ mod
Download v1.0.0.1 (33.5 KB) |
GreatestAlly |
/tg/ mod
Mod ideas from /tg/. Version History: <v1.0.0.1> Recompile for new version of tmodloader. <v1.0.0.0> Last version. Added new command (/>). Added a gun that has recoil. <v0.3.11.3> Added a config value to to allow players to roll for their class. <v0.3.11.2> Summon items now cost money. Most are equivalent to the amount of money the boss bags drop. Fish grinder now increases the player's quest completed count, so as to fully replace the angler. Quest completion count is capped at 150 for optimal item drop rate. <v0.3.11.1> Added a fish grinder that drops from the angler. Toss quest fish into the grinder for fishing rewards. <v0.3.11.0> Fixed the penetrator being sold by every single npc. Added summon items sold by npcs after defeating bosses/invasions as a config option. <v0.3.10.9> Added the penetrator. <v0.3.10.8> Hopefully fixed sashimi crafting loot bags. <v0.3.10.7> Now added a chance to obtain a hook from the loot bags. <v0.3.10.6> Fixed a bug where other player sprites are shown as frozen in multiplayer. <v0.3.10.5> Added a loot bag that can be obtained when crafting sashimi. <v0.3.10.4> Sandstorm summon can no longer be used while a sandstorm is ongoing. Sandstorm summon crafting recipe changed to move the item to early hardmode. <v0.3.10.3> Fixed elven blessing buff having brief moments where the buff is not applied even when around grass blocks. <v0.3.10.2> Actually sending the name change packet. wew lad <v0.3.10.1> Test build for config server syncing and name change broadcast. <v0.3.10.0> Added a config for the option to freeze players that have not rolled. Added an item to (hopefully) start sandstorms. <v0.3.9.1> Removed debug messages accidentally left over from testing. <v0.3.9.0> Fixed Acrophobia not being displayed properly. Classes now affect Symphonic and Radiant damage when Thorium is loaded. He Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.1495 (756.4 KB) |
MarcoMLY |
The MacoShark mod: This mod is a complete mod with tons of items, accesories, weapons and more to make your terraria playthrough even better. This mod is not finished ans will be getting lost of big updates for a while. This mod is created by: MarcoMLY RedpandaF7 - (who also created a mod called ABizzareTerraria) This mod adds: 1 boss 1 town NPC 5 critters 17 enemies 87 items 1 structure 1 biome 6 buffs & debuffs 15 tiles 1 wall Localizer Package |
5 months ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Thorium Loot Swapper
Download v0.1.1 (37.7 KB) |
KingYellowFace |
Thorium Loot Swapper is a mod that adds recipes that alows you swap between loots dropped by Thorium mod bosses. An item called "Loot Swapper" is needed for each recipes.
This item can bought from and a town npc called "Swapper Trader". This spawn condition for this npc is to have at least 2 npc in your town. 0.1.1 Changelog - Thorium mod items dropped by vanilla bosses can be swapped. - Added homepage. Note: - Consumable throwing items CANNOT be crafted or used in crafting. - You can swap expert mode Ragnarok loots to get Bow Of Light with 100 Loot Swapper. - Thorium items dropped by Eater of Worlds and Brain of Cthulhu have unique recipe. The recipes are: Eater of Worlds - 8 Demonite Bar + 3 Shadow Scale + 1 Loot Swapper = Eater of Pain Brain of Cthulhu - 8 Crimtane Bar + 3 Tissue Sample + 1 Loot Swapper = The Stalker Thanks for checking out this mod!!! If you got some balance suggestion for my mod, Discord me. Invite link is available on this mod homepage. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Chest Searching
Download v1.0 (49.2 KB) |
Minamin |
A simple mod for those too lazy to properly sort their chests.
