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Vampire Knives Expanded
Download v3.7.3 (8.5 MB)


Vampire Knives Extended adds many new knives and vampire-based accessories into the game. You'll want a recipe browser.

Also, there is optional compatibility (included in the mod) with calamity mod that adds 6 new knives to the game that *should* scale well.

Hotfix 3.7.3: Included testing code that would kill you... Download errors are errors with the ModBrowser, see my Discord for more details
Hotfix 3.7.2: Downloads should now be fixed
Hotfix 3.7.1: Trying to fix the issue some users were having with being unable to download the mod

Update 3.7, Re-write of the Altar
- Altars have been reworked so they are much more consistent and their entire netcode has been redone. Please break and replace your altars!
- Altars are no longer claimable, but if you want to run a ritual for someone else using your blood points, just start the ritual and it will pull from your blood points rather than theirs.
- Added the NPC ritual.
- Added Auto-miners for rituals, and whatever else you'd like to use them for. More rituals based around them will be made in the future!
- Added Seasonal Knives that drop from the holiday NPC bosses (At the moment, Pumpking and Everscream. Easter basket randomly drops from bunnies (v low rate))
- Chisel and Hammer are now only required to craft sculpts and casts by hand. Otherwise, you can simply just use them to build the workbench and stand near it.
- Increased chain knife damage to match knife guillotine damage
- Fixed Adamantite Defense Knives breaking the game
- Fixed Starting with more than one startup book
- Added items for streamers Veibae, Ironmouse, and Nyanners. At the moment these items can only be spawned in. More to come, will eventually be fully encorporated into the mod.
- With the altar finally fixed (that's what took these past few months...) expect more updates on the way!

Hotfix 3.6.3: Unique sprites finished for all defense knives. Fixed new characters starting with vortex knives.
Hotfix 3.6.2: Disabled a recipe for a weapon still in testing. Replaced the sprites of the defense knives, projectile sprites are placeholders and will also be unique in time.
Hotfix 3.6.1: Fixed hotkey for book

Update 3.6, The Quality Update:
- Completely reworked the spectre knives to look more fluid and to have a more unique attack. This may make the spectre knives more or less powerful, so consider this in beta testing, and let me know in the discord how they feel.
- Moved the difficulty settings to the mod configuration tab, there are presets you can play with (select one at a time), or make your own custom difficulty by changing the affected values.
- Bosses are now more "Resilient" to your lifesteal knives, meaning that healing projectiles will spawn much less frequently from bosses, however their minions and all other npcs will still have the default drop chance (changed in the mod config).
- Greatly decreased the drop rate of "clean" wyvern heads, wyvern's will now mainly drop "damaged" heads which stack (so they don't clutter your inventory) and can be sold for a bit of extra cash or sacrificed (come next update) at the blood altar for points.
- Greatly decreased the drop rate of all mob-dropped knives.
- The Zenith has been reworked and should work cleanly now with a pure eliptical path. It is still a bit buggy in multiplayer, but part of that I'm afraid can't be fixed.
- Finally added sticky bomb and dynamite pouches.
- Removed a lot of unrelated/old/glitchy items from the mod.
- Cleaned up some code for the blood altar to make it more reliable especially in multiplayer. (still weird and buggy sometimes tho, and still continuing to work on them!)
- Cleaned up most item descriptions so they actually make sense and tell what they do (let me know in the discord if I missed any please)
- A lot of changes to knife damage to aim for more balance with some weapons, likely will make some knives op, please let me know in the discord!
- Decreased cost of recipe pages cuz 2 gold each was insane
- You now start with a book that leads straight to the wiki, this will eventually be a full on in-game guide, but this will be a project for over the next few updates. (at the moment you start with two, I'm trying my best to fix this, I have no clue why this is happening...)

Update 3.5, The Blood Altar:
-Added a new blood altar that allows you to perform rituals. These rituals cost blood essence which is obtained by killing enemy npc's and bosses. (These altars are only breakable by copper pickaxes! I STRONGLY enourage you to think before you place, as placing them in the wrong place could cause issues

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
imkSushi Naturally Occuring Moons Mod
Download v1.0.2 (2.3 KB)


Now the Pumpkin Moon and Frost Moon have a 1/20 chance each of occuring every night after Plantera!

