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Download v0.1.1 (209.4 KB)



Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Terrarian's Bizarre Adventure
Download v0.0.5.8 (7.8 MB)

HellGoesOn, Consume, Dun…

Terrarian Bizarre Adventure is a mod that aims to recreate most of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure stands & abilities.

Current content includes:

Stand Arrow
Doppio's Outfit

Current Stands:
Star Platinum
The World
King Crimson

Keep in mind, everything is a subject to change and not everything is implemented yet. This is a very raw beta version of the mod, which is indicated by its 0.0.1 build version.
I still hope you'll enjoy what little this mod has to offer.
Please enjoy.
We do :)

For any questions regarding the mod, join our discord server!

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Wacky NPCs
Download v0.3 (670 KB)


This mod adds 5 new town NPCs, the Corruption Fangirl, the Crimson Fangirl, the Picklock, the Scam Artist and the Professor, and placeable, stationary guards.

For more information, please, check out the mod's homepage.

Lots of new guards and other stationary "NPCs" added!

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Item Modifier
Download v1.1.9 (252.1 KB)


Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Spectra Mod
Download v0.2.0.1 (173.4 KB)

pbone, DiagnosticLord, &…

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Yoyos Expanded
Download v1.3.7.3 (85.1 KB)


Yoyos Expanded adds 25 new (high quality ;) ) yoyos into the game to fit within the vanilla progression.
If you have any tips on how I can make the mod better, please comment them on the mod's homepage!

Finalized all yoyo sprites and completely resprited the Devil's Advocate.

Added motion blur (like the Kraken) to some of the yoyos and also changed their sizes.

Tweaked a couple yoyo sprites and completely resprited the true yoyos.

Version 1.3.7
Resprited all yoyos and their projectiles (again)!

Fixed description error

Version 1.3.6
Adds new yoyo - Try killing some red devils -- Also tweaked True Hallowed Yoyo's sprite

Buffed the Solar yoyo

Resprited the newest yoyo

Version 1.3.5
Adds new yoyo - Try killing some harpies

Version 1.3.4
Adds new yoyo - Try crafting it with some meteorite bars

Version 1.3.3
Fixed True Night's Throw projectile

Version 1.3.2
Adds new yoyo - Try killing the twins a few times

Version 1.3.1
Resprited both True yoyos

Version 1.3.0
Made both True yoyos and the Terra Throw shoot out particles

Version 1.2.9
New yoyo! - Try crafting it with some solar fragments

Version 1.2.8
The fourth Art Update? - I lied. Touched up all sprites.

Version 1.2.7
Fixed some reforging issues

Version 1.2.6
Also also the Art Update! - Redrew all yoyos and their projectiles - this should be the last art update

Version 1.2.5
Also the Art Update! - Tweaked all yoyo sprites and changed icon

Version 1.2.4
Changed Hellfire's name to Hell's Swing to distinguish it from the Hel-Fire

Version 1.2.3
The Art Update! - Added new sprites for most yoyos

Version 1.2.2
Adjusted some yoyos' stats

Version 1.2.1
Description changed

Version 1.2
Added homepage

Version 1.1:
Fixed wrong recipe for platinum yoyo

Version 1.0:
Finalized icon

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Fargo's OmniWield
Download v1.2.2 (8.1 KB)


OmniWield makes every weapon in your inventory fire whenever you attack.

-Added Mod Icon
-Weapons now fire based on their own use speed. Previously using a high attack speed weapon made all attacks high speed etc
-Fixed certain weapons that use ammo shooting purification powder instead of what they should shoot. (guns now actually fire bullets)
-Added several exceptions to firing additional attacks (items out of mana, tools, and tile placing items will not fire anything)
-Random spread where attacks spawn reduced a bit

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
world tiles flag library
Download v0.1.8.18 (86.7 KB)

Yuji Sakai (Knightmarevi…

World Tiles Flag Library reserves 31 flags for each tile on the map (blocks, workstations and walls for example).
This mod can be added as a dependency, but please do not use the same flags as me.

