tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
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Download v0.3 (190.8 KB) |
Less |
1x Consumable![]() ![]() ![]() Criado por: Less Programado por: Less Texturizado por: Less Copyright (c) 2019 Less/Jonathan Guimaraes Filgueiras"> [IN DEVELOPMENT] ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Criado por: Less Programado por: Less Texturizado por: Less Copyright (c) 2019 Less/Jonathan Guimaraes Filgueiras Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Calamity Vanilla Buff
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Download v0.1 (12.6 KB) |
direwolf420 |
Buffs all vanilla weapons damage by 20% when Calamity is enabled
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.3 | Edit | Delete |
Lan's Uncraft Items
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Download v1.31.3 (49.7 KB) |
Lanboost |
Make you able to uncraft items, meaning you will destroy the item and get the resource back (or a % of it), this is done with the hammer button to the right of inventory!
Now supports disabled token recipes for: ImkSushisMod and TokenMod Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Terraria: One Block Challenge
Download v1.5.5 (45.9 KB) |
Jabon |
Terraria: One Block Challenge is a mod that recreates the Minecraft mod of the same name. You spawn on 1 block that is replaced by another as soon as it is mined. Each progression tier adds to the default selection.
v1.5.5: "Quick Fixes Before 1.4" Most if not all recipes requiring a Demon Altar now require an anvil. Even modded items! Added a config to remove lower tiered blocks, based on a slider. This also makes stone more common, because the way the mod works requires a tile in the pool. TIPS: 1. All crates can be crafted, allowing access to boots, double jumps, and more. 2. Skeletron, Plantera, Golem, and Lunatic Cultist all have craftable summons. 3. Some bosses drop certain pickaxes on death. 4. Use the recommended QoL mods for a better experience. (They are at the bottom of the page) 5. About 100 blocks to the left is a chest containing the following items: 10 Water Buckets 10 Lava Buckets 10 Of most grass seed types 5 Goblin Battle Standards 10 Acorns STARTING BLOCKS: DIRT STONE IRON COPPER GOLD SILVER WOOD CLAY MUD DIAMOND SNOW ICE TIN LEAD TUNGSTEN PLATINUM HARDENED SAND BASIC VANILLA PROGRESSION GUIDE: Pre boss - Default block selection. Post Brain/Eater - World Evil blocks and Meteorite are added into the pool. Post Skeletron - Hellstone and Ash are added to the pool. Post WoF - All early hardmode ores and pearlstone are added into the pool. Post Mechs - Chlorophyte is added to the pool. Post Golem - Lihzahrd Bricks are added to the pool. Post Moon Lord - Luminite is added to the pool. RECOMMENDED QOL MODS: Item Magnet Plus Alchemist NPC Lite Helpful Hotkeys (Allows quick stacking to chests via hotkey) Boss Checklist Recipe Browser 1.4 Crafting Recipes (Optional, reduces the grind of this mod) Reduced Grinding (Optional, reduces the grind of this mod) imkSushi's Mod (Optional, reduces the grind of this mod) Fargo's Mutant Mod (Optional, reduces the grind of this mod) CREDITS: Obsoleek - Mod Idea TmodLoader Discord - Code Help BladeBurger/IronEyes - Balance/Cross-Mod Suggestions (And the epic Calamity OneBlock Let's Play) Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
imkSushi Fatal Lava Mod
Download v1.0.5 (2.1 KB) |
imkSushi |
A Mod for those who think that lava should be more dangerous.
Now lava insta-kills you! Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.1 | Edit | Delete |
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
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Download v1.7.1 (23 KB) |
Grodus |
This is a mod which adds "Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker" from World of Warcraft. The sword itself and its projectile have 80 damage, with around the same average dps as the terrablade; it has a special debuff to enemies, though, which reduce their defense by 15(similar to ichor), and the projectile is good in some situations. The sword has two crafting recipes:
Crafting Recipe 1: - Enchanted Sword - Arkhalis (Must be crafted at a demon altar) Crafting Recipe 2: - Terrablade - Brand of the Inferno - Flying Dragon - Broken Hero Sword (Must be crafted at a demon altar) ... Now you can finally fulfill your dreams of spamming chat! Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.1 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v1.0.8.1 (4.5 MB) |
JakeTEM |
Eternal - By JakeTEM! - The Bionic Update ---Jake's Lounge Discord Server--- Feel free to join my Discord Server and help out with the mod if you want Eternal is a mod that loads your game with much content possible, including a new difficulty (WIP)! From what we expect, this mod is not fully finished yet so there is no harm in cheating in anything from the mod via HERO's and/or Cheat Sheet... ---Music Addon Mod--- The music for the mod is now it's seperate addon mod Right now you can only download it from the 'EternalMusic' GitHub Reopsitory It currently adds 2 pre-hardmode bosses 3/10 hardmode bosses 13/20 post-moon lord bosses Total of 16/32 bosses in the mod ---Future Plans--- * Port the mod over to tModLoader 1.4 ---Credits--- JakeTEM - Literally most of enerything ---Changelog--- * Added a configuration option that let's the Apollyon use money instead of Apollyon Coins * Omicron now drops Cores of Might * Beacon recipes now use hallowed bars instead of dirt * Added the Final Boss Blade * Implimented the Treasure Capsule * Cosmic Emperor Tweaks * Implimented AI for some of the Bionic and N30X Bosses 1.0.8 * Updated Sprites for most of the content * (partially) Implimented phase 3 and scrapped phase 4 of the Cosmic Emperor * Reworked some items ;) * Updated Mod Integration for Calamity * Added Music Configurations for Vanilla Music * Added music for the Snow Biome * Added music for the Underground/Cavern * Added music for the Mechanical Bosses * Added Sebestion Kox, the Bionic and N30X Bosses (Note: Not all of the bosses have proper AI implimented yet... Excpect patches to come out sometime after the release of 1.0.8) "> Eternal - By JakeTEM! - The Bionic Update ---Jake's Lounge Discord Server--- Feel free to join my Discord Server and help out with the mod if you want Eternal is a mod that loads your game with much content possible, including a new difficulty (WIP)! From what we expect, this mod is not fully finished yet so there is no harm in cheating in anything from the mod via HERO's and/or Cheat Sheet... ---Music Addon Mod--- The music for the mod is now it's seperate addon mod Right now you can only download it from the 'EternalMusic' GitHub Reopsitory It currently adds 2 pre-hardmode bosses 3/10 hardmode bosses 13/20 post-moon lord bosses Total of 16/32 bosses in the mod ---Future Plans--- * Port the mod over to tModLoader 1.4 ---Credits--- JakeTEM - Literally most of enerything ---Changelog--- * Added a configuration option that let's the Apollyon use money instead of Apollyon Coins * Omicron now drops Cores of Might * Beacon recipes now use hallowed bars instead of dirt * Added the Final Boss Blade * Implimented the Treasure Capsule * Cosmic Emperor Tweaks * Implimented AI for some of the Bionic and N30X Bosses 1.0.8 * Updated Sprites for most of the content * (partially) Implimented phase 3 and scrapped phase 4 of the Cosmic Emperor * Reworked some items ;) * Updated Mod Integration for Calamity * Added Music Configurations for Vanilla Music * Added music for the Snow Biome * Added music for the Underground/Cavern * Added music for the Mechanical Bosses * Added Sebestion Kox, the Bionic and N30X Bosses (Note: Not all of the bosses have proper AI implimented yet... Excpect patches to come out sometime after the release of 1.0.8) Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v1.2.3 (144.9 KB) |
TheShadowKnight |
Obscurity Mod is my first mod.
