tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
Super's Mod
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Download v0.4.3 (1.5 MB) |
SuperAndyHero |
You know how fun it is to spam fallen stars to make noise? Well now, with this mod, you have a from a variety of noise makers to choose from! Ever wanted to build with mario blocks? You can with This mod!
(Check mod page for more info) (Update Notes Are Backwords, Newest At bottom of Page) +0.2.2 -Added a Remote (Beep Boop Bop) +0.2.3 -Added a Button (Beep Beep Beep) -Started The Collection of noise Makers +0.2.4 -Added a Doorbell -Added a Rubber Band +0.2.5 -Added Musical Workbench (wip) +0.2.6 -Finished Musical Workbench -Added Recipes (Recipes for noise makers are wip) but you can get all current items using legit means now. +0.2.7 -Added a Triangle -New Button Texture -Finished Music Workbench +0.2.8 -Added Adatanium Forge and Titantite Forge +0.2.9 -Finished Adatanium Forge and Titantite Forge -Fixed Bug that made them not drop items +0.3.0 -Added Brick Block -Added ? Block +0.3.1 (Major Update) -Added Placeable Version for Brick Block -Added Placeable Version for ? Block -Added Tile for Brick Block -Added Light Tile for Brick Block + -Small Fix* +0.3.2 -Tweaks + -More Tweaks +0.3.3 -Fixed Mario Blocks -New Noise Item +0.4 -1 new enemy npc -1 new town npc +4.1 -Nothing +0.4.2 -Overhaul Support +0.4.3 -Fixed some recipes Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
Aequus Music
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Download v1.3 (17.5 MB) |
Mr.Gerd26 and Spectra as… |
Nalyd T. as coder, spriter, and creator of Aequus
##### Gerd as musician Spectra as musician ##### v1.2.2 - Replaced Music: - Omega Starite Music - Glimmer Event Music v1.2.1 - Added Music: Gale Streams v1.2 - Added Music: Demon Siege v1.1 - Linked github - Added Music: Glimmer Event Music an Unused Boss' Music v1.0 - Released the mod - Added Music: Crabson Music Omega Starite Music"> Currently up to date with Aequus v1.3 Adds music for: Jerry Crabson, Glimmer Event, Omega Starite, Demon Siege, and the Gale Streams event. ##### Nalyd T. as coder, spriter, and creator of Aequus ##### Gerd as musician Spectra as musician ##### v1.2.2 - Replaced Music: - Omega Starite Music - Glimmer Event Music v1.2.1 - Added Music: Gale Streams v1.2 - Added Music: Demon Siege v1.1 - Linked github - Added Music: Glimmer Event Music an Unused Boss' Music v1.0 - Released the mod - Added Music: Crabson Music Omega Starite Music Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Always Halloween
Download v0.1 (2.2 KB) |
Graydee |
You ever want halloween content, but don't want to wait all those months? Well this mod makes it halloween... ALWAYS!!
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v1.3.4.93 (44.7 MB) |
4399_luchen(Rainbow Fluo… |
作者:彩色荧光棒制作组 陀螺:戮辰 程序:寒元 风若兰 以及场外援助:小裙子 北海若 画师:果冻 G 子冀 Wan 稻草人 玄羽 傻白 青枫 叶风 TMRC(使用了遗留作品) 策划:夜鸢 空想 白雪 Spe 画卡 哈士奇 测试:寒元 夜鸢 白 上传:脏渔歌 本mod比较硬核, 心脏病患者、手残党、新人、心理承受能力差者请选择普通模式! 创建地图时在最后加/fzn /hel /ori等有惊喜! 强烈推荐游玩 FallenStar49(四十九落星) 源自tAPI的远古mod彩色荧光棒 关于本mod: QQ群:一群:134604085 二群:578468048 三群:892738438 Trbbs的帖子:↓ Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.1 | Edit | Delete |
Truly Random Loot
Download v0.1.2 (7.1 KB) |
Obelisk9990 |
This is my first mod, and I got the idea from another mod previously on here called crazydrops. This mod makes mobs drop truly random loot. This is a set % of mobs. By default it is 0.2% which means 1 in 500 mobs drops a completely random item. This can be anything from a dirt block to a high tier weapon. Every item is included in the pool, including from mods. Thanks for trying my mod.
-Obelisk9990 Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Free Wood Mod
Download v0.1.1 (2.2 KB) |
NinjaPenguinOne |
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood??
