tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
Yet Another Recipes Mod
Download v1.2 (2.8 KB) |
Al Fahrel |
This is yet another mod that adds crafting recipes to Vanilla Terraria items.
At the moment, this simply has: Bone Pickaxe Frog Leg Balloon Pufferfish Tsunami in a Bottle Magic Lantern Broken Hero Sword Post-Moon Lord faster recipes: Terra Blade Ankh Shield Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v1.3 (1.1 MB) |
Gurgle_Nurgle, silent_pt… |
Terrarchitect is a furniture / build mod that adds a wide variety of custom-made, high-quality decorational items and blocks to Terraria! It also aims to make some previously ubobtainable or unplacable vanilla items available.
Whether you're a dedicated builder who wants to add more detail to his creations our you're more interested in the game's progression but still want your base to look good, this mod has something for everybody. All new items are craftable at the newly added crafting station, the "Terrarchitect Catalogue", or can be bought from various NPCs. We highly recommend installing DRKV’s mod “Shop Expander” to avoid overflowing the inventories of the NPCs. We want to add more content in the future, so stay tuned! A "cheat sheet" containing all items and how to craft or find them is available through Terrarchitect's thread on the Terraria Community Forums. To keep up with the development process, feel free to join our subreddit r/Terrarchitect. ----------------------------------- Spritework by Gurgle_Nurgle Coding by silent_ptr and Zandberg Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
1.4 Features/QoL/Mechanics
Download v1.0 (5.5 KB) |
GoodPro712 |
1.4 Features/QoL/Mechanics is a mod pack mod that mod references the current 1.4 feature, mechanic, or QoL mods.
This currently includes: Smart Doors Use Control to Quick Trash Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.4 | Edit | Delete |
Jump Start
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Download v0.1.3.1 (523.2 KB) |
Sabenator |
JumpStart is a mod in progress intended to make the game a little bit less tedious and annoying
Currently it adds: -A starter bag, now with a slightly better sprite -Calamity support for imkSushisMod loot swap tokens, ALL BOSSES -Spirit Mod support for imkSushisMod loot swap tokens, ALL BOSSES -Redemption Mod support for imkSushisMod loot swap tokens, ALL BOSSES -Shadows Of Abaddon support for imkSushisMod loot swap tokens, ALL BOSSES -Thorium support for imkSushisMod loot swap tokens, ALL BOSSES -Ultranium support for imkSushisMod loot swap tokens, ALL BOSSES -Some Pre-Hardmode bosses drop Magic Storage components -Some Pre-Hardmode bosses drop Gem bags. -Hey Mick, hows it going with adding recipes? Now do you understand what I meant by spell checking? My favorite mispelling was "InfectousJavelin" in Redemption mod. Took me a while to notice that! Planned Features: -More loot Swapping recipes for: Elements awoken, Ancients Awakened, Ultranium, etc (probably in this order) -The ability to craft bars down into lower tiers from previous game stages (ex. Cosmolite -> Chlorophyte) -maybe a few QoL NPCs -What ever I feel like. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.1 | Edit | Delete |
More Dialogue
Download v0.2 (11 KB) |
Graydee |
Do your town NPCs feel a little soulless with their same dialogue over and over? Well, this mod adds over 100 new lines of dialogue to various NPCs, for various situations, to hopefully make them feel a little more "alive"
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
Celestial Gifts
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Download v1.1 (499 KB) |
Salaro |
Note that this mod is still a work in progress and will constantly be updated to include more features
Includes: 40+ New Items 5 Brand new buffs 12 New NPCs And much more coming If you're interested in supporting me in the development of this mod consider donating to my patreon with the link both in my discord and on the mod's wiki page. Donating will help me continue making content that I love to make without worrying about ending up on the street cuz I'm a broke boy. Thank you all so much for supporting my mod and helping me pass 30,000 downloads. Here's to 30,000 more! Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.6 | Edit | Delete |
Touhou Expansion
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Download v0.7 (21.8 MB) |
Blink_Dagger |
Touhou Expansion is aimed for adding some boss fights from touhou projects,from th6 (the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil) to th15 (Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom).
