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Lan's Auto Join Team
Download v0.2 (20.8 KB)


Automatically joins the red team whenever you play terraria, perfect for lazy people!

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
DNI's Odds and Ends
Download v1.7.1.1 (204.2 KB)


Adds ridiculously unique(?) mid-endgame content with ridiculous recipes.

Currently has:
7 Items
11 Weapons
7 Accessories


- Fixed mod icon

- Migrated to tModLoader v0.11.6.2
- Fixed several major bugs
- Nerfed Blood Dagger (now only scales health restored)

- Migrated to tModLoader v0.11.5
- Fixed recipe errors
- Added the following
-- Weapons
--- Resounding Blades
-- Accessories
--- Arrow Homing Assistant

- Added Hourglasses (Empty, Crimson, Corrupted)
- Fixed Blood Dagger bug where it caps health & healing to base max health only

- Fixed missing Flame Mana Potion recipe

v1.5 - Another Final Fantasy reference, yes
- Added Phoenix Down
- Added Purified Ichor Potion
- Added Flame Mana Potion

v1.4 - Yes it's a Final Fantasy VIII reference
- Added Revolver Gunblade

- Removed debug text when triggering blue Wild Card

- Fixed crash upon death
- Fixed missing recipe for Dark Sphere
- Added Wild Cards

- Migrated to tModLoader v0.11.4
- Fixed mod crash related to Horologist's Tome
- Code overhaul, items should now work regardless of item/projectile hit with their proper types (melee/ranged/magic)
- Added Dark Sphere
- Added Goddess' Tear

- Fixed tooltip display and leveling bug for Luminite Band of Grit / Blood Dagger
- Fixed tooltip display for Dragoon Ring
- Fixed spear range for Spear Gun (it was too short)

- Fixed crash due to unbound keys in config
- Updated a few accessory sprites (thanks to Logodum!)

- Added Spear Gun
- Added Dragoon Ring

- Initial release

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Calamity Polish Translation
Download v1.3.6 (2.2 MB)


Polskie tłumaczenie Calamity Moda

Na wstępie chciałbym podziękować:
Fabsolowi za pozwolenie na wykonanie tłumaczenia,
Skyshadowowi, twórcy hiszpańskiego tłumaczenia za pomoc z rozpoczęciem prac,
Uncle Danny'emu, administratorowi serwera Calamity Mod na discordzie za pomoc i możliwość pośredniego kontaktu z Fabsolem,
Wszystkim osobom które wyraziły chęć pomocy w tłumaczeniu Calamity, a na ten moment są to:
Alvaro De Blanco

a także całej polskiej społeczności Terrarii za używanie mojego tłumaczenia i czekanie tyle czasu.

Po ponad roku przerwy wróciłem do tworzenia tłumaczenia. Z góry przepraszam wszystkich zainteresowanych graniem w Calamity Moda po polsku którzy musieli tyle czasu czekać, aż pokonam swoje lenistwo.

Podjąłem decyzje, by zączać pisanie moda od początku, więc zajmie to trochę czasu, jednak dzisiaj przychodzę do was z modem, oferującym szczątkowe tłumaczenie Calamity Moda.
(W obecnym momencie tłumaczymy tylko rzeczy, których na 90% nie będzie obejmować następna wielka aktualizacja Calamity, by ominąć konieczność przepisywania ponad połowy linijek tekstu, przez zmiany w statystykach itp.)

Tłumaczenie obejmować będzie całego moda, od NPC i bossów, przez itemy, aż po buffy i debuffy.
Jeśli znalazłeś błąd lub chcesz pomóc w tłumaczeniu napisz do mnie na Discordzie: Kamelowy#2307

Miłej gry!

Dowiesz się poniżej!


- Poprawa wielu tłumaczeń
- Poprawki literówek
- Kilkanaście nowych tłumaczeń
- Poprawki tooltipów

- Ponad 70 Tooltipów
- Eutroficzne Meble
- Kosmilitowe Meble
- Botaniczne Meble
- Poprawa kilku tłumaczeń

- Masa nowych przedmiotów
- Poprawki starszych tłumaczeń (Dzięki HybridDeath!)

