tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
Vending Machines
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Download v1.2.2 (102 KB) |
Vending Machines introduces to terraria players shops without requiring an NPC. These shops are activated by right-clicking the vending machine tile (from relatively close to it).
This mod includes a generic vending machine that can be built to provide shops for any NPC with a shop, including modded ones. To build them, you require iron,glass,wire, a switch and a Soul of <NPC>, which is obtained by killing a town NPC with a Soul Extractor sword. This mod is also meant as a base for people to build their own NPC-free shops, and includes an example "Easy Vending Machine" that can be copied to create your own vending machine. v1.2.2 Changelog - Simple port to tmodloader Post in the forums if something got broken. v1.2.1 Changelog Changed the way custom vending machines are implemented: they are now fully compatible with Shop Expander. Vending Machines' SetupShop now takes a Chest instead of an Item[], allowing for expanding the chest.item size. Items over the limit will not be displayed unless your have a mod that allows it. Added Icon.2.0.4 ChangeLog Trying and fixing bug with Shop Expander v1.2.0.3 ChangeLog Fixed a bug where the traveling salesman vending machine did not update with a new day. v1.2.0.2 ChangeLog Fixed a bug where homing weapons homed in on vending machines. v1.2.0.1 ChangeLog Preliminary release for tmod 0.10, tested only with vanilla content. May be updated later if mod support broke. v1.2 Changelog - Soul extractor can now kill Vanilla Bound NPCs (and Tortured Soul Tax collector) and extract their Town NPC soul (exception being the Old Man/Clothier, for Reasons). - Added ATM (tax collector machine), Hair Dryer (Stylist hair styling machine) and Dye Ball Machine (Dye Trader Strange Plant trading). V1.1 changelog - Fixed Nurse removing quickstack and sort buttons from inventory - Added "Guide's Crafting Help Machine" and "Reforge Machine", which allow for recipe viewing and Reforging weapons respectively. -- These new recipes only appear if you have a "Soul of Guide" or "Soul of Goblin Tinkerer" with you, and while they say they can be crafted with any "Soul of NPC", they cannot. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.1 | Edit | Delete |
Download v1.2.0.3 (343.4 KB) |
Hek |
Terranvoa 1.2 is a mod made by Hek.
Mod was reworked for 1.3.5.x / tMod Many things have been deleted - More Accessory Combinations (Balanced) (e.g. the Unholy Battering Ram) - New Moon Lord Expert Drop - Very few game tweaks - Pre-Hardmode Daggers and the Acorn Staff >>>> Still work in progress <<<< Changelog on my mod thread ( Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Dye Easy
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Download v1.7 (10.4 KB) |
goldenapple |
Have you ever wanted Dyes to be easier to craft?
No...? You only use Strange Dyes? OK then. But I'll tell you what this mod does anyway! -One dye ingredient now gives you 3 Dyes (e.g. 1 Red Husk = 3 Red Dye) -When combining recipes, you now get the same amount of dye that you used in the recipe (e.g. 1 Yellow Dye + 1 Orange Dye + 1 Red Dye = 3 Flame Dye) -Bright Flame, Intense Rainbow, Bright Silver and Lunar dye recipes are unchanged. Hopefully now you'll at least give regular old dyes a chance! Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
Mo' Guns
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Download v0.17.9.3 (20.6 KB) |
Warning_Potato_Overload |
Recent Update Added accessory made from the night vision helmet
Adds 10 unique guns, 1 bullet and 1 accessory 4 prehardmode 6 hardmode Attachments sold by arms dealer in hardmode. D.R.O.D.W. sold by cyborg after golem is defeated. Please visit the homepage to post critism, suggestions and anything else you wanna say about my mod Update log: 0.15)Hopefully fixed a loading bug and added attachments for hardmode weapons, small nerfs too 0.17) New gun and ammo sold by cyborg 0.17.1) added icon 0.17.7) New gun in gold and platinum variants\ 0.17.9) Stone bullet added Improved Stone bullet and prehardmode guns Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Glow Mask API
Download v1.5 (2.3 KB) |
ZephaniahNoah |
GlowMaskAPI is a library made to help developers easily add glowmasks to their items.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Tactical Nuke
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Download v3.0 (1.1 MB) |
4keY |
Adds tactical nuke
Made just for pure fun USE ONLY IF YOU WANT YOUR WORLD DESTROYED MADE IT TO v3.0 - NOW YOU CAN CHANGE EXPLOSION RADIUS Craftable at Ancient Manipulator: Luminite bars x15 All four pillar fragments x4 Wire x250 changelog: v3.0 You can now right click with item to change radius of explosion v2.0 Explosion lag reduced to zero. Reworked how the explosion looks. Explosion now destroys chests. Explosion radius increased from 480 to 900 v1.1.1: Destroyed blocks now doesn't drop items so it should help a little bit with the lag when projectile hits tile. v1.1.0: Missle now can now additionaly go from right to left instead of just left to right. Multiplayer compatibile, with possibility of some minor audio bugs rarely. Explosion radius decreased from 500 to 480. Recipe changed. v1.0.2: explosion radius decreased from 600 to 500. Proper animation style for item. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
The Metroid Mod
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Download v0.7.2.4 (16 MB) |
PhilBill44 |
The Metroid Mod is a mod dedicated to adding Metroid Content to terraria. If you have suggestions or notice any bugs, check out the mod homepage. I appreciate any and all suggestions.