This is a mod by Yuji Sakai (#6540 on Discord). For more information, contact

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
More Yoyos
Download v1.2 (12.6 KB)


More Yoyos is a mod that adds 16 new yoyos, all being based off the ores in pre hardmode and hardmode, except for one, a throwable torch. I thought 20 yoyos weren't enough, and now we have 36!

Added icon and Shroomite Yoyo

Fixed Icon

Added "Fireball", a yoyo like a thrown torch that does no damage or knockback. Also updated all recipes from Cobwebs to White String

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
(NEW!) Yoshi's Island
Download v1.5.9 (11.3 MB)

Piers from Piers Hub

Welcome to the Yoshi's Island Mod! This mod adds items, enemies, npcs and mounts inspired by Yoshi's island and numerous other Mario games to Terraria!

--1.5.9 Patch Note Highlights--

-Made the mod Open Source

-Cleaned up a lotta code

-Posted the rest of the patch notes on the hub

>>Currently working on a website/wiki for the mod, so join the server to ask any questions while you wait.<<


Piers (Creator)

Doggo/Furret (Long time Hub Advisor/Hub Moderator)

Wolfch (Previous Spriter)

Alpha (Previous Island Helper)

QWERTY (Previous Island Helper)

Vanilliyan (Previous Helper/Partner)

-Other Credits-

A.J. Nitro (For Some of the sprites used)

The Spriters resource (For some of the sprites used)

Jesseo (For originally creating the Baby Yoshi's that Piers later edited)

Joost Mod (For some of the the Banzai Bill Launcher Code)

>>Disclaimer, all rights go to their respective owners! Credit to Nintendo too for you know, creating the entire Mario franchise and stuff.<<

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Pillar Items Plus
Download v0.1.7 (51.4 KB)


Pillar Items Plus adds some new weapons to the pre-moonlord tier.

More information at

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Botanist NPC
Download v1.2.1 (13.1 KB)


This mod simply adds an npc which sells a lot of plants, this includes
(Spawns after BoC/EoW)
Strange Plants
Potion Plants
Pumpkins, Cactus and Glowing Mushrooms
Dye plants like yellow marigold and red bloodroot
As well as a few other things

All shop prices can be customized in
Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Configs
then open "Flower NPC1.json"

Thank you for downloading my mod and have a great time customizing every shop price


This mod simply adds an npc which sells a lot of plants, this includes
(Spawns after BoC/EoW)
Strange Plants
Potion Plants
Pumpkins, Cactus and Glowing Mushrooms
Dye plants like yellow marigold and red bloodroot
As well as a few other things

All shop prices can be customized in
Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Configs
then open "Flower NPC1.json"

Thank you for downloading my mod and have a great time customizing every shop price

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Builder Essentials
Download v1.0 (204.7 KB)

Kirtle, Strunter

Builder Essentials aims to improve the building experience in Terraria tackling unpleasant Vanilla additions that make building much harder than it needs to be as well as adding QoL mechanics and items.

This mod uses keybinds that tModLoader turns off by default, please make sure you set them for the best experience!

For more info/previews check the mod's Homepage!

Happy Building!

If you find any bug/weird behaviour please report it in our mod's homepage. Thank you!

Dev Team
- Kirtle (Programmer)
- Strunter (Spriter)

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Lumberjack NPC
Download v0.3.5 (33.3 KB)



Adds a simple new town NPC that sells most types of wood. He will move in after EoC is defeated. When the world enters Hardmode he will begin selling pearlwood. He also sells a bunch of other wood related items.

This NPC will also sell you after all 3 mech bosses have been defeated, to reduce the grind for shroomite armor. It is still recommended to set up a farm as buying enough mushrooms to craft all shroomite gear will cost nearly 12 platinum.

The mod is balanced and designed after vanilla terraria, and is meant to seemlessly fit in.

