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Potion Charms
Download v2.1 (216.4 KB)


Potion Charms adds an item that provides potion effect by sitting in the inventory and without eating up all the buff slots.
See linked forum post for more details.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
All NPCs have Bat AI
Download v0.3 (8.7 KB)


This mod took me precisely three minutes to create, and I hated every second of it.
All NPCs (including Town NPCs *and* enemies) have Bat AI.


Worm enemies are broken and will only have their head.
Slimes are broken and will contain a seemingly random item.
Lots of bosses are very, very broken.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Smooth Lighting
Download v0.1.3 (30.5 KB)


Adds smooth lighting to blocks, walls, NPCs, etc. For best results, set lighting to Color.

Ore dusts have been suppressed because they were revealing ore in complete darkness.

If you're experience lag, set Smooth Lighting Quality in this mod's settings to 4 (auto) or 1.

v0.1.3 (2021-02-19)
- Fixed completely white player bug
- Smooth lighting no longer obscures in-world text
- Auto quality favors quality slightly more than before
- Smooth lighting can now be used with Retro and Trippy lighting

v0.1.2 (2021-02-18)
- Water is no longer opaque

v0.1.1.1 (2021-02-18)
- Added link to homepage

v0.1.1 (2021-02-18)
- Fixed bug with auto quality
- Minor performance improvements

v0.1.0.1 (2021-02-17)
- Linked to GitHub

v0.1.0 (2021-02-17)
- Released

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Download v2.1.1.1 (98.3 KB)


Player can now be injured and receive permanent health loss.
- Formula for max health loss (m=current max hp, n=damage):
((0.75 + (m/400)) - n / 20), in 5 unit chunks
- Falls afflict movement impairment.
- Low health incurs bleeding.
- 4 new accessories added.
- 3 new consumables/potions added.
- Use the Hamstar's Helpers control panel for settings.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
No Immunity!
Download v0.1 (7.2 KB)

RighteousRyan (Ryan)


Not even you.

Not even your enemies.

Not even in PvP.

(Idea by Ryan Winters on Discord)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Directional Melee
Download v0.3.0 (23 KB)


Directional Melee makes all swinging and stabbing weapons target your mouse cursor instead of always going above your head and forwad.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0.5 (8.7 KB)


Yo-yo break when attack speed exceeds a certain value. This mod attempts to limits attack speed to 200% while a yo-yo is equipped to prevent the issue. Fixes most, but not all, yo-yos including many mod weapons.

Shares a homepage with my main mod.


* icon
* Github integration
* tModLoader v0.10.1.4


* tModLoader v0.10.1.3


* tModLoader v0.10.1


* fixed crafting bug that was affecting other mods (introduced in v1.0.1)


* tModLoader v0.10.0.1


* initial upload

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1.1.1 (42.6 MB)

John Snail

- --=-=CONTENTS=-=-- -

- The man himself! Sells the Bootar, a vanity set, and an accessory that replaces vanilla boss music with various GaMetal covers.
- Challenges, that take place in another dimension! Accessible by speaking with Revolver Axolot.
- Super Moves, items that involve playing a time-stopping minigame for powerful effects!
- Hornlitz, a lightning-fast horned lizard fought after Skeletron.
- A secret, optional Hardmode boss. For every defeat, you can trade him a Shadow Chest item (excluding Dark Lance) for an upgrade."> A mod based on YouTube musician Jonny Atma (aka GaMetal), and his community.
Originally starting out as a little mod for a few friends, it has evolved into one unlike any other! Even if you don't know what GaMetal is, there's lots here for everyone to enjoy.

- --=-=CONTENTS=-=-- -

- The man himself! Sells the Bootar, a vanity set, and an accessory that replaces vanilla boss music with various GaMetal covers.
- Challenges, that take place in another dimension! Accessible by speaking with Revolver Axolot.
- Super Moves, items that involve playing a time-stopping minigame for powerful effects!
- Hornlitz, a lightning-fast horned lizard fought after Skeletron.
- A secret, optional Hardmode boss. For every defeat, you can trade him a Shadow Chest item (excluding Dark Lance) for an upgrade.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
The Cult of Cthulhu [ New Boss ]
Download v2.4 (697.2 KB)


Used to be named "The Soul Gatherer"
This mod is meant to add lots of new items that give extra content and are unique, and add items in parts of terraria that have less content.
so overall it's just a big content mod that gets daily updates!
v2.4 2020-05-27 Changelog :
New features :
Removed HallowTron
Added the volcanic biome
Added some new tiles
Added a new pickaxe for cthulhu
Added Volcanite ore which spawns in the volcanic biome
and has some crafting recipes
Volcano biome is not finished neither are all the crafting recipes
Added new boss
Added new trophy
Added new ore
Added 2+ Materials
Added 5+ New Weapons
Added 1+ New Monster

Changes :
fixed rarities of all items
Souls now look better and float
Rebalanced Cthulhu
Rebalanced Everything
Fixed some sprites

Keep in mind this mod is a work in progress, anything is subject to change.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.2 Edit | Delete
Celestial Skies
Download v2.0.1.0 (242 KB)

Elizabeth Yamamoto

The heavens are falling, and creatures from afar have their eye on the world of terraria.