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10 Edit | Delete
tMod Korean Translator
Download v0.4.3 (2.9 MB)


KoreanTranslator is Support for Terraria MOD localization. (korean)

tMod KoreanTranslator is Support for Terraria MOD localization. (korean)

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Metroid Mod
Download v2.1.0.5 (20.9 MB)

Scooterboot9697, Terratr…

The Metroid Mod is, quite simply, a mod that adds content based on the Metroid franchise.

It adds:
-A variety of armor sets
-Multiple new weapons
-1 new mount
-1 new grapple hook with swinging capabilities
-New materials/items/etc.
-Many of these items introduce new mechanics
-New NPCs
-New Mobs
-7 new bosses, 6 of which have almost completely custom AI
-And much more planned for future updates!

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Falling Air
Download v1.2.1 (16.2 KB)


Falling Air is a pretty cool mod, it pretty much makes air fall. Just like a solid falling block would, falling air suffocates you slowly but surely. Obviously, going underwater stops this suffocation, so does going in lava or honey, so at least you have options. Coded entirely by Jamz, inspired heavily by GoodPro712.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Tianic's Custom Races
Download v0.4.0 (1 MB)


Tianic's Custom Races is an addon for MrPlague's Authentic Races mod.

My goal with this mod is to add balanced content that fit with the original mod.

Update 0.4.0:
-The prismatics join the roster!
-Pants are gone! (Special thanks to Shaggy Overlord)
-Many adjustments

Update 0.3.5:
-"Obsidian Skin" buff now prevent skeletrons oxidation.
-Fixed a bug that prevented gargoyles from moving properly.
-Gargoyles HP : +0 -> +5%
-Gargoyles Lava Immunity Time: +80 -> +40
-Gargoyles Run Acceleration: -10% -> +0

Update 0.3.4:
-Umbrella and Umbrella Hat now properly protect skeletrons against rain.
-Two more update changelog will appear in the description.


"> Description:
Tianic's Custom Races is an addon for MrPlague's Authentic Races mod.

My goal with this mod is to add balanced content that fit with the original mod.

Update 0.4.0:
-The prismatics join the roster!
-Pants are gone! (Special thanks to Shaggy Overlord)
-Many adjustments

Update 0.3.5:
-"Obsidian Skin" buff now prevent skeletrons oxidation.
-Fixed a bug that prevented gargoyles from moving properly.
-Gargoyles HP : +0 -> +5%
-Gargoyles Lava Immunity Time: +80 -> +40
-Gargoyles Run Acceleration: -10% -> +0

Update 0.3.4:
-Umbrella and Umbrella Hat now properly protect skeletrons against rain.
-Two more update changelog will appear in the description.



Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Tax Evasion Mod
Download v0.0.2 (18.5 KB)


Tax Evasion is a Helper Mod for Taxes essentially a Better Taxes mod with a more creative name :)

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Esper Class
Download v1.0 (2.5 MB)


This mod adds a new class by adding telekinetic weapons with their own damage type and resource, psychosis. New weapons, armors, accessories, and three buff potions are added. Current version is supported up to right after defeating Golem, inclunding drops from it. Since this is an alpha, much is subjected to change and there are some known issues. This mod is open source. In general this mod covers...

- New class, the Esper, that deals telekinetic damage.
- Plenty of new weapons.
- 5 new armor sets, plus 8 helmet pieces.
- Some new accessories.

Vanilla changes...

- The Flying Knife is now a telekinetic damage weapon. It also gains a damage bonus if it moves far enough in the same direction.

Known Issues because I either can code it better or can't due to hardcoding...

- Sawblades can get stuck on slopes.
- Shooters (currently the Spitting Sandfish and Super Spitting Sandfish) can be hard to aim when the screen scrolls.
- Gravity Barrier Platform will display even when on the ground. Recommended to toggle accessory visibility off for it.

Future Plans...

- More weapons, armors and accessories.
- Cross mod support to add new weapons and items to fit within the themes of the mods.
- Better balancing.
- Add weapons for the following: 1 more Duke Fishron and Martian Madness, ocean biome chest, 2 Gravity Fragment, and 2 Moon Lord.
- Add Esper buff station.
- Right click function to hold certain Esper weapon types in place.
- Possible Twirlers rework to be unique.
- Possibly custom prefixes.

Change Log...