Changelog: Massive update after a long break break! Changed Morph Ball and Alpha Metroid Sprite. Alpha Metroid is now challenging and cannot be cheesed anymore. Updated helmet sprites and decreased all npc spawn rates. Added Dark samus and varia suits! Fixed morphball jump height and Metroid larva ai. Updated armor sprites. Added new and improved Icon! Changed recipes for armor. See homepage for details. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Chest Browser
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Download v0.2 (128.8 KB) |
R |
* This explanation is translated from Japanese by Google Translate.
Chest Browser: The Chest Browser browses the chest of the seting range. Right click on any Chest to open chest. Left double click on any Chest to teleport to chest. (When in cheat mode) In the filter setting, you can turn on / off the display by right-clicking the chest. Click on the item and click on the item filter, the target item is registered, and target the chest containing that item. Right click to clear. The name filter filters what is named chest. The display icon size can be switched between large, medium, and small with the icon size setting. The line connecting the player and the chest can be switched between display and non-display. To change the settings, use the standard configuration of tModLoader. By default the cheat function is turned off. Teleporting and unconditional unlocking function only when the cheat function is ON. While the Chest Browser is show, the range extends to the configuration value of search range. The default is to the screen. While the Chest Browser is show, since the operation range is expanded, a protect function to prevent erroneous operation etc. is provided. *** Acknowledgment *** Most of this Mod's UI code is based on jopojelly's Recipe Browser. I am grateful to Mr. jopojelly for publishing a great code. Also, some code uses HERO's Mod code. Therefore, this mod inherits the license of HERO's mod. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Quick Arena
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Download v1.2 (82.7 KB) |
Faceless |
Bored of building your own arena. This will fix that. Any size you want.
Version 1.2: - Added Icon - Fixed Bugs Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
Mod Support with Census - Town NPC Checklist
Download v1.2.1 (12.8 KB) |
lemmoNade |
"Mod Support with Census - Town NPC Checklist" adds mod support for Census - Town NPC Checklist Why? Because it bugs me that there is no census support for these mods "Census - Town NPC Checklist" is by "jopojelly" ------------- this mod adds "Census - Town NPC Checklist" support with: "Tremor Mod Remastered" by "Jofairden" "Spirit Mod" by "PhoenixBlade and the Dev Team" "Archeon" by "AndrewIDFK" "Cheeze's Content Pack" by "Cheezegami" ------------- CHANGELOG: ------------- 1.2.1 (Back on the Mod Browser! / More supported mods 2) Put back up on the Mod Browser ------------- 1.2 (More supported mods) Added support for the following mods: "Archeon" by "AndrewIDFK" "Cheeze's Content Pack" by "Cheezegami" ------------- 1.1.1 (Added Icon) Added Icon on the Mod Browser ------------- 1.1 (Almost Added Icon) Linked mod to GitHub ------------- 1.0 (First Version!) Mod Release! ------------- _ | | | |__ |___| Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.4 | Edit | Delete |
ZoomOut for > 1080p
Download v2.0.0 (6.9 KB) |
Luiafk |
Allows you to zoom out to 100% when you have a resolution higher than 1920 * 1200
