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Fallen Legends {DISCONTINUED}
Download v0.1.2 (17.6 KB)


*cough* *cough* ahem. I have some good and some bad news. Bad news first.
I have decided to quit development of this mod.
Now dont worry i may have decided to quit this mod but i will be making the code/resources public for everyone to use.
i Hope you will use some code in my mod for your mod but i dont want you to be taking the whole thing and renaming everything and boom done.
Please dont do that.
Peace out gamers.
sincerely, hello_sire#3139

ps making a new mod (where i code new items and game concepts might add npcs maybe might add everything but a boss lol)

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
The Far Lands Mod
Download v0.1.0.14 (283.7 KB)


A mod to introduce thematic experiences from other places as I learn to mod Terraria.
There's new uses for various kinds of rope, if you're a novice Summoner. The Guide knows more. Save those Throwing Knives to whittle with!
He also knows a couple of new tricks involving acorns that he's picked up from famous Wizards near and far; natural hedge magic that requires the use of a Living Loom.
...and a fluffy, insidious new evil lurks in the snowy expanses!

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Ender Sword
Download v1.1.0 (135.4 KB)


This mod adds weapons and items in the game that are very good! All the recipes in this mod are crafted with 1 dirt at a workbench.

Added Socials as items and they have insane knockback

Added Void Bullets
Added a projectile to the Ender Sword
Changed Void Walker Boots

Added Void Boots, Void Tool, and God Accessory
Added a Town NPC no requirement to spawn besides a house

Added Ender Prism ,Dragons Breath, Void Bombs, and a World Ender Bomb
Made Wings have infinite flight

Added Ender Bow and Wings
Fixed sword sprite white lines

Added Ender Gun

Added Ender Charm and Necklace

Changed Ender Armor

Added Ender Armor

Fixed Ender Sword Sprite

Added Ender Sword

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Murasama swords
Download v4.3.0 (81.7 KB)


veris 4.5.0 balanced [kill me] ^^

veris 4.0.0 OMG its here 4.0.0 it all done [BUT NOT DONE AT ALL]
fix armor
balanced weapons
made it sooooo fucking hard to get the weapons :((( [:)]
1 buff 3 debuff :)))))))))))
one buff potion
full armor set bonus
mostly made for big boss mods like [calamity]

will make ore if we can get to 5k downloads

if you want to make a suggestion DM me

[weapon's have even more balanced to them]

dm on discord if bug I AM DEAD@8434

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Starter Summon
Download v0.1.2 (37.1 KB)


Starter Summon is a mod that adds the bunny set and item, craftable with Bunnies, wood, and silk. It is meant to help get summoners started because we all know the vanilla game doesn't do that very well.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Hollow Knight Mod
Download v0.8 (39.4 KB)


A Hollow Knight Mod. So far, it has:

- The Nail, along with 4 upgrades for it
- A set of Knight armor, along with a cloak
- 5 craftable accessories
- A set of wings
- A new ore

Much more is to be added soon!

v0.7 Update Changes:
- Soul added. Drops of soul have a high chance of dropping from most enemies, use them to craft most things in this mod
- All nails have been weakened slightly
- Several recipes changed
- Armor sprites tweaked

v0.8 Update Changes:
- Pale ore is now an actual ore, it's now less rare and can be crafted into bars

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.9 (255.3 KB)


Thanks for over 100 downloads. I hope that you're enjoy using this mod and like it although a bit ;<


v 0.1:
-First unofficial release
-added Every version of Amethyst Sword

v 0.2:
-First official release
-Added Bows, arrows
-New ore, ingot and Furnace which is required to craft modded items

v 0.3:
-Fixed crafting for last version of Bow
-Renamed Amethyst Ingot -> Amethyst Bar
-Renamed mod from: SomeNewGoodStuffLolWeirdNameXD -> AmethystStuff
v 0.4:
-Fixed some bugs
-Removed Vanilla's Amethyst Staff and changed it into modded
-Added 2 new magic weapons (welp i don't have any idea for 4th so you can write to me idea or smth ;/)

v 0.5:
-Repaired craftings (again XD)
-Repaired spelling errors
-Added 4 pickaxes
-Added new bar
-Modified other craftings
-Added new Bar
-Added Anvil
-Added new Furnace
-Added 2 new accessories
-Added armor set
v 0.6:
-Added Icon (finally!)
v 0.7:
-You won't ever know lol
v 0.8:
-Guess xD (Yeah you're right I've tried to repair craftings and probably it's already done!)
-Added animation to holding Enchanted Amethyst Bar (but it's weirdly bugged when it's holding and tryna to place)
-Repaired blocks to place that was looking awful while instead of bar you've got solid-blue tile.. Terrifying right? (Sorry for so small update and so long time but I'm on Summer Trip and I don't have much time to writing, but if I'll get back to home I'll release something bigger... Much bigger)
v 0.9:
-Added some new stuff
-Changed name from AmethystStuff -> JustAnotherStuffMod
-Added item which allows you to increase your life from 500 to 600... (Usable only at 500 max HP)

-- Thanks for 1000+ downloads. Have fun with the mod <3 --
-- Special thanks for over 2000 downloads ;) --
Code writer: San4dY (you can add me on Steam and give suggestions what we can do. Link to steam: )
Graphic: My friend. He knows that.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Minerraria's Weapon Mod
Download v1.0.1 (11.3 KB)


Minerraria's weapon mod adds weapons, accessories, and armors. As of now, the mod will be updated slowly updating weapons to be higher quality and compatible for 0.10

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.1 Edit | Delete
Equipment Mana Cap Remover
Download v1.0.5 (9.6 KB)


Did you know that in vanilla Terraria, it's not possible to exceed 400 mana with just equipment/accessory bonuses? This mod increases that limit to 10000, which is useful for mods which have overpowered armor sets or accessories.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Witch Doctor Sells Chlorophyte
Download v1.0 (15 KB)


A Mod that makes the Witch Doctor sell Chlorophyte after Plantera is defeated

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
OP items mod
Download v0.9.0 (90.9 KB)

21% Vex milk


-New armour sets

-and other stuff!

5/28/2020 - Verison 0.7.0

New dev item

New projectiles, (currently dont work)

5/16/2020 - Version 0.6.0

Fist custom bow/projectile!

Fixed some crafting reicpes
Version 0.5.0

Better crafting reicpes

Summon tools are also added!

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Honor Bound
Download v1.3.1.1 (102.9 KB)


Binds you to play by honor codes. Can be adjusted in-game and then locked in for a given world. The following mods are required to run this:
- Durability: Items and armor break with use.
- Lives: Finite number of deaths (unless playing hardcore).
- Injury: Excessive damage lowers max health.
- Stamina: Activity is limited by accumulated fatigue.
- Capitalism: Shop prices increase with spending.
- The Lunatic: Bosses must be killed by a time limit.
- Losing Is Fun: Assorted tweaks for gameplay fairness.
- Hamstar's Helpers: Assorted utility/library functions.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Miner NPC
Download v0.26 (28.5 KB)


Adds a NPC that sells vanilla ores.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Cataclysm Mod
Download v0.1 (40.6 KB)


The Cataclysm Mod is a basic content mod in its early alpha stage.
It aims to provide lots of balanced in-game content to Terraria.
This mod is currently underdeveloped.

+19 items
+2 npc

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Xela's Weaponree
Download v0.9.9 (63 KB)


Unfinished mod, adds a few materials and swords as of now.

Start with a basic elock (material) and use that to craft 3 different elocks,
one for magic, one for ranged, and one for melee weapons.
They're all crafted into swords that just do different damage types.

There are currently 1 generic sword, 2 magic swords, 2 melee swords, and 1 ranged sword.

Recipes are still currently being worked on.
Dps per weapon might also change in the future.

Next up: I needa add the next tier for the ranged sword.
And I needa work on another reason to use elocks aside from the swords.

My Discord for whatever reason: XelaVael#2379

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0 (6.5 KB)


Cast 4 lines from a fishing rod instead of 1.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Saria Summon Mod!
Download v6.2.3 (32.3 MB)


Saria comes from another world in order to help you on your adventure!
She is a powerful summon that offers a plethera of abilities beyond just combat AND each of these abilities have strengths and weaknesses depending on what biome the player is in!

New recipes for vanilla potions through the use of cooking pots and this mods XPpearls.

Changed pretty much everything! Xp pearls now drop rarely from enemies and you can use them to level up Saria.
Saria will now level up as you battle with her and once a checkpoint is reached she will get much stronger as well as gaining a new attack!
Craft a HealBall to Summon her and an XpStaff to See how much Xp she has until the next level!

Dying will Half the XP Saria has earned since her last level up but it will not lower her base level. If Saria's exp is maxed out and nothing happens, you may need to progress in the game before she can learn a new move!

There is also only a single bookcase, The strange bookcase, where most of this mod's crafting will take place!

This mod also now adds elemental effects such as freezing in a blizzard or melting in the underworld without decent equipment. Saria will help you fight off these elements but if she is in a biome she is weak in
you will suffer whether or not you have the right equipment!
Staying in a biome she is weak in will make Saria grow ill much faster so be sure not to linger for too long!

This mod adds a few soundtracks from other games, some of which are from terraria otherworld, DarkCloud, and Ocarina of Time. This was also my first mod, but honestly I'm really happy with how it turned out so far!

The Upgrade progression order for this mod is as follows:
~Strange : Uses the move Psyshock
~Sapphire : Uses the move ColdSoul :must kill king slime to unlock
~Ruby : Uses the move Eruption :must Kill Queen Bee to Unlock
~Topaz : Uses the move ThunderClash :must Kill the Wall of Flesh to Unlock
~Emerald : Uses the move GemStorm :must Kill Any Mech Boss to Unlock
~Amber : Uses the move AttackOrder :must Kill Plantera to Unlock
~Amethyst : Uses the move ShadowSneak :must Kill The Duke Fishron to Unlock
More on these attacks will be shown as you level up!

I also highly advise using the Recipe Browser created by jopojelly to see all the different crafting recipes and items, however, this mod does also include notes for most items at the StrangeBookcase. Start by just crafting a PaperNote.
Please do keep note that these level ups will get extremely expensive, however, the effort put into it will certainly pay off!
This mod, as far as I know will not be updated to 1.4 unless I can get some serious help
If you discover any bugs or issues please let me know as multiplayer functions differently than single player. My discord is david5797 (feel free to ask anything!)

**Patch notes(should've done this sooner to be honest)**
ver 6.2.3
-edited the description page as well as my new discord.
ver 6.2.2
-changed how purple gem ball functions

-made living purple shards craftable using silver shards
ver 6.2.1
-trying to fix a multiplayer issue with animations
ver 6.2.0
-changed some biome weaknesses

-Biome weaknesses now effect moves much more than before

-some graphical updates

-lots of other smaller changes, mainly concerning attacks
ver 6.1.3
-scraped the newely added chance for enemies to get stronger due to issues

-romoved some items that were meant to be cut before
ver 6.1.2
-fixed saria increasing damage infinintly when maxing Xp
ver 6.1.1
-very small update. Changed the item meant for my brother in this mod
ver 6.1.0
-Changed the way healballs are used, also added other pokeballs!

-GreenMothGoliath now requires a DuskBall to be thrown at it before it can be caught.

-Changed the way the GemStorm attacks

-Gem Fairies are now obtained from Gem pokeballs made from their gems

-added a rare chance for all enemies to grow huge with a massive health, defense and attack increase so be careful!

-changed a few other small mechanics within the mod.
ver 6.0.1
-Changed amount of MediumXpPearls for XpPearls from 5 to 1

ver 6.0.0
-Updated animations

-removed the diamond upgrade(for now)

-added eye of cthulu pet that drops from the eye(summons the boss to fight for you)

-Completely overhauled how Saria worked

-Changed summon item from tomes to the HealBall
ver 5.4.4
-Changed how the Moonblast attack worked and fixed the issue with it softlocking itself, also made it alot easier for the game to handle

-Increased the curse time of Shadowsneak when overcharged

-Small tweeks to certain debuffs and items

-The Moonblast attack now also scales depending on certain enemies.
ver 5.4.

Localizer Package
one year ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Both Ores
Download v1.0 (10.9 KB)


Both Ores is a mod that makes each new world generate both sets of pre-hardmode ores. Works fine with practically every mod.

- Generate both sets of hardmode ores upon altar smash as well

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Amongst The Cosmos
Download v0.1.6.2 (1.1 MB)

Adam Turquoise

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (7.9 KB)


My first mod

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
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