To use, simply toggle the chest search bar using the assigned hotkey (default "C"), click the search bar and type in the name of what you are looking for. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v1.0.6 (13.5 KB) |
Saerus |
This mod will eventually contain several active weapons that scale with the minion damage stat. At the moment, there is just one weapon crafted at a workbench with 10 wood and 1 gel. ===v1.0.6=== -bubbles replaced with spirits -Github integration -tModLoader v0.10.1.4 ===v1.0.5=== -Bubble Wand now scales uniquely with minion damage stat to be relevant at any stage of progression Bubbles will eventually be switched into something more fitting for a minion caster ===v1.0.4=== -fixed multiplayer bug (bubbles appeared to fly off screen on other clients) -bubbles now pop after hitting just once -bubbles are now visually smaller, hit box is now correct -bubble wand mana cost decreased, cast speed increased -bubble wand recipe is now 10 wood and 1 gel at a workbench ===v1.0.3=== -renamed items/projectile, new graphic ===v1.0.2=== -tModLoader v0.10.1.3 ===v1.0.1=== -tModLoader v0.10.1 ===v1.0.0=== -initial upload Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
Gem Pickaxes
Download v0.2.1 (6.7 KB) |
SavageSwansTV |
Gem Pickaxes adds 6 new pickaxes!
It adds: Diamond Pickaxe Ruby Pickaxe Emerald Pickaxe Sapphire Pickaxe Topaz Pickaxe Amethyst Pickaxe All items can be crafted at an anvil. Changelog: v0.3: Updated for tModLoader v0.10.0.2 New tooltips v0.2: + Sprite Update + Use Time Update (Emerald Pickaxe 20 -> 19, Ruby 20 -> 18, Diamond 20 -> 18) v0.1: Initial Release Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Bunny Bonanza
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Download v1.0.0.0 (368.5 KB) |
Alphakip |
Bunny Bonanza adds more bunnies to the game. That's it, really.
Current Bunnies: Hell Hallowed Solar Nebula Vortex Stardust Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Geronimo's Tinkerings
Download v1.2 (23.4 KB) |
Geronimo! |
This mod is basically a huge collection of stuff that people want, including myself. For now it only does a couple of things but this will definitely expand in the future. Features can be enabled/disabled to your liking in the config files (right now, the more controversial changes are disabled by default). Look on the Terraria forums thread for a list of changes.
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Extra Swords
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Download v0.2.5 (67.1 KB) |
Gam3 |
Extra Swords is a mod made by a idiot
Thanks to Cabig and play the mod they made Memes unleashed without them I would be screwed Penguin the maker of the extra swords wiki Pxhyre for making the extra swords wiki look real EPIC Ver.0.1 anyway there are a few boss bag items and some swords but no post wall of flesh things so wait for the next update for now there is 2 basic swords 2 expert swords and more in the next update Ver.0.1.1 1 basic sword 1 expert sword Ver.0.1.2 Fixed buggs Ver.0.1.3 2 Expert swords Ver.0.1.4 3 basic swords 1 expert sword Ver.0.1.5 3 basic swords Cacti Sword The Knife Super Zombie Arm 1 expert Sword TheSpine Ver.0.1.6 Replaced Flesh Sword with TheFirstSword Added Stick Added The Club Added Ice Cream Buddy Added Bone Blade Added Broken Bottle Ver.0.1.7 Added Fiery Wood Sword Added The Fart Blade Added Midas Blade Ver.0.1.8 3 new expert swords 1000 downloads Its Cabig Penguin Ver.0.1.9 1 new expert sword Sword Gods Hand 3 new basic swords Penguin(made crafting recipe! not dropped by moon lord boss bag) Its Cabig(made crafting recipe not dropped by moon lord boss bag) Crafter Sword The Nail Ver.0.2.0 Advanced Sword Mold (no use) Hammer head mold (no use) Mined Blade (updated sword crafting) Odd Mold (no use) Rad Blade (updated sword crafting) Solar Sword (post moon lord) Sword Blade Mold (used to make base blades) Sword Hilt Mold (no use) Sword Mold Base (Used to make more molds) Wood Blade (updated sword crafting) Ver.0.2.1 added crafting Prism added prismarite added roentgenium bar added the Notification sword added the ping Sword added the Squires Sword added Delinquent Hat added the invisible set added Sword gods apprentice hat added temple breaker removed the solar sword I think thats it (report in my discord server if i missed anything) Ver.0.2.2 added icon Ver.0.2.3 updated the squires sword (was previusly a clone of the Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Sandwich Guy NPC
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Download v0.3.2.3 (156 KB) |
Chapface |
Sandwich Guy NPC adds an NPC named Sandwich Guy who sells special and very questionable sandwiches (In a good way probably)! It also adds a couple other things revolving around the NPC.
