tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
Bame's Vanilla Rebalancing
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Download v1.7 (447.6 KB) |
Bame |
An attempt to improve the balance of Vanilla Terraria. Over 100 items have been modified with the intention of making almost every single item in the game viable. Also includes changes to Bosses and Enemies.
For more information, including detailed documentation of all changes, check out the Mod's homepage. 1.7 update: Scourge of the Corruptor + Now inflicts a new debuff, "Corrupted" ++ The Javelin inflicts this debuff for 5 seconds. ++ The Tiny Eaters inflict it for 1 second. ++ For both projectiles, the duration is increased by your current melee speed. Corrupted causes two Tiny Eaters to come out of the afflicted target every 1.5 seconds, and the target will release three Tiny Eaters when killed. Every Tiny Eater spawned by the debuff deals 53 damage. This change makes it a powerful sidearm to keep with you when dealing with enemies, and a useful tool to keep flask debuffs on Bosses. Razorblade Typhoon: + Projectile lifespan increased from 3 seconds to 5. - Mana cost increased from 16 to 100. - There can now only be one projectile at a time. This weapon has such a powerful and spammable projectile that the only way to balance it out is to limit it to a sidearm weapon closer to Magnet Sphere. This change additionally declones it from the eventual Nightglow. + Revolver damage increased from 20 to 30 + Nail Gun Damage increased from 85 to 125 (for those who cared, these two are what I was referring to in the previous message) + Candy Corn Rifle damage increased from 44 to 60 + Jack O Lantern Launcher velocity increased from 7 to 14 - Chlorophyte Bullets: -- Damage decreased from 10 to 9 -- Now lose their homing effect 8 updates after being shot. Celestial Stone stat increases changed from: * +10% damage, +2% crit, +1 hp/s, +4 defense, +10% melee speed +other stuff that doesnt matter. to: * +6% damage, +2% crit, +0.5 hp/s, +4 defense. +5% melee speed, -6% mana costs, +10% chance not to consume ammo, +10% movement speed + Band of Starpower is now functionally identical to Band of Mana Regeneration + Band of Mana Regeneration now inherits Band of Regeneration's +1 hp/s ** this item has been renamed to "Band of Dual Regeneration" + Magic Cuffs now additionally increase magic damage by a multiplicative 20% for [damage * 5 / 60] seconds. Stacking with Celestial Cuffs doubles duration. -- Reverted the latter's buff to maximum mana. ** Now requires the Band of Starpower instead of the Band of Mana Regeneration + Doubled Melee Speed bonuses for the Wild, Rash, Intrepid and Violent Prefixes. + Doubled movement speed bonuses for the Brisk, Fleeting, Hasty and Quick modifiers, and added a Jump Speed bonus of equal value. + Arcane now additionally lowers mana costs by 4%. Mana Stars: -- Mana regained reduced from 100 to 25. ++ Increased pickup range for these by 40%. Pickup range with a Celestial Magnet is unaffected. - Reverted damage nerf on Celestial Emblem. + Spectre Mask's damaging ball recharge rate increased from 150 to 800 (this should make the set bonus roughly equivalent to its 1.4 counterpart) ++ Now has its 1.4 stats, but its defense has been lowered to 12. ** reverted previous changes to the rest of this armor. + Spectre Hood and Vampire Knives' healing changed. Their healing rate is now a stable 5 hp/s while in constant combat. (Before, they would only heal for 1, but the player's LifeSteal count would still be based on the weapon's damage, leading to inconsistent healing) ++ The latter's Defense has been increased to 12. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.3 | Edit | Delete |
Bread's Weaponry
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Download v1.60 (349.5 KB) |
Breadcast |
This mod currently adds:
- Random Weapons - 2 New Ores - 1 New Town NPC version 1.20 - Added More tools - Fixed Stuff - Traveler NPC version 1.30 - Added Soul Tools - fixed stuff - added Slime Armor version 1.40 - renamed that one ore - added more unobtainble stuff for fun - added a few items - remade some item sprites version 1.50 - fixed stuff - resprited a lot of weapons - added a many new weapons - removed Wooden Longsword, dagger and shortsword - balancing - remade some weapons verion 1.60 - organized my folders so i can make updates easier - removed daggers and longswords - resprited sodalite and radium stuff - changed earth staff projectiles to orbit you - remade soul bars - fixed ore rarities and values - some balancing Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v1.2 (6.7 KB) |
Refusion |