Planned to add bosses:Yuyuko(Ten Desires version),Chen, Imaizumi Kagerou,Marisa(Imperisable Night version),Youmu,Junko,Flandre,Yukari. Due to the coming update of 1.4 version tModLoader, this mod will permanently stop updating. Flandre and Yukari still undone. Apologize for everyone who like this mod, and wait for the 1.4 version adapted release if possible. [C/FF0000:This Mod is not Gensokyo mod, please don't confuse them.] [C/006FFF:DISCORD LINK] [C/009FEE:GENSOKYO MOD DISCORD LINK] Deepest apologies for this mod's developers that were offended by me. [C/FF5F00:WARNINGS] *Due to technical problems,this mod hasn't done perfect adaptation of multiplayer gaming.. *Trying to enable cheating mod alongwith this mod may cause player taking 1000% damage and cannot regenerate health when any mod bosses alive. [Including: AlchemistNPC,WeaponOut,Antisocial,ExperienceAndClasses,Wingslot,FasterWeapons] [C/FFFF00:CHANGELOGS] V0.1 *Add bosses:Yuyuko,Chen,and some drops of Yuyuko V0.2 *Add accessory and things like trophy dropped by Yuyuko;most unfinished in-plan bosses have added musics V0.2.1 *Add accessory & trophy of Chen; reduced death sounds of bosses; tried to do multiplayer synch of Yuyuko,I wish her can be challenged normally in multiplayer gaming. However I cannot ensure there are no bugs still exist, so is possible please report bugs on my Discord server if you find any. *** CHEN's multiplayer synch is done halfway, so there may be unexpected conditions if summoned in single player or in server. V0.2.2 *Multiplayer synch of Chen.Kagerou boss fight will be added in V0.3, and will be fit for multiplayer gaming from the start. V0.3 *Added boss: Imaizumi Kagerou.I think it's fit for multiplayer gamings.(Lack in sprites so I used her head as summoning item lol) V0.4 *Added boss: Kirisame Marisa. Reimu's Last Word spell still in progress, so it's a half-done boss fight. May cause lag on bad PC due to too many bullets. V0.4.1 *Temporarilly disables the function of anti-cheating.Still not suggest playing with mods with totally overpowered items, like Weaponout and Experience&Classes. V0.4.3 *Completed Marisa's boss fight. Now Reimu will come out after you defeated Marisa, and escape with loots drop after her Last SpellCard. V0.4.4 *Fixed bugs aboout Potted Westbound and Marisa boss fight in multiplayer gaming. I have no idea about Reimu's bugs, so it won't be fixed recently. V0.4.5 *Added Kagerou's accessory, Marisa's weapon, and their treasure bags;added a half-done Junko fight. V0.5 *Added Junko's boss fight, I hope you like her. Added Marisa's accessory. Fixed a bug that will cause Hakero Staff aim an invulnerable target. V0.5.2 *Added Junko's weapon, nerfed Kagerou/Marisa/Junko's basic stats, nerfed the power of Junko's certain spellcards. V0.5.3 *Added config for non-boss musics. V0.5.5 *Fixed a bug that causes music volume being set to 0% while turn on the non-boss music config. V0.5.7 Added Kagerou's, Marisa's and Junko's bossbags and trophies, added Junko's expert mode accessory.Chen's and Kagerou's weapon lack in sprites and planned to come out in weeks. V0.6 Fixed a bug that causes bosses unable to release bullets correctly. Added Youmu Konpaku's boss fight.Added configurable title theme replacement.This is the final update for 1.3 tModLoader. V0.6.1 Damn it I forgot to write Youmu's summon item [C/FF0000:Chinese Translation from here] 车万拓展模组致力于加入一些在幻想乡mod中未出现的boss战,仅限正作(红魔乡-绀珠传)。 目前计划加入的boss为:西行寺幽幽子(神灵庙ver),橙,今泉影狼,雾雨魔理沙&博丽灵梦(永夜抄ver),魂魄妖梦,纯狐,芙兰朵露·斯卡雷特,八云紫。 由于1.4tml即将更新,这个mod将会永久停更。对所有喜欢这个mod的人说声抱歉,如果可以的话请你们等待适配1.4版本的本mod发布。 [C/FF0000:这个mod不是幻想乡mod,请不要搞混了。] [C/006FFF:DISCORD链接] [C/009FEE:幻想乡MOD DISCORD链接] [C/FF5F00:警告] *由于技术限制,boss战和部分物品可能在多人模式中适配的并不好。 *试图与作弊性质的模组一起加载,会使玩家在有模组boss存活时承受1000%伤害且无法回血。 [包括: AlchemistNPC,WeaponOut,Antisocial,ExperienceAndClasses,Wingslot,FasterWeapons] [C/FFFF00:更新内容] V0.1:加入boss:幽幽子,橙,以及幽幽子的一些掉落物 V0.2:加入幽幽子的宝藏袋和纪念章 V0.2.1:加入橙的饰品、宝藏袋、纪念章;降低一些音效的音量(例如boss死亡的爆炸声);试图做了幽幽子的多人同步,但也只能希望她在多人模式表现正常。 无论如何,我不确定是否还有依旧存在的bug,所以遇到bug的话 Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
GoodProLib - Beta
Download v0.2 (84 KB) |
GoodPro712 |
Library for modders
This library adds the following utilities: SwapMainMenuBackgroundTextures LoadBackgrounds LoadBackground Chat FadeBetween LogTextures FixUnloadFromLogoTextureReplacing DrawRectangle CenterStringXOnScreen LoggerWarn LoggerInfo LoggerDebug DisableMod SpawNPCsOfTheSameType SpawnNPCs AddItemToTownNPCShop SteamID ReplaceBackgroundTexture ReplaceCloudTextures SwapLogoTexture BlueDungeon GreenDungeon PinkDungeon TileExists GetDungeonColor UIInfoMessage_Show Crimson Corruption ZoneForest ZoneSpiderCave ZoneHive ZoneGranite ZoneMarble ZoneTown GetBlankTexture Singleplayer Multiplayer IsNPCIntersectingTile IsNPCAlive IsNPCTownNPC IsNPCAliveTownNPC GetThoriumPlayer GetPlayerGender GetPlayerDirection GetSkinVariant GetHeadTexture GetSkinColor GetHairID GetPlayerHairTexture GetHairColor GetBodyID GetFemalePlayerBodyTexture GetPlayerArmTexture GetLegID GetPlayerLegsTexture InventoryOpen DoesPlayerHaveAnyItem GetItemTypeOfInventorySlot GetInventoryItemSlotTexture Inspiration MaxInspiration GetPlayerMaxFallSpeed SetPlayerMaxFallSpeed Name NameSize NameWidth NameHeight PlayerName PlayerNameSize IsPlayerName DefaultGravity SetDefaultGravity SetPlayerGravity SetJumpHeight SetJumpSpeed SetMaxRunSpeed SetRunAcceleration SetRunSlowDown SetAccRunSpeed IsPlayerWet SetPlayerWet IsPlayerHoneyWet SetPlayerHoneyWet IsPlayerLavaWet SetPlayerLavaWet IsPlayerHoneyWetAndWet IsPlayerMerman SetPlayerMerman IsPlayerOnMount IsPlayerOnCart IsPlayerServerHost GetHeldProjectile SetHeldProjectile IsPlayerInForest IsPlayeIntersectingTile IsPlayerTouchingAnySolidTile IsPlayerTouchingSpecificSolidTile IsTilePlatform GetTileRectangle IsTileInWorld IsWallInWorld EndOfNight EndOfDay Night Day ChristmasDay HalloweenDay CheckDayMonth ContainsCursor DrawRectangle Downed: Downed NPC bools with correct names Mods: Popular mods so you dont have to make that varible DungeonColor enum NPCAIStyle enum ProjectileAI enum Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.1.3 (988.7 KB) |
sleurk |
Note: this is a very early version of this mod. It is bound to be very unbalanced. You can help me fix it by sharing your thoughts on the discord:
Note: there's going to be a lot of bugs in multiplayer especially. Singleplayer will be more stable and playable, but hopefully I can fix multiplayer bugs eventually too. Report them on the discord when you encounter them. Necromancy adds a new weapon class to the game! Instead of harnessing the power of mana, Necromancers utilize the energy of life force. A Necromancer can act as a tank, a damage-dealer, or a support, depending on your equipment. New weapons deal necrotic damage, and they come in several types, based on the original 5 classes: This mod also features integration with Thorium, including extra equipment from strange plating, the Fallen Beholder, the Strider, the Lich, Abyssion, and the Ragnar�k, as well as necrotic radiant and symphonic weapons! Bonuses to necrotic damage are not specific to a subtype, so you can specialize into only this one class while still having a large variety of playstyles. Some more specific information on this mod is on the Github wiki: Every part of this mod is open-source, so if you're making your own mod and are wondering how to go about making a weapon class, or otherwise want to see how something in here is made, feel free to take a look! Github: Alternatively, you can use tModReader to unpack the .tmod file. Google can help you if you don't know what that means. Credit to Thorium for the basis of necrotic radiant/symphonic weapons. Credit for quite a bit of content of this mod (sprites, some items) goes to Crypt of the NecroDancer by Brace Yourself Games. Credit for a little bit of content of this mod goes to Overwatch by Blizzard Entertainment. (Something something imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. These are cool things that I like. I Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Aura Class
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Download v0.3.0 (504.9 KB) |
The Aura Class is a new class that has the speciality of... crowd control!