This mod contains: -1 NPC (Sandwich Guy) -44 total items -33 Sandwiches (+1 "energy drink") -6 Accessories (Specifics) -9 sandwiches Sandwich Guy will only sell if you have specific other mods downloaded. -Sandwich bag item, allowing you to get the mod specific sandwiches without the mods. -Obtainable costume set and weapon for Sandwich Guy -A sandwich for each vanilla boss killed and most events (Mech bosses all count as one) -4 special combined sandwiches -Monochromatic Soul, combining every item in the mod together. To note: Mod specific sandwiches will either always be available, or will become available in hardmode. --Update log-- ------------------------------------------- V0.3.2.3 -Added and tweaked some dialogue -Bug fixes ------ V0.3.2.2 -Added some dialogue ------ V0.3.2.1 -fixed bug with dialogue ------ V0.3.2 -Added event sandwiches (still havent added for lunar pillars) -Added 5 special sandwiches -Added Monochromatic Soul -Reworked some sandwich effects. -Reworked dialogue (Added, altered, and changed likelyhoods) -Bug fixes ------ V0.3.1 -Added forum page -Slight tweaks ------ V0.3 --HUGE OVERHALL-- -More sandwiches -Mod specific sandwiches +Sandwich bag to obtain them without the specifc mod -Entirely redone graphics -Plenty of bug fixes (Mod actually works now!) -Some tweaks -Compatibility with Census ------------------------------------------- V0.2 Honestly I have no idea. Like, I didn't even know it existed until I couldn't make 0.3 be 0.2 because it appearently existed at some poimt. ------------------------------------------- V0.1 -Sandwich Guy town NPC -A Sandwich item for every vanilla boss beaten. ------------------------------------------- Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Mecha Mayhem
Download v0.1.1 (159.1 KB) |
7 Items![]() ![]() ![]() Check mod wiki for Changelog. "> Mecha Mayhem is a small content mod about Mechanical beings taking over terraria. And don't think it will be just mechanized versions of existing bosses, it's much more than that. When does it start you may ask? That's for you to find out. Currently Adds: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Check mod wiki for Changelog. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Hand Magic
Download v0.1 (2.3 KB) |
Graydee |
Hand Magic makes all magic items not show the item while using them, making you feel a lot more badass.
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
Tape Measure
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Download v1.2 (25.2 KB) |
Itorius, orian34 & team |
Tape Measure is a neat tool the lets you measure distances between tiles.
Just left-click on two opposing corners and it will measure both the width and the height of the selected area. Right-click on the Tape Measure in inventory to bring up a color selection UI. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.1 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v1.0.7 (22.8 KB) |
Beetrootmonkey |
Have you ever thought to yourself:
"Man, terraria's reforge mechanic is a little bit too random for me!"? Then, my friend, this tiny mod might be the mod for you! This mod currently adds three items: - a "dormant" moonstone, which is basically a lootbag (that stacks) - two versions of awakened moonstone, that will spawn from right-clicking (=opening) a dormant one - accessory moonstones will let you apply modifiers to accessories - [NEW!] weapon moonstones will let you apply modifiers to weapons At this point, enemies have a hardcoded 2.5% chance to drop a dormant moonstone, that you can later (when you find yourself having the inventory space) awaken. Awakened moonstone do not stack, but spawn with a guaranteed prefix/modifier. When you right-click an awakened moonstone, it will try to apply its prefix to your held item. For this to work, you need to hold an accessory or a weapon that is able to accept that modifier. This mod should serve as an alternative to the boring reforge mechanic the goblin tinkerer offers, but it doesn't aim to replace it. Moonstones are simply a way of manually applying modifiers. Currently this mod doesn't feature a config file, but I will try to implement one if I ever find out how. I'm finally back improving on the mod. Latest changes include the previously disabled weapon moonstone and shiny new tooltips for it. If you find any bugs (and I'm sure you will, since I build this mod in less than a day), you can open a new issue on github: Cheers. [NEW!] Credits: - ReLogic (for making an awesome game; also I borrowed the reforge mechanic from them) - Spirit Mod dev team (I also borrowed code for modifying tooltips from them) - Yangfu1000 (for pointing out some bugs and providing fixes for them) Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Heroikon's mod
Download v0.1 (118.2 KB) |
Heroikon |
Heroikon's mod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
Mouse Shaders
Download v0.1 (26.6 KB) |
Dark-Assassin |
Allows you to apply various shaders to your mouse cursor and even it's border!
Everything configurable via Mod Settings Configurator or editng MouseShaders.json and using the command /ms reload Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |