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Sins Mod(WIP)
Download v0.0.0.12 (41.4 MB)


This mod is aiming to expand the game by adding items, bosses, etc.

This mod is WIP now so contents are overpowered and unstable.

If you can have good ideas, or fix typos, you can join the discord server (link on forum page) and help me.

-Supporting Mods-
-Boss Checklist
v0.0.0.0 to v0.0.0.12: WIP
2021 5/29
-New items
-Added some structures.
-Can be generated stella biome after Moon Lord has been defeated.
-Can be generated Deepsea.
-Some resprites
-Fixed fatal multiplayer bug
-Added 4 music by ra_men0
-Added Dark Matter set
-Removed Andromeda, Spiral, Magellanic and Milkyway Armor
2020 11/22
-Ores generated in the sky will be replaced by skyline ores.
-You can now use fonts that include Japanese
-Added ablility bar UI
-Stella biome almost compleated
-Added stella npcs
-Some resprites
-Buffed some vanilla bosses when Limit Cut is activated
2020 8/1
-Removed or changed thrower class contents
-Resprited Demonite Staff
-Resprited Adam & Eve
-Add some sprites
-Removed mystic & distortion
-Added stella biome. It will be gen PML but not for now.
-Betsy's curse applied to players.(It has own buff icon)
-Changed mod icon
2020 6/20
-Some weapons work fine
> Centry Weapons, Worm Minion Weapons, Mageranic Blaze
-Buffed some vanilla bosses when Limit Cut is activated
2020 4/28
-Small fixes
2020 4/26
-Fixed stuck on the "resetting game objects" and just does not move when making a new world
-Fixed Tidal Stream texture
-Added JP translation
2020 2/29
V0.0.0.6: Early Access
-Removed items
> All ???, All Cross Bow, All Ballistic Arrow, Asura Armorset, etc
-Removed Mystic and distortion meteors
-Added the ore that is generated when you defeated Wall of Flesh
-Added new mode
-Shadowflame and Daybroken debuff applied to players.
2020 1/4
V0.0.0.5: Early Access
-Added new 3 biomes
-Changed ritual texture
2019 11/10
-Supported Boss Highlights
-Added new boss
-Added items but most items still unavailable
==========================================="> ===========================================
This mod is aiming to expand the game by adding items, bosses, etc.

This mod is WIP now so contents are overpowered and unstable.

If you can have good ideas, or fix typos, you can join the discord server (link on forum page) and help me.

-Supporting Mods-
-Boss Checklist
v0.0.0.0 to v0.0.0.12: WIP
2021 5/29
-New items
-Added some structures.
-Can be generated stella biome after Moon Lord has been defeated.
-Can be generated Deepsea.
-Some resprites
-Fixed fatal multiplayer bug
-Added 4 music by ra_men0
-Added Dark Matter set
-Removed Andromeda, Spiral, Magellanic and Milkyway Armor
2020 11/22
-Ores generated in the sky will be replaced by skyline ores.
-You can now use fonts that include Japanese
-Added ablility bar UI
-Stella biome almost compleated
-Added stella npcs
-Some resprites
-Buffed some vanilla bosses when Limit Cut is activated
2020 8/1
-Removed or changed thrower class contents
-Resprited Demonite Staff
-Resprited Adam & Eve
-Add some sprites
-Removed mystic & distortion
-Added stella biome. It will be gen PML but not for now.
-Betsy's curse applied to players.(It has own buff icon)
-Changed mod icon
2020 6/20
-Some weapons work fine
> Centry Weapons, Worm Minion Weapons, Mageranic Blaze
-Buffed some vanilla bosses when Limit Cut is activated
2020 4/28
-Small fixes
2020 4/26
-Fixed stuck on the "resetting game objects" and just does not move when making a new world
-Fixed Tidal Stream texture
-Added JP translation
2020 2/29
V0.0.0.6: Early Access
-Removed items
> All ???, All Cross Bow, All Ballistic Arrow, Asura Armorset, etc
-Removed Mystic and distortion meteors
-Added the ore that is generated when you defeated Wall of Flesh
-Added new mode
-Shadowflame and Daybroken debuff applied to players.
2020 1/4
V0.0.0.5: Early Access
-Added new 3 biomes
-Changed ritual texture
2019 11/10
-Supported Boss Highlights
-Added new boss
-Added items but most items still unavailable

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Disable Spreading
Download v1.0.0 (98.3 KB)


Allows the player to disable biome spreading.