- 1.0: Updated for tModLoader v0.11.8.9.
- Added Gravity Bouncer, Gravity Twirler, Accretion Disc, and Black Void Engine.
- Added Godly Sawblade (for Loot Bags cross mod).
- Added Tiny Cactuar (for JoostMod cross mod).
- Telekinetic projectiles while being controlled no longer move slower up or down compared to left and right.
- Eldritch Eye Jar damage reduced from 240 to 150 (it was a placeholder), but now the projectiles (but not the jar) can pass through solid tiles.
- Fixed Eldritch Eye Jar not dropping correctly from the Moon Lord on normal difficulty worlds.
- Changed Moon Lord Esper weapon drop rates. Has a 50% chance to drop one of the weapons in normal worlds and 100% chance from treasure bags.
- Added a tooltip to the Gravity Hammer.
- Changed head and chest item sprites for Desert Wanderer and Wyvern Scale armor.
- Betsy Scorcher plays its fire sound 1/3 as often as before.
- Terra Vial Necklace no longer needs any Ectoplasm or Shroomite Bars in its recipe.
- The Flying Knife now actually gains bonus damage as stated in the tooltip from a prior update.
- Added Gravity armor.
- Added Pink Genji Armor (for JoostMod cross mod).
- Added accessories (enchantments) in the style of Fargo's Souls Mod.
- Added Gravity Potion (for MorePotions cross mod) and new charms to go with it (via Luiafk cross mod).
- Wall of Flesh's treasure bag now drops the Giant Gear and Esper Emblem together.
- Jar projectiles now spawn out of jars in true 360 degrees instead of only 4 diagonal directions.
- Spitting Sandfish and Super Spitting Sandfish now can be caught much easier if the player hasn't yet obtained one.

- Removed testing message for Boulders showing their damage scaling.

- 0.9: Lihzahrd Solar armor now requires crafting at a Lihzahrd Furance.
- Lihzahrd Solar Chestplate now gives 40% increased telekinetic velocity.
- Added Gravity Pickaxe, Hamaxe, Axe, Hammer, and Chainsaw.
- Corrected Gravity Fragment rarity from 10 (red) to 9 (cyan).
- Hallowed accessories now only take 5 Hallowed Bars to craft instead of 10. Reforge value also dropped to 2 gold from 5 gold.
- Cambrian armor is now crafted at an anvil instead of a loom.
- Fixed some tooltips due to either not being constant with others (for True Goldropper compared to other canisters) or incorrect (Bowling Ball making mention of being consumable).
- Standardized the Wyvern Scale Vest to give 30% increased velocity for both throwing and telekinetic instead of different values.
- Renamed Psy Rockets to Psi Rockets.
- The rest of the non-sawblade projectiles janky collision should be fixed.
- Updated Boss Checklist support to correctly show all item drops that were missing from the previous update.
- Canister projectiles getting wider should no longer touch tiles beyond 10 pixels.
- Hallowed Lotus Petals now cost 3 Hallowed Bars instead of 5 and adjusted sell price accordingly.
- Psychosis meter when under the Psyched Out debuff will now animate even if the time of day counts differently.
- Boulder projectiles lose horizontal velocity slower.
- Boulder projectiles no longer despawn on collision while being controlled.
- Added Gravity Furniture in style of the 1.4 fragment furniture se

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Faster Building
Download v1.0.7 (64.7 KB)


Faster Building allows you to change the build speed of your blocks and walls!
Go to config to set the scaling of how fast you want them placed.
Config will affect ALL players.

Potential easter egg might be found ;)

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Arrival Of The Blind Forest
Download v3.0.0.3 (9.1 MB)

Fro Zen, TwiliChaos

Ori and the Blind Forest / Ori and the Will of the Wisps
crossover pack.

--- v3.0.0.3 --
--- Bug Fixes ---
- Fixed server errors that prevented some mod bosses from

--- v3.0 ---
Updated to tML v0.11.7.7
Animation backend ported to library mod AnimLib

--- Abilities ---
Added Ability Levels
- These are upgraded with the new craftable Spirit Medalion

Abilities are no longer unlocked upon start. Unlock or upgrade
them by crafting Spirit Medallions.

Launch (added):
- From WotW, this ability launches you through the air.

- Increased range.
- Fixed Bash not properly detecting NPCs that are in-range.
- Distance now properly based on how far the player hitbox
is from a bashable NPC.

- Now has a time limit. This behaves similarly to underwater
- Now requires being crouched to enter.
- Hold down left click to move faster through the ground.