This mod is intended to be a small content mod, and as such is very light on additions to the game.

Currently Celestial Skies adds:

-2 Bosses (One Post Skeletron and One post-ML)
-1 Meteor Biome
-1 Post-Moon Lord sub-biome in space
-2 Weapon sets



Patches to reported bugs

Nerfs to VOID and Fury Soul



As of late, Nintendo has been lax on copyright, but I just wanted to mention this just in case ^

Music will be replaced by original tracks eventually


Check out our Discord by clicking the mod homepage button if you have any questions, would like to contribute, show off fan work, or just meme around



Me (Elizabeth Yamamoto) - Coding, Design, Sprites, and Direction

Sumenora - Testing

Governor Gibs - Testing

OverlordCMD - Testing

Alphakip - Coding help & Testing

Terry N. Muse - Coding help + bits of AI code + Testing

PoisX - Sprites

Darkpuppey - Sprites

Ryanlolz1 - Sprites

Fazer Gamer - Animations

Spectral Aves - Dark Nebula Remix

The Ancients Awakened testing team - Volunteer Testing

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Minecraft Tools & Weapons
Download v1.2.3 (147.3 KB)


Minecraft Tools & Weapons
Adds Minecraft tools, Weapons, and armor to Terraria

This mod includes
18 Tools
12 Weapons
6 Armor sets
3 new craftable Ingots

Future Plans (Subject to Change)
Possible Better Armor textures

Armor set bonus changed for Netherite
Minor recipe Changes
A Mistake was fixed

Added a Tutorial Recipe Item.
You can now use any type of wood for tools.
Netherite Armor now requires their Diamond counterpart.
Netherite Armor, tools and weapons had their Souls of night crafting Requirements decreased to 5.
Netherite Charge now uses the correct explosion sound.
Minor tooltip changes.

v1.2.0 "The Hoe Update"
All tools and Weapons have had a size increase.
Craftable Fools Gold and Fake Iron has been added for worlds without gold and iron.
Netherite, Fools Gold, and Fake Iron are now placeable.
Hoes are added as Magic Weapons.
Many Recipe changes.
Damage and speed tweaks.

Netherite Recipe fix and changes
Minor damage changes to certain axes

Armor Recipe Changes
Added Armor Descriptions (Currently lacks color)
Chain Armor has been renamed to Chainmail Armor

v1.1.0 "The Github Update"
Added a github so the mod icon would show

v1.0.0 "Release Day"
Added All tiers of Minecraft Armor
Added All tiers of Minecraft Sword
Added All tiers of Minecraft Axe
Added All tiers of Minecraft Pickaxe
Added All tiers of Minecraft Shovel
Added Netherite Ingot, and Netherite Scrap
Added A unobtainable mistake..."> Minecraft Tools & Weapons
Adds Minecraft tools, Weapons, and armor to Terraria

This mod includes
18 Tools
12 Weapons
6 Armor sets
3 new craftable Ingots

Future Plans (Subject to Change)
Possible Better Armor textures

Armor set bonus changed for Netherite
Minor recipe Changes
A Mistake was fixed

Added a Tutorial Recipe Item.
You can now use any type of wood for tools.
Netherite Armor now requires their Diamond counterpart.
Netherite Armor, tools and weapons had their Souls of night crafting Requirements decreased to 5.
Netherite Charge now uses the correct explosion sound.
Minor tooltip changes.

v1.2.0 "The Hoe Update"
All tools and Weapons have had a size increase.
Craftable Fools Gold and Fake Iron has been added for worlds without gold and iron.
Netherite, Fools Gold, and Fake Iron are now placeable.
Hoes are added as Magic Weapons.
Many Recipe changes.
Damage and speed tweaks.

Netherite Recipe fix and changes
Minor damage changes to certain axes

Armor Recipe Changes
Added Armor Descriptions (Currently lacks color)
Chain Armor has been renamed to Chainmail Armor

v1.1.0 "The Github Update"
Added a github so the mod icon would show

v1.0.0 "Release Day"
Added All tiers of Minecraft Armor
Added All tiers of Minecraft Sword
Added All tiers of Minecraft Axe
Added All tiers of Minecraft Pickaxe
Added All tiers of Minecraft Shovel
Added Netherite Ingot, and Netherite Scrap
Added A unobtainable mistake...

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Sprite NPC (BohriumMod)
Download v0.9.0.27 (42.7 KB)


This mod add a sprite npc to game.

This NPC SELLS this things with your game progress:

1- Bars and some modded bars

2 -Potions and modded potions

3- Boss summoning items

4- Miscs

5- Souls

6- Time changing clock

Update :

all items have a cost

some items cost incrased

added sacred tools , thorium , spirit mod and tremor boss summon items

im still work on boss item sell time

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
3D Tiles
Download v1.0.1 (25.4 KB)


Adds a fake 3D effect to all solid tiles.

This is a FPS killer and may not work properly on weaker systems.
No tiles are drawn offscreen, so lower resolutions will give massive performance gains.
The less tiles touching air, the better the performance.
If your FPS is so low that you can't even open the settings menu, press F9 until it turns off.
Water doesn't work yet and likes to draw over top of everything

To use:
* Use Mod Settings Configurator to configure the mod as you wish
* Or edit the config file in Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Configs\ThreeDee.json
* Change your lighting to Retro or Trippy

- Only tiles that are touching air, other non solid blocks or half/sloped blocks or glass will have their layers drawn, other tiles only have the top layer drawn
- If the tile is in complete darkness, it will not be drawn at all, unless they are next to a tile that is lit up
- Platforms and plants have half the depth
- The amount of layers drawn depends on how close or far away you are from said tile.
- Tiles will scale up depending on their distance from the player and their layer index, however this is just barely enough to cover all seams. It's barely noticeable.

Known Bugs:
* Players and water will be drawn infront of the 3D layers
* Higher resolutions than 1080p may see some gaps.
* Zoom not supported
* FPS killer

See Homepage for changes.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
True Endless
Download v0.2.2 (32.7 KB)


ALL ammo and consumables
Even from any mod
It works by not actually adding new items!

Step one: Make the "Endless Enabler" item using various items at a crystal ball and use it
Step two: Have a max stack of ammo or consumable item
Step three: Watch that item become all cool and rainbowy
Potions are even nice enough to constantly give you their buff without you having to drink it. Even from your piggy bank!

- Is ammo
- Isn't not ammo
- Anything that doesn't place tiles or walls
- Gives a buff
- Doesn't deal damage when swung
Anything you want:
- There's a cool config :)

Known Incompatibilities:
- Potions that give multiple buffs wont constantly give you their buffs (I don't think theres any way to fix this besides a hard coded item by item basis)"> True Endless adds endless versions of all ammo and consumables
ALL ammo and consumables
Even from any mod
It works by not actually adding new items!

Step one: Make the "Endless Enabler" item using various items at a crystal ball and use it
Step two: Have a max stack of ammo or consumable item
Step three: Watch that item become all cool and rainbowy
Potions are even nice enough to constantly give you their buff without you having to drink it. Even from your piggy bank!

- Is ammo
- Isn't not ammo
- Anything that doesn't place tiles or walls
- Gives a buff
- Doesn't deal damage when swung
Anything you want:
- There's a cool config :)

Known Incompatibilities:
- Potions that give multiple buffs wont constantly give you their buffs (I don't think theres any way to fix this besides a hard coded item by item basis)

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Calamity Malice Drops without Malice Mode
Download v1.1 (27.2 KB)


This makes, well, makes Malice mode drops, drop from enemies without having to have Malice mode enabled, it does nothing when Malice mode is enabled of course

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Non-Consumable Boss Summons
Download v0.1.2 (12.2 KB)


Makes all boss summon items non-consumable by default.

Includes calamity and thorium support.

koolaidlemonade#6442 on discord.

Changelog v0.1.2:
- added thorium support

Changelog v0.1.1:
- added mod icon

Changelog v0.1:
- makes all boss summoning items in vanilla and calamity non-consumable
- allows you to left click the guide voodoo doll to summon the wall of flesh

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Ridiculously Many Yoyos
Download v0.0.7.1 (217.9 KB)

Mello and Uno Reverse Ca…

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Bottomless Buckets
Download v1.3.2 (40.5 KB)


Lava Bucket:
Fish in lava.

Bottomless Honey Bucket:
Fish in honey.

Both are extremely rare, so at 100 fp, you have a 2.13%."> Adds a bottomless lava and honey bucket.
Mimics the values from Terraria 1.4's lava bucket item.

Bottomless Lava Bucket:
Fish in lava.

Bottomless Honey Bucket:
Fish in honey.

Both are extremely rare, so at 100 fp, you have a 2.13%.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Calamity Bumblebirb Pet
Download v1.3.1 (25.8 KB)

Potato Person

Adds a pet Bumblebirb that drops from The Calamity Mod's Dragonfolly with a 10% drop rate

Birb pet sprites by Krysmun
Fluffy Feather and unholy one item sprites by Blockaroz
Hell sprites by YuH

1.3.1: Made rarities accurate and changed sell prices
1.3: Updated to new TML and renamed the unholy one's item
1.2.1: Nerfed recipe of the unholy one
1.2: Resprited the Fluffy Feather and capitalized author name... perhaps something else...?
1.1: Added a second variant that can't be equipped, but can be used in conjunction with other pets

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
LadyFluffyPandas Extended Crafting Mod
Download v0.3.4 (15.9 KB)


Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
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