This mod currently has 2 subclasses: Auras and Waves. Auras will create a ring and damage enemies inside the ring and cannot knockback enemies... While Waves are controlled Auras that only partially cover an area, but deal more damage and can knockback enemies. Note: No waves are currently in the mod. Another feature is decay rate and is for Auras and make the Aura deal less damage to enemies farther away from the center. Credit to Beancicle II for the idea, NoHaxJustXmod for expanding it, and TRYAGAIN211 for turning this idea into reality. Also thanks for Glitchz123 for adding the idea of an aura, Black Magic, somehow I love testing things with it! Changelog: v0.3.0 "Improve, Expand, and Decay": Changed Auras: • Will no longer deal damage to enemies outside the circle. • Deals reduced damage to enemies through blocks, exception is the spectre aura coming in the next minor update. • Auras no longer deal damage while the player using it is cursed or frozen, but still can be used, and dust will change accordingly. • You can no longer use auras while Stoned/Petrified. • Added decay rate, a feature that took months to figure out. Added Items: • Magnifying Glass • Magmafying Glass • The Irradiator • The Corrosion • Cobalt Aura • Palladium Aura • Mythril Aura • Orichalcum Aura • Adamantite Aura • Titanium Aura • Holy Radiance • Toxifying Mist • Chlorophyte Field • Photosynthifying Glass • Jungle Blossom • Temple's Guard • Shrimpy Bubble • Hyperspace Aura • Dark Energy Armor • Moon Rock Items Changes: • Blood Gem has been renamed to Blood Orb. • Added an ability to Waves of Fire. • Added an ability to Night's Shroud. • Added an ability to Blood Orb. • Added an ability to Radar Device. • Added an ability to Sonar Device. • Buffed Sonar Device. • Desert Sands now fires multiple sand balls and no longer shoots sand at enemies behind walls. • Reworked The Bee Hive. • Aura Range for all weapons has been changed. • Nerfed Glow Armor's Crafting Recipe and defense. • Buffed Glow Armor by making it increase aura damage. • Nerfed Radar Device's Crafting Recipe. • Buffed Wooden Aura. Updated Sprites: • Radar Device • Sonar Device • Night's Shroud • Blood Orb • Waves of Fire • Black Magic • Wooden Aura • The Bee Hive • Desert Sands • Glow Armor • Dark Energy Fragment • Aura Emblem • Luminous Powder • The Mod's Icon Bug Fixes: • Fixed a bug where Luminous Powder would sometimes not convert jungle to mushroom. • Fixed a bug where players could use multiple auras at once. • Fixed a bug where auras could not inflict critical hits. Misc: • Removed Test Aura. • Desert Sands's Sand Ball now comes in many different visual variants. • Removed a few prefixes but added the some more. • Luminous Powder will now convert some enemies to their mushroom counterparts. • Soil Aura no longer appears unless Joost Mod is loaded. • The Dark Energy Fragment is now obtainable. • Increased Desert Sands drop rate. • A lot of items now have a glowmask. • All items now have a sell price. • Black Magic can now be obtained from golden lock boxes. • Doubled drop rate of Aura Class items from bosses. • Many items that increased crit chance now supports aura class crit, including buffs. • Added support to another language, simplified chinese. (Translations were created through google translate, so some translations may be rough) • The dungeon now generates 2 chests both containing black magic instead of placing black magic in a chest already containing a weapon. • Glow Armor now glows, glowing brighter the more pieces of the set you have equipped. • The Bee Hive's item and projectile sprite changes during halloween season. (Use something like fargo's mod config to change it at anytime). • Added a crafting recipe for all tombstones. v0.2.0.3: Added Soil Aura. (Enable Joost Mod to craft) Aura Emblem can be used to craft the Avenger Emblem. Aura radius indicator is now a perfect circle. v0.2.0.2: Fixed Dust. (They were despawning too fast) v0.2.0.1: (Sorry, I am somehow bad at starting with v0.0.0.1) Added Radar Device. Added Sonar Device. Added Glow Armor. Added Luminous Powder. Nerfed the Sand Ball from Desert Sands. Auras can now get bigger through the use of accessories or armor. Aura radius is now much more clear. Fixed the Gold Aura creating Tungsten dust instead of Gold dust. Fixed the Aura Emblem dropping directly from the Wall of Flesh in Expert Mode. (This could allow you to get 2 Aura Emblems) Icon now works. v0.2: Added Aura Emblem. Added a Aura for each of the basic ores. Added a icon. v0.1: Released. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Multidimension Mod
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Download v0.6.1.4 (4.5 MB) |
Dorira |
The Multidimension Mod is a small content mod rn but will grow bigger as I gain experience and team members.