Monsters will spawn off screen. Can also be used by people on lower resolutions that just want monsters to spawn closer to them (but still off screen) Use /zoom to toggle monsters spawning normally (just outside of a 1080p screen) or spawning just outside of your screen no matter what resolution. Use /zoombg followed by a number (ideally between 1 and 2, default is 1) to change background scaling because the background might not look perfect. Config file is at My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/Mod Configs/ZoomOutMod.txt Line 1: "enabled: true" or "enabled: false" will enable/disable the spawn range changes. Line 2: "bgscale: x" where x is a number (between 1 and 2, ideally) will change the background zoom because it might not look perfect. 2.0.0: Mod is now NoSync - There's no requirement for the client or the server to have the mod. If only the server has the mod, all spawn ranges will be default. If only client(s) have the mod enabled, any with the mod enabled will be able to zoom out to 100% but will have default spawn ranges. If both the server and client(s) have the mod then each client with the mod will be able to zoom out to 100% and choose whether they want spawn ranges changed or not. accidentally had bgscale command be server side in multi, each player can decide if they want range changes enabled individually. 1.0.3 Final update probably, cleaned up. 1.0.2 Fixed a couple of bugs. Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
Overpowered Stuff
Download v2.1 (95.4 KB) |
Nooby |
This Mod adds many an overpowered item purely for fun, enjoy. Also check out Nooby's Mod for much more balanced content if you're into that :^)
Changelog: v0.1 - Release. v0.2 - Renaming of the mod. v0.3 - Overpowered sword now more overpowered than ever (Damage increase). v0.4 - Tiny projectiles added to the sword that go through walls. v0.5 - AFK Stick added (a summon), name changed to Overpowered Stuff. =Side Note= I wouldn't recommend summoning too many of the summons at once due to lag. v0.6 - AFK Stick tweaked slightly (unlimited summon time). v0.7 - Armour, Pickaxe, Hamaxe and Accessory added. v0.8 - Wings Added. v0.9 - Very OP Rocket Launcher added. v1.0 - Retextures. v1.1 - OP Rocket Launcher has been split into a damaging version and a mining version. v1.2 - Bug Fixes. v1.3 - Bow added (fires mass barrages (only 1 wooden arrow required)) v1.4 - MG added (uses any type of bullet) Retextures v1.5 - Staff added, Yoyo added, retextures and small bug fixes. v1.6 - Bug fixes. v1.7 - Coin Gun added. v1.8 - Fishing Rod and Custom Bait added. v1.9 - Updated to latest version, dimmed my rod. v1.9.1 - Don't use the yoyo for the time being. v1.9.2 - Yoyos fixed, fishing pole out of use v1.9.3 - Overpowered Wings Readded v2.0 - Overpowered Javelin added, go nuts v2.1 - Added a clentaminator that doesnt use solution, functional but WIP Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.1 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v1.6.0.13 (12.9 MB) |
Zevix |
Galium is a Content mod that Adds new bosses, lore, New Items, Item Tweaks, and majorly expanding Pre Hardmode! (soon hardmode)
- Content 90+ New Items 3 New Bosses - Giant Pinky - Florian, Zeus's Bird - Irradios 3 New Ores 5 New Armor Sets 22+ New Enemies A New Biome New Item Tweaks Boss Checklist Support New Recipes for Existing Items And More - Future More Bosses More Lore More Items More Tweaks More Enemies New Armor Sets Better Guide Thank you to Sproot and Jacko and RockWizard for making this mod Possible [THIS MOD IS DISCONTINUED, I AM WORKING ON A 10X BETTER MOD, IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE JOIN THE SERVER AND WATCH THE TRAILER THAT I RECENTLY MADE] Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.7.2 (7.7 MB) |
Sheepish Shepherd |
tMusicPlayer is a music box powered UI that can play your music boxes on the fly with no need for space to hold them.
ALL MODDED MUSIC BOXES SHOULD AUTOMATICALLY BE SUPPORTED! (Music boxes placed and activated will overwrite the tMusicPlayer's song) Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Legendary and Rare item shop for CalamityMod
Download v0.1.1 (26.3 KB) |
RyanPerson & Whailtails |
Legendary and Rare item shop for CalamityMod adds a NPC called the Legend Hunter to the game, he will sell the rare and legendary drops from Calamity Mod once you have beaten their respective bosses
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v1.0.0.0 (59.1 KB) |
GreatestAlly |
Oy Vey!