Automatically disables corruption and crimson spreading,
but hallow will still spread by default.

Command list:
'/currentspread' => Show current spread settings.
'/togglecorruption' => Toggle corruption spreading.
'/togglecrimson' => Toggle crimson spreading.
'/togglehallow' => Toggle hallow spreading.

Version history:
1.0.0: Initial release.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Gamers Dream
Download v0.0.2.2 (287.5 KB)

Sounder Studio

This Mod Adds Many Things From Many Games

These Games Are:

The Legend of Zelda
Hollow Knight
Kingdom Hearts
Smash Bros
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
A Hat in Time
Paper Mario
Super Paper Mario

I Have a better mod: Elements Unleahsed
My Youtube Channel : Sounder Studio
Im open to suggestions, so if you want things from a certain game, you can ask via my youtube channel

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Better Music & Music Replacer
Download v2.1.3 (47.1 MB)


[1.3] Music Replacer allows you to customize Terraria's soundtrack.
Comes with a bunch of default tracks, though you can easily remove them if you don't like them. Probably compatible with every mod.

- Customize music for each individual enemy
- Replace biome music & title music
- Replace any modded event, biome or boss music
- Add conditions for your music:
- Only play when boss is in phase 2
- Only when player is underground
- Only during the night
- etc..

Included music is a mishmash of 1.4, Console Terraria, Otherworld, Calamity Extra Music, and Overhaul tracks:

Alt Rain: Terraria 1.4
Jungle Night: Terraria 1.4
Underground Desert: Terraria 1.4
Underground Jungle: Terraria 1.4
Ocean Night: Terraria Console OST
Space Night: Terraria Console OST
Title: Terraria Console OST
Blizzard: Cold Front by Turqoise
Underground Hallow: Chaos Elemental by DM Dokuro

King Slime: Gelatine Throne by Turquoise
Eye of Cthulhu: Boss 1 (Redux) by Kirbyrocket
Queen Bee: Stinging Onslaught by Turquoise
Wall of Flesh: Otherworld Wall of Flesh
The Destroyer: Otherworld Boss 2
The Twins: Boss 2 Remix by Kirbyrocket
Skeletron Prime: Boss 1 Orchestra by Blake Robinson
Plantera Phase 1 & 2: Plantera Metal Cover by FalKKonE
Duke Fishron: Eye of Cthulhu by DM Dokuro
Lunatic Cultist: Breaking the Seal by Turqoise

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Aronotopia \ Zenith Weapon Dan
Download v1.9.3.1 (4.7 MB)


Autor this mod DanMi
There are many weapons, accessories, and ride mechanisms in the mod. There are also prototype zenith weapons.
Pay attention to the flying saucer.
If you want me to translate it into your language, please write to me in English.
My Discord:

Added Royal.

Updated Royal and added its variety.

Added weapons after the moon lord. Added Zenith bow!

Fixed a bug where the weapon summoned by the zenith bow did not disappear.


Hot fix.


Add new Accessories!

Bloodie Wings, Ore Radar, Tarian Wings

and new ammo pack.

Dynamite Quiver, Endless CrystaDart Quiver, Endless Cursed Dart Quiver, Endless Dart Quiver, Endless Ichor Bullet, and...


Add Zenith Staff.


AWESOME. New rideable carriage - flying saucer.


Added many types of weapons allowing you to shoot with the left and right mouse button.
Added a bed that allows you to skip day and night.


Added Throwing weapons: Sets vampire knifes.

Add more Endless Quiver and Pouch ammo.


Added new throwing vampire knives and daggers

BuG fIx

add two machine weapon: Gun (Mortridon) and Dart (Rorh)

add machine magic weapon: Shonhi

Add Heavy Sword Zenith: Rungin
+Update Zenith weapons: Bow - Boreyriandr, Staff - Delgalielium


localization RU
Fix bug item (Truffle Bottle)

New item:
Range weapon low level
Coal and related items

Bug fix
New item:
Melee weapon - Steel Sword

Bug Fix grenade and dynamite gun
New item: Mechanical Bloody Arms - Automates auto-attack.

Bug Fix

Bug fix
New range weapon
Add effects range mod weapon


Add news weapon!
Dual use guns.
New dart guns.
Bug fix.
New packs ammunation.

