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Rockos ARPG
Download v0.93 (354.8 KB)


-Fixed the multiplayer drop (plague from long ago)
-Fixed the multiplayer life bug which render player invincible. (plague from long ago too)
-Fixed exp give in multiplayer. (Plague from the start of porting this mod.)

-Fixed Heartless bug.

-Fixed life leech bug for non ranged
-Fixed draw fps drop ( I hope at least )
-Fixed damage while heartless ( I Hope too)
-Fixed life regen adding old life regen value

-fast fix hp reset

This mod add more deepness to the core game. By removing the need to hunt down crystal heart.

The core of this mod is a skilltree web of 524+ passive which help you build a character as your play fit.

Ui has been updated and more convinient with the option to move around the Ui itself.

Also, the monster give xp so you can grind as much as you need.

More info at terraria forums.

= Features. =

-Level system for character advancement. Now farming monster is more rewardly.
-Stat system to simule classes. Each stat affect their own set of effect on the player.
-Giant web skill tree over 524 skill and more coming.
-Revamped Life bar and Mana bar. Exp bar added and Item bar added.
-Ui customizable.
-Multiplayer support. (still some bug left due to tmodloader)
-Easy stat set with the mouse or the numpad button.
-Status screen for more advanced stat showed.
-Combat text improved for the exp gain.
-Compatible with any other creature mod.
-OVerkill system giving more xp.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
KO Sword (instakill weapon)
Download v1.0.4 (6.8 KB)


The KO sword is simple, it does 99 billion damage and can be crafted at a workbench for 99 luminite bars. Have fun!
(edit: made it faster and bigger and do 9000x more damage so it can kill things that are not from vanilla terraria)

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Spear Overhaul
Download v0.3.3 (312.2 KB)


Spear From the creators of Archery Overhaul and Sorcery Overhaul comes Spear Overhaul!

This mod aims to overhaul the Spear class, and make it a viable, fun class to play! Along with new spears (of course) the core mechanics of how spears function have changed.

DISCLAIMER: This mod is a still a WIP but has perfectly polished and playable content up to the start of hardmode.

This mod currently adds in the following items:

. 16 New Spears
. 8 New Accessories
. 4 New Armor sets
. 2 New Materials

Unique Features:

. Spear AI - Spear AI was one of the biggest problems in vanilla Terraria, but no longer! Spears now have a small amount of Aim-assist, which allows you to actually hit enemies and not constantly miss your attacks.
. Right-click to throw your spear - All spears, including vanilla spears, can now be thrown by pressing right-click.
. Bleeding - Thrown spears cause enemies to bleed, which causes projectiles to deal 20% more damage to said enemies.
. Autoswing - Modded Spears (Not including most vanilla spears as of yet) now have autoswing, meaning you don't need to spam your mouse anymore.

This mod is much smaller than my other overhaul mods, since I'm solo developing this project.

If you didn't know, I'm actually a game developer, and I make tons of art, music and more! If you want to share your work and have fun,
or want a list of the items in this mod, join my discord below! We try to update the mod every other week. If you want to apply as an artist for the team, join my Discord and send me a message!



= Spear Overhaul Team =:

Riptide: Artist, Programmer, Developer
Mutater: Artist
PootisTweet: Artist


== v 1.2.7 - Final Fixes ==

. Crystalized Armor set can be crafted using titanium or adamantite
. Armor sell and buy values fixed

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Traveling Merchant Everyday
Download v1.0.1 (13.3 KB)

Juni Knytt

This mod attempts to spawn the Traveling Merchant daily, assuming his spawn criteria is met.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Among Us (Help Wanted!)
Download v0.0.3.3 (2.5 MB)

Piers from Piers Hub


-Without the help of a spriter, I unfortunately can't do anything further for the Amongus mod. Please consider joining the hub, getting the Crewmate role and offering some assistance if you want to see the mod continue.

This mod will add transformations, items, an NPC and pets from Among Us to Terraria!

Just like in the icon, you can equip one of the Crewmate transformations and play as a Crewmate. Each Crewmate uses sounds from Among Us. In order to obtain the (default) Red Crewmate transformation, you need to start with a new character. After you collect at least one block of dirt, an NPC will move in and sell you other colored crewmates, special crewmates and special items like pets.

