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Kirby's Transformations
Download v0.0.5 (5.1 MB)

Piers Redfield

Welcome to Kirby's Adventure which currently only adds detailed transformations!

This mod will add items, enemies, npcs and mounts from the Kirby Franchise to Terraria!

Unfortunately, this mod will not be updated to be more than transformations unless a coder wants to program in enemies and such as I'd rather work on my other projects like Chao Island and the Yoshi's Island Mod.

In order to obtain the Kirby transformation, you need to start with a new character. After you collect at least one block of dirt, Adeleine will move in as an NPC and hand out the other colored transformations. The transformations are very detailed when it comes to sound and you're able to do that floaty fly thing Kirby can do. Kirby also gains stats and new buffs after defeating a boss for the first time.

No, you cannot suck. Please stop asking me if you can suck because you can't and I can't code that. Don't take that out of context either!

--v0.0.4 Patch Note Highlights--

-The homepage button was updated to take you to the main hub.


--Planned updates for v0.0.5--


>>Join the new server so you can help with code or maybe just hang out!<<

To join the server, press "Visit the mods homepage for more info". Just saying in case you're a total noob.


-Piers (Owner)

-Alpha (For some of the code used)

--Other Credits--

Drshnaps (Created color schemes for Kirby)

>>Shoutout to The Spriters resource for making all of the sprites used in this mod! Also to Nintendo for, y'know, Kirby.<<

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.4 Edit | Delete
Mecha's Mod
Download v0.8.2 (95 KB)

Giveaway for custom item

4 Swords
2 Bows
2 Type of Ammo (w/ 1 Endless Pouch Included)
1 Yoyo
1 Pickaxe
1 Explosive
1 Accessory
1 Magic Item
1 Natrually generated ore
With lots more to come!

Any Suggestions or Questions
Contact us on Discord:
Sebastian#4567 (Developer)
MekaV#8806 (Spriter)
or join the Discord server

Re-added: Recipe for Super Nova Slicer
Changed: Pricing on most items, and some more sprites
Removed: Unused Sprites

Update Notes: No Value items will be updated once I find a fair price for them

Re-added: Ro-Bow, Star Shot, and Ro-Bow
Added: Elite Mining Potion, Star Hamaxe Recipe, Star Shield, Star Gel, Flamer, and Infernal Spray

Resprited most items
Updated from tModLoader v0.9.2.1 to v0.11.7.2
Removed Power Surge, Dev Items, Mega Flamethrower, Ro-Bow, Star Shot, and Star Power
Compressium actually generates in world now

Added Compressium Sword

Added Supernova and Compressium (No Tools/Weapons For It Yet)

Bug Fix

Added Frost Burn Sword, and Frost Bars
Minor Bug Fixes

Added Star Bullets, Star Bullet Pouch, and Dev/WIP Items (Unobtainable)
Minor Bug Fixes

Added Super Nova Slicer, Star Shot, Star Power, Star Hamaxe
Changed Mega Flamethrowers particles to red flames
Bug Fixes

Added Starbars, Star Miner, Switched Fallen stars from Merchant to Dryad
Nerfed The Mega Flamethrower.

Added Mega Flamethrower
Fallen Stars can now be bought from the Merchant for 25 Silver

Added Star Blade

Download Goals

[✓] 500 Downloads - Supernova (Explosive)
[✓] 1k Downloads - Spell Book
[✓] 1.5k - Accessory
[✓] 2k - Potion
[WIP] 2.5k Armor Set
[WIP] 5k - NPC
[ ] 10k - Boss


Developer: BaconMcNuggetz
Spriter: MechaVillager"> Join our Discord to stay up to date and get support fast
Giveaway for custom item

4 Swords
2 Bows
2 Type of Ammo (w/ 1 Endless Pouch Included)
1 Yoyo
1 Pickaxe
1 Explosive
1 Accessory
1 Magic Item
1 Natrually generated ore
With lots more to come!

Any Suggestions or Questions
Contact us on Discord:
Sebastian#4567 (Developer)
MekaV#8806 (Spriter)
or join the Discord server

Re-added: Recipe for Super Nova Slicer
Changed: Pricing on most items, and some more sprites
Removed: Unused Sprites

Update Notes: No Value items will be updated once I find a fair price for them

Re-added: Ro-Bow, Star Shot, and Ro-Bow
Added: Elite Mining Potion, Star Hamaxe Recipe, Star Shield, Star Gel, Flamer, and Infernal Spray

Resprited most items
Updated from tModLoader v0.9.2.1 to v0.11.7.2
Removed Power Surge, Dev Items, Mega Flamethrower, Ro-Bow, Star Shot, and Star Power
Compressium actually generates in world now

Added Compressium Sword

Added Supernova and Compressium (No Tools/Weapons For It Yet)

Bug Fix

Added Frost Burn Sword, and Frost Bars
Minor Bug Fixes

Added Star Bullets, Star Bullet Pouch, and Dev/WIP Items (Unobtainable)
Minor Bug Fixes

Added Super Nova Slicer, Star Shot, Star Power, Star Hamaxe
Changed Mega Flamethrowers particles to red flames
Bug Fixes

Added Starbars, Star Miner, Switched Fallen stars from Merchant to Dryad
Nerfed The Mega Flamethrower.