- Ponad 100 przedmiotów

v. 1.3.1
- Aktualizacja opisu tłumaczenia

v. 1.3.0
- Pełna optymalizacja kodu tłumaczenia
- Linijki kodu: 1441 => 581
- Waga kodu: 116 KB => 38 KB

v. 1.2.6
- Meble

v. 1.2.5
- Ściany
- Buffy/Debuffy (33%)

v. 1.2.4
- Bloki

v. 1.2.3
- Lekkie poprawki

v. 1.2.2
- Lekkie poprawki

v. 1.2.1
- Lekkie poprawki

v. 1.2
- Wszystkie barwniki
- Wszystkie farby do włosów
- Wszystkie rudy
- Wszystkie materiały (sztabki, drewno etc.)

v. 1.1
- Większość NPC/Bossów Pre-Hardmode
- Wszystkie akcesoria zaczynające się na literę "A"




Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Real Guns
Download v0.4.3 (22.5 KB)


Real Guns is created to add real guns into Terraria.
Wiki and more on mod homepage
Current added guns -

FG42 - 1942
MP5A3 - 1966
M134 - 1960
Glock 34 - 1998
Chauchat - 1907
Martini henry - 1870
vz. 61 - 1959

UPDATE 0.4.3

BIG balanacing update
Added vz. 61 - 1959
Added critical chance to FG42, MP5A3, M134
Readjusted hold point for most guns
Lowered damage for FG42, Glock 34, MP5A3
Changed recipe for MP5A3 and FG42

UPDATE 0.4.2

Added Martini henry - 1870
changed M134 recipe
FG42 now bigger

UPDATE 0.4.1

updated textures
Fg42 and Chauchat have bullet spread
Celebrating 10k downloads!


Added Chauchat - 1907


Added Glock 34 - 1998
Updated bullet velocity to correctly work


Added M134 - 1960

UPDATE 0.1.1

Added FG42 - 1942
Added MP5A3 - 1966

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Veridian Weapons Mod
Download v3.7.4 (353.2 KB)


This mod is a re-upload of an older mod I had created in an attempt to make it easier to update. It currently adds 105 items. (38 yoyos, 15 ammo types, and more).

Partial Changelog:
+Added Veridian gear.
+Added Wither Skeleton and drops.
Balance changes to Manganese bars and gear.
Sharkron colour scheme changed.

+Added Sharkfin Blade.
+Added Glass Bullet.
+Added Devil's Pendant and associated buff.
Crafting balances to Bee, Crimson, Demon, Jungle, and Shadowflame ammo.

+Added Shark armor.
+Added Ocular Bow.
*Many balance tweaks.

+Added 3 ammo types.

... i wasnt caught up

Caught up with the backlog.


+Added four arrows.

+Added Sharkon Assault Rifle.
+Added Sharkron enemy.
+Added Sharkron Fin.

3.5.1 - 3.6
+Added 1 string.
+Added Manganese armour and tools.
+Added 1 gun, Peacemaker.
*Many inconsistencies fixed. e.g. certain items having higher rarity or sell value than intended.

+Added 17 strings.
+Added 1 yoyo.
*Many loot changes and fixes.
*Multiple sprite edits.
*Many crafting changes.
*Removed hardmode ore strings temporarily.
*Fixed a crash issue.

+Added 4 arrows, 3 bullets.
*Reworked Crimson Arrows.
*Completed a long list of fixes in the backlogs.

+Added two strings.
*Pollinator now compatible with Hive Pack.
*A couple string effect trigger chances reduced.
*Strings now only apply to yoyo attacks instead of all melee.

+Added The Horseman's Throw.
+Added 6 strings.
*Several Earthbound Yoyo fixes.
*Mech yoyo balance changes.

+Added 2 yoyos.
*Trawler damage decreased from 13 to 12.
*Jungle, Shadow, Crimson strings - recipes edited.
*Crimson, Shadow, Jungle, Honey strings - effects edited.
*Enchanted Yoyo now craftable with any wood yoyo.
*Minour edits and additions.

+Added Enchanted Yoyo
*Sanguine, Cactus Yoyo, Heart of the Sea, Heatwave - damage edited.
*Sanguine can now steal life.
*Heart of the Sea crafting recipe edited.
*Crimson Arrows can now steal life, are craftable by 25 instead of 15.
*Earthbound Yoyo can now spawn electrospheres.

+Added 9 yoyos.
*Fixed damage values of 7 yoyos.
*Cactus and Boreal yoyo crafting recipes tweaked.

Since Journey's End comes out tommorrow at the time of writing this, I'm balancing for Journey's End pre-emptively but didn't want to mess with the existing balance, hence why I haven't updated in a while.