Charge Dash:
- Fixed Charge Dash attempting to target NPCs through walls.

Charge Jump:
- Fixed Charging Charge Jump always bound to Up.

- Climbing over ledges no longer requires jumping.

--- Sein ---
- Changed movement to be simpler and more consistent.
- Removed piercing.
- Removed damage increase against first/selected NPC.
- Lowered damage, number of targets, number of shots fired
at once, across all Sein levels.

--- Changes ---
- Config tooltips now show default values.
- Optimize textures for better memory usage.

--- Removals ---
- Removed Ability configs
- This is replaced with leveling abilities through
in-game progression.

--- Bug Fixes ---
- Fixed multiplayer syncing.
- Fixed crashing when trying to use a disposed texture after
reloading mods.
- Fixed abilities being active when they shouldn't be, such as
when respawning and when under The Tongue debuff.
- Fixed texture glitch while burrowing with an armor effect.
- Fixed incorrect gravity at the top of the map.

--- Misc ---
- The animation system used for this mod was ported to the
library mod AnimLib.

To read about previous versions, visit our mod's homepage.

--- Summary ---

To start, craft a Spirit Sprout using 10 wood and either one
enchanted weapon (sword, boomerang, arkhalis), or three basic
movement items (bottle items, climbing items, or basic boots not
including rocket), then place it and right click on it.

Sein will assist you on your journey. At the Spirit Sprout, use 8
Silver or Tungsten. As you continue your adventure, Sein will
have the opportunity to grow stronger with you. To do this,
upgrade the Spirit Orb using various materials.

Unlock and upgrade various abilities by creating
Spirit Medallions. These Medallions are created at the
Spirit Sprout, and new ones will become available throughout
your journey.

Microsoft owns all property to Ori. The creators of this mod
simply loved Ori and we wanted to make it work in Terraria.

If you enjoy this mod, we encourage you to play
Ori and the Blind Forest, and Ori and the Will of the Wisps.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.7 Edit | Delete
The Terraria Seed Project (seed search engine)
Download v0.4.5.0 (494.9 KB)


To enter the seed search mode start either your world name or seed with "?" (question mark without quotes).
E.g. "?my Map name", or "?133742" as seed or just "?" (all without quotes)


Currently you can search for:

-Number of Pyramids, Clouds, Living Trees and their items
-If evil tiles can destroy your Jungle, Desert or Ice
-evil biome spawn side after enter Hardmoe (in Jungle or not)
-If you can get a Water Bolt or even a Dungeon chest before Skeletron
-The Color of the Dungeon and if all kind of Walls
-Can you get rare items like Flower Boots, Seaweed or Fish pet
-How many different paintings and statues
-How good the beach looks, no cliff no gabs, no near evil
-If you spawn on top of a cloud, in Snow or Jungle biome
-How far you need to walk to Dungeon, Temple your first Boots
-If it has an active Enchanted Sword Shrine
-other rare stuff like a Dungeon in Snow Biome

...And many many more (look linked page for full list (>200))

During world generation it checks if this map is suitable. If not it takes the next seed. Many conditions don't need the fully generated world. With this you can save much search time. You can check over 100 seed per minute.

This mod does not change the generated World. It only evaluates what was done.

More details at mod page or at in-game description.

If you found some bugs, have some ideas, want to help coding or found some nice seeds do not hesitate writing me in linked mod page.

Good luck!

Last Update(s):
-snow distance boost, quick spawn shard, chlo ore, bulb
-UG desert/sand blocks distance to mid, cliff count, cliff score
-unicorn pathlength, distance quick bulb temple altar, fixed: typo
-evil biome count (merged) and range, ruby/diamond/evil or near mid, edge snow biome, blocks below temple altar
-pathlength to builder potion, improv. multiple near trees perform., Plantera bulb prediction, some tweaks, bugfixes
-Pot/Life Crystal/ES duplication Glitch, closest Ruby/Diamond at minimap picture, ..
-12iron chest, copper, gold; pathl. to wooden, water, gold chest, rope, recall; cloud lake near mid
-faster close tree/pyramid detection, tree open to mid, granite/marble at surface
-much better pyramid prediction, spawn height prediction, close marble/granite detection
-v0.4: Help text, 4 new rares, 2 new tools, random inverse
-3 new rares, new way to omit them, chest count, cavern layer trees, neg. temple tile distance, ..
-near tree chest, temple tile distance, cavern layer pathlength
-pyramid, tree size, dynamite, ruby, gravitation..
-speed up
-stepSize, impr. search
-more +profiles, speedrun options
-surface height and var., altar-search for beach houses, dungeon farm spot detection, Has evil Dungeon/Jungle Ocean
-bug fix
-bug fix, enhancement jungle path, jubgle, snow, evil biome distance to mid
-more path finding
-more map icons
-dummy tool to simplify search
-..."> Your world seed search engine. You want a world with
5 Pyramids or no evil in jungle? With this mod you can find a world seed which has both of it.
Amaze your friends with playing worlds you didn't thought they even can exist. Share your rare findings with the community.
The seeds you found can also be used in the unmodded vanilla version.