This is my first mod, so bugs might occur. If you happen to come across any, please report them to me on the forum post.

Version history

- v0.3.5: Update to tModLoader v0.11.8
- v0.3.4: Minor fixes
- v0.3.3: Support added for Census mod by Jopojelly
- v0.3.2: New browser icon and fixed pricing issue
- v0.3.1: Balancing adjustments and fixed some small spelling errors in his quotes.
- v0.3.0: Now sells living wood related items and glowing mushrooms. Also fixed a few spriting issues with the gore and added a bunch of new quotes, including more interactivity with other NPCs.
- v0.2.0: Now sells pine tree blocks and cacti. Also added new quotes.
- v0.1.2: Added browser icon and fixed a few small spriting issues.
- v0.1.1: Added mod description in browser.
- v0.1.0: Release"> Description

Adds a simple new town NPC that sells most types of wood. He will move in after EoC is defeated. When the world enters Hardmode he will begin selling pearlwood. He also sells a bunch of other wood related items.

This NPC will also sell you after all 3 mech bosses have been defeated, to reduce the grind for shroomite armor. It is still recommended to set up a farm as buying enough mushrooms to craft all shroomite gear will cost nearly 12 platinum.

The mod is balanced and designed after vanilla terraria, and is meant to seemlessly fit in.

This is my first mod, so bugs might occur. If you happen to come across any, please report them to me on the forum post.

Version history

- v0.3.5: Update to tModLoader v0.11.8
- v0.3.4: Minor fixes
- v0.3.3: Support added for Census mod by Jopojelly
- v0.3.2: New browser icon and fixed pricing issue
- v0.3.1: Balancing adjustments and fixed some small spelling errors in his quotes.
- v0.3.0: Now sells living wood related items and glowing mushrooms. Also fixed a few spriting issues with the gore and added a bunch of new quotes, including more interactivity with other NPCs.
- v0.2.0: Now sells pine tree blocks and cacti. Also added new quotes.
- v0.1.2: Added browser icon and fixed a few small spriting issues.
- v0.1.1: Added mod description in browser.
- v0.1.0: Release

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0.19.0 (276.5 KB)


Thaumaturgy adds an upgraded work bench, the Thaumatrestle, which is sold by a new town NPC, the Thaumaturge, a haunted academic who wants to put his skills to use. The Thaumatrestle can be used to break down fallen stars and mana crystals into power sources - auric shards and auric cores - which can then be used to craft, shape, transform, brew, and change objects in many ways. The mod takes heavy inspiration from, but is not similar to, the Minecraft mod of a similar name, Thaumcraft, by Azanor.

For more details about the mod, the source code, and full change log for all versions, head to

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Corru and Crim NPCs
Download v0.1.3 (30.7 KB)


This is a simple mod that adds 2 new Town NPCs, the Curruption Fangirl and the Crimson Fangirl.
They sell various (vanilla) corruption/crimson items.

For more information and version history, please, check out the mod's homepage.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
HP Awareness
Download v1.3.5.1 (36.1 KB)


This is a simple client-side mod that contains:

-Hurt and low HP overlays

-Player HP bar

-Audio and visual indicator above you whenever potion sickness wears off

-Debuff indicators above you whenever you obtain a debuff

Every feature can be disabled or changed to your liking in the config.

Suggest/report features and bugs through Github (homepage), preview images also available there.
-Added more clarification on using debuff lists
-Added little note on Fargo's Mutant Mod in config

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Gadget Galore
Download v1.6.2.0 (51.7 KB)

Uncle Danny

- Thanks to Sal, AdipemDragon, Nao and Jace for the item and projectile sprites.
- Thanks to Grox The Great for allowing me to use his Base Mod tile finding code as a base for the Detector Compass.
- Thanks to Jopojelly for allowing me to use his Auto Trash UI slot code as a base for the drawing tool build slot.
- Thanks to Ozzatron for his help with testing multiplayer and figuring out the drawing algorithms.
- Thanks to Tic Tox for shouting me out on many occasions in his streams, and his continued support.
- Thanks to everyone else who has supported the mod in any way or form."> Gadget Galore is a mod that adds a small variety of gadgets that could be helpful during your playthrough.