Dimensions arent included yet but there are several planned that will be implemented in the future. Just telling you so you arent confused by the mods name, the mod is just named after a personal project. The mod currently adds: - 75 Weapons - 39 Accessories - 1 Armor Set - 13 Placeable furniture items - 12 Potions - 2 Pets - 6 Vanity Items - 11 Enemies - 1 Boss - 1 Town NPC - 1 unfisnished biome - Boss Souls acting as lore items, can be crafted into boss soul weapons. - Some changes to vanilla enemy lootpools and recipes for normally not craftable items. - A transmutation system, allowing the player to convert materials into their counterpart or even awakening a items hidden power. I'm not really the best coder and have some bigger planned content, so if you are a coder, spriter or musician and you are interested in my work and want to help me, join my discord server Or just do it for news ig, lol. Developer: Dorira owner/spriter/coder megs coder torra th spriting Yhariel coder DrVoodoo musician Contributor: RAZOR spriting naka spriting HybridDeath code/spriting ZSolar1 For making the wiki logo EggsBenedict ideas/spriting Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.0.8.4 (11.2 MB) |
MikhailMCraft & Co. |
We are currently looking for spriters, if you are one and would like to help in the making of this mod please join the Discord and contact Cuno#9958
This mod is not finished! Do not expect weapons or armor to be balanced if you decide to use it in a playthrough Changelogs have been moved to the Discord, join it if you would like to see the content in the latest updates Support us on Patreon: © Bungie, Inc. All rights reserved. Destiny, the Destiny Logo, Bungie and the Bungie logo are among the trademarks of Bungie, Inc."> Adds items and such from the Bungie video game Destiny and its sequel Destiny 2. Currently a work in progress, join the official Discord over at to get in on the conversation! Developers --------- Cuno - Programmer Aeterna - Spriter Brent dya - Spriter ghost - Spriter chis - Trial Spriter Special Thanks --------- Solstice - SFX Fillinek - SFX Black Snow - Sprites and Balancing We are currently looking for spriters, if you are one and would like to help in the making of this mod please join the Discord and contact Cuno#9958 This mod is not finished! Do not expect weapons or armor to be balanced if you decide to use it in a playthrough Changelogs have been moved to the Discord, join it if you would like to see the content in the latest updates Support us on Patreon: © Bungie, Inc. All rights reserved. Destiny, the Destiny Logo, Bungie and the Bungie logo are among the trademarks of Bungie, Inc. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
No More Potion Sickness/Mana Sickness
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Download v1.1.1 (6.4 KB) |
Steviegt6 (convicted tom… |
Github =========================================== Website =========================================== v1.1.0 - Actually made the mod freaking work, but this time it supports healing potions."> Get rid of the mana and potion sickness debuffs. (Slightly configurable) =========================================== Github =========================================== Website =========================================== v1.1.0 - Actually made the mod freaking work, but this time it supports healing potions. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
The Animeme Mod
Download v1.4.3 (395.1 KB) |
MurberMelon |
- v1.4.3 - - Added some High School DxD Items == == == == == == == == Crafting Recipes and Info Found in the Discord (Homepage) Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Ocram 'n Stuff
Download v1.0.2.4 (167.3 KB) |
Rcki / Jeyzer |
This mod adds Ocram and all stuff releated to him from the console edition.
CREDITS: Thanks for Logodum for creating the sprite for Ocram's treasure bag! Thanks for Shamos2000 for creating the sprite for Souls of Blight! Thanks for Blanky200411 for providing me with the Ocram Mask sprite! Thanks for DrunkenCat for creating the map icon for Ocram! Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.1.6 (556.9 KB) |
KoekMeneer, Galenwald, F… |
Supernova mod adds lots of new content to Terraria.