-I'm really sorry for not updating my mod but i have a lot of work- Programmer: TheShadowKnight (On Discord TheTrueShadowKnight) Graphic designer: LekoBluefang Current Version: 1.2.3 1.2.3: -Wind-Style new weapons (nothing special because i'm still working on projectiles) -Graphics for shields 1.2.2: -Some shields but with no graphics 1.2.1 (no new obtanable content): -Test of BrokenGlasses and its buff -Test of new soul 1.2: -New NPC- Miner: He sells ores and bars Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.1 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.998 (354 KB) |
Arrgghhhhh |
It's vanilla Terraria, with some extra cool vanila-type stuff! The content blends in with vanilla Terraria Look out for the post-Moonlord Fusion Cutter and Arkhalis-style Parasite claws! ~~NOT CURRENTLY IN ACTIVE PRODUCTION~~ Last Updated: 6/16/2022 VanillaPlus Wiki page: adds: -23 Weapons -5 accessories -1 Town NPC - Suspicious Looking NPC - Sells boss summon items! -3 enemy NPCs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~some cool stuff~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unique Weapons: -Fusion Cutter: laser "sword" that is held out rather than swung; right-click to launch laser disks -Parasite Claws: Arkhalis type weapon; lifesteal -Plaguebringer: shoots cone of Scourge of the Corruptor projectiles -Last Whisper: clockwork assault rifle on steroids -Phantom Knives: throws cone of knives EITHER starting on player OR ~25 blocks AWAY from player body; pierce through walls Town NPC: -Suspicious Looking NPC; sells respective boss summoning item after killing each boss -above NPC sells new Plantera summoning item! Accessories: -Questionably Ethical Hoverboard: obscenely fast hover-board; >5x normal hoverboard x-velocity -Aureola: post-Moonlord item with variety of magic buffs -Celestial Capacitor: post-Moonlord item with melee buffs proportional to your health -Cosmic Lens: post-Moonlord item with ranged buffs proportional to ranged crit % Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Naruto Mod (Ninja's Quests)
Download v0.96 (496.1 KB) |
DominatoryPrograms |
Naruto Mod (Ninja's Quests) :
Want see something added or bug fixed Comment on a video on youtube (DominatoryPrograms) Made By : Ragz10/DominatroyPrograms State: W>I>P GitHub: Dont Right Click to undo any Buffs From This Mod Alot to add and change and do! (All Changelog Info at Github!) Started Working ON Mod Again so look forward to weekly or bi-weekly updates! Version 0.9: Whats New: *Properly Visual and text verification of MS and EMS *Adjusted the drainage of Sharingan.(Tomoe 3 and EMS no longer drains.) *Adjusted Chakra Recharge rate *Added Some New Quests *Added Substitution Jutsu Version 0.85: What's New: *Sharingan *Mangekyo Sharingan & EM Sharingan *Byakugan (Buff) Please Note : Sharingan & Byakugan is added as a Hotkey! *Reduced Sharingan Awakening and Tomoe lvling Time! Look forward to : More Jutsus More Download Special Items Possible New Enemies Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.1 | Edit | Delete |
Random Loot Plus 加强版随机掉落
Download v1.0 (11.1 KB) |
Plantare(BiliBili@世纪小花) |
*English Description*
[Randomizer] is a interesting mod...Especially to randomize loot. But that fills your inventory with garbage so quickly that you cannot trash them in time even with AutoTrash, that's bad. Besides, you may have to kill mobs for hours only to get 100 bullets, this is, REALLY, REALLY boring. So! I created this mod : Random Loot Plus. Its function: □15%-Weapons, full stack if maxstack > 1, and 250 if it's ammo □10%-Armor, 1 □10%-Accessory, 1 □5%-Potion, 5, and 15 if it's healing pot or mana pot □5%-Placeables, 50 □10%-Random Item, 1 □If all listed above don't drop, then nothing is dropped *中文简介* 【随机模组】是个很有趣的模组......尤其是随机掉落功能。 但是这个功能会让你的背包塞满垃圾,尤其是后期,扔都扔不及的那种,这是坏的。 以及你可能不得不为了凑够100发子弹刷怪几个小时,这真的非常,非常无趣。 所以! 我写了这个mod——加强版随机掉落。 具体功能: ○15%掉落武器,如果武器堆叠高于1,将一次性掉落足量,如果是弹药,将掉落250个 ○10%掉落装备 ○10%掉落饰品 ○5%掉落药水,一次掉落5瓶,如果是回血/回蓝药剂,一次掉落15瓶 ○5%掉落放置物,一次掉落50个 ○10%掉落随机一个任意物品 ○如果以上都没生效,将不会掉落东西 Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.7 | Edit | Delete |
VamnKuma's Races
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Download v1.1 (109.4 KB) |
VamnKuma |
- Description -
This mod adds new races to MrPlague's Authentic Races. - Races - - Deer - Bear - Cacto - Credits/Original Mod - - MrPlague (spriter, animator, and coder) - CrocWithShades (betatester) - Dragons Tired (betatester) - Blaquestone (gameplay balance) - Fallout_Patriot (gameplay balance, betatester)"> - Description - This mod adds new races to MrPlague's Authentic Races. - Races - - Deer - Bear - Cacto - Credits/Original Mod - - MrPlague (spriter, animator, and coder) - CrocWithShades (betatester) - Dragons Tired (betatester) - Blaquestone (gameplay balance) - Fallout_Patriot (gameplay balance, betatester) Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Calamity - DoG Nonstop Music Box
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Download v1.0 (18.5 MB) |
Sans Me |
No, this mod is not official.
Adds a craftable music box that plays DM Dokuro's 'Devourer of Gods Nonstop Mix', which is essentially a fancy mashup of all of the DoG themes. This mod requires 'Calamity Mod Music' to function. Simply take the three Sentinels' music boxes and combine them with The DoG's two music boxes to create this one. All credit goes to the Calamity Devs and DM Dokuro himself, all I did was tweak some sprites. Changelog: 0.1 - It doesn't work. 0.2 - Made it work. 1.0 - Made it officially require the Calamity Music Mod. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Spooky Terraria (Including Slender!)
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Download v0.6.1 (48.1 MB) |
Ryan |
USE THIS MOD WITH BETTERMECHANICS, A MOD ON THE MOD BROWSER THAT I MADE! First of all, this was inspired by Slenderman: the 8 pages. BE SURE TO CREATE A NEW CHARACTER WITH THIS MOD ENABLED FIRST. WHEN ENTERING GAMES, YOU CAN DOWNLOAD VARIOUS THINGS FROM THE MAIN MENU NOW In this mod, your world gets a whole lot darker and creepier, along with a new NPC, the Stalker. Be aware that the stalker will only appear in world-generated maps. If you are playing any slender map (One made as of now), it will not appear. The stalker is a high stealth creature who can attack you when you least expect it, so be sure to use your flashlight accordingly. The one way you will know the Stalker is near you is a heartbeat. Your heartbeat links to the Stalker. The faster your heartbeat gets, the closer you are. Another thing: Heartrate is now an important factor in the mod. If your heartrate goes above 240, you die. This mod adds pages and slenderman too! Some extra spooky things like ambience have been added! In the forest you can hear crickets, owls, and eerie winds. At the ocean, you can hear crashing waves, which are loud. In the snow, you can hear faint snowfall. A NOTE TO ALL: This is intended for SINGLE PLAYER GAMEPLAY. There are no plans to make this multiplayer compatible, and as a result, I have prevented ALL loading into MP servers. Have fun, and good luck! "> Hello and welcome to Spooky Terraria! This is the first ever mod to try and make Terraria spooky, if not scary IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED YOU USE THIS MOD WITH BETTERMECHANICS, A MOD ON THE MOD BROWSER THAT I MADE! First of all, this was inspired by Slenderman: the 8 pages. BE SURE TO CREATE A NEW CHARACTER WITH THIS MOD ENABLED FIRST. WHEN ENTERING GAMES, YOU CAN DOWNLOAD VARIOUS THINGS FROM THE MAIN MENU NOW In this mod, your world gets a whole lot darker and creepier, along with a new NPC, the Stalker. Be aware that the stalker will only appear in world-generated maps. If you are playing any slender map (One made as of now), it will not appear. The stalker is a high stealth creature who can attack you when you least expect it, so be sure to use your flashlight accordingly. The one way you will know the Stalker is near you is a heartbeat. Your heartbeat links to the Stalker. The faster your heartbeat gets, the closer you are. Another thing: Heartrate is now an important factor in the mod. If your heartrate goes above 240, you die. This mod adds pages and slenderman too! Some extra spooky things like ambience have been added! In the forest you can hear crickets, owls, and eerie winds. At the ocean, you can hear crashing waves, which are loud. In the snow, you can hear faint snowfall. A NOTE TO ALL: This is intended for SINGLE PLAYER GAMEPLAY. There are no plans to make this multiplayer compatible, and as a result, I have prevented ALL loading into MP servers. Have fun, and good luck! Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Jimmy's Arsenal
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Download v1.1.9 (2.6 MB) |
St. Jimmy |
1.1.9 Changelog:
- Added a config option to enable or disable the vanilla buffs. - Adjusted vanilla buffs as to not override any changes Calamity makes. - Adjusted sell prices of a lot of items. - Adjusted drop chances of M1919 Shorty and SCAR. - Increased total defence of Pearlwood Armor to 26, movement speed bonus to 20% - Reduced buy prices of Lewis Gun, SMG, and Tankgewehr. Note: I will likely stop updating this mod to work on a similar but new project. Some content will be carried over. Adds a bunch of new weapons to supplement progression as well as some buffs to vanilla gear. Vanilla gear buffs can be toggled with the config. Buffs: - Hardmode metal repeaters and the Hallowed Repeater have their damage increased by 25% - Hardmode metal axes have their damage doubled - Pre-Hardmode metal swords have their damage and size increased, with Gold and Platinum broadswords as well as all shortswords given auto-swing - Chlorophyte swords, shotbow, axe, hammer, drill, and pickaxe buffed - Starfury, Flintlock, Brand of the Inferno, Flying Dragon, Phantom Phoenix, and Muramasa buffed - Flamethrower and Elf Melter buffed - All of the weapon buffs above will not override any changes Calamity will make - Pearlwood armor significantly buffed, gives increased life regen, max health, and max mana Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.6 | Edit | Delete |
Paladin Armor
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Download v1.2 (24 KB) |
Troy Star |
The Paladin Armor mod adds new meaning to the late game dungon for melee users as well as new armor for my all time favorite class, The Tank. By killing Paladins you can take the resiliance they once had and turn it into a weapon against them. Although with less defence than the Beetle armor it more than makes up for it with its intense regeneration.
--Curent Additions-- +1 Armor Set +2 Swords +1 Material +1 Pet +1 Buff +1 Pet Summoning Item --Credits-- Troy Star Thorium (I used the fallen paladin armor for inspiration) --Versions-- 1.0 -Added Paladin Sword -Added True Paladin Sword -Added Paladin Armor Set -Added Holy Essence 1.1 -Damage Balances --Raised melee damage of Paladin Sword and True Paladin Sword -Changed Beetle Shell recipe group name -Changed Holy Essence rarity 1.2 -Added Baby Paladin --Added Golden Rattle --Added Baby Paladin Buff Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
More Spell Books
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Download v0.4.0 (57.8 KB) |
BBackx |
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
New Mythical Items Plus
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Download v0.104 (3.7 MB) |
Skeletony |
NMIP (New Mythical Items Plus) adds a whole bunch of mythical items that makes vanilla Terraria a lot more fun, difficult and challenging. (Not really at this stage though)
- 1 New boss - A whole lot of new items - New enemeies - And more! Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.3 | Edit | Delete |
Cave Story
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Download v0.4 (216.6 KB) |
jopojelly; Vetpetmon; et… |
This mod includes 2 NPCs, 5 weapons (4 of which are upgradable at the moment), 1 mount, and 1 wing brought over from Cave Story, a popular indie game.
Weapons: Polar Star, Bubbline, Fireball, Machine Gun, Nemesis Mount: Curly Brace Wings: Booster v0.8 NPCs: Green Critter, Red Bat Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Calamity Weapon Randomizer
Download v1.4.0.0 (55.3 KB) |
HamburgerBoi |
Calamity Weapon Randomizer is a weapon randomizer mod made for Calamity.
It does exactly what Weapon Randomizer mod does but every single calamity weapon is now on the list. Pre hardmode weapons, Hardmode and Post-Moonlord weapons are seperated into 3 catagories to prevent tier breaking. To prevent confusion, all weapons with rogue counterpart will only have the melee one(except elemental disk) All weapons in the first hotbar slot is unconsumable, even weapons that are supposed to be consumable(so you don't throw your weapon away) 1.0 - mod introduced 1.1 - added all missing items 1.2 - slightly altered the timer + random item system to prevent lag when reading the huge item list 1.3 - changed the list to not have bot hrogue and melee weapon counterparts to prevent code confusion 1.3.1 - changed text color - changed elem disk to only have the rogue version - changed vanilla weapons that are post ml from hardmode list to post ml list 1.3.3 - fixed revives stopping the timer 1.3.4 - fixed several weapons being in the wrong place - added in some command usage tip when you load in the world 1.4 - updated mod to match with calamity 1.5 Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.6 | Edit | Delete |