+Added yellow dev set.
*Various sprite edits.
*Tweaked damage values of 5 yoyos.
*Fixed various minour errors such as the occasional missing letter.

+Added Crimson Arrows.

+Added strings.
*Sanguine effect properly implemented.
*Pollinator bee damage increased from 9 to 18. No effect from Hive Pack.
*Moulder tweaked.
*Heatwave, Shadowflame, Stickler, and Pollinator effect chances increased.

*Sanguine damage increased from 39 to 40.
*Moulder damage increased from 36 to 37.

+Added 2 dev sets.
*Overhauls to crafting recipes, sprites, and drop rates.

*Added Dark Shard to Sanguine and Moulder recipes.
*Minour sprite edits of three yoyos.
*Sanguine damage increased from 38 to 39.
*Moulder damage increased from 33 to 36.

+Added 2 yoyos.
*The Weaver drop chance tripled.

+Added 7 yoyos.
*Stickler now properly drops from King Slime.
*Shadowflame Yoyo now mutually excludes itself from other Goblin Summoner drops.

*Riptide damage reduced from 53 to 51.
*Shadowflame Yoyo damage increased from 38 to 46.
*Snow Ball damage increased from 11 to 12.

*Official release.


zach/yhellow - testing, dev set items, ideas (Riptide, Cactus yoyo, Shadowflame yoyo)
andog/rake - dev set colour, Earthbound yoyo
mario/Smile - dev set colour
DonMacaroni - dev set items
RogaBear - Weaver, Emblem yoyos

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Warlock Class
Download v1.2.1 (487.2 KB)


Warlock Class adds a new class, the Warlock. The Warlock deals heavy damage and debuffs through pestilent weapons, which require malice.
Malice can be recovered slowly through waiting, or you could accelerate the process by hitting an enemy with a weapon's right click attack, which are usually close-ranged.
However, hitting a right-click attack universally inflicts Singed on the enemy who was hit, which prevents additional debuffs from being applied for the duration of the debuff.

It is meant to be balanced around vanilla Terraria, but may be over or underpowered in certain stages.

-4 new armor sets
-24 new weapons
-7 accessories
-2 materials
-1 block
-A pillar

Update Log
Actually gave "Lightless Dark" a recipe.
Updated the description.

Made the explosions actually make an explosion sound.
Changed the use sounds of several items.
Gave "Violent" an actual sprite.
Resprited some of the right-click explosion sprites, including:
-Sandstorm's Fury
-Chlorophyte Staff
-Plasma Torch
-Radiant Staff
Radiant Staff's projectile's dust are now rainbow colored.
Made the Beehive on a Stick's right click act like launched flails.
Reworked the way malice is gained from right click attacks, preventing "stacking" charges.
Resprited Equinox Wings.
Reduced Lunar Lance's malice cost to 15, was 35.
Removed piercing from Lunar Lance.
Increased the damage of Lunar Lance and Radiant Staff.
Sharkshooter's projectiles now have a exploding sound effect on collision.
Added the Equinox Pillar and its asscosiated enemy.
Added Equinox Fragment Block.
Added Death Trident.
Added Chlorophyte Caltrops.
Added Lightless Dark.

Renamed "Sharkron Gauntlet" to "Sharkshooter".
Made a custom projectile for Sharkshooter.
Increased usetime for Sharkshooter's left click attack.
Decreased malice gained from Sharkshooter's right click attack.
Renamed "Moonbiter" to "Lunar Lance".
Resprited Lunar Lance.
Decreased the frequency of dust on Lunar Lance's projectile.
Increased the use time of Lunar Lance's projectile.
Changed the Projectile AI of Lunar Lance's phantasmal spheres to Typhoon.
Resprited the explosion animation for Wildfire Torch.
Resprited the icon. (Only visible after downloading!)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
HyperT expansion pack
Download v4.1.1 (57.5 KB)


HyperTerraria ( HyperT ) is an expansion-type mod that makes vanilla/modded terraria less tedious. Currently, I am working on post-moonlord content.
This mod doesn't change / add any new worldgen, so you can drop it safely in your modpack.
For those who played the legacy version of HyperT, note that the mod is being rebalanced as it is way too OP.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.4.8.2 (31.9 KB)


