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Download v0.4.0.1 (124.4 KB)

\\\Magician///, Xijiks, …

-----|Maggic v0.4|-----

This mod adds new magical items
Have a good game!
(some items may not work correctly in multiplayer)


---0.4.1 (7 january 2019)---
-Fixed problem with downloading mod

---0.4 (6 january 2019)---
-Added mod icon
-Added new items
-Added mobs
-Some sprites have been changed
-Changed crafts
-Some other small changes
-Fixed some bugs

--- (17 january 2018)---
-Some fixes and other small changes

---0.3.3 (16 january 2018)---
-Now Spell: Teleport gives debuff "Chaos State"

---0.3.2 (15 january 2018)---
-Changed "Quick Spell: Glow Blow" mechanics
-Changed Spell Scroll price
-Some other small changes

---0.3.1 (15 january 2018)---
-Changed crafts for buff spells
-Added new buff spells

---0.3 (14 january 2018)---
-Renamed all spells
-Added new spells
-Added buff spells, which give you a buff for a minute and dyslexia for 2 minutes, during which you cannot use these spells again
-Added quick spells, which spent when using (drops from some mobs)
-Changed attack for fire (fire, frozen fire, cursed fire) spells
-Removed increasing the range of some spells, now they have almost similar attack range

---0.2 (22 december 2017)---
-Total 14 items
-Added Spell: Teleport, which can teleport you to a random point in the world
-Added Spells: Petal, which shoot flower petals
-Reduced damage from <Spells: Cursed Fire>
-Added changelog

---0.1 (21 december 2017)---
-Total 10 items
-Now in pre-hardmode you can't get more than 100 mana from Mana Crystals

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Craftable Truffle Worm
Download v0.1 (2.1 KB)

Mod Author

Unsurprisingly, makes Truffle Worms craftable.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Fargoth's Misc
Download v0.5.1 (200.9 KB)


Fargoth's Misc is a hand full of random Items and Weapons I've Made in the pass an was never able to use in other mods I worked on I will be updating and adding to this mod as much as I can and making new items that i thought would be fun or interesting

If you have any ideas Send me a message on Discord under any Terraria page lol or Just @FargothNin me always happy to talk and work with people

-v0.5 Sorry for the long delay my laptop had died and with it all my code I didn't know the version that was uploaded was so bugged
I've fix all bugs I know of as of right now
and I'm working to add more content and changing current content
Let me know if there is anything you wanna see in your game

-v0.4 Finished Spinner set hopefully it all works lol

-v0.3 Added a few Weapons

-v0.2 Added Spinners to the game again just because its been awhile since i've seen them and i had left overs

-v0.1 Added Teeth to the game into drop tables and crafting will be tweaked with time

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1.8.1 (239 KB)


TerraDimension adds new items that are either Neptunia themed
items or misc things I use a filler whilst procrastinating
about updating.

Added a Homepage
~Creating a Forum thread with a small wiki inside it

V 0.1.8
Added Protaguim ore+bar
Added Schneesturm
Added Earthquake
Added Wooden Katana
Added Pure Jelly
Added Acidic Jelly
Added Colored silks for making vanity and other
future projects.
Added Battery
Added Schwarz Processor Unit
Added Lilac Processor Unit
Added some new materials and some books became materials
Changed the mods name yet again

Added the NG N14 to the Pre-hardmode arms dealer.

~Reminding you that Royal Honey makes Hornets/Bees friendly
But not their stingers they shoot~
Added the SDMG to the NG P.U.R.G. 98's recipie.
-Added NG N14

-Added Frost
-Added recipie to Höllensturm
-Added Corrupt Heart
-Added Corrupted Heart
-Added Royal Honey

Updated to tMod ~Thanks Yoraz0r
^Don't try this at home kiddos

-Added Valkyrie
-Added Blase Sturm
-Added Höllensturm
-Blade is back baby!
-Added the NG P90
NG P90[Bought at the Arms Dealer]
-Added the NG PH47
-Added the NG P.U.R.G. 98
-Added Corrupt Veil!!! ~Special thanks to Fargowitlas
CVeil[1Starveil+1Worm scarf]
>Gun Blade has been removed because I can't sprite :(

V 0.1.7
-Changed the mods name from T0stersMod to NepgearsMod
-Added Curse
^[Dropped from Desert Spirits]
-Corrected the name of Beam Sword to Beam Saber
-Changed Beam Saber to auto re-use
-Beam Saber got a new sprite ~Thanks to Ducky
-Changed the speed of Fire's projectile
-Added Volley and it's counterparts.
^[Once you craft it you can combine it with 100 of another arrow~
~to create the variations.]
-Added right click abilities to some weapons
-Added Gun Blade ~Unfinished
>Removed Blade for now until I take the time to fi

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Torch Friend
Download v1.2.1 (8.8 KB)


Did you go mining deep down and forget to bring a torch? No problem! Craft a torch with 25 dirt blocks or 25 snow blocks or 25 ice blocks etc..


Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Cactus Damage
Download v1.8 (14.5 KB)


Cactus Damage adds a mechanic that when any player touches a cactus, that player takes 6 to 8 damage by default (this can be changed in the config) and gets knocked back (which can be disabled in the config).


Thanks to daimgamer for the icon

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.4 Edit | Delete
Souls, Stars, and more Shop
Download v7.0.3 (86.6 KB)


Makes NPCs sell things you normally wouldn't be able to buy.


Arms Dealer:
Fallen Star = 1 Silver each
Soul of Flight = 2 Silver
Jungle Spores = 20 Copper
Lens = 1 Silver

In HardMode
Soul of Night = 5 Silver
Soul of Light = 5 Silver
Soul of Flight = 5 Silver
Anklet of Wing = 1 Gold
Goblin Tinkerer:
Spectre Boots = 6 Gold
Arms Dealer:
MegaShark = 1 Platinum

After Beating Twins
Soul of Sight = 80 Silver

After Beating Skeletron Prime
Soul of Might = 80 Silver

After Beating The Destroyer
Soul of Fright = 80 Silver
After Beating Plantera
Spectra Bars = 1.5 Gold
Ectoplasm = 50 Silver
After Beating The Moonlord
Goblin Tinkerer:
Drill Containment Unit = 30 Gold

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.665 (177.2 KB)

Doctor Moonbad

D-Mode inserts a bunch of new RPG elements into Terraria.
Do not forget to join the mod's Discord Server,
there you can report bugs, weird interactions and

To join, just use the link:

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Potion Seller
Download v1.1 (21.2 KB)


v1.0 - Potion Seller adds an NPC that sells potions. Prices are not final. (Calamity Support Included)

v1.1 - Fixed issue with Calamity store

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Galaxy of Minions
Download v1.0 (18.1 KB)

Scuttlebug A-Press[Baka]

Galaxy of Minions is a mod where it heavily expands on the Summoner Class.

Current Content:
11 Summon Weapons

Planned Content:
Recipe for Slime Staff
Summoner Armor
More Summoner Weapons


1.0: Released

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
No Buff Limit
Download v0.2 (5.5 KB)

Anime Catgirl

No Buff Limit makes the buff limit the max safe int16 (because terraria)

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Thor's hammer
Download v0.1.6 (6.2 KB)


Forged in the heart of a fallen star, Mjolnir cannot be stopped by anyone... or anything. (pierces infinitely and destoys blocks on contact)
Damage increases non-linearly with player's max health.
Ignores explosion-proof blocks, platforms and minecart tracks, torches, chairs, tables and banners for ease of use.

Previously used to ignore prefixes and armor bonuses, *is now affected normally by prefixed and armor bonuses*
Currently also replaces the projectile image for paladin's hammer, change is cosmetic only(working to fix it).

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Ultimate Weaponry Destruction Super Mega Weaponry Modification
Download v0.1 (8.2 KB)

Big Boy

Ultimate Weaponry Destruction Super Mega Weaponry Modification is the best modification my friend, featuring the best weaponry in the land.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Infinity Edge
Download v1.3 (242.6 KB)


- Infinity Edge -
Adds cool swords to your Terraria Experience!

- Ver. 1.1 / 1.2 -
-Minor Bug Fixes

- Ver. 1.0 -
-New Sword! 'Doombringer'

- Ver. 0.2 -
- Minor Bug Fixes

- Ver. 0.1 -
- Mod Created!
- Infinity Blade Added!

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.5 (20.7 KB)


NarutoTerraria is a mod that, similar to mods like "Dragon Ball Terraria" and "JoJoStands", will attenmpt to add many things from the anime "Naruto".

Planned Features:

Chakra/Chakra Meater.
Chakra Direction.(Walking on walls and water)
Chakra Element Affinitys
Summoning Jutsu
Subworlds for every Animal
Sub worlds for each clan.
Dojutsu,Tijutsu,ninjutsu,genjutsu, etc..

Current Features:
Blank Head Band (Can be crafted with 2 silk and 1 Iron/Lead bar. can be placed in accesseroy slot and shows up on your head.)