Current Bugs: Possible desync problems with the lumberjack's grenade and the torcher. <v1.0.0.0> Last version. Added a new arrow type. Fixed Flux arrows not working. <v> Projectiles from the Archer card no longer collide with tiles when entering through the portals. Unlimited Bait Works - infinite bait. <v> Visual changes to Archer card. <v> Archer Card - stuff happens. <v> Updated mod to be compatible with tmodloader v0.10 Biome lockboxes now correctly give the corresponding biome chest item, instead of just vampire knives. Zerzerk now works like how it was originally planned, a ranged weapon similar to the daybreak and bone javelins. <v> Readded the command to check the number of angler quests that was accidentally deleted when updating to tmodloader v0.9.2.3 <v> Updated to be compatible with tmodloader v0.9.2.3 <v> Torcher now uses worldgen functions instead of directly editing tiles. Torcher now places tiles over moss. New Items: LumberJack's Grenade - stickes to tiles and cuts trees. Crafted with grenades and copper axes. Ocean and Desert crates - from fishing. Contains loot found in water chests and pyramids. <v> Attempted fix of Zerzerk arrows not syncing over servers. Torcher how does not try to attack torches to closed doors. Torch placing by torcher improved to not mess with background walls. New Item: Tundra Crate - A biome crate for the tundra <v> MemeBow visual update, name changed to Zerzerk. Arrows have also been updated. Flask of Frost visual update, not longer using placeholder sprites. New Item: Torcher - automatically places torches around the player. <v> Reworked the Meme Bow to not inflict a debuff. Instead, arrows stuck in enemies increate the damage dealt to that enemy by the next critical hit. Drecreaed the amount of green thread needed to craft to meme bow New Item: Flask o Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v1.7.2 (98.1 KB) |
hamstar |
You are now being randomly stalked by a deadly psycho. Hilarity may ensue. Should liven up caving.
* Use Star-in-a-Bottle to for psycho warding. * Config file: Documents/My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/Mod Configs/Psycho Config.json Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Angler Quest Announcement
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Download v3.0.0.1 (19.2 KB) |
bn0367 |
This mod adds a message every new day and/or every time the angler quest changes to tell you what you'll need to fish. It also optionally counts the days you've been in the current world.
Changelog: v3.0.0.1: -Make multiplayer actually work -Very small amount of code cleanup v3.0: -Total code rewrite -Updated to latest tML -Different config options now v2.4: -No longer has a dependency! -New default text color -Code cleanup -ModConfig support v2.3.0.2: -support for mod helpers github issue reporting/config reloading v2.3.0.1: -removed accidental bloat, mod is much much smaller now v2.3: -Large update! -removed previous day completion (for now?), as it wasn't functioning at all -added terrariahooks dependency -support for angler amnesia potion/no angler timer, etc. (biggest part) -lots and lots of code cleanup -day is now no longer synced with the quest announcement -small amounts of grammar/spelling cleanup -removed random excel file I left in mod folder -updated mod description, no longer includes references to day v2.2: -Hex support! -Should actually work in multiplayer now -Forum post! -Added a "!" v2.1: -Added message color to the config, currently only works with rgb, hex coming in next update most likely v2.0: Biggest update so far! -Added config with options for day counter and fish catch location -Messages with and without day counter look different -Added fish catch location to message (can be turned off in config) -Added /aqa reload to reload the config v1.2.02: -Actually updated icon v1.2.01: -Updated icon v1.2: -Added previous day completion list v1.1: -Added icon v1: -Initial upload Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v2.9.2.8 (106.6 KB) |
YeahJustHi |
Info: Dawn Of The Swords is a mod that so far contains 52 really cool items and 1 Boss With Custom Ai. Join My Discord (Homepage) You can find the new wiki link for this mod there, join, and you could help shape this mod! Enjoy Daily Updates!
*NEW UPDATE* *Daily - Weekly Updates* *Got a new pro spriter, discord is "Lizardry#2626"* *Retexturing bad textures very soon* Changelog Added "S.S.T.I.M". Added "Energy Sword". Added "S.S.T.I.M Bullets". Added "STICK". Minor bug fixes. Fixed Wiki. Last Updated: 1/26/2019 5:17PM. Near Future Updates May Contain: Accessory, Sword(s), Armor, Scary typed weapons, Azalath Typed Weapons(not lazer). Future Updates May Contain: Another Boss, More Enemys. Wiki: In My Discord To Join Click Homepage Buttom Below! V V V Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Dancing With The Dragon
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Download v0.39 (1000.1 KB) |
MapleCat |
Please note! Beta may generate bugs or conflict with other mods!(Especially in multiplayer mode)
The first playable version 0.1 is released! -There are 11 types of young dragons in this version, and they have no evolutionary type yet. -Four types of damage type Dragon Controlling Wand, sold by Merchant. -Dragon Gene Petri Dish is sold by Merchant and used to make dragons. -After defeating the Eye of Cthulhu for the first time, the world will start to drop materials for making dragons. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.6 | Edit | Delete |