--v0.0.3 Patch Note Highlights--

-Added Mini Crewmates of all colors for Piers to sell!

-Updated Piers the Crewmates sprite to celebrate the new update

-Updated Piers the Crewmates shop

-Updated Piers the Crewmates' dialogue

--Planned updates for v0.0.4--

-We no longer have a spriter so unfortunately... nothing. If you'd like to help out with sprites, feel free to join Piers Hub today so we can figure out what to add next!

>>Join the new server so you can hangout or even help me, Piers, with progressing the mod!<<

To join the server, press "Visit the mods homepage for more info". Just saying in case you're a total sus imposter. Funny 100!


-Piers (Owner)

-Quadd (Creator of Mini Crewmate sprites)

--Other Credits--

-Roxian4ik (Created all of the basic crewmate sprites)

>>Shoutout to The Sounds Resource for the sounds used in this mod!<< "> Welcome to the Among Us mod!


-Without the help of a spriter, I unfortunately can't do anything further for the Amongus mod. Please consider joining the hub, getting the Crewmate role and offering some assistance if you want to see the mod continue.

This mod will add transformations, items, an NPC and pets from Among Us to Terraria!

Just like in the icon, you can equip one of the Crewmate transformations and play as a Crewmate. Each Crewmate uses sounds from Among Us. In order to obtain the (default) Red Crewmate transformation, you need to start with a new character. After you collect at least one block of dirt, an NPC will move in and sell you other colored crewmates, special crewmates and special items like pets.

--v0.0.3 Patch Note Highlights--

-Added Mini Crewmates of all colors for Piers to sell!

-Updated Piers the Crewmates sprite to celebrate the new update

-Updated Piers the Crewmates shop

-Updated Piers the Crewmates' dialogue

--Planned updates for v0.0.4--

-We no longer have a spriter so unfortunately... nothing. If you'd like to help out with sprites, feel free to join Piers Hub today so we can figure out what to add next!

>>Join the new server so you can hangout or even help me, Piers, with progressing the mod!<<

To join the server, press "Visit the mods homepage for more info". Just saying in case you're a total sus imposter. Funny 100!


-Piers (Owner)

-Quadd (Creator of Mini Crewmate sprites)

--Other Credits--

-Roxian4ik (Created all of the basic crewmate sprites)

>>Shoutout to The Sounds Resource for the sounds used in this mod!<<

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
OP Pickaxe
Download v0.3 (3.6 KB)


OP Pickaxe is a pretty simple mod.
It adds an overpowered pickaxe.

Updated to tModLoader v0.10.0.2
New tooltip

Value reduced from 10 -> 0
Rarity from 1 -> 10
Knockback from 6 -> 11

Initial release

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Download v2.4.0 (27.3 KB)

abluescarab, DrEinsteiniā€¦

Based on DrEinsteinium's tWiki mod, WikiSearch is a tModLoader mod that allows you to search the Terraria Wiki for whatever is under the mouse cursor.

* Press Q to search the wiki while hovering over any item, NPC, or tile.
* Now has mod support! Included mods: Thorium, Calamity, Spirit, Fargo's, and Tremor.

Visit the homepage for instructions on registering your own mod.

[Known Issues]
* Some naturally-placed tiles cannot be searched
* Chests open the chest page instead of the individual page

* DrEinsteinium for the original tWiki mod
* DarkLight for suggesting mod support and linking some mod wikis

v2.4.0 2019-11-10
* Implemented tModLoader ModConfig

v2.3.2 2019-08-17
* Build for tModLoader v0.11.4

v2.3.1 2019-04-18
* Fix: removes bracketed text in item names

v2.3.0 2017-11-07
* Added mod config to control Steam overlay search

v2.2.0 2017-11-06
* Added Steam overlay search (thanks, DarkLight666!)

v2.1.0 2017-07-13
* Searches for water, honey, and lava
* Fix: search hotkey works with autopause on

v2.0.1 2017-07-10
* Fix: searches vanilla items before searching mod items
* Fix: mods should unregister properly

v2.0.0 2017-07-10
* Added support for mod items and added some popular mods

v1.0.0 2017-07-10
Initial release.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Anarchist Mod Music
Download v1.2.0.1 (20.3 MB)


This mod contains music for the Anarchist Mod

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2.2 (28 KB)


AntiSocial mod but for armor. Now with customizable features.