GodWingsMod add the best wings.
NEW!!! Celestial run speed ON
Bonus: If you dash with the solar armor the celestial speed is at its maximum.
NEW!!! Increase damage and max breath.
NEW!!! Celestial texture!!!
NEW!!! Icon update.
NEW!!! Celestial bag.
NEW!!! Celestial Soul immune to lava.
Fixed 2 issues.
NEW!!! Improved handling of the celestial soul.
NEW!!! Celestial Eye.
NEW!!! Celestial Soul sprite update.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Buff Stuff Plus
Download v1.4.9 (57.3 KB)


This mod buffs 90 pieces of armor, 32 tools, 10 accessories and 172 weapons.
87 recipes added for annoying to obtain items.
The original ores, gold for example, are faster but less damaging than the alternates.
This mod makes obtaining many items, like the cell phone, ankh shield ingredients or the biome keys much less grindy.
This mod is compatible with the Calamity mod.
The full list of changes can be seen on the website.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Centaur Mount
Download v0.1.7.8 (93.7 KB)

Total Takeover

"Centaur Mount" is a mod that adds mounts to Terraria that make YOU a centaur. There are currently 5 Mounts to choose from. These Mounts can be made from various (obvious) items at a cooking pot/Mythril Anvil.

Upcoming Features:
-Different Colors/Species

Very Unlikely Upcoming features:
-Tail matches hair color?
-Accessories/Vanity/armor that allows for lower body defense and stats.
-Maybe a Homepage


Current bugs:
-<priority> Legs occasionally slightly appear
-Cervitaur seems a bit messy in sprites


S.O.S. Need Modding Help!
I am not the best at writing code and would like some help!
Message me on discord (Total Takeover#5960) if you want to help, or have any suggestions!

Change Log:

===Update v0.1.7.71=== (3/25/2019)
-Fixed Graphical Inconsistency
-Changed tooltips to be less naive.
-Enabled viewing of code and resources ("CentaurMountUnicorn.cs" contains instructions on what certain values do.)

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
The Celestial Overtaking
Download v1.3.4.7 (1.9 MB)


The Celestial Overtaking adds many new things to Terraria!

Currently There Are
193 New Items,
36 New NPCs,
41 New Tiles,
4 New Walls,
9 New Buffs,
4 New Mounts
1 New Biome,
And More!

- DaRubyMiner360 for creating this mod
- My friends for giving me ideas for many of the things in the mod
- Calamity Mod for inspiration for various things

Download Checklist
Downloads = 2000 = ACHIEVED
Downloads = 4000 = ACHIEVED
Downloads = 6000 = ACHIEVED
Downloads = 8000 = ACHIEVED
Downloads = 10000 = ACHIEVED
Downloads = 12000 = ACHIEVED
Downloads = 14000 = ACHIEVED
Downloads = 16000 = ACHIEVED
Downloads = 18000 = ACHIEVED
Downloads = 20000 = ACHIEVED
Downloads = 22000 = UNACHIEVED
Downloads = 24000 = UNACHIEVED
Downloads = 26000 = UNACHIEVED
Downloads = 28000 = UNACHIEVED
Downloads = 30000 = UNACHIEVED
Downloads = 32000 = UNACHIEVED
Downloads = 34000 = UNACHIEVED
Downloads = 36000 = UNACHIEVED
Downloads = 38000 = UNACHIEVED
Downloads = 40000 = UNACHIEVED
Exact Amount
Downloads = 21401
Date Marked: 6/9/2021

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Easy Tinkerer's Workshop
Download v1.0 (8.6 KB)


Easy Tinkerer's Workshop is a mod where the name speaks for itself... it makes the Tinkerer's Workshop Craftable so you don't need to wait until the rng lords decide to give you a goblin army.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Melee Overhaul 1.4
Download v1.1 (10.5 KB)


The creator of Swords Overhaul is creating a new and improved Melee Overhaul which will be supported with T Mod Loaders 1.4 coming release.

This mod adds a variety of new melee weapons and melee focused armour and accessories.

Update 1.1:

Added True Warrior Emblem
Added Royal Gold and Royal Platinum Broadswords

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.2 Edit | Delete
Ebonian Mod (No Music)
Download v1.2.6.5 (1.9 MB)

Ebonian void(or Ebon) an…

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Zenith Yoyo
Download v0.1 (12.7 KB)


The Zeniyo, this is mostly a meme item based around the fact everyone is making Zenith items, if this can get popular i might consider making an actual serious version.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
LSMOD - Elements Of Life
Download v2.6.0 (6.3 MB)


Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Insight Reborn
Download v2.0.3 (62.5 KB)

abluescarab, shockah, Bo…

Insight Reborn allows you to see the first 8 items in a chest just by mousing over it. Based on shockah's mod Insight.

Now includes the X-Ray Goggles accessory! You can enable/disable needing the goggles in the mod configuration file (Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Configs\InsightReborn.json). Craft X-Ray Goggles at a workbench + chair with 2 lenses and 2 rubies.

v2.0.3 2019-08-17
* Build for tModLoader v0.11.4

v2.0.2 2017-11-06
* Compiled for tModLoader v0.10.1

v2.0.1 2017-07-26
* Fix: dictionary "duplicate key" error

v2.0.0 2017-07-26
* Added X-Ray Goggles accessory
* Added option to require X-Ray Goggles

v1.1.4 2017-07-09
* Compiled for tModLoader v0.10.0.2
* Fix: works in multiplayer

v1.1.3 2016-12-22
* Compiled for tModLoader v0.9.0.3

v1.1.2 2016-10-01
* Compiled for Terraria

v1.1.1 2016-08-07
* Fix: Swinging weapons is now possible when the popup is open

v1.1.0 2016-08-04
* Added stack numbers to item slots

v1.0.2 2016-08-04
* Fix: souls now animate correctly in the item slots

v1.0.1 2016-08-04
* Fix: items in popup will now change when chests are close together

v1.0.0 2016-08-04

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
More Melee Mod
Download v0.7.4 (13.8 KB)

Zekryr and nathanthesnoo…

Welcome to the More Melee Mod!

This mod adds more melee weapons to Terraria!

Whether they shoot, pierce, or stab, these weapons will enhance your survival experience.

There are currently over ten (craftable) items!

v0.1 - Added Bloodbath

v0.2.3 - Bloodbath now does 23 damage and fires a new projectile ;)

v0.3 - Added a Club that knocks your enemies skybound

v0.3.4 - Tweaked the Bloodbath a bit and fixed the Club's knockback

v0.5.6 - Added a weapon named the "Musketeer's Rapier" which is a mid-to-late hardmode weapon dealing 85 base damage with very fast speed

v0.6.4 - Added a dagger for every (real) wood (early pre-hardmode) and added an "Omni-Dagger" which deals 125 damage and fires a purple projectile

v0.6.7 - Added a new sword: the Icy Greatsword which is crafted from the Ice Blade and other materials

v0.7.1 - Added two new swords with their respective "True" versions!

v0.7.3 - The Omni Dagger is now craftable from every other wooden dagger and a broken hero sword

v0.7.4 - Tweaked the sprite for the Nature's Wrath a bit (Thanks to GabeHasWon for helping me with that)

Be sure to check back for abundant updates!

Mod by Zekryr (zekryr15 on steam) and nathanthesnooper (nathanthesnooper on steam)

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.1 Edit | Delete
Luminite NPC
Download v1.4.1.1 (26.7 KB)


Luminite NPC adds a town NPC that sells luminite, lunar fragments and super healing potions.
It doesn't have a proper sprite, sorry.
(But it does have Census, Shadows of Abaddon & Calamity Mod support)

You need at least 1 luminite bar in your inventory for it to spawn.

Changelog: - The NPC now sells Lunidium Coins from Shadows of Abaddon

1.4.1 - Added Census support & added support for more SoA stuff:
Trace of Chaos
Vial of Fiery Blood
Luminous Energy

1.4 - Added support for the following Calamity Mod items:
Divine Geode (post-Providence)
Ruinous Soul (post-Polterghast)
Cosmilite Bar (post-DoG)
Nightmare Fuel (post-DoG)
Endothermic Energy (post-DoG)
Darksun Fragment (post-buffed Mothron)
Yharon Soul Fragment (post-Yharon phase 2)
Calamitous Essence (post-SCal) - Added unload code - Tweaked the icon and added a homepage

1.3 - Changed the luminite merchant's attack from a normal bullet to a luminite bullet, and buffed his damage from 25 to 50. Changed the icon of the mod.

1.2.2 - Added icon

1.2.1 - A small tweak

1.2 - Added more SoA support (fragments of blight and hatred, post-Araghur only)

1.1 - Added Shadows of Abaddon support (quasar fragments)

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Otaku Tech (Honkai Impact)
Download v1.2.1 (4.7 MB)


Otaku Tech is a mod that add elements of Honkai Impact 3 to Terraria

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
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