To enter the seed search mode start either your world name or seed with "?" (question mark without quotes).
E.g. "?my Map name", or "?133742" as seed or just "?" (all without quotes)


Currently you can search for:

-Number of Pyramids, Clouds, Living Trees and their items
-If evil tiles can destroy your Jungle, Desert or Ice
-evil biome spawn side after enter Hardmoe (in Jungle or not)
-If you can get a Water Bolt or even a Dungeon chest before Skeletron
-The Color of the Dungeon and if all kind of Walls
-Can you get rare items like Flower Boots, Seaweed or Fish pet
-How many different paintings and statues
-How good the beach looks, no cliff no gabs, no near evil
-If you spawn on top of a cloud, in Snow or Jungle biome
-How far you need to walk to Dungeon, Temple your first Boots
-If it has an active Enchanted Sword Shrine
-other rare stuff like a Dungeon in Snow Biome

...And many many more (look linked page for full list (>200))

During world generation it checks if this map is suitable. If not it takes the next seed. Many conditions don't need the fully generated world. With this you can save much search time. You can check over 100 seed per minute.

This mod does not change the generated World. It only evaluates what was done.

More details at mod page or at in-game description.

If you found some bugs, have some ideas, want to help coding or found some nice seeds do not hesitate writing me in linked mod page.

Good luck!

Last Update(s):
-snow distance boost, quick spawn shard, chlo ore, bulb
-UG desert/sand blocks distance to mid, cliff count, cliff score
-unicorn pathlength, distance quick bulb temple altar, fixed: typo
-evil biome count (merged) and range, ruby/diamond/evil or near mid, edge snow biome, blocks below temple altar
-pathlength to builder potion, improv. multiple near trees perform., Plantera bulb prediction, some tweaks, bugfixes
-Pot/Life Crystal/ES duplication Glitch, closest Ruby/Diamond at minimap picture, ..
-12iron chest, copper, gold; pathl. to wooden, water, gold chest, rope, recall; cloud lake near mid
-faster close tree/pyramid detection, tree open to mid, granite/marble at surface
-much better pyramid prediction, spawn height prediction, close marble/granite detection
-v0.4: Help text, 4 new rares, 2 new tools, random inverse
-3 new rares, new way to omit them, chest count, cavern layer trees, neg. temple tile distance, ..
-near tree chest, temple tile distance, cavern layer pathlength
-pyramid, tree size, dynamite, ruby, gravitation..
-speed up
-stepSize, impr. search
-more +profiles, speedrun options
-surface height and var., altar-search for beach houses, dungeon farm spot detection, Has evil Dungeon/Jungle Ocean
-bug fix
-bug fix, enhancement jungle path, jubgle, snow, evil biome distance to mid
-more path finding
-more map icons
-dummy tool to simplify search

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Reduced Mining
Download v1.1 (29.5 KB)


Key Features (All are configurable)
•Increase/Decrease in pickaxe speed. Default: +20%
•Chance for ores to drop twice. Default: 20%
•Triple Chance. Default: +10% of drop twice value

-Added in netcoding support
-Fixed an exploit that allowed you to place down ores and pick them back up with twice the gain
-Added code optimizations
-Added the chance to get 3 three ores
-Updated the mod icon

-Initial release
"> Reduced Mining is a simple mod that reduces the amount of time spent mining so you can go off and work on more important things!