This Mod allows you to craft Diamonds into every gem of the vanilla game and to craft every gem from the vanilla game into a Diamond!! This Mod could make Magic Storage grinding much easier and faster!"> GemToGem This Mod allows you to craft Diamonds into every gem of the vanilla game and to craft every gem from the vanilla game into a Diamond!! This Mod could make Magic Storage grinding much easier and faster! Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Multiple Lures
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Download v1.0.1 (18.3 KB) |
-Cyril- |
You can customize the number of lures when fishing from 1 to 200
You can even choose not to cast lures, but that would be silly If loaded with Fargo's Mutant Mod, it will override Fargo's extra lures feature and will not stack Works better with Autofish Mod 你可以自定义钓鱼抛钩时鱼钩的数量,从1到200 你甚至可以选择不抛钩,只不过会很蠢 如果与Fargo's Mutant Mod(法狗突变)一起加载,将会覆盖Fargo的额外鱼钩功能,不会叠加 与自动钓鱼Mod一起使用效果更佳 Github: Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
More Swords Mod
Download v0.1 (16.4 KB) |
adudadu |
More Swords Mod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
MOAR Prisms
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Download v1.2 (121.3 KB) |
************* |
MOAR Prisms is a mod that adds a handful of more prisms, like the Last Prism, but throughout all different stages of the game. The new prisms are:
- Fake Prism, which can be obtained as a 1/10 drop from mimics in pre-hardmode, but has a short use time. - Cracked Prism, which can be crafted from souls of light and crystal shards in early hardmode, and has a longer use time than the Fake prism. - True Prism, similar to the ideas of the True Night's Edge and True Excalibur, is crafted from the Cracked Prism and a Broken Hero Sword. - Biprism, a differently shaped prism that takes longer to converge but is more powerful, crafted with nebula fragments. - The Orb and Orb summoning staff (Orbus Terrarum) are both drops from Moonlord (1/10 each) Prisms are, as a weapon, very mana intensive, and not very mobile for earlier prisms, but really come into their own on bosses like The Wall Of Flesh, as it moves in a straight line, and the Eater of Worlds and the Destroyer, as they tend to wrap around themselves a lot, and thus, with the prism's infinite piercing and range, you can deal a lot more damage to them than with other magic weapons. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.4 | Edit | Delete |
The Cerberium Mod
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Download v1.961 (140.4 KB) |
Cerberium |
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
Dacern's extra content mod
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Download v2.14 (14.1 MB) |
Dacern The Creator |
Subscribe to Dacern the creator on youtube.
This mod aims to add tons of content to Terraria, giving it more fun aspects and play time. It is advised to start with a new character in a new world. __New features worth mentioning__ -Resprites -Balance changes -New boss, Coleocurantis -Weakened void creatures -Fixed malfunctioning bullets/arrows -Fleshed out town NPCs and added a new one -Numerous small modifications -Plague creatures make different sounds -Changed mod icon -Changed description organization -Certain unreflectible projectiles now reflectible __Bosses + summoning items__ -Boss "Forest Spirit", Summoned via wood piles <Extra Challenge mode exclusive> -Boss "Stationary Turret", Summoned via building kits <Extra Challenge mode exclusive> -Boss "Coleocurantis", Summoned via fake beetles <Extra Challenge mode exclusive> -Boss "Slimy Pillars", Summoned via slimy pillar statues <Extra Challenge mode exclusive> -Boss "Void King", Summoned via void portals <Impracticality mode exclusive> -Boss "Robot Guardian", Summoned via ancient Emblems <Extra Challenge mode exclusive> -Boss "God of Space", Summoned via dark stars <Extra Challenge mode exclusive> -Boss "The Corps", Summoned via Broken laser arm cannons <Extra Challenge mode exclusive> -Boss "Cultist Grandmaster", Summoned via cultist insignias <Extra Challenge mode exclusive> -Boss "Demon Lord", Summoned via demonic hellmarks <Extra Challenge mode exclusive> -Boss "Ultimate Plaguebringer", Summoned via awqza mixture <Extra Challenge mode exclusive> __Configs__ -Extra challenge mode (Recommended) -Impracticality (Recommended) -Stupid crap __Check out my other mods__ -Dacern's skyblock mod -Dacern's quality of life mod -Dacern's challenges mod Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.6 | Edit | Delete |
Historical Guns
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Download v1.2.0.1 (9.1 MB) |
Big Nickel |
Historical Guns is a mod that adds many different guns from throughout history from several eras...