The building tools are tools bought from the Mechanic, and make use of the build slot the mod adds. It allows you to place blocks, walls, platforms and paint placed in the build slot in various shapes and sizes, such as lines, circles, squares and more. They can be combined into one single tool for convenience.
The items will be consumed from your inventory, unless disabled in the config file. The building tools can also be disabled in the config file, if desired, i.e. for servers.

The Altar Container is a small tool bought from the Mechanic that allows you to pick up, and place, a vanilla altar. It can still be smashed to cause Hardmode ore to spawn when placed again.

The Detector Compass is a tool that serves as an add-on to the Metal Detector, and thus is only available from the Traveling Merchant if you have obtained the Metal Detector or any of its upgrades. If held, a compass will point towards the "best ore" displayed by the Metal Detector.

The Master Wand is a tool that combines all the block placing wands together, it can be crafted from all the individual wands.

- A huge thanks to Jofairden and Dark;Light for their immense help with various code and UI issues.
- Thanks to Wing for the immense continuous support and countless suggestions.
- Thanks to Sal, AdipemDragon, Nao and Jace for the item and projectile sprites.
- Thanks to Grox The Great for allowing me to use his Base Mod tile finding code as a base for the Detector Compass.
- Thanks to Jopojelly for allowing me to use his Auto Trash UI slot code as a base for the drawing tool build slot.
- Thanks to Ozzatron for his help with testing multiplayer and figuring out the drawing algorithms.
- Thanks to Tic Tox for shouting me out on many occasions in his streams, and his continued support.
- Thanks to everyone else who has supported the mod in any way or form.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Calamity: The Lost Themes
Download v1.0.1 (29.2 MB)

Emissary Of Infinity, DM…

Adds the five "lost" themes of the Calamity soundtrack, produced by DM Dokuro and Turquoise.
For further details regarding implementation and permissions, please visit the home page.
Does not actually require the Calamity mod to work, but it's a much better experience that way.

- Fiery Fists of Stone
- Threats of the Ocean Floor
- Blessing of the Moon

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.4 Edit | Delete
Inventory Tweaks
Download v2.4.1 (59.2 KB)


Inventory Tweaks is a mod inspired by the Minecraft mod Inventory Tweaks. Everything is client-side, which means you can play it on a server that doesn't have it.

When you consume an item, and the same kind of item is in your inventory, it'll automatically go into your hand after use.
A new hotbar slot for your Spectre Hood/Helmet, right click it to swap them out.
Shift clicking shop slots will open a UI to select how many items to buy the next time you buy.
Using Life Fruits, Life Crystals, and Mana Crystals is super fast.
Hold down the mouse after chopping a tree to place an acorn if you have one.
Buffs are automatically consumed when they run out unless you right click them.
A health potion in your inventory will be consumed when you are at 30% HP.
All features are configurable.

Report any issues through GitHub (found on the homepage)
"> Inventory Tweaks is a mod inspired by the Minecraft mod Inventory Tweaks. Everything is client-side, which means you can play it on a server that doesn't have it.

When you consume an item, and the same kind of item is in your inventory, it'll automatically go into your hand after use.
A new hotbar slot for your Spectre Hood/Helmet, right click it to swap them out.
Shift clicking shop slots will open a UI to select how many items to buy the next time you buy.
Using Life Fruits, Life Crystals, and Mana Crystals is super fast.
Hold down the mouse after chopping a tree to place an acorn if you have one.
Buffs are automatically consumed when they run out unless you right click them.
A health potion in your inventory will be consumed when you are at 30% HP.
All features are configurable.

Report any issues through GitHub (found on the homepage)

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
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