Key Features (All are configurable)
•Increase/Decrease in pickaxe speed. Default: +20%
•Chance for ores to drop twice. Default: 20%
•Triple Chance. Default: +10% of drop twice value

-Added in netcoding support
-Fixed an exploit that allowed you to place down ores and pick them back up with twice the gain
-Added code optimizations
-Added the chance to get 3 three ores
-Updated the mod icon

-Initial release

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Modern Firearms
Download v0.3.2.1 (3.9 MB)


Modern firearms adds real world guns, and their real world ammo.

v0.3.2.1 [02/10/18] patch notes:

- Added M249
- Added M61 Vulcan
- Added P90
- Added MP40
- Added Gunmetal Ingot [Material]
- Added Gunpowder [Material]
- Added Gun components [Material]

- New crafting system for guns/ammo. Will be balanced and adjusted later on.
- Weapons now can be used only made in hardmode (Arms Dealer sells everything you need)
- Arms Dealer now sells Gunmetal Ingot, Gunpowder, and Gun Components

- Bug fixes

- All ammo now stacks to 999
- Ammo is now crafted with Gunpowder & Empty Shells
- Weapons are now crafted via Gunmetal Ingots + Gun Components
- Debug Ammo Crate removed from game

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
More Endless Ammo+
Download v5.0.2 (84.3 KB)


Endless Ammo+ adds endless pouches/quivers so you dont have to carry stacks of ammo on you at all times.

This mod currently adds:
-Endless pouches for all vanilla bullets
-Endless quivers for all vanilla arrows
-Endless packs for all vanilla darts
-Endless silos for all vanilla rockets
-Every ammo that can do damage

Release 1.0.0
-Added most endless musket pouches

Release 1.1.0
-Added luminite and venom endless pouches

Release 1.1.1
-Fixed the silver pouch shooting ichor arrows bug

Release 1.2.0
-Added the sun crystal but unobtainable and has no use

Release 1.2.1
-Fixed the sun crystal tile

Release 2.0.0
-Added all endless quivers

Release 2.0.1
-Fixed the flaming arrows working as an enemy arrow

Release 2.0.2
-Endless luminite quiver and pouch now require an ancient manipulator

Release 2.1.0
-Added a recipe to the sun crystal
-All hardmode pouches and quivers now require the sun crystal to craft

Release 2.1.1
-The sun crystal now requires souls from every mechanical boss

Release 2.1.2
-Sun crystal now acts as a crystal ball too

Release 2.1.3
-Changed the sun crystal display name

Release 2.2.0
-Raised the torch stack limit to 999

Release 2.2.1
-Raised the stack limit of other torches to 999

Release 3.0.0
-Added all endless dart packs

Release 3.0.1
-Fixed the ichor dart pack sprite

Release 4.0.0
-Added all endless rocket silos

Release 5.0.0
-Added endless nail
-Added endless snowballs
-Added endless flares
-Added bottomless ale
-Added endless stake
-Added endless explosive jack `o lanterns
-Added endless candy corn
-Added endless stynger bolt
-Added endless bone
-Added endless coin
-Added endless seed
-Added endless sand
-Added endless gel
-Added endless fallen star

Release 5.0.1
-Fixed endless fallen stars being ammo for flamethrower
-Fixed endless gel offsetting the flames

Release 5.0.2
-Fixed endless fallen stars acting weird

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Discord Rich Presence (Config Update)
Download v1.3.2 (93.5 KB)

Purplefin Neptuna

This mod add a little extra detail of your ingame terraria activity to your discord status.
Now with config to configure visibility.

Displayed info:
- Current encountered boss
- Current occurring event
- Player current biome
- Day/Night (for event and biome only)
- Weapon name
- Weapon damage (with type)
- World name and difficulty (Normal/Expert)
- Health, Mana, Defense (or just "Dead")

Developers can use modcall to add mod boss and biome to Rich Presence.
Go to github wiki for more information.