Shuriken (25 Can be crafted with just 1 Iron/Lead Bar. A better shuriken that looks like the one from the anime, you can throw a lot of them but they dont do much damage.
[I plan to have better options like kuni and the deamon wind shuriken])

Blank Waist Band (Can be crafted with 2 silk and 1 Iron/Lead bar. can be placed in accesseroy slot and shows up on ouround your waist.)

Kunai (5 Can be crafted with 1 silk and 1 Iron/Lead bar. you cna slash or throw, does more damage and knockback than shuriken)

Ramen (Can be crafted wit h a duck and a boul of soup, gives the well fed bugg, thank yo ufor 1k downlaods :})

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Download v1.5.8 (84.9 KB)


Cosmic Arsenal it's a Post MoonLord/Golem mod that is currently in development adding some new Post Moonlord and Golem weapons.

New Update!

Aphelion: Vampire Knives Upgrade!
Polaris: North Pole Upgrade!

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Download v3.7 (270.5 KB)


The LivingDewCrew Has Come Out With A New Mod, To Expand Your Gaming Experiance Bro!

Please check out LivingDew on Youtube!


- New Mob, Almighty Charger

- Animation Fixes

-Balancing, Fixes
- New Mob, Almighty Dew Drop

- New Boss LivingDew

- Balancing, Fixes


- New NPC, Barney The Unholy! - Possesses The player To Attack

- New Hardmode Weapons

- Minor Fixes And Changes


- New NPC, Nate The Almighty! - Cursed Coin Targets The Player (No Damage Don't Worry)

- Major Balancing

- Extra Hardmode Weapons!


- Minor Updates

- Name Changes

- New Powers!


This mod includes several different weapons with unique and interesting qualities including:

- Several Weapons

- Glitched Out Armor

- 5 New Mobs

- 1 new Boss

- 3 Town NPCs

- And So Much More!



Weaponized Tools


Dual Use Weapons

And More!

There are also a couple works in progress in the mod including:




There will be several updates to this mod so go to my page LivingDew on the Terraria forums if you have a request or bug that needs fixing!

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Weapons of Mass Decoration
Download v1.3.1.2 (425.6 KB)


This mod's goal is to provide methods of painting that are both faster and more fun to use!

Many different painting weapons and ammunition are available to use, with each spreading paint in their own unique way!

In addition to the weapons, there are custom paints, including rainbow, flame, blue flame, green flame, grayscale and more!

Ever wondered what a purple Eye of Cthulhu, a negative Zombie, or a rainbow Duke Fishron would look like? Well now you do! And this mod will let you find out! Enemies that you hit with painting weapons will also become painting in whatever color of paint you're using!

There's even an additional Chaos Mode that adds in many zany new features that will help spread paint far and wide! (Note: this is turned off by default and needs to be enabled in the mod's config)

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Craftable WoF Class Emblems
Download v0.2.1.1 (13.5 KB)


Are you tired of killing the Wall of Flesh over and over again, only to never drop your desired class emblem?
Do you have duplicates of duplicates of all the other emblems, but not the one you want?
Have you ever wanted a thrower emblem added to the game?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, this mod is for you!

So what this mod does is add a couple of recipes that allow the player to craft one class emblem (warrior, ranger, sorcerer, summoner or thrower) by combining the other four in a Tinkerer's workshop, kinda like you can do with the lunar pillar fragments.

I made this mod for the sake of practice. Haven't tried it in multiplayer, but it *shouldn't* create any problems.

Credit goes to discord user "maker of scratchock live#5836" for the Thrower Emblem idea and sprite!

ver 0.1: Release.
ver 0.2: Changed the mod's display name from "I Want My Class Emblem" to "Craftable WoF Class Emblems" so it makes more sense. Added a new class emblem for the throwing class.
ver 0.2.1: Added a little icon.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Auto Potion
Download v0.1.17 (40.8 KB)


Auto Potion is a mod which gives a player the ability to automatically consume potions and foods which are located in certain inventories.
While auto potion is enabled it consumes the potions inside the defined inventory and once the duration of a potion runs out it automatically drinks the potion again.

The mod configurations has the following options.

The inventories are:
* Player Inventory
* Bank
* Safe
* Defender's Forge.

There are also multiple config options for this mod like:
* Infinite potions *This can be allowed/disallowed by the server*
* Use last potion
* Disable on death
* Print empty potions & print color
* Increase the maximum number of available buffs (default in terraria is 22) *This is a server only option. Works on Single-player aswell.*

There are also 2 keybind options.
* "Toggle auto potion" which enables or disables the auto potion consumption
* "Single use potion" which is similar to the default terraria keybind "B" which consumes all potions which are located in the defined inventory

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
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