Currently adds: - 3 Bosses - over 105 items - 10 npcs Plans: We are working on a Hardmode update that will add 4 bosses and lots of items! Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Calamity Recipe Add-on
Download v0.1 (7.6 KB) |
TerrariaGallery |
Calamity Recipe Add-on
칼라미티 조합법 애드온 A simple add-on mod for Calamity multiplay. Adds a recipes for an item without a recipes. 칼라미티 멀티 플레이를 위한 간단한 애드온 모드 조합법이 없는 아이템들의 조합법을 추가해줌 Add a Luxor's Gift Recipes (300 Sand, 75 Gold/Platinum Bar, 15 Ruby) Add a Fungal Symbiote Recipes (300 Glowing Mushroom, 75 Gold/Platinum Bar, 15 Sapphire) Add a Onyx Excavator Key Recipes (300 Obsidian, 75 Gold/Platinum Bar, 15 Amethyst) 룩소르의 선물 조합법 추가 (모래 300개, 금/백금 주괴 75개, 루비 15개) 공생 균류 조합법 추가 (발광버섯 300개, 금/백금 주괴 75개, 사파이어 15개) 오닉스 굴착기 열쇠 조합법 추가 (흑요석 300개, 금/백금 주괴 75개, 자수정 15개) Made by TerrariaGallery 제작 테라리아 갤러리 ㄱㅅㄱ "> Calamity Recipe Add-on 칼라미티 조합법 애드온 A simple add-on mod for Calamity multiplay. Adds a recipes for an item without a recipes. 칼라미티 멀티 플레이를 위한 간단한 애드온 모드 조합법이 없는 아이템들의 조합법을 추가해줌 Add a Luxor's Gift Recipes (300 Sand, 75 Gold/Platinum Bar, 15 Ruby) Add a Fungal Symbiote Recipes (300 Glowing Mushroom, 75 Gold/Platinum Bar, 15 Sapphire) Add a Onyx Excavator Key Recipes (300 Obsidian, 75 Gold/Platinum Bar, 15 Amethyst) 룩소르의 선물 조합법 추가 (모래 300개, 금/백금 주괴 75개, 루비 15개) 공생 균류 조합법 추가 (발광버섯 300개, 금/백금 주괴 75개, 사파이어 15개) 오닉스 굴착기 열쇠 조합법 추가 (흑요석 300개, 금/백금 주괴 75개, 자수정 15개) Made by TerrariaGallery 제작 테라리아 갤러리 ㄱㅅㄱ Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.1 | Edit | Delete |
Calamity - Craftable Music Boxes
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Download v1.0.4 (5.9 KB) |
Sans Me |
This mod makes Calamity Music Boxes craftable with vanilla items!
Check the forum thread for more details on how to craft the music boxes: (or just press that lil visit button at the bottom). This mod will require Calamity Mod Music. I own nothing from this mod, all rights go to the developers of Calamity and Terraria. Changelog: 1.0.4 - Tweaked the Higher Abyss Box to be a little cheaper. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
The Trinitarian Mod
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Download v0.3.2 (8.4 MB) |
Vintage, and The Devs |
Welcome to Trinitarian Mod.
The Trinitarian Mod is a general content mod that focuses content and spicing up your playthrough. The mod plans to update and enhance each and every biome, add a plethora of unique items, mobs, and new RPG elements to the game. Some features the mod adds in is: Increased RPG elements -Quests -Class Specalties The Magus Class: A class focused on giving effects to both players and mobs Revamped Ocean and Snow biome content. (Maybe more coming) Re-vamped soundtrack (Most tracks are still being composed, all will be released as its own mod) Public Beta relase 0.3.1 -Quests -Class Specalties -Magus class visuals -Kinda balanced progression Most features in this mod are in a beta build and there will be bugs. Planned Beta 0.3.2 -Races -Necromancer Class Specalty ability -More progression balancing -More Quests -More Mobs Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Download v1.0 (3.4 KB) |
nathanthesnooper |
Direct Rip of OmniSwing for Terraria 1.3.5;
Creator: Source: Makes every weapon in the game auto-swing/auto-shoot. Because why the heck not? Thanks to CrimsHallowHero for fixing spears. Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.1 | Edit | Delete |