Displayed Events:
- NPC birthday party
- Sandstorm
- Slime Rain
- Old One's Army
- Goblin Invasion
- Frost Legion
- Pirate Invasion
- Martian Madness
- Blood Moon
- Pumpkin Moon
- Frost Moon
- Solar Eclipse
- Celestial moons

Displayed Biomes:
- Forest
- Underground
- Cavern
- Ocean
- Mushroom (underground)
- Jungle (bee hive and temple)
- Desert (underground)
- Snow (underground)
- Dungeon
- Hollow (underground)
- Evils (underground)
- Cave (granite, marble, spider)
- Space (floating island, floating lake)
- Underworld
- Meteor
- Town

Displayed Bosses:
- King Slime
- Eye of Cthulhu
- Eater of Worlds
- Brain of Cthulhu
- Queen Bee
- Skeletron
- Wall of Flesh
- The Twins
- The Destroyer
- Skeletron Prime
- Plantera
- Golem
- Duke Fishron
- Lunatic Cultist
- Moon Lord

Thanks to Pullo and Johny for helping me testing the mod

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Guardians mod -New difficulty mode available- -New Class-
Download v2.6.1 (4 MB)


Aditional cool content for Terraria including:
9 new mineable ores
12 new bosses
3 new biomes: The Void , the Dragon lair and the ant nest
78 new NPCs
540+ new items
2 new events Starfall and The Swarm
NEW Reaper class
Thrown class support.
NEW Yoyo Mechanics
NEW Flail mechanics
NEW Whips, summon weapons and armor
Recommended use bosslist and recipe finder as a minimum to help with order of progression.

--Thanks to ItsReaperSquid for the new void snake sprite--

-Bug Fixes
-Fixed WorldGen UI issues
-Fixed Multiplayer draw issues with yoyos and reaper weapons
-Minor balancing
-Added Crystil (New Boss)
-Added 4 new Armor sets
-2 new reaper accessories
-Added reaper class execute function
-Added Dragon biome structures
-Added Throwing flasks
-Added new swarm enemies
-Changed worms
-Fixed Mp galactic guardian and toxic frog fight
-Added ashen furniture set
-Changed Swarm
-Made dragonfly a miniboss

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Ha1ko: The Best MOD.
Download v0.0.3 (51.5 KB)


Items List

1.Ghost`s Armor Set
2.Ghost`s Shield
3.C-20A Rifle


Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Infinite and Unconsumable Boss Summons
Download v1.6.5 (387.6 KB)

Juni Knytt

Hate losing all of your boss summons on that very frustrating boss?

Don't like having to go farming for more of those boss summons?

Are the shops that only sell summons AFTER the boss is defeated not enough?

Unconsumable Boss Summons is a mod that adds in boss summoning items that are infinitely usable.

Every Boss item can be crafted before their respective bosses.

Giving you infinite attempts to kill a boss without having to go back to farming for their summoning items.

All vanilla bosses by default have infinite summoning items.

This mod also add in the ability to spawn in multiple of any boss with said summoning item.

You can disable/enable this feature in the Mod Configurations.

Some recipes...

Preserved Suspicious Looking Eye - 1 Suspicious Looking Eye, 3 Mushroom, 1 Bottle of Water.

Worm Simulation (The Destroyer)- 1 Mechanical Worm, 10 wire, 5 iron.

Lunar Seal (Cultist) - 10 Solar Tablet Fragments, 10 Temple Brick.

Fixed Wall of Flesh summon skeletron typo.
Added Duke Fishron Summons
Fixed Mod-wide typo YOU MAY HAVE TO DELETE Boss_Uncomsumable.tmod it has an m instead of an n in consumable.

The goal of the project is to eventually have infinite summons for all major content mods.
Contact me at Juni Knytt#1141 for any bugs or suggests.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Elemental Boots
Download v2.0.5 (3.2 MB)


Allows you to combine several accessories!

- Fruitbat for his great balloon textures and his illuminated ideas
- thelavaknightdm2 for his cool Elemental Boots texture color upgrade
- kentanggoreng92 for his Lava Shell idea
- Battle Bee for his new textures for the Spiky Ball Blaster, Ice Storm, Extinguisher, Lil' Bombard, Magnet, Space Rifle and Space Laser
- DryCryCrystal for the Pickaxe, Bow, Book and Blade of Elemental sprites and ideas
- [MG]Mecha-Pumpking(TM) for his baby frost slime sprites and ideas
- Everybody for his Band of Stamina and Band of Anarchy Sprites
- Grox the Great for his rotation method to make staves look right

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
Universal Throwing
Download v1.62 (23.1 KB)


Universal Throwing (UThrowing) is a small mod that re-adds the throwing class for Terraria, to help prepare throwing weapons for 1.4
Should be cross-functional with the vanilla damage type for the time being

Update, should now boost both vanilla and modded throwing and allow for some (atm limited) prefixes

-Trap weapons could crit, this was unintended

-Fixed stacking velocity bug

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
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