Set Bonuses Only: Only a full Vanity Set Bonus will give you any benefit
All Except Defense: All the bonuses of Vanity Armor applied except for defense
Everything: Self explanatory lol

Spectre Healing Balance: Toggle for Spectre Healing Set Bonus in Vanity to reduce magic damage by 40% when on Set Bonuses Only mode

Some Notes:

Some set bonuses will stack with themselves, others won't. Anyways, I think it's more fun to just use different ones.

Shroomite Stealth is hard-coded into the game to override Vortex stealth. Sorry.

v0.2.2 Fix Spectre Healing Balance
v0.2.1 Fix Multiplayer mod config
v0.2 Added Mod Configuration for different modes
v0.1.4 Update homepage and readme
v0.1.3 Fix another tooltip issue
v0.1.2 Fix Vortex, Beetle Armor, Tooltip issue
v0.1.1 Fix Solar Armor
v0.1 Release

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
Galactica (0.9 Alpha READ DESCRIPTION)
Download v0.9.0.8 (11.2 MB)

Luna, Rowing, Daniel theā€¦

-----------Alpha Info------------
Beware bugs lay ahead, Join the discord if you have something to report

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Download v1.1.1 (6.7 KB)


v1.1 - Now works with slush and desert fossil

Using the ore extractinator is now much faster.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Simple Levels
Download v2.0.0 (17 KB)


Simple Levels aims to add a levelling system to the game with the sole intent of making the game easier and not interfering with any other mod.

"/simpleSetMultiplierDamageHP multDamage multHP": Sets the multiplier for the damage and hp buffs, 0.1% steps, caps at 1000.

Show Level info: displays level, xp and buffs in chat.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Combined Stations
Download v1.3 (77.7 KB)


Combined Stations [g:4]
Do you hate to have to many Work Benches in your Base?
This is a Mod that adds the possibility to combine all Work Benches from Vanilla Terraria.
The thing that was important for me is that the Work Benches aren't overpowered which means you craft Vanilla Work Benches together and not just wood to get all.

This mod incudes
22 Combined Work Benches which cover whole vanilla Terraria

Fixed issues with liquid crafting

Added alternate Workbenches to remove Furniture if wanted

Fixed texture of Side-Combined Work Bench 1

Added 5 Combined Work Benches
Some Work Benches now count as Chair, Table and Lightsource
All Workbenches now have breaking particles

Fixed Recipe of Combined Work Bench 5
Added compatibility for different Work Benches, Chairs, Tables and Sinks

Added all Pre-Hardmode Work Benches"> [g:5] Combined Stations [g:4]
Do you hate to have to many Work Benches in your Base?
This is a Mod that adds the possibility to combine all Work Benches from Vanilla Terraria.
The thing that was important for me is that the Work Benches aren't overpowered which means you craft Vanilla Work Benches together and not just wood to get all.

This mod incudes
22 Combined Work Benches which cover whole vanilla Terraria

Fixed issues with liquid crafting

Added alternate Workbenches to remove Furniture if wanted

Fixed texture of Side-Combined Work Bench 1

Added 5 Combined Work Benches
Some Work Benches now count as Chair, Table and Lightsource
All Workbenches now have breaking particles

Fixed Recipe of Combined Work Bench 5
Added compatibility for different Work Benches, Chairs, Tables and Sinks

Added all Pre-Hardmode Work Benches

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Meteor Expansion
Download v1.0.3.5 (11.1 MB)


More info at Discord ( just ask me ), this mod is pretty simple btw. Subscribe AlNexus at YouTube, and thanks Flaqzar, Juminiade, Official Dumbass (A.K.A, Providab, The Yoten God) and Sherlock Times for some wonderful sprites! The Intense Meteor Head theme is Queen Killer (Final Boss Phase 1), Queen Killer (Final Boss Phase 2) from the amazing game "Hive Jump", play it now ( I really liked it ). Buy it's soundtrack too!
This mod has support for Boss Checklist!
In the update, Meteor Hamaxes are buffed ( 10% on all stats. )

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Cheat Recipes
Download v1.0.0 (3.7 KB)


LOL! Why are you even downloading this?

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
No Expert Boss Health Scaling
Download v1.4.1 (25.3 KB)


Removes expert boss health scaling and replaces with vanilla boss scaling from normal mode. Useful if you have a lot of people with not-so-good gear on your server trying to tag along in the playthrough.

Does not work in multiplayer or with modded npcs.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Amongst The Cosmos (Beta Version)
Download v0.1.1 (901.8 KB)

Master Weller

Amongst The Cosmos is a content mod inspired by the horrifying tales of H. P. Lovecraft. This mod is heavily a WIP however.

--- Important Notes ---

- This mod is a re-release of the original Amongst The Cosmos (TurquoiseStuff). The reason stems from the confusion people have had about this mod being made by Turquoise (due to the fact my author name was Adam Turquoise). To put it simply, no, the previous version was not made by Turquoise, but I have changed the mod's file name and my author name regardless. I hope this lays any confusion to rest.

- Some things in this mod may be unbalanced right now, but I will try to fix those in future updates.

--- Content ---

+ 4 Bosses
+ 2 Mini-Bosses
+ 13 NPCs
+ 115 Items
+ Deprived Vessel Mode

--- Version 0.1.1 ---

- Additions -

+ Veteran's Tome
+ Pale Of Blood
+ Carbon Steel Bow
+ Dryad's Tongue
+ Conjuring Altar
+ Xylem Harvest
+ Dual Mace
+ Decrepit Knight
+ Renaissance Dress
+ Swine Apparition
+ Blind Archer Set
+ Mask Of A Creation
+ Executioner's Guillontine

- Changes -

- Decaying Lily is no longer an expert item.

- The screen now shakes when Splinter Wood roars

- Oil Flask now covers nearby enemies in oil, for a much shorter time however

- Renamed Oil to Oil Flask

- Changed Knight Armour set bonus

- Removed Leather Armour

- Celestial Butterfly now spawns rarely in hardmode

- The Spiked Club now incapacitates enemies on critical hits

- Cavern Skeletons no longer drop Steel Scraps

- Vermin Juvenile now drop Vermin Legs

- Overhauled the All Seeing Eye

- The Necromancer enemies now spawn after defeating Eater Of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu

- Fixed Student Armour set bonus

- Forest Hounds now have a leap attack when near the player that deals double damage and inflicts Bleeding (Poisoned in expert mode) and it's knockback resistance and regular damage have been reduced

--- Credits ---

The Tmodloader Team - for allowing players to create their own mods.
Re-Logic - for developing one of the best games of all time.
Moonseer12 - for making the Amongst The Cosmos wiki
Bloodborne - The insperation for me making this mod.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Orchid Mineshaft
Download v1.0.5 (65.7 KB)


This mod aims to give access to the Orchid Mod mineshaft, without the rest of the content.
The mineshaft can be found underground, directly under the spawnpoint, and will give a nice boost to your early game.

If you haven't, please, check out the original Orchid Mod !

More information can be found on the forum page.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Jetshift Mod
Download v1.0.5 (42.6 MB)


Lead Programmer

Programming Help

Idea Development



Special Thanks
The entire AA dev team
Bad Opinions Squid
Glitchy the Robot
Xenon (First Nightmare completionist)
Zurii"> The deities await...

NOTE: This is a public test build, and not the final version. This means that everything in this mod is subject to change.

- New bosses
- New biomes
- New features
- Cross-mod content!
-- Ancients Awakened
- An extra mode for challengers
- Some story behind it...

Thanks to everyone who took part in the contribution process, including the testers:

Lead Programmer

Programming Help

Idea Development



Special Thanks
The entire AA dev team
Bad Opinions Squid
Glitchy the Robot
Xenon (First Nightmare completionist)

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Weapon Randomizer
Download v1.3.0 (22.7 KB)


This is my first ever mod! Made for Gungn1r_. Check him out on Twitch and Youtube. :)

Mod does not start initally. Type /timer enable to start the timer, and every 5 minutes you will lose your first item and a new one will appear.

You can also change the timer by typing /timer set [amount of time in seconds].

Update: Modified code to properly replace item instead of quick spawning. This it to eliminate the chance of someone dropping their new item if they move too fast.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
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