These include .Pre-war .World War 1 and 2 .Post-war .Modern Day Each gun has an exciting unique counterpart that have special features that make them worth hunting for If Rocket LMGs and Firework Rifles are your thing, download this mod! NOTE: I working on updating this mod to be compatible with tMod Loader 1.4, however it is taking some time thank you to those legacy users still supporting the mod :) Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
THE SWORD OF DREAMS (Strongest sword ever)
Download v1.11 (28.3 KB) |
Mish Marsh |
The SOD mod adds:
The sword of dreams True herosword Herosword 1 inventory pet (New mechanic, sorta) The SOD is the most powerful weapon having 2,000,000,000 DPH, yes thats right, PER HIT. The SOD's crafting Recipe: 3 StarWraths 999 Luminite Bars 999 Cursed Flame, or ,999 Ichor True herosword, or ,Crim True herosword It does not apply the cursed flames debuff, cause why would it need to, I mean, seems a bit excessive. Ocasionally does 1 damage but most of the time it one shots (Idk about echdeath) (P.S DO NOT USE MELEE ARMOR THAT INCREASES DAMAGE) Possible future updates: Make herosword shoot projectiles Make Dream-Tools, Dream-Armor, and more Dream-Items for different classes Bosses, Enemies and biomes Changelogs: 1.0 Day of release. 1.2 Changed sprite, tried toning down the damage to fix a bug, and changed recipe to slightly make it a little bit more power-scaled. 1.4 New weapon added, Changed Recipe for SOD. 1.5 Attempt at Github for icon 1.6 Added Crimson variants of SOD and herosword 1.7 Updated SOD Variants Sprite 1.9 Added True heroswords and Dream inventory pet 1.10 Updated SOD sprites and made the SOD insanely fast 1.11 Made CrimSOD also as fast as SOD (Because I forgot to) (Note: I'm still learning and constantly updating my mod, so stick around and adding a icon is hard) Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Fresh Start
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Download v1.0.2 (23.3 KB) |
Solitaire |
Start off your Terraria life right by respawning with full health and mana!
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.3 | Edit | Delete |
Warframe weapons mod
Download v0.3 (2.4 MB) |
Wiz3rd |
Warframe weapons mod adds weapons from the Warframe game universe.
Ranging from pre EoC to post Moon Lord, you'll have a lot to choose from. (Not now though, i've just started. Give me some time. Seriously.) Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Player Statistics
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Download v1.1.1 (54.2 KB) |
hamstar |
Adds a display of player game statistics (via. hotkey or UI control panel). Player teams, PvP kills, deaths, latency, and relative progress are all shown and kept up to date in this display.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Summoner weapons
Download v4.1 (72.6 KB) |
Chibineko |
I don't speak English well.
Add 50 (10*5) summoner weapons. Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
Wingless Flight
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Download v0.1.2 (16.4 KB) |
Brianide |
Enables visiblity toggling on in-flight wings, and prevents them from hiding capes.
This mod is a pre-release, and may contain bugs or incompatibilities with other mods. Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
Terramon Expansion
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Download v0.3 (28.2 MB) |
Terramon Team |
== ✧ Credits ✧ ==
• Jamz: Developer • InfinaMii: Developer, Spriter • Sylvium: Spriter"> ✧The Terramon Expansion is a side-mod focusing on expanding the content in the Terramon mod! ✧ This includes: • Seven GameBoy consoles which can play tracks from FireRed! • Two new vanity costumes to dress up as your favourite chatacters! • A new Mod Config that allows you to change Terramon's default music! == ✧ Credits ✧ == • Jamz: Developer • InfinaMii: Developer, Spriter • Sylvium: Spriter Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.1 | Edit | Delete |
Calamity Early Hardmode
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Download v1.0.0.3 (35.4 KB) |
Nobisyu_12 |
This mod focuses on bringing the Calamity Mod's 1.5 early Hardmode progression changes to a separate mod. This allows you to have the progression rework with other content mods without having to throw in Calamity. Probably best if you don't run it with Calamity and just use their built in feature. Things might get weird if used together.
Might not work so well with other mod's new difficulties. I don't know, I haven't tested it that much. Changelog: - Changed the Mechanical Eye, Worm, and Skull recipes to require a normal Anvil - Changed the Demon, Fairy, and Angel Wing recipes to require a normal Anvil - Initial release Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v1.0.2 (2.2 KB) |
JopoJelly |
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Instant Boss Killer
Download v1.0 (4.4 KB) |
Exile |
Well this mod does pretty much what the name says it does about 90 million damage and has a high use and will kill any boss you please it only needs 10 Dirt to make so if you want to craft it easily just mine ten dirt.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
Dust and Sound Catalogue tModLoader
Download v0.10 (132.9 KB) |
Flashkirby99 |
Modding tool which provides a quick way to view dust and sound effects ingame. Craft books with dirt.
Dust: Scroll through listed dust types. Dust is displayed with a scale of 1 and a velocity of 5 in the respective directions. (!) represents dusts that emit light and (.) represents dust that glows or emits very faint light. Sound: Change both sound effect type and style type. Sound is played at the your location. See book tooltips for further instructions on use. NOTE: As of tModLoader 0.9+, sounds are accessed via SoundID - names have been changed to reflect the names given there, where applicable. Particle 43 - The Shiny Particle Particle colour and scale appears to influence the intensity and colour of light emitted. The particle doesn't show unless at least one colour value is set to 255. Initially spawns with light currently available on that tile, meaning it won't appear in darkness (like Mithril Armour's effects). Usually used with Main.dust[dustIndex].fadeIn with a smaller inital scale, to due to lighting. Gravity Enabled: Doesn't slow down, ignores gravity. Gravity Disabled: Slows down and disappears faster. Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.1 | Edit | Delete |