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Fall Damage For NPC
Download v1.1.0 (25.9 KB) |
Gonkilod |
FallDamageNPC adds falling damage for NPCs except friendly, immortal, and not subject to gravity.
1.1.0 v --------------------------------------- - Addded fall-coefficient depending on NPC type: - Slimes takes 12% more damage (except ice types that takes 8% more damage) - Skeletrons takes 6% more damage (armored takes less damage: 3% for little armor, and nothing for full armor) - Bon Lee skeletron takes 9% less damage because of its good skills - Snowmans takes takes 8% more damage - Possessed Armor takes 15% less damage - Granite Golem takes 15% less damage - Paladin takes 15% less damage - Cyborg takes 6% less damage 1.0.1 v --------------------------------------- - Mod icon added Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Better Pre Hardmode
Download v0.1 (4.3 KB) |
commanderCrispi |
Makes pre-hardmode better.
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Protogens! A race mod by Exabyte
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Download v1.0.5 (375.6 KB) |
Exabyte |
Requires MrPlague's Races.
Best played (thematically) with mechanical summons and sentries. Protogens! is a mod that adds, well... Protogens! If something here doesn't seem quite right, please keep in mind that this is my first mod for terraria! Protogens, being part machine, are gifted tinkerers and skilled machinists. Their expertise with fine machinery and technology allows them to raise mechanical armies when left to their own devices. (Very good summoner.) With minds of metal and wire, they have split-second reactions and reliably strike true with modern arms and ordinance, although they are not optimized for use of bows very well. (Bonus damage to Bullets and Rockets, damage penalty to Arrows) Due to always having power tools handy, they never needed any major muscle mass. (Bad at melee, mines slower with pickaxes.) Because Protogens are masters of technology, the magics completely dumbfound them. Protogens simply do not understand how magic works in the slightest, and as such have great difficulty using it. (Terrible as mages.) Because of a protogen's handiness, they often make backup drones, called upon when they need a threat eliminated, and now. Upon pressing the Active Ability Key, an air support drone is summoned, eqipped with a machinegun, to come to your aid. It's only a prototype, but you suspect you have a few ideas for it... (Drone upgrades as bosses are defeated.) Credit goes to me for programming, my friend FishingHoek for most of the sprites, my friend Berserker_Zero for balance advice, and the TModLoader community for helping me out with minion AI. If you find any bugs, join the discord server ( and go to the #bug-reports channel. (Also, don't ping the mods about it please.) 1.0.5 Changelog: - Fixed rockets from Air Support dealing damage to friendlies. (Big thanks to TRYAGAIN211 for providing the code for this!) Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Automatic Healing Potions
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Download v1.1 (23.6 KB) |
Mashinec |
Are you tired of pressing "Quick Heal" key mid-battle? Well this mod might just be for you.
Healing Potions are now automatically used when at low health. The mod is also configurable. (It also works on other healing consumables) If you find any bugs message Mashin#9600 on discord. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.6 | Edit | Delete |
Ultra Weapon Pack
Download v0.3.0.2 (46.2 KB) |
FaN |
----=Ultra Weapon Pack W.I.P=----
Adds 30+ items Soon; Armor 3sets more weapons Crafting/droprate to all Items! Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Kinda Like Overhaul Camera (No shake version)
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Download v1.3.2 (25.7 KB) |
4keY |
Pretty simple mod.
Changes your camera to look more like in Overhaul mod for more immersive experience. this version doesn't add camera shake v1.3 Tweaked camera distance Oopsie forgot the icon. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.4 | Edit | Delete |
Terraria Sound Suite
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Download v0.1.3.1 (97.9 KB) |
direwolf420 |
Do you want to use a weapon but can't stand the sound it makes? All the grunting sounds zombies make annoy you? Want to make your boots sound like squeaky ducks? Well, here is the solution!
This clientside mod comes with an extensive config (found under "Mod Configuration" ingame and on the cog icon in the mod list) that allows you to play, adjust, change and remove sounds in the game. It also allows you to "see" sounds, which comes in handy for people with hearing impairment, called "Deaf Mode". To use this mod to its fullest capabilities, use the "Inspect Mode". An explanation of the config and the sounds, aswell as a changelog, can be found on the homepage. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
OP Shadow Sword
Download v1.7 (5.9 KB) |
Domitance42 |
OP Shadow Sword Is A Mod That Adds A Sword That Can Do 2000000 Damage!