Added Mega Flamethrower
Fallen Stars can now be bought from the Merchant for 25 Silver

Added Star Blade

Download Goals

[✓] 500 Downloads - Supernova (Explosive)
[✓] 1k Downloads - Spell Book
[✓] 1.5k - Accessory
[✓] 2k - Potion
[WIP] 2.5k Armor Set
[WIP] 5k - NPC
[ ] 10k - Boss


Developer: BaconMcNuggetz
Spriter: MechaVillager

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.2 Edit | Delete
Keep Buffs On Death
Download v1.0 (12.5 KB)


This makes all buffs or debuffs persistent on death. You can choose if you want buffs and debuffs to be persistent separately, by default buffs are persistent and debuffs are not. There is also a config option to make you lose some of your buff time when you die, but this is disabled by default. You can also add vanilla buffs to a BuffID blacklist, check the Terraria Wiki for buff IDs

If you experience any issues or have any suggestions, don't hesitate to message me on Discord (stormytuna#4358)

Version 1.0

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Terraria Recipes and Items
Download v0.1.2.0 (233.3 KB)


This mod adds a system for:
- Advanced viewing items and recipes.

Check Key Bindings for settings key:
- Use "R" on Item to view Recipe.
- Use "U" on Item to view Usage.

Check Mod Settings for Info Display:
- View ID on Item.
- View Mod Name on Item.
- Settings item panel size.

All Issue in Discord*"> This mod adds a system for:
- Advanced viewing items and recipes.

Check Key Bindings for settings key:
- Use "R" on Item to view Recipe.
- Use "U" on Item to view Usage.

Check Mod Settings for Info Display:
- View ID on Item.
- View Mod Name on Item.
- Settings item panel size.

All Issue in Discord*

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Satisfying Coins
Download v0.1.0.1 (630.5 KB)


Satisfying Coins is a pretty cool mod, it will play some satisyfing sounds when picking up coins.
That's it.

v0.1.0.1: compatible with tml v0.10

Hope you guys still enjoy this mod.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.1 Edit | Delete
Terraria 2
Download v0.0.4.7 (65.8 KB)


Welcome to Terraria 2! This mod aims to add in loads of content to improve the Terraria experience!

New Content:
-12 types of loot bags
-2 types of crates
-1 type of town NPC

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.1 Edit | Delete
Better Bard Bits
Download v0.2.2 (19.8 KB)


Adds a combination of all the instrument-specific/not-very-good bard accessories from the Thorium Mod, as well as an end-game upgrade to the Balladeer set, to make it on-par with the Terrarium Set.
As such, this mod depends on Thorium. Don't install it if you don't have Thorium installed.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
End of Times
Download v0.105 (25 KB)


Updated to tModLoader v 0.10
Mod Version: 0.102
Stage: Genesis

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10 Edit | Delete
Modified Menu
Download v0.1.1.29 (19.9 MB)

Yuji Sakai (Knightmarevi…

The Modified Menu mod is entirely unique, making the normal menu more space themed.
After much contemplation, I added the feature to disable this, leaving only a fancy new title sprite.



LolXD87 AKA Knawledgen't (Discord)
- Assisted with some reverse engineering which made this mod possible.
Batby (Terraria Community Forums)
- Provided code to add a completely white background.
BloodyMary_73 (Twitter)
- A Junior Graphic Design Consultant, as of the 29/01/2020 (Congratulations!)

This is a mod by Yuji Sakai (#6540 on Discord). For more information, contact

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Gem Conversion
Download v0.2 (4.3 KB)


Adds recipes to convert vanilla gems into other gems
(Modded recipes soon)

v0.2 ~ Mod icon added

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Plantera Bulb Teleporter
Download v1.0 (9.1 KB)


Plantera Bulb Teleporter is a simple mod - it adds an item that teleports you to the world's plantera bulb - no more tedious searching!
To use it, craft the Plantera Bulb Teleporter item, craftable with 1 dirt anywhere. Enjoy!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
No Item Prefixes
Download v1.1 (21.1 KB)


No Item Prefixes by Dark-Assassin

Visit homepage for description and changelog

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Quick NPC Shops
Download v2.3 (23.5 KB)

Sad Onion

Quick way to acces your npc shop

Vanilla Terraria:

Click on npc -> Click on shop button -> Acces the shop

Quick NPC Shops:

Click on npc -> Acces the shop

This mod makes your terraria expirience a little bit better

npcs without shop works the same way: Click on npc -> Do something

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Bulldozer Reborn
Download v0.1.2 (203.3 KB)

dtim, direwolf420

Congratulations on your purchase of the Dig-Dug Dog bulldozer!
Now you will be able to mine massive areas with ease. Be sure to maintain your Dig-Dug Dog properly by regularly visiting your nearest certified dealer.

Please be aware that the Dig-Dug Dog's warranty does not cover:
* Damage from ferocious wildlife.
* Attempting to use on an incline.
* Falling.
* Attempting to operate under water.
* Dogs with orange eyebrows.
* Damage from lava or other hazardous materials.
* Falling.
* Operating the machine on structures with insufficient support.
* Attempting to mine metals more durable than the machine's manual recommends.
* Thin ice.
* And especially falling.

Consider upgrading to the all-new Super Dig-Dug Dog. Mine even faster and even more metals!

Dig-Dug Dog has a default pick strengh of 59%, Super Dig-Dug Dog has a default pick strength of 190%,
but if you have a pickaxe in your inventory with higher value, it will use that instead

Version 0.1.2:
* Update to tModLoader v0.11.3
* Buffed Bulldozer speeds by 20%
* Adjusted pick strength behavior
* Added ability to break walls, check the "Mod Configuration" menu

Version 0.1.1:
* Port to tModLoader v0.10.1.5

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
Item Magnet
Download v0.1 (3.1 KB)


This mod adds a more attractive way of gathering items.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
Craftable Bait
Download v0.2 (3.7 KB)


Craftable Bait is pretty self explanitory

Adds craftable versions of Apprentice Bait, Journeyman Bait, and Master Bait

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.1.2.9 (266.3 KB)



Ranger Armys. Cool Get it.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Valkyrie's Content Crate
Download v1.3.1.2 (573.3 KB)

Valkyrie Valhalla

Just a mod that adds a lot of weapons, including spears.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
NPC AI Changer (Now with an AI Randomizer)
Download v2.0.2 (102.6 KB)


The NPC AI Changer mod has 2 different features, one being a timer-based AI randomizer and the other being an AI changer using commands.
The timer-based AI randomizer will count down starting at the number of seconds set in the config until it hits 0.
When it hits 0, it will randomly choose an AI from a list and apply it to every currently spawned and newly spawned enemy/boss, until the timer counts back down to 0 and another AI is picked.
AI that requires a certian time of day or event will not be applied if that criteria isn't met.

allows you to type in a command which changes the AI of every NPC to that AI.
The command is "/AI number", where number is a whole number between 0 and 111 excluding the numbers 12, 27, 28, 29, 33, 34, 35, 36, 46, 47, 48, 59, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 84, 92, 93, 100, 101 and 104
because they will glitch out and despawn all the enemies if used.
For example, "/AI 69" would give every NPC Duke Fishron AI!
You can see what number corresponds to each AI here:

Check out the config to access the balancing features and other settings.

There is an item in this mod that opens a menu that links to my Discord Server, and my other stuff.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Nycro's Nohit Efficiency Mod
Download v1.5.6 (72.6 KB)


Enables the configuration of various things in game that make nohitting go a little more smoothly
Also adds automatic max HP and mana items

Note that using Calamity's "Hermit's Box of a Hundred Medicines" will prevent the respawn HP override from working.

Currently supported features:
- You can choose to despawn bosses, hostile NPCs (not including bosses), friendly NPCs, hostile projectiles, friendly projectiles, dusts, and grounded items whenever you die or whenever you are hit
- Keeps track of the number of attempts a player has done on any given boss
- Allows the enabling of instant death whenever the player is hit, configurable to be only active whenever a boss is alive or always active
- Allows the disabling of flight time
- Allows the disabling of rain, events/invasions, natural NPC spawns, fallen stars, and tombstones
- You can choose to automatically destroy pickup hearts, mana stars, coins, and all other grounded items
- Players can override the respawn timer
- Players can override their respawn HP
- Players can clear the in game chat automatically on respawn, with a configurable delay
- Players can immdeiately stop boss music on respawn
- Players can reset the in game lighting on respawn
- Allows the display of fight stats in chat on respawn (attempt number, fight length, boss health at the end of the attempt, and slowdown percentage)
- Allows the ability to display the session attempt number above the player's head, also with a configurable timer
- Players can cap gore and dust lifetimes for reduced lag
- Toggleable unlimited consumable weapons, ammo, potions, mana potions, healing potions, and other consumable items
- Players can auto Quick-Buff on respawn or permanently enable potions from the inventory
- Adds the Max Life Crystal, Max Life Fruit, and Max Mana Crystal, which automatically use the max number of their respective bases

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
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