Auranda new sprites.
Rebalanse items.
New item: Bullets and arrows.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2.10 (1.6 MB)


Please Note; This mod is currently in Beta,
more will be added over time and bugs fixed.
Visit the mods hompage at

This mod currently adds one new early hardmode boss
and one new prehardmode boss;
"Mulung, the heart of hell" and "The Mask" with
and corresponding drops and items (For expert mode and normal mode).

-Broken Totem functionality change
-Finally fixed the problem with offset dust in Mulung projectiles
-Removed Mana sounds from playing during Mulung fight
-Very minor changes to The Mask and Broken Totem
-Added Bowl of Venom equipeed sprite
-Many balance changes
-More sprite changes
-New Item: Broken Totem, the new expert mode drop for the mask
-Bowl of venom no longer expert mode exclusive drop
-Some much needed nerfs for Ancient Tiki armour and Bone Shell
-Ancient Tiki Armour is now crafted with a new Mask drop Mask Cores and Mask fragments
-The Mask now drops mask fragments
-New Item: Mask Core, crafting item dropped by The Mask
-Sell value and npc value changes to stop you getting many platnium per boss fight.
-Inverted changlog direction to make it easier to read (finally)
-Updates for new tmodloader version
-Sprite changes
-Some minor name and description changes
-Crafting changes
-Ancient Tiki Armour nerf
-Bowl of Venom buff
-Very Minor Balance changes.
-Added Possessed Mask Banner
-Hopefully fixes 'the mask' bug where it would constently fall through the world.
-Reduced possessed mask spawnrate in normal mode.
-Reduced size of Totem item to make it more natural to hold.
-Made boss bags in expert mode for Mask and Mulung work proper
-Other bug fixes.
-Reuploade of v0.2.3 because inability to download new version.
-The Mask now despawns when all players are killed or inactive where it was broken before.
-Servants of Mulung now despawn alongside Mulung.
-Fixes BossChecklst multiplayer issues. (Thanks to Direwolf again ya legend)
-Adds new downedMask and downedMulung bools for cross mod compatibility
-Adds compatibility with BossChecklist mod
-Adds new Arrow variant: Hellrite Arrow, a power ful new arrow
that transmutes into a fireball on death.
-Removed unused or duplicate files.
-Adds a new enemy to the underground jungle:
The possesed mask, a spirit like mob that drops Tiki Mask Fragments.
-Adds a new prehardmode boss: The Mask,
a jungle dwelling construct that summons enemies and teleports to cut you down.
-Adds The Mask's respective drops
-Adds The Maks' expert AI
-Adds a new Item, the Tiki Totem a new item to summon the Mask.


Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Limited Life
Download v1.6.6 (218.3 KB)


The Limited Life Mod
For new playthroughs only.

- Your maximum life is stuck at 15,000.
- All normal forms of healing are nullified.
- Only treasure bags, , and heal you.
- Death is permanent.

Limited Life is multiplayer-compatible!
Supports CalamityMod items!

- CalamityMod's health items (e.g. Dragonfruit) heal 1,000 life.
- These values are configurable.
- Visit the homepage for a changelog, detailed information, support, and a list of known issues.
- Locked heart sprite by Moonburn (@Moonburn IT on forums).

Good luck."> The Limited Life Mod
For new playthroughs only.

- Your maximum life is stuck at 15,000.
- All normal forms of healing are nullified.
- Only treasure bags, , and heal you.
- Death is permanent.

Limited Life is multiplayer-compatible!
Supports CalamityMod items!

- CalamityMod's health items (e.g. Dragonfruit) heal 1,000 life.
- These values are configurable.
- Visit the homepage for a changelog, detailed information, support, and a list of known issues.
- Locked heart sprite by Moonburn (@Moonburn IT on forums).

Good luck.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
OP stuff mod
Download v0.3.1 (115.3 KB)


just adds a bunch of items, mainly for cheating....
put a luminite bar in the guide to see the recipie for the base item!
(homepage is discord server, leave suggestions and bug reports there).

v0.3: added description and icon
v0.2: added a sheild, a regen pack, base item, and a shortsword.
v0.1: created mod (only 1 sword).

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
No Speed Limit
Download v1.0.0.3 (27.2 KB)


No Speed Limit is a simple Mod that disables the horizontal speed limit in Terraria.
That's it.
The effect enables itself with the Mod.
Be aware that you can go at very high speeds while using some items.
I just did it for the memes.

-Added Configuration to enable and disable the effect.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Better Mana Regeneration
Download v0.3 (57.8 KB)


Mana Regeneration Potion buff, mana regenerates slower when you are moving. Much slower.

I don't like relying on potions while I am not fighting bosses so I changed that.

This mod removes that moving check so that even while you are moving you will regenerate mana just as fast! However, it does not currently reduce the regeneration delay (the delay before mana regen starts).

This mod has no effect when you are standing still or if you have theMana Regeneration Potion buff. Mana Regeneration Potions behave as normal and quaffing them still provides a very noticeable buff.

Requires TerrariaHooks."> In vanilla when you don't have theMana Regeneration Potion buff, mana regenerates slower when you are moving. Much slower.

I don't like relying on potions while I am not fighting bosses so I changed that.

This mod removes that moving check so that even while you are moving you will regenerate mana just as fast! However, it does not currently reduce the regeneration delay (the delay before mana regen starts).

This mod has no effect when you are standing still or if you have theMana Regeneration Potion buff. Mana Regeneration Potions behave as normal and quaffing them still provides a very noticeable buff.

Requires TerrariaHooks.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Recipes +
Download v1.117 (13.2 KB)

BenGallegos aka BenGTheG…

Adds recipes to vanilla terraria!

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.1 Edit | Delete
Serum W (血清-W)
Download v0.5 (3.5 MB)


* 15, Recall Potions * 10, Lumite Bar * 10, and Nanites * 250 to craft one near an Ancient Manipulator.
Due to technical issues, this mod is not stable much, but I'll do my best to fix it.
This mod cannot be used in multiplayer.

-Some bugs fix.
-Now environment effects will not affect warping player.
-Doubles the cooldown of Serum.
-Wires will not be activated when warping.
-Fix the issue that player cannot explore maps when warping.
-Fix the issue about warping on the boundary of the world.
-Now player will not get stuck easily after warping.
-Minor details fixed.
-Serum can damage town NPCs when you equip the corresponding voodoo dolls.
-Fixed the bug that dangersense potion buff highlights all the tiles.
-Speed up the warping process.


-加速传送过程。"> This mod adds the Serum W from game 'Library of Ruina'.
You can use Teleportation Potions * 15, Recall Potions * 10, Lumite Bar * 10, and Nanites * 250 to craft one near an Ancient Manipulator.
Due to technical issues, this mod is not stable much, but I'll do my best to fix it.
This mod cannot be used in multiplayer.

-Some bugs fix.
-Now environment effects will not affect warping player.
-Doubles the cooldown of Serum.
-Wires will not be activated when warping.
-Fix the issue that player cannot explore maps when warping.
-Fix the issue about warping on the boundary of the world.
-Now player will not get stuck easily after warping.
-Minor details fixed.
-Serum can damage town NPCs when you equip the corresponding voodoo dolls.
-Fixed the bug that dangersense potion buff highlights all the tiles.
-Speed up the warping process.



Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Joostmod Addon - April Fools AI
Download v1.1 (121.3 KB)


UPDATE Version 1.1:
- Added mod config to enable/disable each AI replacement
- When angered, overhauled critters now become a chaotic neutral party that attack both enemies and town npcs alike
- Overhauled Jellyfish now produce light and are affected by gravity when bouncing out of water
- Overhauled Granite elementals are no longer affected by gravity when bouncing
- Overhauled Jellyfish and Granite elementals now gain 9999 defense while bouncing

Everyone hates fighter AI, so I've replaced it, as well as various other b o r i n g vanilla AIs with totally superior Joostmod NPC AIs!
Here's the list of every exquisite AI replacement!

Slime AI -> Pinkzor AI (they get a big jump)
Demon Eye AI -> ICU AI
Fighter AI -> Cactuar AI
Flying AI -> Air Elemental AI
Worm AI -> Alpha Cactus Worm AI (they get a small boost towards the player)
Passive AI -> Cactoid AI
Caster AI -> Imp Lord AI
Cursed Skull AI -> X Parasite AI
Plant AI -> Forest's Vengeance AI
Bat AI, Vulture AI, Bird AI, and Flying Fish AI -> Roc AI
Swimming AI -> Death Knight AI
Jellyfish AI, Tortoise AI and Granite Elemental AI -> Spore Mother AI
Antlion AI -> Flowering Cactoid AI
Spike Ball AI and Blazing Wheel AI -> Spore Mother AI, but always in bouncing mode
Hovering AI -> Spectre AI
Flying Weapon AI -> Water Elemental AI, and they spawn in a group
Mimic AI and Biome Mimic AI -> Treasure Goblin AI
Unicorn AI -> Rogue Tomato AI
Herpling AI -> Skeleton Demolitionist AI
Lost Girl AI -> Jumbo Cactuar AI

April Fools!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.4 Edit | Delete
Better Reforges
Download v4.2 (3.3 MB)


• If you have any issues please message me via Discord @Lulu#1628
• I am in the following servers if you don't want to add me: tModLoader, Calamity, Thorium, Anarchist

• Expect this mod to remove prefixes from existing items. Even if you are only updating.
• Enabling the "Max Speed Tools" config removes prefixes from all tools and disallows reforging them.

• Make an add-on for Anarchist Mod's Enchantment system
• Finally add my own custom prefixes to help weaker classes a bit

• Fixed items getting the wrong Quick prefix for the third time.
• Fixed an issue where custom reforge npcs would not reforge any item
• Fixed an error caused by reforging certain items
• Fixed a logic issue causing "Unlimited" and "Infinite" versions of previously consumable items to have prefixes
• Reformatted a lot of code to load even faster
• Greatly improved loading time in general
• No longer needs to reload when changing thresholds
• Items created in chests during world generation now no longer have prefixes if the "Disable Prefixing Items on Creation" config option is enabled.
• Items purchased from NPCs no longer have prefixes if the "Disable Prefixing Items on Creation" config option is enabled.
• Added handling for cases where the Minimum Threshold is higher than the Maxmimum Threshold
• Improved loading time
• Reduced RAM usage by about 30%
• Fixed an issue with attempting to load prefixes for walls
• Fixed a bug causing Terraria to stop loading
• Added a config option to remove prefixes from items when they are created. Defaults to true.
• Cost of reforging is now configurable. Defaults to 3x.
• This is only temporary while I figure out some math involving the amount of removed prefixes compared to the average cost of reforging the best prefix
• Doubled the price of reforging items that already have a prefix
• Fixed an bug where non-sword melee weapons could recieve melee prefixes (ie yoyos getting Legendary)
• Fixed an bug where Max Speed Tools was not properly set on items
• Fixed a crash
• Now normalizes valid prefix stat changes. This fixes a number of items not having prefixes to roll.
• Due to this, the default Minimum Tool Threshold has been raised to 0.7
• Fixed a crash caused by certain mods calling GlobalItem.ChoosePrefix when loading
• Disabled prefixes for "unlimited"/"endless" items that count as ammo or fire projectiles
• Fixed the icon being too small
• Added a dummy github homepage
• Added an icon
• Completely revamped how prefixes are chosen for items. Each item is now individually tested with each valid prefix.
• Fully fleshed out mod support. Should now work with any mod's prefixes and for any modded item.
• As a side note, any ModPrefix that applies to accessories is immediately assumed to be Tier 4. Thus they will always be rollable assuming the config allows it.
• Made every config change require a reload. Sadly there's no getting around this due to the way I've cached prefixes.
• Due to this possibly being an issue, I have pre-set config values to what I think should be a good threshold for the "best" prefixes. Keep in mind this threshold is just a default and you are free to change it if need be.
• Fixed a bug where max speed tools would not be properly reset.
• Fixed a bug where max speed tools would lose their favoriting if they somehow gained a prefix.
• Fixed a bug where max speed tools could gain a prefix via reforging.
• Added mod support for Calamity's Rogue class
• Added mod support for Thorium's Bard class
• Added mod support for Anarchist's Dark Artist class
• Fixed an issue with magic weapons getting incorrect prefixes
• Now forces a reload when toggling 'Fastest Tools'
• Fixed an issue with summon items having duplicate prefixes in their pool
• Fixed an issue with items not rolling for certain prefixes
• Fixed an issue with inifnite ammo sources gaining prefixes
• Fixed an issue with stackable weapons gaining prefixes
• Fixed an bug where some summon weapons couldn't recieve knockback prefixes
• Fixed a crash
• Small refactor
• Fixed weapons getting the wrong 'quick' prefix
• Ok actually fixed accessories getting the wrong 'quick' this time
• Fixed accessories getting the wrong 'quick' prefix
• Fixed too"> Better Reforges is a configurable mod that calculates the efficiency of prefixes for every existing item. Then it checks config settings to see if that efficiency value is within the given thresholds.
It also has a personal QoL option to make every tool as fast as possible while maintaining their power. This option removes existing prefixes from all tools.

• If you have any issues please message me via Discord @Lulu#1628
• I am in the following servers if you don't want to add me: tModLoader, Calamity, Thorium, Anarchist

• Expect this mod to remove prefixes from existing items. Even if you are only updating.
• Enabling the "Max Speed Tools" config removes prefixes from all tools and disallows reforging them.

• Make an add-on for Anarchist Mod's Enchantment system
• Finally add my own custom prefixes to help weaker classes a bit

• Fixed items getting the wrong Quick prefix for the third time.
• Fixed an issue where custom reforge npcs would not reforge any item
• Fixed an error caused by reforging certain items
• Fixed a logic issue causing "Unlimited" and "Infinite" versions of previously consumable items to have prefixes
• Reformatted a lot of code to load even faster
• Greatly improved loading time in general
• No longer needs to reload when changing thresholds
• Items created in chests during world generation now no longer have prefixes if the "Disable Prefixing Items on Creation" config option is enabled.
• Items purchased from NPCs no longer have prefixes if the "Disable Prefixing Items on Creation" config option is enabled.
• Added handling for cases where the Minimum Threshold is higher than the Maxmimum Threshold
• Improved loading time
• Reduced RAM usage by about 30%
• Fixed an issue with attempting to load prefixes for walls
• Fixed a bug causing Terraria to stop loading
• Added a config option to remove prefixes from items when they are created. Defaults to true.
• Cost of reforging is now configurable. Defaults to 3x.
• This is only temporary while I figure out some math involving the amount of removed prefixes compared to the average cost of reforging the best prefix
• Doubled the price of reforging items that already have a prefix
• Fixed an bug where non-sword melee weapons could recieve melee prefixes (ie yoyos getting Legendary)
• Fixed an bug where Max Speed Tools was not properly set on items
• Fixed a crash
• Now normalizes valid prefix stat changes. This fixes a number of items not having prefixes to roll.
• Due to this, the default Minimum Tool Threshold has been raised to 0.7
• Fixed a crash caused by certain mods calling GlobalItem.ChoosePrefix when loading
• Disabled prefixes for "unlimited"/"endless" items that count as ammo or fire projectiles
• Fixed the icon being too small
• Added a dummy github homepage
• Added an icon
• Completely revamped how prefixes are chosen for items. Each item is now individually tested with each valid prefix.
• Fully fleshed out mod support. Should now work with any mod's prefixes and for any modded item.
• As a side note, any ModPrefix that applies to accessories is immediately assumed to be Tier 4. Thus they will always be rollable assuming the config allows it.
• Made every config change require a reload. Sadly there's no getting around this due to the way I've cached prefixes.
• Due to this possibly being an issue, I have pre-set config values to what I think should be a good threshold for the "best" prefixes. Keep in mind this threshold is just a default and you are free to change it if need be.
• Fixed a bug where max speed tools would not be properly reset.
• Fixed a bug where max speed tools would lose their favoriting if they somehow gained a prefix.
• Fixed a bug where max speed tools could gain a prefix via reforging.
• Added mod support for Calamity's Rogue class
• Added mod support for Thorium's Bard class
• Added mod support for Anarchist's Dark Artist class
• Fixed an issue with magic weapons getting incorrect prefixes
• Now forces a reload when toggling 'Fastest Tools'
• Fixed an issue with summon items having duplicate prefixes in their pool
• Fixed an issue with items not rolling for certain prefixes
• Fixed an issue with inifnite ammo sources gaining prefixes
• Fixed an issue with stackable weapons gaining prefixes
• Fixed an bug where some summon weapons couldn't recieve knockback prefixes
• Fixed a crash
• Small refactor
• Fixed weapons getting the wrong 'quick' prefix
• Ok actually fixed accessories getting the wrong 'quick' this time
• Fixed accessories getting the wrong 'quick' prefix
• Fixed too

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Protect Tools
Download v0.2 (133.8 KB)


Protect Tools:
Protect specific tiles and walls from being destroyed.
To specify protection, right click and select the target item.
The tiles that are dark background are protected.
It is also possible to fix the shape of the slope when hit with a hammer.

Specify whether to use the whole protect in the config.

*** Acknowledgments ***
Most of this Mod's UI code is based on jopojelly's Recipe Browser.
I am grateful to Mr. jopojelly for publishing a great code.

* This explanation is translated from Japanese by Google Translate.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
More Fair Soul Drops
Download v1.0.0.1 (9.2 KB)


Hey random person paroozing the mod browser. Have you ever spent hours grinding in the hallow and crimson/corruption for souls only to come out with only 4 or 5, well this is the mod for you. It increases the chance of soul drops for hallowed, crimson, and corruption mobs in cavern layer and on the surface. Enjoy not having to grind!

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
Download v0.5.0.1 (8.1 KB)


This mod adds some Stuff :)
Version 0.1 APLHA
- Added QuickStart Axe
Version 0.2 ALPHA
- Added QuickStart Pickaxe
Version 0.3 Beta
*Updated from tModloader v0.8.3 to*

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
A Bizzare Terraria
Download v1.5.4.4 (305.5 KB)


A Bizzare Terraria is a fan based mod based of the long-running ainme and manga series JoJo's Bizzare Adventure.
In this mod you get all of equipables, weapons, items, and even an NPC, but mainly you get 33 different stands.
Note: Some stands are not only minions. They can be weapons or equipables.

Thx sooooooo much for 10,000 download, I've never thought this would happen!
Because of this I've worked on a massive graphics update to make everything look crispy clean!
As well as this I've added to knew because of Stone Ocean Part 2 coming out recently.

The new stands are:
Diver Drive

Survivor has an 100% drop rate from a gold worm.
Diver Drive is made with stand crystals and a Diver Arm.

I couldn't of been influenced to do this with all the 10,000+ of you who downloaded this mod, so once again, thank you

These are the 39 stands:
Star Platinum
Magician's Red
Hermit Purple
Hierophant Green
Silver Chariot
The Fool
Pet Shop & Horus
The World
The World Over Heaven
Star Platinum The World
Crazy Diamond
The Hand
Echoes Act 1-3
Heaven's Door
Killer Queen
Gold Experience
Sticky Fingers
Moody Blues
Six Pistols
Purple Haze
Spice Girl
Chariot Requiem
Gold Experience Requiem
King Crimson
Stone Free
Burning Down the House
Foo Fighters
Weather Report
Goo Goo Dolls
Diver Drive
Made In Heaven

Patch Notes:
Finally the new important stands from the last batch of Part 6 are here!
Two New Stands, C-Moon and Made In heaven!
White Snake is available earlier on, after the mechanincal bosses, and it's easier to craft him.
New Amazing sprites for most of the stands, it took me a very long time, so I hope you like them.
Some stands have new projectiles they shoot too.

Localizer Package
one year ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Multiplayer Boss-Fight Stats
Download v0.4.3 (47.3 KB)


This mod sends the follow stats in chat after a bossfight ends:
Damage Dealt
Damage Taken
Death Count/Time Alive (can choose one in the config)
Average DPS
You can also use a keybind to send stats so far mid-bossfight.

Fixed a bug where if you did zero damage in a previous bossfight, your damage taken would stack up with the next
Fixed a bug that would spam the chat if you killed a boss in less than 1 second
Fixed mod description
Added Average DPS stat
Stat text has been formatted to be easier to read
Now counts majority of boss summons in Vanilla and also Calamity and Catalyst
Added an option to just count all damage done to any NPCs during boss fights
Now counts other parts of bosses like Skeletron Hands and BoC Creepers
Added an option to not automatically send stats if zero damage was dealt (on by default)
Now counts damage dealt to Golem's fists and head before and after detaching
Added an option to clamp damage taken
Added support for single player
Automatically uses time alive if in single player
Updated mod icon
Fixed time alive displaying incorrectly
Now displays both damage taken and time alive
Added a config setting for time alive or death count
Changed text colours
Updated mod icon

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Battle Hardened NPCs
Download v1.4 (8.7 KB)


Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
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