HOW TO CRAFT 10 Meowmere's, 7 Terrarians, 10000 Dirt Blocks, 412 Platinum Coins. There Is Also A Slightly Better Sword That Requires The Same Materials Just More of Them. CRAFT AT A MYTHRIL ANVIL! This Is My 3rd Test Mod, As I Do Not Know How To Code Properly, BUT I AM LEARNING!!! My Other Mods: Domitance42's Mod [Abandoned] Infared Mod And This Mod"> OP Shadow Sword Is A Mod That Adds A Sword That Can Do 2000000 Damage! HOW TO CRAFT 10 Meowmere's, 7 Terrarians, 10000 Dirt Blocks, 412 Platinum Coins. There Is Also A Slightly Better Sword That Requires The Same Materials Just More of Them. CRAFT AT A MYTHRIL ANVIL! This Is My 3rd Test Mod, As I Do Not Know How To Code Properly, BUT I AM LEARNING!!! My Other Mods: Domitance42's Mod [Abandoned] Infared Mod And This Mod Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Super Fishing Rod
Download v1.1 (15.9 KB) |
Nobisyu12 |
Basically adds a fishing rod that is insanely powerful to allow for faster fishing. It shoots like 50 lines, can fish in lava, and the line never breaks. This mod was made just to allow people that hate fishing to get the grind over with faster. The fishing rod is crafted out of diamonds and cobwebs at an anvil. The Super Fishing Rod! Anyway, have fun I guess lol.
Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Sloome calamity addition (read desc)
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Download v1.5.3.6 (9.2 MB) |
Jelly_Bloop |
UPDATE: sloome has been ported to 1.4 but won't be out due to calamity and bugs
Adds a post boss rush super boss This is not to be confused with catalyst mod calamity addition "A FAR more superior addition than this" boss summon only works when SCal and Exo mechs are defeated Playing multiplayer has horrific results music (in the final remix by GaMetal) suggested by DMolRod Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Nerf Blasters
Download v2.8.1 (544.3 KB) |
Pootis |
Embrace your inner childhood with these virtual Nerf Blasters! This mod aims to add all of Hasbro's Nerf Blasters and their reskins! N-Strike Series -Maverick REV-6 -Longshot CS-6 -Recon CS-6 -Raider CS-6 -Sharpfire -Jolt EX-1 -Alpha Trooper CS-6 -Deploy CS-6 -Longstrike CS-6 -Firefly REV-8 -Spectre REV-5 -Nite Finder EX-3 -Plus dozens of cosmetic reskin options! Ammo: -Standard Foam Darts -Glow in the dark darts -Elite Darts -MEGA Darts (Not used yet) -Sonic ICE Darts -Sonic FIRE Darts -Anti-Zombie darts (Properties may conflict with other mods) -Battery (Right-click with certain guns to shoot a laser that lowers enemy defense.) Changelog: -No new guns this time, but I've added an item that should hopefully toggle wether or not tokens will drop if they're filling up your inventory! Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Item Control
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Download v1.3 (44.2 KB) |
Saschahi |
Welcome to my 2nd Mod! If you like this mod you're sure to like my other Mod "NPC Control"!
At the moment this mod has only 1 Feature: - Ban Items of your choosing (They're getting deleted and a Chat Message pops up) Hope this will help some Server Owners with their "Item Frame" problems and such. Also compatible with Items from other mods! How to use: 1. Ingame go to settings 2. Click Mod Configuration 3. Click "Item Control: ItemConfig" 4. Add Items of your choosing to the list 5. Click Save after you put the banned items on the list. Planned features - Excempts for getting checked Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.0.4.1 (1.6 MB) |
the fogotten yogurt |
Raiders Mod is a W.I.P mod that tries to make the players have fun! it has a lot of planned things for the future!
check the discord server here hotfixes 0.0.4 1 new miniboss 1 new enemy removed some weapons 1 mount added 4 resprites 3 weapons added 0.0.3 1 new ammo 2 re-sprites 4 enemies 0.0.2 1 armour 1 enemy 3 weapons buffs & nerfs 0.0.1 3 weapons added Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Teleport All NPC Home
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Download v1.0 (16.2 KB) |
-Cyril- |
It added a command "/npchome". It teleports all town NPCs to their homes (if they have) immediately.
If the player changes the NPC's home, it will be teleported to its new home. 添加了一个指令"/npchome". 可以直接将所有NPC传送回他们的家. 如果玩家改变了某个NPC的家,那么这个NPC会立刻传送到它的新家. Github: Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |