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Martian Race (Authentic Races Addon)
Download v0.4 (109.7 KB)


Martian Race Is an addon for the mod: MrPlagues Authentic Races.

This mod currently adds 1 new race, The Martian.
(Though I plan to maybe add more races.)

NOTE: This mod was a buggy mess and I stopped working on it. This curent patch should fix things.

-MrPlague (actually made all the code that makes this possible)
-Me (Coded and sprited the Martian)
-Grass (left the mod entirely, came back to make things right)

(This mod doesn't have a homepage or discord, So join the base mods discord if you for some reason want to speak to me, Im nicknamed "Grass")"> Description:
Martian Race Is an addon for the mod: MrPlagues Authentic Races.

This mod currently adds 1 new race, The Martian.
(Though I plan to maybe add more races.)

NOTE: This mod was a buggy mess and I stopped working on it. This curent patch should fix things.

-MrPlague (actually made all the code that makes this possible)
-Me (Coded and sprited the Martian)
-Grass (left the mod entirely, came back to make things right)

(This mod doesn't have a homepage or discord, So join the base mods discord if you for some reason want to speak to me, Im nicknamed "Grass")

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Better Chests
Download v1.2 (43.4 KB)


This mod improves some aspects of vanilla chests

For a Changlog and more information visit my homepage!

Contact NotLe0n#7696 on discord if you have any problems.

Special Thanks to:
direwolf420, darthmorf and jopojelly for a UIElement
Trivaxy for providing his item drawing code



- "Deposit All" and "Loot all" have a confirmation button now.
- Clicking on "Sort Items" will open a menu with more sort options to the right and a search bar below the chest UI.
- Hovering over a chest shows its contents
- Hotkeys for Deposit All, Loot All, Quick Stack, Restock, Sort Chest and Sort Inventory


How to use

Simply open a chest and click on "Sort Items".
This will open another menu to the right.

Use the search bar to search for items"> This mod improves some aspects of vanilla chests

For a Changlog and more information visit my homepage!

Contact NotLe0n#7696 on discord if you have any problems.

Special Thanks to:
direwolf420, darthmorf and jopojelly for a UIElement
Trivaxy for providing his item drawing code



- "Deposit All" and "Loot all" have a confirmation button now.
- Clicking on "Sort Items" will open a menu with more sort options to the right and a search bar below the chest UI.
- Hovering over a chest shows its contents
- Hotkeys for Deposit All, Loot All, Quick Stack, Restock, Sort Chest and Sort Inventory


How to use

Simply open a chest and click on "Sort Items".
This will open another menu to the right.

Use the search bar to search for items

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Class Essences
Download v0.2.0.1 (18 KB)


Class Essences aims to add accessories for each vanilla class that increase their effectiveness in battle, it currently only adds accessories made for the ranger class, these accessories are available in hardmode.

V0.0.0.3 changelog:
Tweaked the stats gained by the accessories, finished the ranger accessory tree by adding the Ranger [Glass Cannon Variant] accessory, which boosts ranged damage by a lot at the cost of lower defense, and the Ranger [Bulky Variant] accessory, which gives defense but doesn't boost damage as much as the glass cannon variant.

Sprites are placeholder and of low quality, most items just have the same sprite or a slightly modified one, I really am not good at doing sprites.

More to come soon!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
The Pure Spirit Mod
Download v0.1.1 (59.4 KB)


The Pure Spirit Mod adds one single boss: The Impure Soul.
She can be awoken by using the Essence of Impurity, a drop from Corruption/Crimson and Hallow enemies.
After killing her, you get:
Pre-Hardmode: Purity in a Bottle, used to clear the Corruption/Crimson from your world.
Hardmode: Soul of Purity, the same as Purity in a Bottle, but also clears the Hallow.

NOTE: This is my 1st mod, and I'm not a really good artist, but I put all my effort at this mod :)

>> Update History

Added link to forum page.
Icy Balls now have chance to chill you and, at hardmode, freeze you.

Initial release.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
OP Sword
Download v0.3.1 (3.3 KB)


OP Sword is a pretty simple mod.
It adds an overpowered sword.


Useturn enabled (You can turn while using the sword)

Increased sword size

Initial release

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.7.2.2 (3.9 MB)


Adds many new items to find inside of chests/craft/buy.
The majority of the items can be obtained in old worlds via some alternative method.

* Reduced Asteroid Biome tracks' by 8 db, and The Cluster by 14 db
* Lightning Rod damage raised to 28 (up from 22), mana use dropped to 8 (from 10)
* Hologram Projector tooltip changed to better describe the summon's function
* Vanilla boss music takes priority over all modded music
* Bugfix: Can use modded double jumps while in a flying mount
* Update to tModloader v0.10.1
+ Added mod icon
+ Added The Cluster Boss
* Compat with Boss Checklist
+ Added Asteroid Shambler NPC
+ Added Possessed Shambler NPC
+ Added Cluster Fragment NPC
+ Added Rogue Surveyor NPC
+ Added Defense Turret NPC and Hala NPC
+ Added The Hail
+ Added Lightning Gun
+ Added Water Stone
+ Added Pretty Lucky
+ Added Beta Wave Emitter
+ Added Laser Pointer
+ Added Holy Burn Cream
+ Added Crystal Powder
+ Added Pyrophobic Glow Powder
+ Added Steam in a Bottle
+ Added Aqua Elemental Crystal
+ Added Lucky Start
+ Added Pearlescent Arrow Shaft
+ Added Corroded Arrowhead
+ Added Hungry Fletching
+ Added Mysterious Arrow
+ Added Cold-Hearted Arrowhead
+ Added Tumbletwine Arrow Shaft
+ Added Thrifty Fletching
+ Added Amalgam Arrow
+ Added Celestial Archer's Quiver
+ Added Purification, Vile, Vicious Arrows
+ Added Music Boxes for Asteroid (Surface), Asteroid (Sky), and The Cluster
+ Added Marbeel, Normal, Granite, Red-Hot, Honey, Asteroid, Gumball, Glass, Crystal, Gilded, Chlorophyte, Spectre, Cell, Sun, Foggy, Vortex, Luminite Marbles
+ Added Pearly Marble (Thorium support)
+ Added Slingshot
+ Added Marble Bag
+ Added Chrono Anchor
+ Added Dark Quartz
+ Added Pearlshot
+ Added Compound Slinger
+ Added Slime Ring
+ Added Laser Sight
+ Added Tactical Scope
+ Added Cataract Banner
+ Added Playing Card
+ Added Tattle
+ Added Cell Sample
+ Added Parasitic Clump
+ Added L

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Tomato Lib
Download v1.0.2 (73.9 KB)

convicted tomatophile (S…

Tomato Lib is a pretty basic library mod. It has a *completely functioning* ModRarity that allows you to color the item's name while in the inventory, the item text while being hovered on in the hot bar and world, and allows it to be colored while being picked up. Something that hasn't actually been done before.
Along with all of that, there're a few smaller, miscellaneous features here and there.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Chromakey Wall
Download v0.1.1.0 (27.3 KB)


Mainly add RGB wall and invisible tile
-The walls are now always bright.
-Resized walls
-Added config to toggle wall lighting
-Added config to change light intensity
-Minor change on code(tML v0.11.5)
-Fixed text which displayed when changing wall eraser type
-Extend Pickaxe has changed to Tile Eraser
-Extend Hammer has changed to Wall Eraser
-Added Invisible Platform(request)
v0.1.0.6 - Minor change on code(tML v0.11.1)
-Fixed ExGrip+
-Compressed all png file.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Hunger Mod
Download v1.5.1.1 (474.1 KB)

Evil Gears Team

This mod adds hunger system. Enjoy!
Your plants must to be grow on the dirt. Grass will be kill your saplings! For harvesting, press Right Click on the plant.
Meat may be cooked near the campfire.
Ankh Shield grants immunity to hunger!
Integrated food from the Thorium
All your ideas and bug you can report me:
Updated for tModLoader v0.10.0.2
-Full compability with Thorium, special thanks for their developers;

-Add Coffee;
-Fix bug with Thorium compatibility. Now you should download special version;

-Removed selection;
-Added a lot of plants;
-Food integration from the Thorium Mod;
-Explore your world for new seeds;

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Hybrid Items
Download v1.2.1 (290.1 KB)


Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
No Tombstones
Download v1.1 (12.9 KB)


/gravenomore ~ Command trigger server, remove all tombstones in world. Is Async, should do quick without lag.

Gravestones don't drop from players dieing.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Exxo Avalon Remastered
Download v0.76 (2.2 MB)


This isn't my mod, this is blahblahbal's mod, I just (tried) updating it. Credit goes to him.

I wanted to finish this, I really did.
But after hitting the wall known as coding the contagion biome, I stopped.
Nearly all of the blocks, weapons, armor, recipes, and bosses are done.
The NPCs, town NPC, accesories, tome slot, contagion biome, ore generation, underground ice house, and other small things like upwards of 400 mana and stamina aren't done.
If you want to help me with this, just pm me on steam.
I'd like to thank Blah for creating such an amazing mod :)


Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0 (13.7 KB)


ArchitectNPC was a mod inspired by a friend during a playthrough where we wanted to build, and build, and build but took so long to get all the materials needed.

The NPC will spawn once the Eye of Cthulu has been defeated.

He sells Dirt, Stone, Clay, Snow, Ice, Granite and Marble all for 10 copper.

Version 1.0
Mod released.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (33.7 KB)


MinerNPC is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
More Life Crystals
Download v1.2.1 (9.4 KB)


Adds a lot more life crystals to your world on world generation.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Download v1.8.2 (210.4 KB)


CrazyDefense is a mod designed to make you stronger
than in-game currently

Dont forget to send tweaks & suggestions to
my twitter @RADICALAdrift

But will turn out like the name suggests... maybe...
totally awesome

This mod is aimed at the player who likes to cheat...
but anyone can try the mod

P.S Dont expect great textures to start with those will come.... maybe.... like.... i dunno.... eventually....
most certainly
This mod will contain armour thats so strong it's unbelievable

Also a OP sword

It'll be absolute insanity


Making sure the mod is still compatible with the latest version of TModloader (Currently v0.11.8.9)

v1.8.0 - Name Change Update

Dropped the "GOD" name in favour of OP instead, Don't worry no item loss will occur

Items renamed by this update:
GOD Charm -> OP Charm
GOD Arrow -> OP Arrow
Both the non-buff and buff god sets of armor
GOD Fruit -> OP Fruit
GOD Sword -> OP Sword
GOD Bow -> OP Bow
GOD Bow (Special) -> OP Bow (Special)
GOD Knife -> OP Knife
GOD Yoyo -> OP Yoyo
GOD Destructive Beam -> OP Destructive Beam


Fixes the mod description being incorrect


Missed renaming a couple items

GOD Arrow -> OP Arrow
GOD Bow -> OP Bow

Latest Version v1.8.2

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Cellphone is Wormhole
Download v1.2.2 (19.4 KB)


The cellphone now acts identical to the wormhole potion with no extra items or recipes required.
Map icons currently lack support for vanilla and modded dyes.

Please report any issues to my Homepage's forum thread.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Make Summoner Better
Download v0.2 (104 KB)

MSB Community

Have you ever felt overshadowed the other classes?
Have you ever felt tired of grinding for hour to get that not that bad summoning item?
Well, fear no more my fellow summoner.
Let's unite together to make our lifes easier.
Make Summoner Better, a mod by the community, for the community.
Consider joining the cause by downloading the mod and joining the mod's discord.

Currently the mod adds:

9 whips
1 minion
1 armor set

Huge Thanks to:

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.24 (3.8 MB)


Mod adding 1 boss and nothing else. Recipe for boss summon is 10 obsidian and 1 luminite bar. Best fought before Yharon in Calamity Mod.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Lucky Block Mod
Download v1.2 (27.8 KB)


Lucky Block mod adds lucky blocks that can be found scattered around newly generated worlds or crafted from gold and dart traps.

Every lucky block contains a surprise ranging from useful items to deadly monsters and explosions!

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
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